▼ algo | |
► base | |
► compat | |
Algorithm.cxx | |
Algorithm.h | |
Filesystem.h | |
OpenMP.h | |
RTypes.h | Compatibility header for basic ROOT macros |
► gpu | |
DeviceImage.cxx | |
DeviceImage.h | |
PaddedValue.h | This file contains the definition of the PaddedValue class |
Params.cxx | |
Params.h | |
► util | |
EnumDict.cxx | |
EnumDict.h | |
MemoryLogger.cxx | |
MemoryLogger.h | Memory logging |
PODAllocator.h | |
ProfilingLevel.h | |
StlUtils.cxx | |
StlUtils.h | This file contains utility functions for STL containers |
TimingsFormat.cxx | |
TimingsFormat.h | |
TsUtils.h | |
► yaml | |
BaseTypes.h | |
Property.h | |
Yaml.h | |
AlgoTraits.h | Type traits for online algorithms |
AuxDigiData.h | Collection of auxiliary data from unpackers (header) |
BuildInfo.h | |
ChainContext.cxx | |
ChainContext.h | |
Definitions.h | |
DigiData.cxx | |
DigiData.h | |
Exceptions.h | |
HistogramSender.h | |
MainConfig.cxx | |
MainConfig.h | |
Options.cxx | |
Options.h | |
PartitionedSpan.h | |
PartitionedVector.h | |
PODVector.h | |
RecoParams.cxx | |
RecoParams.h | |
SubChain.h | |
System.cxx | |
System.h | System functions |
► ca | |
► core | |
► data | |
CaBranch.h | |
CaDataManager.cxx | |
CaDataManager.h | Input-output data manager for L1 tracking algorithm |
CaGrid.cxx | |
CaGrid.h | A class to store hit information in a backet-sorted way on 2D grid |
CaGridArea.h | |
CaGridEntry.h | |
CaHit.cxx | A generic hit for the CA tracker (header) (implementation) |
CaHit.h | A generic hit for the CA tracker (header) |
CaInputData.cxx | Structure for input data to the L1 tracking algorithm (implementation) |
CaInputData.h | Structure for input data to the L1 tracking algorithm (declaration) |
CaTimesliceHeader.cxx | A structure to keep all the common information on the timeslice coming from tracking (implementation) |
CaTimesliceHeader.h | A structure to keep all the common information on the timeslice coming from tracking |
CaTrack.cxx | |
CaTrack.h | Source file for the ca::Track class |
CaTriplet.cxx | |
CaTriplet.h | |
CaWindowData.cxx | |
CaWindowData.h | Container for all data, which are processed within a single sub-timeslice (implementation) |
► pars | |
CaConfigReader.cxx | |
CaConfigReader.h | Configuration parameter file reader for the CA tracking algorithm (header) |
CaDefs.h | Compile-time constants definition for the CA tracking algorithm |
CaInitManager.cxx | Input data management class for the CA tracking algorithm (implementation) |
CaInitManager.h | Input data management class for the CA tracking algorithm (header) |
CaIteration.cxx | |
CaIteration.h | |
CaParameters.cxx | |
CaParameters.h | |
CaSearchWindow.cxx | |
CaSearchWindow.h | |
CaStation.cxx | |
CaStation.h | |
CaStationInitializer.cxx | |
CaStationInitializer.h | An interface for the CA Station object initialization |
► tracking | |
CaCloneMerger.cxx | |
CaCloneMerger.h | |
CaFramework.cxx | |
CaFramework.h | |
CaTrackExtender.cxx | |
CaTrackExtender.h | |
CaTrackFinder.cxx | |
CaTrackFinder.h | |
CaTrackFinderWindow.cxx | |
CaTrackFinderWindow.h | A class wrapper over clones merger algorithm for the CA track finder (declaration) |
CaTrackFitter.cxx | |
CaTrackFitter.h | |
CaTripletConstructor.cxx | |
CaTripletConstructor.h | Triplet constructor for the CA tracker |
► utils | |
CaDefines.h | Macros for the CA tracking algorithm |
CaEnumArray.h | Implementation of cbm::algo::ca::EnumArray class |
CaMonitor.h | CA Tracking monitor class |
CaMonitorData.h | A block of data for cbm::algo::ca::Monitor |
CaObjectInitController.h | |
CaSimd.h | |
CaTimer.h | Timer class for CA tracking (header) |
CaTrackingMonitor.h | Monitor specialization for the tracking algorithm |
CaUtils.cxx | |
CaUtils.h | Compile-time constants definition for the CA tracking algorithm |
CaVector.h | |
► qa | |
CaQa.cxx | A QA module for CA tracking (implementation) |
CaQa.h | A QA module for CA tracking (header) |
TrackingChain.cxx | A chain class to execute CA tracking algorithm in online reconstruction (implementation) |
TrackingChain.h | A chain class to execute CA tracking algorithm in online reconstruction (header) |
TrackingChainConfig.h | A configuration reader for the TrackingChain class |
TrackingDefs.h | Definitions for tracking in the online reconstruction |
TrackingSetup.cxx | |
TrackingSetup.h | A detector setup interface used for tracking input data initialization (source) |
► data | |
► sts | |
Cluster.h | |
Digi.h | |
Hit.h | |
HitfinderPars.cxx | |
HitfinderPars.h | |
LandauTable.cxx | |
LandauTable.h | |
► detectors | |
► bmon | |
ReadoutConfig.cxx | |
ReadoutConfig.h | |
Unpack.cxx | |
Unpack.h | |
UnpackMS.cxx | |
UnpackMS.h | |
► much | |
ReadoutConfig.cxx | |
ReadoutConfig.h | |
Unpack.cxx | |
Unpack.h | |
UnpackMS.cxx | |
UnpackMS.h | |
► rich | |
ReadoutConfig.cxx | |
ReadoutConfig.h | |
Unpack.cxx | |
Unpack.h | |
UnpackMS.cxx | |
UnpackMS.h | |
► sts | |
ChannelMaskSet.cxx | |
ChannelMaskSet.h | |
Hitfinder.cxx | |
Hitfinder.h | |
HitfinderChain.cxx | |
HitfinderChain.h | |
ReadoutConfig.cxx | |
ReadoutConfig.h | |
StsRecoUtils.h | |
TrackingInterface.cxx | A TOF-parameter and geometry interface used for tracking input data initialization (source) |
TrackingInterface.h | A STS-parameter and geometry interface used for tracking input data initialization (header) |
Unpack.cxx | |
Unpack.h | |
UnpackMS.cxx | |
UnpackMS.h | |
WalkMap.cxx | |
WalkMap.h | |
► tof | |
Calibrate.cxx | |
Calibrate.h | |
CalibrateSetup.h | |
Clusterizer.cxx | |
Clusterizer.h | |
ClusterizerPars.h | |
Hit.h | |
Hitfind.cxx | |
Hitfind.h | |
HitFinder.cxx | |
HitFinder.h | |
HitfindSetup.h | |
ReadoutConfig.cxx | |
ReadoutConfig.h | |
TrackingInterface.cxx | A TOF-parameter and geometry interface used for tracking input data initialization (source) |
TrackingInterface.h | A TOF-parameter and geometry interface used for tracking input data initialization (header) |
Unpack.cxx | |
Unpack.h | |
UnpackMS.cxx | |
UnpackMS.h | |
► trd | |
Cluster.cxx | |
Cluster.h | |
Cluster2D.cxx | |
Cluster2D.h | |
Clusterizer.cxx | |
Clusterizer.h | |
Clusterizer2D.cxx | |
Clusterizer2D.h | |
DigiRec.cxx | |
DigiRec.h | |
Hit.cxx | |
Hit.h | A light-weight TRD hit class for online reconstruction, based on CbmTrdHit. |
HitFactory2D.cxx | |
HitFactory2D.h | |
Hitfind.cxx | |
Hitfind.h | |
Hitfind2DSetup.h | |
HitFinder.cxx | |
HitFinder.h | |
HitFinder2D.cxx | |
HitFinder2D.h | |
HitFinder2DPars.h | |
HitFinderPars.h | |
HitfindSetup.h | |
HitMerger.cxx | |
HitMerger.h | |
HitMerger2D.cxx | |
HitMerger2D.h | |
ReadoutConfig.cxx | |
ReadoutConfig.h | |
TrackingInterface.cxx | A TRD-parameter and geometry interface used for tracking input data initialization (source) |
TrackingInterface.h | A TRD-parameter and geometry interface used for tracking input data initialization (header) |
Unpack.cxx | |
Unpack.h | |
UnpackMS.cxx | |
UnpackMS.h | |
► trd2d | |
ReadoutConfig.cxx | |
ReadoutConfig.h | |
Unpack.cxx | |
Unpack.h | |
UnpackMS.cxx | |
UnpackMS.h | |
► evbuild | |
Config.cxx | |
Config.h | |
EventbuildChain.cxx | |
EventbuildChain.h | |
EventBuilder.cxx | |
EventBuilder.h | |
EventBuilderConfig.cxx | |
EventBuilderConfig.h | |
► evselector | |
DigiEventSelector.cxx | |
DigiEventSelector.h | |
DigiEventSelectorConfig.cxx | |
DigiEventSelectorConfig.h | |
► global | |
ParFiles.cxx | |
ParFiles.h | This file contains the definition of the ParFiles class |
Reco.cxx | |
Reco.h | |
RecoResults.h | A structure for reconstructed results: digi-events, hits and tracks |
RecoResultsInputArchive.cxx | |
RecoResultsInputArchive.h | |
RecoResultsOutputArchive.cxx | |
RecoResultsOutputArchive.h | |
StorableRecoResults.cxx | |
StorableRecoResults.h | |
► kf | |
► core | |
► data | |
KfMeasurementTime.cxx | Implementation of the KfMeasurementTime class |
KfMeasurementTime.h | |
KfMeasurementU.cxx | Implementation of the KfMeasurementU class |
KfMeasurementU.h | |
KfMeasurementXy.cxx | Implementation of the KfMeasurementXy class |
KfMeasurementXy.h | Definition of the KfMeasurementXy class |
KfTrackParam.cxx | |
KfTrackParam.h | |
► geo | |
KfField.cxx | Magnetic field representation in KF (source) |
KfField.h | Magnetic field representation in KF (header) |
KfFieldRegion.cxx | Magnetic flux density interpolation along the track vs. z-coordinate (source) |
KfFieldRegion.h | Magnetic flux density interpolation along the track vs. z-coordinate (header) |
KfFieldSlice.cxx | |
KfFieldSlice.h | A class for a magnetic field approximation on a transverse plane (source) |
KfFieldValue.cxx | Magnetic flux density vector representation (source) |
KfFieldValue.h | Magnetic flux density vector representation |
KfIMaterialMapFactory.h | Interface to the material map creator |
KfMaterialMap.cxx | |
KfMaterialMap.h | |
KfMaterialMonitor.cxx | |
KfMaterialMonitor.h | A class to collect statistics for kf::MaterialMap |
KfModuleIndexMap.cxx | A helper class to map external indices with the ones of KF-setup (implementation) |
KfModuleIndexMap.h | A helper class to map external indices with the ones of KF-setup |
KfSetup.cxx | Setup representation for the Kalman-filter framework (source) |
KfSetup.h | Setup representation for the Kalman-filter framework (header) |
KfSetupBuilder.cxx | |
KfSetupBuilder.h | A base KF-Setup initialization class (source) |
KfTarget.cxx | A target layer in the KF-setup (implementation) |
KfTarget.h | A target layer in the KF-setup (header) |
► pars | |
KfParticlePDG.h | Track particle representation in the KF-core |
► utils | |
KfMath.h | Collection of generic mathematical methods |
KfSimd.h | Implementation selection for the SIMD utilities (VS or pseudo) |
KfSimdPseudo.h | |
KfSimdVc.h | |
KfUtils.cxx | |
KfUtils.h | |
KfVector.h | Std::vector with an additional utility set |
KfDefs.h | Common constant definitions for the Kalman Filter library |
KfFramework.cxx | The Kalman-filter framework main class (header) |
KfFramework.h | The Kalman-filter framework main class (header) |
KfTrackKalmanFilter.cxx | |
KfTrackKalmanFilter.h | Track fit utilities for the CA tracking based on the Kalman filter |
► log | |
AlgoFairloggerCompat.h | |
► qa | |
► unpack | |
QaBase.h | Base class for digi QA (header) |
StsDigiQa.cxx | |
StsDigiQa.h | QA module for STS raw digis (source) |
Accumulators.h | Custom accumulators for boost::histogram (header) |
CanvasConfig.cxx | A class representing a canvas in the message for the Histogram server (implementation) |
CanvasConfig.h | A class representing a canvas in the message for the Histogram server |
DigiEventQa.cxx | |
DigiEventQa.h | |
Histo1D.cxx | |
Histo1D.h | |
Histogram.h | ROOT-free implementation of a histogram |
HistogramContainer.cxx | A histogram container for the histogram server (header) |
HistogramContainer.h | A histogram container for the histogram server (header) |
PadConfig.cxx | |
PadConfig.h | A class representing a pad config in the message for the Histogram server |
QaData.cxx | |
QaData.h | |
RecoGeneralQa.cxx | |
RecoGeneralQa.h | |
► test | |
_GTestChannelMapping.cxx | |
_GTestDigiEventSelector.cxx | |
_GTestEventBuilder.cxx | |
_GTestPartitionedSpan.cxx | |
_GTestPartitionedVector.cxx | |
_GTestTimeClusterTrigger.cxx | |
_GTestTrdClusterizer.cxx | |
_GTestYamlConfig.cxx | |
► trigger | |
DigiTriggerConfig.cxx | |
DigiTriggerConfig.h | |
HitMultTrigger.cxx | |
HitMultTrigger.h | |
TimeClusterTrigger.cxx | |
TimeClusterTrigger.h | |
V0Trigger.cxx | |
V0Trigger.h | |
V0TriggerConfig.cxx | |
V0TriggerConfig.h | |
► unpack | |
CommonUnpacker.cxx | |
CommonUnpacker.h | |
UnpackMSBase.h | |
▼ analysis | |
► common | |
► analysis_tree_converter | |
► app | |
Application.cxx | |
Application.h | |
main.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.h | |
► steer | |
Config.cxx | |
Config.h | |
RootLinkDef.h | |
Run.cxx | |
Run.h | |
TaskFactory.cxx | |
TaskFactory.h | |
CbmAnalysisTreeInterfaceLinkDef.h | |
CbmConverterManager.cxx | |
CbmConverterManager.h | |
CbmConverterTask.cxx | |
CbmConverterTask.h | |
CbmFsdHitsConverter.cxx | |
CbmFsdHitsConverter.h | |
CbmFsdModulesConverter.cxx | |
CbmFsdModulesConverter.h | |
CbmMatchEvents.cxx | |
CbmMatchEvents.h | |
CbmPsdModulesConverter.cxx | |
CbmPsdModulesConverter.h | |
CbmRecEventHeaderConverter.cxx | |
CbmRecEventHeaderConverter.h | |
CbmRichRingsConverter.cxx | |
CbmRichRingsConverter.h | |
CbmSimEventHeaderConverter.cxx | |
CbmSimEventHeaderConverter.h | |
CbmSimTracksConverter.cxx | |
CbmSimTracksConverter.h | |
CbmStsTracksConverter.cxx | |
CbmStsTracksConverter.h | |
CbmTofHitsConverter.cxx | |
CbmTofHitsConverter.h | |
CbmTrdTracksConverter.cxx | |
CbmTrdTracksConverter.h | |
► at_kfpf_interface | |
AnalysisTreeKfpfInterfaceLinkDef.h | |
ATKFParticleFinder.cxx | |
ATKFParticleFinder.h | |
CutsContainer.cxx | |
CutsContainer.h | |
► detectors | |
► mvd | |
► plugins | |
► tasks | |
CbmMvdSensorReadoutTask.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensorReadoutTask.h | |
► qa | |
CbmMvdClusterAna.cxx | |
CbmMvdClusterAna.h | |
CbmMvdQa.cxx | |
CbmMvdQa.h | |
CbmMvdAnaLinkDef.h | |
CbmMvdReadout.cxx | |
CbmMvdReadout.h | |
CbmMvdReadoutCluster.cxx | |
CbmMvdReadoutCluster.h | |
CbmMvdReadoutSimple.cxx | |
CbmMvdReadoutSimple.h | |
► psd | |
CbmPsdAnaLinkDef.h | |
CbmPsdMCbmQaReal.cxx | |
CbmPsdMCbmQaReal.h | |
► sts | |
CbmStsAnaLinkDef.h | |
CbmStsWkn.cxx | |
CbmStsWkn.h | |
► tof | |
CbmTofAnaLinkDef.h | |
CbmTofAnaTestbeam.cxx | |
CbmTofAnaTestbeam.h | |
CbmTofAnaTestbeam_Template.cxx | |
CbmTofGeometryQa.cxx | |
CbmTofGeometryQa.h | |
CbmTofHitFinderQa.cxx | |
CbmTofHitFinderQa.h | |
CbmTofHitFinderTBQa.cxx | |
CbmTofHitFinderTBQa.h | |
CbmTofTests.cxx | |
CbmTofTests.h | |
► mcbm | |
CbmMcbm2024CheckBmonScvd.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2024CheckBmonScvd.h | |
CbmMcbm2024CheckEventsDt.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2024CheckEventsDt.h | |
CbmMcbmAnaLinkDef.h | |
► PWGC2F | |
► femtoscopy | |
► hal | |
► cuts | |
► pair | |
HalCbmBasicFemtoPairCut.cxx | |
HalCbmBasicFemtoPairCut.h | |
HalCbmDeltaPhiDeltaThetaCut.cxx | |
HalCbmDeltaPhiDeltaThetaCut.h | |
HalCbmDeltaPhiDeltaThetaStarMinCut.cxx | |
HalCbmDeltaPhiDeltaThetaStarMinCut.h | |
HalCbmPairCut.cxx | |
HalCbmPairCut.h | |
HalCbmPairSeparationCut2D.cxx | |
HalCbmPairSeparationCut2D.h | |
HalCbmStsSepCut.cxx | |
HalCbmStsSepCut.h | |
► track | |
HalCbmBasicTrackCuts.cxx | |
HalCbmBasicTrackCuts.h | |
HalCbmNHitsCut.cxx | |
HalCbmNHitsCut.h | |
HalCbmTofCut.cxx | |
HalCbmTofCut.h | |
HalCbmTofM2PolyCut.cxx | |
HalCbmTofM2PolyCut.h | |
HalCbmCutsLinkDef.h | |
► format | |
► anatree | |
► femto | |
HalCbmHbtEvent.cxx | |
HalCbmHbtEvent.h | |
HalCbmHbtTrack.cxx | |
HalCbmHbtTrack.h | |
► mc | |
HalCbmMCEvent.cxx | |
HalCbmMCEvent.h | |
HalCbmMCEventInterface.cxx | |
HalCbmMCEventInterface.h | |
HalCbmMCTrack.cxx | |
HalCbmMCTrack.h | |
HalCbmMCTrackInterface.cxx | |
HalCbmMCTrackInterface.h | |
► reco | |
HalCbmEvent.cxx | |
HalCbmEvent.h | |
HalCbmEventInterface.cxx | |
HalCbmEventInterface.h | |
HalCbmTrack.cxx | |
HalCbmTrack.h | |
HalCbmTrackInterface.cxx | |
HalCbmTrackInterface.h | |
► combined | |
HalCbmFullEvent.cxx | |
HalCbmFullEvent.h | |
HalCbmHbtFullEvent.cxx | |
HalCbmHbtFullEvent.h | |
► unigen | |
CbmUnigenSource.cxx | |
CbmUnigenSource.h | |
HalCbmUnigenEvent.cxx | |
HalCbmUnigenEvent.h | |
HalCbmUnigenEventInterface.cxx | |
HalCbmUnigenEventInterface.h | |
HalCbmUnigenTrack.cxx | |
HalCbmUnigenTrack.h | |
HalCbmUnigenTrackInterface.cxx | |
HalCbmUnigenTrackInterface.h | |
HalCbmFormatLinkDef.h | |
HalCbmFormatTypes.cxx | |
HalCbmFormatTypes.h | |
► helpers | |
► anatree | |
CbmAnaTreeContainer.cxx | |
CbmAnaTreeContainer.h | |
CbmAnaTreeObjectTrack.cxx | |
CbmAnaTreeObjectTrack.h | |
CbmAnaTreeSource.cxx | |
CbmAnaTreeSource.h | |
HalCbmSource.cxx | |
HalCbmSource.h | |
CbmHelix.cxx | |
CbmHelix.h | |
HalCbmAnalysisManager.cxx | |
HalCbmAnalysisManager.h | |
HalCbmCompressionTask.cxx | |
HalCbmCompressionTask.h | |
HalCbmDetectorID.cxx | |
HalCbmDetectorID.h | |
HalCbmField.cxx | |
HalCbmField.h | |
HalCbmHelpersLinkDef.h | |
HalCbmTaskManager.cxx | |
HalCbmTaskManager.h | |
► qa | |
CbmQACoreManager.cxx | |
CbmQACoreManager.h | |
HalCbmQALinkDef.h | |
► PWGCHA | |
► jpsi | |
CbmAnaJpsiCandidate.cxx | |
CbmAnaJpsiCandidate.h | |
CbmAnaJpsiCuts.h | |
CbmAnaJpsiHist.cxx | |
CbmAnaJpsiHist.h | |
CbmAnaJpsiKinematicParams.h | |
CbmAnaJpsiReport.cxx | |
CbmAnaJpsiReport.h | |
CbmAnaJpsiSuperEvent.cxx | |
CbmAnaJpsiSuperEvent.h | |
CbmAnaJpsiSuperEventReport.cxx | |
CbmAnaJpsiSuperEventReport.h | |
CbmAnaJpsiTask.cxx | |
CbmAnaJpsiTask.h | |
CbmAnaJpsiUtils.h | |
CbmJPsiAnalysisLinkDef.h | |
► PWGDIL | |
► dielectron | |
► conversion | |
CbmAnaConversion.cxx | |
CbmAnaConversion.h | |
CbmAnaConversionCutSettings.h | |
CbmAnaConversionGlobalFunctions.h | |
CbmAnaConversionKF.cxx | |
CbmAnaConversionKF.h | |
CbmAnaConversionKinematicParams.h | |
CbmAnaConversionPhotons.cxx | |
CbmAnaConversionPhotons.h | |
CbmAnaConversionPhotons2.cxx | |
CbmAnaConversionPhotons2.h | |
CbmAnaConversionReco.cxx | |
CbmAnaConversionReco.h | |
CbmAnaConversionRecoFull.cxx | |
CbmAnaConversionRecoFull.h | |
CbmAnaConversionRich.cxx | |
CbmAnaConversionRich.h | |
CbmAnaConversionTest.cxx | |
CbmAnaConversionTest.h | |
CbmAnaConversionTest2.cxx | |
CbmAnaConversionTest2.h | |
CbmAnaConversionTomography.cxx | |
CbmAnaConversionTomography.h | |
CbmConversionAnalysisLinkDef.h | |
► lmvm | |
► legacy | |
CbmAnaDielectronReports.cxx | |
CbmAnaDielectronReports.h | |
CbmAnaDielectronStudyReportAll.cxx | |
CbmAnaDielectronStudyReportAll.h | |
CbmAnaLmvmDrawStudy.cxx | |
CbmAnaLmvmDrawStudy.h | |
CbmHaddBase.cxx | |
CbmHaddBase.h | |
LmvmCand.h | |
LmvmCuts.h | |
LmvmDef.h | |
LmvmDraw.cxx | |
LmvmDraw.h | |
LmvmDrawAll.cxx | |
LmvmDrawAll.h | |
LmvmHist.cxx | |
LmvmHist.h | |
LmvmKinePar.h | |
LmvmLinkDef.h | |
LmvmSimParam.h | |
LmvmTask.cxx | |
LmvmTask.h | |
LmvmUtils.cxx | |
LmvmUtils.h | |
► papaframework | |
► fastsim | |
CbmFastDecayer.cxx | |
CbmFastDecayer.h | |
CbmFastSim.cxx | |
CbmFastSim.h | |
CbmFastSimLinkDef.h | |
AnalysisCuts.cxx | |
AnalysisCuts.h | |
AnalysisFilter.cxx | |
AnalysisFilter.h | |
AnalysisTaskMultiPairAnalysis.cxx | |
AnalysisTaskMultiPairAnalysis.h | |
CbmPapaLinkDef.h | |
PairAnalysis.cxx | |
PairAnalysis.h | |
PairAnalysisCutCombi.cxx | |
PairAnalysisCutCombi.h | |
PairAnalysisCutGroup.cxx | |
PairAnalysisCutGroup.h | |
PairAnalysisCutQa.cxx | |
PairAnalysisCutQa.h | |
PairAnalysisEvent.cxx | |
PairAnalysisEvent.h | |
PairAnalysisFunction.cxx | |
PairAnalysisFunction.h | |
PairAnalysisHelper.cxx | |
PairAnalysisHelper.h | |
PairAnalysisHF.cxx | |
PairAnalysisHF.h | |
PairAnalysisHistos.cxx | |
PairAnalysisHistos.h | |
PairAnalysisMC.cxx | |
PairAnalysisMC.h | |
PairAnalysisMetaData.cxx | |
PairAnalysisMetaData.h | |
PairAnalysisMixedEvent.cxx | |
PairAnalysisMixedEvent.h | |
PairAnalysisMixingHandler.cxx | |
PairAnalysisMixingHandler.h | |
PairAnalysisObjectCuts.cxx | |
PairAnalysisObjectCuts.h | |
PairAnalysisPair.cxx | |
PairAnalysisPair.h | |
PairAnalysisPairKF.cxx | |
PairAnalysisPairKF.h | |
PairAnalysisPairLegCuts.cxx | |
PairAnalysisPairLegCuts.h | |
PairAnalysisPairLV.cxx | |
PairAnalysisPairLV.h | |
PairAnalysisSignalExt.cxx | |
PairAnalysisSignalExt.h | |
PairAnalysisSignalFit.cxx | |
PairAnalysisSignalFit.h | |
PairAnalysisSignalFunc.cxx | |
PairAnalysisSignalFunc.h | |
PairAnalysisSignalMC.cxx | |
PairAnalysisSignalMC.h | |
PairAnalysisSpectrum.cxx | |
PairAnalysisSpectrum.h | |
PairAnalysisStyleDefs.h | |
PairAnalysisStyler.cxx | |
PairAnalysisStyler.h | |
PairAnalysisTrack.cxx | |
PairAnalysisTrack.h | |
PairAnalysisTrackRotator.cxx | |
PairAnalysisTrackRotator.h | |
PairAnalysisVarCuts.cxx | |
PairAnalysisVarCuts.h | |
PairAnalysisVarManager.cxx | |
PairAnalysisVarManager.h | |
► pi0eta | |
CbmConversion2AnalysisLinkDef.h | |
CbmKresConversionBG.cxx | |
CbmKresConversionBG.h | |
CbmKresConversionCorrectedPhotons.cxx | |
CbmKresConversionCorrectedPhotons.h | |
CbmKresConversionGeneral.cxx | |
CbmKresConversionGeneral.h | |
CbmKresConversionKF.cxx | |
CbmKresConversionKF.h | |
CbmKresConversionMain.cxx | |
CbmKresConversionMain.h | |
CbmKresConversionManual.cxx | |
CbmKresConversionManual.h | |
CbmKresConversionManualmbias1.cxx | |
CbmKresConversionManualmbias1.h | |
CbmKresConversionManualmbias2.cxx | |
CbmKresConversionManualmbias2.h | |
CbmKresConversionManualmbias3.cxx | |
CbmKresConversionManualmbias3.h | |
CbmKresConversionManualmbias4.cxx | |
CbmKresConversionManualmbias4.h | |
CbmKresConversionPhotons.cxx | |
CbmKresConversionPhotons.h | |
CbmKresConversionReconstruction.cxx | |
CbmKresConversionReconstruction.h | |
CbmKresEta.cxx | |
CbmKresEta.h | |
CbmKresEtaMCAnalysis.cxx | |
CbmKresEtaMCAnalysis.h | |
CbmKresFunctions.h | |
CbmKresGammaCorrection.cxx | |
CbmKresGammaCorrection.h | |
CbmKresSelectAnn.cxx | |
CbmKresSelectAnn.h | |
CbmKresSelectAnnPhotons.cxx | |
CbmKresSelectAnnPhotons.h | |
CbmKresSelectGoodEvents.cxx | |
CbmKresSelectGoodEvents.h | |
CbmKresTemperature.cxx | |
CbmKresTemperature.h | |
CbmKresTrainAnn.cxx | |
CbmKresTrainAnn.h | |
CbmKresTrainAnnDirectPhotons.cxx | |
CbmKresTrainAnnDirectPhotons.h | |
► dimuon | |
CbmAnaDimuonAnalysis.cxx | |
CbmAnaDimuonAnalysis.h | |
CbmAnaMuonCandidate.cxx | |
CbmAnaMuonCandidate.h | |
CbmMuchAnalysisLinkDef.h | |
► PWGHAD | |
► hadron | |
CbmHadron.cxx | |
CbmHadron.h | |
CbmHadronAnalysis.cxx | |
CbmHadronAnalysis.h | |
CbmHadronLinkDef.h | |
▼ core | |
► base | |
► draw | |
CbmDrawHist.cxx | |
CbmDrawHist.h | Helper functions for drawing 1D and 2D histograms and graphs |
► report | |
CbmHtmlReportElement.cxx | |
CbmHtmlReportElement.h | Implementation of CbmReportElement for HTML output |
CbmLatexReportElement.cxx | |
CbmLatexReportElement.h | Implementation of CbmReportElement for Latex output |
CbmReport.cxx | Base class for reports |
CbmReport.h | |
CbmReportElement.h | Abstract class for basic report elements (headers, tables, images etc.) |
CbmSimulationReport.cxx | |
CbmSimulationReport.h | Base class for simulation reports |
CbmStudyReport.cxx | |
CbmStudyReport.h | Base class for study reports |
CbmTextReportElement.cxx | |
CbmTextReportElement.h | Implementation of CbmLitReportElement for text output |
► utils | |
► flestools | |
CbmFlesCanvasTools.cxx | |
CbmFlesCanvasTools.h | |
CbmFlesHistosTools.cxx | |
CbmFlesHistosTools.h | |
CbmFormatDecHexPrintout.cxx | |
CbmFormatDecHexPrintout.h | |
CbmFormatMsBufferPrintout.cxx | |
CbmFormatMsBufferPrintout.h | |
CbmFormatMsHeaderPrintout.cxx | |
CbmFormatMsHeaderPrintout.h | |
CbmFormatTsPrintout.cxx | |
CbmFormatTsPrintout.h | |
CbmEnumArray.h | |
CbmFileUtils.cxx | |
CbmFileUtils.h | |
CbmGeometryUtils.cxx | |
CbmGeometryUtils.h | |
CbmMcbmUtils.cxx | |
CbmMcbmUtils.h | |
CbmMediaList.cxx | |
CbmMediaList.h | |
CbmUtils.cxx | |
CbmUtils.h | |
CbmBaseLinkDef.h | |
CbmDaq.cxx | |
CbmDaq.h | |
CbmDigiManager.cxx | |
CbmDigiManager.h | |
CbmDigitize.h | |
CbmDigitizeBase.cxx | |
CbmDigitizeBase.h | |
CbmHistManager.cxx | Histogram manager |
CbmHistManager.h | Histogram manager |
CbmMatchRecoToMC.cxx | |
CbmMatchRecoToMC.h | FairTask for matching RECO data to MC |
CbmMCDataArray.cxx | |
CbmMCDataArray.h | |
CbmMCDataManager.cxx | |
CbmMCDataManager.h | |
CbmMCDataObject.cxx | |
CbmMCDataObject.h | |
CbmRadDamage.cxx | |
CbmRadDamage.h | |
CbmReadoutBuffer.h | |
CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceBase.cxx | |
CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceBase.h | Base abstract class for tracking detector interface to L1 (implementation of Checker) |
► config | |
CbmConfigBase.h | |
► data | |
► base | |
CbmDigiBranch.h | |
CbmDigiBranchBase.cxx | |
CbmDigiBranchBase.h | |
CbmDigiContainer.cxx | |
CbmDigiContainer.h | |
CbmDigiData.h | |
CbmDigiVector.h | |
► bmon | |
CbmBmonDigi.cxx | |
CbmBmonDigi.h | |
CbmBmonDigiData.h | |
► fsd | |
CbmFsdAddress.cxx | |
CbmFsdAddress.h | |
CbmFsdDigi.cxx | |
CbmFsdDigi.h | |
CbmFsdDigiData.h | |
CbmFsdHit.cxx | |
CbmFsdHit.h | |
CbmFsdPoint.cxx | |
CbmFsdPoint.h | |
► global | |
CbmDigiEvent.h | |
CbmDigiTimeslice.h | |
CbmGlobalTrack.cxx | |
CbmGlobalTrack.h | |
CbmTrackParam.cxx | |
CbmTrackParam.h | |
CbmVertex.cxx | |
CbmVertex.h | |
► much | |
CbmMuchAddress.cxx | |
CbmMuchAddress.h | |
CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi.cxx | |
CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi.h | |
CbmMuchCluster.cxx | |
CbmMuchCluster.h | Data container for MUCH clusters |
CbmMuchDigi.cxx | |
CbmMuchDigi.h | |
CbmMuchDigiData.h | |
CbmMuchDigiMatch.cxx | |
CbmMuchDigiMatch.h | |
CbmMuchPixelHit.cxx | |
CbmMuchPixelHit.h | Class for pixel hits in MUCH detector |
CbmMuchPoint.cxx | |
CbmMuchPoint.h | |
CbmMuchTrack.cxx | |
CbmMuchTrack.h | |
► mvd | |
CbmMvdCluster.cxx | |
CbmMvdCluster.h | |
CbmMvdDetectorId.cxx | |
CbmMvdDetectorId.h | |
CbmMvdDigi.cxx | |
CbmMvdDigi.h | |
CbmMvdHit.cxx | |
CbmMvdHit.h | |
CbmMvdHitMatch.cxx | |
CbmMvdHitMatch.h | |
CbmMvdPoint.cxx | |
CbmMvdPoint.h | |
► psd | |
CbmPsdAddress.cxx | |
CbmPsdAddress.h | |
CbmPsdDigi.cxx | |
CbmPsdDigi.h | |
CbmPsdDigiData.h | |
CbmPsdDsp.cxx | |
CbmPsdDsp.h | |
CbmPsdHit.cxx | |
CbmPsdHit.h | |
CbmPsdMCbmHit.cxx | |
CbmPsdMCbmHit.h | |
CbmPsdPoint.cxx | |
CbmPsdPoint.h | |
► raw | |
AccDataSis18.cxx | |
AccDataSis18.h | |
CriGet4Mess001.cxx | |
CriGet4Mess001.h | |
gDpbMessv100.cxx | |
gDpbMessv100.h | |
PsdGbtDataFormat-v0.00.h | |
PsdGbtDataFormat-v1.00.h | |
PsdGbtReader-v0.00.cxx | |
PsdGbtReader-v0.00.h | |
PsdGbtReader-v1.00.cxx | |
PsdGbtReader-v1.00.h | |
StsXyterFinalHit.h | |
StsXyterMessage.cxx | |
StsXyterMessage.h | |
TimesliceMetaData.cxx | |
TimesliceMetaData.h | |
► rich | |
CbmRichDigi.cxx | |
CbmRichDigi.h | |
CbmRichDigiData.h | |
CbmRichHit.cxx | |
CbmRichHit.h | |
CbmRichPoint.cxx | |
CbmRichPoint.h | |
CbmRichRing.cxx | |
CbmRichRing.h | |
CbmRichRingLight.h | |
CbmRichTrbDigi.cxx | |
CbmRichTrbDigi.h | |
► sts | |
CbmStsAddress.cxx | |
CbmStsAddress.h | |
CbmStsCluster.cxx | |
CbmStsCluster.h | Data class for STS clusters |
CbmStsDigi.cxx | |
CbmStsDigi.h | |
CbmStsDigiData.h | |
CbmStsHit.cxx | |
CbmStsHit.h | Data class for a reconstructed hit in the STS |
CbmStsPoint.cxx | |
CbmStsPoint.h | |
CbmStsTrack.cxx | |
CbmStsTrack.h | Data class for STS tracks |
► test | |
► bmon | |
_GTestCbmBmonDigi.cxx | |
compareBmonDigi.h | |
► global | |
_GTestCbmDigiEvent.cxx | |
_GTestCbmDigiTimeslice.cxx | |
_GTestCbmVertex.cxx | |
► much | |
_GTestCbmMuchBeamTimeDigi.cxx | |
_GTestCbmMuchDigi.cxx | |
compareMuchBeamTimeDigi.h | |
compareMuchDigi.h | |
► psd | |
_GTestCbmPsdAddress.cxx | |
_GTestCbmPsdDigi.cxx | |
_GTestCbmPsdHit.cxx | |
_GTestCbmPsdPoint.cxx | |
comparePsdAddress.h | |
comparePsdDigi.h | |
comparePsdHit.h | |
comparePsdPoint.h | |
► rich | |
_GTestCbmRichDigi.cxx | |
compareRichDigi.h | |
► sts | |
_GTestCbmStsDigi.cxx | |
compareStsDigi.h | |
► tof | |
_GTestCbmTofDigi.cxx | |
compareTofDigi.h | |
► trd | |
_GTestCbmTrdDetectorId.cxx | |
_GTestCbmTrdDetectorId_simple.cxx | |
_GTestCbmTrdDetectorId_simple1.cxx | |
_GTestCbmTrdDetectorId_simple2.cxx | |
_GTestCbmTrdDetectorId_simple3.cxx | |
_GTestCbmTrdDigi.cxx | |
_GTestCbmTrdHit.cxx | |
_GTestCbmTrdPoint.cxx | |
compareTrdDigi.h | |
compareTrdHit.h | |
compareTrdPoint.h | |
_GTestCbmAddress.cxx | |
_GTestCbmCluster.cxx | |
_GTestCbmConstants.cxx | |
_GTestCbmDefs.cxx | |
_GTestCbmDigi.cxx | |
_GTestCbmErrorMessage.cxx | |
_GTestCbmEvent.cxx | |
_GTestCbmHit.cxx | |
_GTestCbmLink.cxx | |
_GTestCbmMatch.cxx | |
_GTestCbmModuleList.cxx | |
_GTestCbmPixelHit.cxx | |
_GTestCbmStripHit.cxx | |
compareCluster.h | |
compareDigi.h | |
compareErrorMessage.h | |
compareFairMCPoint.h | |
compareHit.h | |
compareLink.h | |
compareMatch.h | |
comparePixelHit.h | |
compareStripHit.h | |
compareVertex.h | |
► tof | |
CbmTofAddress.cxx | |
CbmTofAddress.h | |
CbmTofDetectorId.cxx | |
CbmTofDetectorId.h | |
CbmTofDetectorId_v07a.cxx | |
CbmTofDetectorId_v07a.h | |
CbmTofDetectorId_v12b.cxx | |
CbmTofDetectorId_v12b.h | |
CbmTofDetectorId_v14a.cxx | |
CbmTofDetectorId_v14a.h | |
CbmTofDetectorId_v21a.cxx | |
CbmTofDetectorId_v21a.h | |
CbmTofDigi.cxx | |
CbmTofDigi.h | |
CbmTofDigiData.h | |
CbmTofHit.cxx | |
CbmTofHit.h | |
CbmTofPoint.cxx | |
CbmTofPoint.h | |
CbmTofTrack.cxx | |
CbmTofTrack.h | |
CbmTofTracklet.cxx | |
CbmTofTracklet.h | |
CbmTofTrackletParam.cxx | |
CbmTofTrackletParam.h | Data class for track parameters |
► trd | |
CbmTrdAddress.cxx | |
CbmTrdAddress.h | Helper class to convert unique channel ID back and forth |
CbmTrdCluster.cxx | Data Container for TRD clusters |
CbmTrdCluster.h | Data Container for TRD clusters |
CbmTrdDigi.cxx | |
CbmTrdDigi.h | |
CbmTrdDigiData.h | |
CbmTrdFexMessageSpadic.h | |
CbmTrdHit.cxx | |
CbmTrdHit.h | Class for hits in TRD detector |
CbmTrdPoint.cxx | |
CbmTrdPoint.h | |
CbmTrdRawMessageSpadic.cxx | |
CbmTrdRawMessageSpadic.h | |
CbmTrdTrack.cxx | |
CbmTrdTrack.h | |
CbmAddress.cxx | |
CbmAddress.h | |
CbmCluster.cxx | |
CbmCluster.h | Base class for cluster objects |
CbmDataLinkDef.h | |
CbmDefs.cxx | |
CbmDefs.h | |
CbmErrorMessage.cxx | |
CbmErrorMessage.h | |
CbmEvent.cxx | |
CbmEvent.h | |
CbmEventStore.cxx | |
CbmEventStore.h | |
CbmEventTriggers.cxx | |
CbmEventTriggers.h | A structure to store different triggers in parallel to the CbmEvent (implementation) |
CbmHit.cxx | |
CbmHit.h | |
CbmLink.cxx | |
CbmLink.h | |
CbmMatch.cxx | |
CbmMatch.h | |
CbmMCEvent.cxx | |
CbmMCEvent.h | |
CbmMCEventInfo.cxx | |
CbmMCEventInfo.h | |
CbmMCEventList.cxx | |
CbmMCEventList.h | |
CbmMCTrack.cxx | |
CbmMCTrack.h | |
CbmModuleList.cxx | |
CbmModuleList.h | |
CbmPixelHit.cxx | |
CbmPixelHit.h | |
CbmStripHit.cxx | |
CbmStripHit.h | |
CbmTimeSlice.cxx | |
CbmTimeSlice.h | |
CbmTrack.cxx | |
CbmTrack.h | |
CbmTrackMatch.cxx | |
CbmTrackMatch.h | |
CbmTrackMatchNew.cxx | |
CbmTrackMatchNew.h | |
CbmTsEventHeader.cxx | |
CbmTsEventHeader.h | |
► detectors | |
► fsd | |
CbmFsdBaseLinkDef.h | |
CbmFsdContFact.cxx | |
CbmFsdContFact.h | |
CbmFsdDetectorSpecs.h | |
CbmFsdDigiPar.cxx | |
CbmFsdDigiPar.h | |
CbmFsdGeoHandler.cxx | |
CbmFsdGeoHandler.h | |
► much | |
CbmGeoMuchPar.cxx | |
CbmGeoMuchPar.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MuchPar.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MuchPar.h | |
CbmMuchBaseLinkDef.h | |
CbmMuchContFact.cxx | |
CbmMuchContFact.h | |
CbmMuchGeoScheme.cxx | |
CbmMuchGeoScheme.h | |
CbmMuchLayer.cxx | |
CbmMuchLayer.h | |
CbmMuchLayerSide.cxx | |
CbmMuchLayerSide.h | |
CbmMuchModule.cxx | |
CbmMuchModule.h | |
CbmMuchModuleGem.cxx | |
CbmMuchModuleGem.h | |
CbmMuchModuleGemRadial.cxx | |
CbmMuchModuleGemRadial.h | |
CbmMuchModuleGemRectangular.cxx | |
CbmMuchModuleGemRectangular.h | |
CbmMuchPad.cxx | |
CbmMuchPad.h | |
CbmMuchPadRadial.cxx | |
CbmMuchPadRadial.h | |
CbmMuchPadRectangular.cxx | |
CbmMuchPadRectangular.h | |
CbmMuchPointInfo.cxx | |
CbmMuchPointInfo.h | |
CbmMuchRecoDefs.h | |
CbmMuchSector.cxx | |
CbmMuchSector.h | |
CbmMuchSectorRadial.cxx | |
CbmMuchSectorRadial.h | |
CbmMuchSectorRectangular.cxx | |
CbmMuchSectorRectangular.h | |
CbmMuchSegmentAuto.cxx | |
CbmMuchSegmentAuto.h | |
CbmMuchSegmentManual.cxx | |
CbmMuchSegmentManual.h | |
CbmMuchSegmentSector.cxx | |
CbmMuchSegmentSector.h | |
CbmMuchStation.cxx | |
CbmMuchStation.h | |
CbmMuchTrackingInterface.cxx | |
CbmMuchTrackingInterface.h | |
CbmMuchUnpackPar.cxx | |
CbmMuchUnpackPar.h | |
► mvd | |
► plugins | |
► buffers | |
CbmMvdSensorBuffer.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensorBuffer.h | |
CbmMvdSensorFrameBuffer.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensorFrameBuffer.h | |
CbmMvdSensorTrackingBuffer.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensorTrackingBuffer.h | |
► tasks | |
CbmMvdSensorTask.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensorTask.h | |
CbmMvdSensorPlugin.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensorPlugin.h | |
► SensorDataSheets | |
CbmMvdMimosa26AHR.cxx | |
CbmMvdMimosa26AHR.h | |
CbmMvdMimosa34.cxx | |
CbmMvdMimosa34.h | |
CbmMvdMimosis.cxx | |
CbmMvdMimosis.h | |
CbmMvdSensorDataSheet.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensorDataSheet.h | |
► tools | |
CbmMvdGeoHandler.cxx | Addapted from TrdGeoHandler by Florian Uhlig f.uhl.nosp@m.ig@g.nosp@m.si.de |
CbmMvdGeoHandler.h | Helper class to extract information from the GeoManager. Addapted from TrdGeoHandler byFlorian Uhlig f.uhl.nosp@m.ig@g.nosp@m.si.de |
CbmMvdHelper.h | |
CbmMvdBaseLinkDef.h | |
CbmMvdDetector.cxx | |
CbmMvdDetector.h | |
CbmMvdPileupManager.cxx | |
CbmMvdPileupManager.h | |
CbmMvdSensor.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensor.h | |
CbmMvdStationPar.cxx | |
CbmMvdStationPar.h | |
CbmMvdTrackingInterface.cxx | |
CbmMvdTrackingInterface.h | |
► psd | |
CbmMcbm2018PsdPar.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018PsdPar.h | |
CbmPsdBaseLinkDef.h | |
CbmPsdContFact.cxx | |
CbmPsdContFact.h | |
PolynomComplexRoots.h | |
PolynomRealRoots.h | |
PronyFitter.cxx | |
PronyFitter.h | |
► rich | |
► utils | |
CbmRichNavigationUtil.h | |
CbmRichUtil.cxx | |
CbmRichUtil.h | |
CbmMcbm2018RichPar.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018RichPar.h | |
CbmRichBaseLinkDef.h | |
CbmRichContFact.cxx | |
CbmRichContFact.h | |
CbmRichDetectorData.h | |
CbmRichDigiMapManager.cxx | |
CbmRichDigiMapManager.h | |
CbmRichDraw.h | |
CbmRichElectronIdAnn.cxx | |
CbmRichElectronIdAnn.h | Implementation of the electron identification algorithm in the RICH detector using Artificial Neural Network(ANN) |
CbmRichEventDisplay.cxx | |
CbmRichEventDisplay.h | Event display for the RICH detector |
CbmRichGeoManager.cxx | |
CbmRichGeoManager.h | |
CbmRichMCbmDigiMapManager.cxx | |
CbmRichMCbmDigiMapManager.h | |
CbmRichPmt.cxx | |
CbmRichPmt.h | |
CbmRichPmtType.h | |
CbmRichRecGeoPar.h | RICH geometry parameters for the reconstruction. This class is used for convinient storing of the basic RICH geometry parameters like: PMT and mirrors position, dimensions and tilting |
► sts | |
► test | |
_GTestCbmStsParAsic.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018StsPar.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018StsPar.h | |
CbmStsBaseLinkDef.h | |
CbmStsContFact.cxx | |
CbmStsContFact.h | |
CbmStsDefs.h | |
CbmStsElement.cxx | |
CbmStsElement.h | |
CbmStsModule.cxx | |
CbmStsModule.h | |
CbmStsParAsic.cxx | |
CbmStsParAsic.h | |
CbmStsParModule.cxx | |
CbmStsParModule.h | |
CbmStsParSensor.cxx | |
CbmStsParSensor.h | |
CbmStsParSensorCond.cxx | |
CbmStsParSensorCond.h | |
CbmStsParSetModule.cxx | |
CbmStsParSetModule.h | |
CbmStsParSetSensor.cxx | |
CbmStsParSetSensor.h | |
CbmStsParSetSensorCond.cxx | |
CbmStsParSetSensorCond.h | |
CbmStsParSim.cxx | |
CbmStsParSim.h | |
CbmStsPhysics.cxx | |
CbmStsPhysics.h | |
CbmStsSensor.cxx | |
CbmStsSensor.h | |
CbmStsSetup.cxx | |
CbmStsSetup.h | |
CbmStsStation.cxx | |
CbmStsStation.h | |
CbmStsTrackingInterface.cxx | |
CbmStsTrackingInterface.h | |
► tof | |
CbmMcbm2018TofPar.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018TofPar.h | |
CbmTofBaseLinkDef.h | |
CbmTofCell.cxx | |
CbmTofCell.h | |
CbmTofContFact.cxx | |
CbmTofContFact.h | |
CbmTofCreateDigiPar.cxx | |
CbmTofCreateDigiPar.h | |
CbmTofDigiBdfPar.cxx | |
CbmTofDigiBdfPar.h | |
CbmTofDigiPar.cxx | |
CbmTofDigiPar.h | |
CbmTofGeoHandler.cxx | |
CbmTofGeoHandler.h | |
CbmTofTrackingInterface.cxx | |
CbmTofTrackingInterface.h | |
TTrbHeader.cxx | |
TTrbHeader.h | |
► trd | |
CbmMcbm2020TrdTshiftPar.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2020TrdTshiftPar.h | |
CbmTrdBaseLinkDef.h | |
CbmTrdContFact.cxx | |
CbmTrdContFact.h | |
CbmTrddEdxUtils.cxx | |
CbmTrddEdxUtils.h | Class containing definitions and functions correlated to the dEdx behavior of the CbmTrd |
CbmTrdDefs.cxx | |
CbmTrdDefs.h | |
CbmTrdFASP.cxx | |
CbmTrdFASP.h | |
CbmTrdGas.cxx | Container for gas properties of TRD |
CbmTrdGas.h | Container for gas properties of TRD |
CbmTrdGeoFactory.cxx | TRD chamber manager class |
CbmTrdGeoFactory.h | Builder class for the TRD chamber geometry |
CbmTrdGeoHandler.cxx | |
CbmTrdGeoHandler.h | Helper class to extract information from the GeoManager |
CbmTrdGeoSetup.cxx | |
CbmTrdGeoSetup.h | Describing class of the TRD setup geometry, FEE, gas |
CbmTrdHardwareSetupR.cxx | |
CbmTrdHardwareSetupR.h | |
CbmTrdLinkDef.h | |
CbmTrdModuleAbstract.cxx | |
CbmTrdModuleAbstract.h | |
CbmTrdPads.h | |
CbmTrdParAsic.cxx | |
CbmTrdParAsic.h | |
CbmTrdParFasp.cxx | |
CbmTrdParFasp.h | |
CbmTrdParManager.cxx | |
CbmTrdParManager.h | Assign pad layout to TRD Modules |
CbmTrdParMod.cxx | |
CbmTrdParMod.h | |
CbmTrdParModAsic.cxx | |
CbmTrdParModAsic.h | |
CbmTrdParModDigi.cxx | |
CbmTrdParModDigi.h | |
CbmTrdParModGain.cxx | |
CbmTrdParModGain.h | |
CbmTrdParModGas.cxx | |
CbmTrdParModGas.h | |
CbmTrdParModGeo.cxx | |
CbmTrdParModGeo.h | |
CbmTrdParSet.cxx | |
CbmTrdParSet.h | |
CbmTrdParSetAsic.cxx | |
CbmTrdParSetAsic.h | |
CbmTrdParSetDigi.cxx | |
CbmTrdParSetDigi.h | |
CbmTrdParSetGain.cxx | |
CbmTrdParSetGain.h | |
CbmTrdParSetGas.cxx | |
CbmTrdParSetGas.h | |
CbmTrdParSetGeo.cxx | |
CbmTrdParSetGeo.h | |
CbmTrdParSpadic.cxx | |
CbmTrdParSpadic.h | |
CbmTrdRadiator.cxx | |
CbmTrdRadiator.h | |
CbmTrdSpadic.cxx | |
CbmTrdSpadic.h | Software representation of the SPADIC v2.2+ |
CbmTrdTrackingInterface.cxx | |
CbmTrdTrackingInterface.h | |
CbmTrdUtils.cxx | |
CbmTrdUtils.h | |
► eventdisplay | |
CbmDisplayLinkDef.h | |
CbmEvDisTracks.cxx | |
CbmEvDisTracks.h | |
CbmPixelHitSetDraw.cxx | |
CbmPixelHitSetDraw.h | |
CbmPointSetArray.cxx | |
CbmPointSetArray.h | |
CbmPointSetArrayDraw.cxx | |
CbmPointSetArrayDraw.h | |
CbmPointSetArrayEditor.cxx | |
CbmPointSetArrayEditor.h | |
CbmRecoTracks.cxx | |
CbmRecoTracks.h | |
CbmTimesliceManager.cxx | |
CbmTimesliceManager.h | |
CbmTimesliceManagerEditor.cxx | |
CbmTimesliceManagerEditor.h | |
CbmTimeslicePixelHitSetDraw.cxx | |
CbmTimeslicePixelHitSetDraw.h | |
CbmTimesliceRecoTracks.cxx | |
CbmTimesliceRecoTracks.h | |
CbmTrdDigiDraw.cxx | |
CbmTrdDigiDraw.h | |
CbmTsDisTofTracklets.cxx | |
CbmTsDisTofTracklets.h | |
CbmTsEveAnimationControl.cxx | |
CbmTsEveAnimationControl.h | |
CbmTsEveTransparencyControl.cxx | |
CbmTsEveTransparencyControl.h | |
CbmTsPointSetArrayDraw.cxx | |
CbmTsPointSetArrayDraw.h | |
► field | |
CbmBsField.cxx | |
CbmBsField.h | |
CbmFieldConst.cxx | |
CbmFieldConst.h | |
CbmFieldContFact.cxx | |
CbmFieldContFact.h | |
CbmFieldCreator.cxx | |
CbmFieldCreator.h | |
CbmFieldLinkDef.h | |
CbmFieldMap.cxx | |
CbmFieldMap.h | |
CbmFieldMapCreator.cxx | |
CbmFieldMapCreator.h | |
CbmFieldMapData.cxx | |
CbmFieldMapData.h | |
CbmFieldMapDistorted.cxx | |
CbmFieldMapDistorted.h | |
CbmFieldMapSym1.cxx | |
CbmFieldMapSym1.h | |
CbmFieldMapSym2.cxx | |
CbmFieldMapSym2.h | |
CbmFieldMapSym3.cxx | |
CbmFieldMapSym3.h | |
CbmFieldPar.cxx | |
CbmFieldPar.h | |
► qa | |
► checker | |
CbmQaCheckerCore.cxx | Core class of the QA checking framework (implementation) |
CbmQaCheckerCore.h | Core class of the QA checking framework (declaration) |
CbmQaCheckerFileHandler.cxx | A handler class to process versions from similar files (implementation) |
CbmQaCheckerFileHandler.h | A handler class to process versions from similar files (declaration) |
CbmQaCheckerHist1DHandler.cxx | Handler class for 1D-histograms (including TProfile objects) (implementation) |
CbmQaCheckerHist1DHandler.h | Handler class for 1D-histograms (including TProfile objects) (declaration) |
CbmQaCheckerHist2DHandler.cxx | |
CbmQaCheckerHist2DHandler.h | Handler class for 2D-histograms (implementation) |
CbmQaCheckerObjectDB.cxx | |
CbmQaCheckerObjectDB.h | Database for processed objects in the QA checker framework (implementation) |
CbmQaCheckerObjectHandler.cxx | |
CbmQaCheckerObjectHandler.h | Base handler class (implementation) |
CbmQaCheckerProfile1DHandler.cxx | |
CbmQaCheckerProfile1DHandler.h | Handler class for 1D-profiles (implementation) |
CbmQaCheckerTypedefs.h | Common definitions for QA-Checker framework |
► report | |
CbmQaReportBeamerEngine.cxx | |
CbmQaReportBeamerEngine.h | LaTeX Beamer engine for the cbm::qa::report (header) |
CbmQaReportBuilder.cxx | |
CbmQaReportBuilder.h | Base class for the report builder (implementation) |
CbmQaReportDefines.h | Common definitions for cbm::qa::report |
CbmQaReportElement.h | Base class for the report element (header) |
CbmQaReportEngine.h | |
CbmQaReportFigure.h | Base class for the report figure (header) |
CbmQaReportHeader.h | Base class for the report header (header) |
CbmQaReportHtmlEngine.cxx | |
CbmQaReportHtmlEngine.h | HTML document engine for the cbm::qa::report (source) |
CbmQaReportLatexEngine.cxx | |
CbmQaReportLatexEngine.h | LaTeX Beamer engine for the cbm::qa::report (source) |
CbmQaReportLatexFormat.cxx | Common LaTeX utilities (source) |
CbmQaReportLatexFormat.h | Common LaTeX utilities (header) |
CbmQaReportLinkDef.h | Linkage definitions for using in ROOT |
CbmQaReportSection.cxx | |
CbmQaReportSection.h | Base class for the report section (header) |
CbmQaReportTable.cxx | Base class for the report table (source) |
CbmQaReportTable.h | Base class for the report table (header) |
CbmQaReportTail.h | |
CbmQaBaseLinkDef.h | |
CbmQaCanvas.cxx | Implementation of the CbmQaCanvas class |
CbmQaCanvas.h | Definition of the CbmQaCanvas class |
CbmQaCmpDrawer.cxx | Class for a canvas with a comparison of multiple graphs or histograms (implementation) |
CbmQaCmpDrawer.h | Class for a canvas with a comparison of multiple graphs or histograms (header) |
CbmQaCompare.cxx | A histogram comparison module for the QA task (implementation) |
CbmQaCompare.h | A histogram comparison module for the QA task (declaration) |
CbmQaConstants.h | List of constant expressions, common in QA task |
CbmQaEff.cxx | Implementation of CbmQaEff class |
CbmQaEff.h | Declaration of CbmQaEff class |
CbmQaHist.cxx | Implementation of the CbmQaHist class |
CbmQaHist.h | Definition of the CbmQaHist class |
CbmQaIO.cxx | Module for ROOT objects IO interface (implementation) |
CbmQaIO.h | Module for ROOT objects IO interface (header) |
CbmQaManager.cxx | |
CbmQaManager.h | Manager task for other QA taska (implementation) |
CbmQaOnlineInterface.cxx | Set of tools for online->ROOT QA-objects conversions (source) |
CbmQaOnlineInterface.h | Set of tools for online->ROOT QA-objects conversions (header) |
CbmQaPie.cxx | Implementation of the CbmQaPie class |
CbmQaPie.h | Definition of the CbmQaPie class |
CbmQaTable.cxx | Implementation of CbmQaTable class |
CbmQaTable.h | Definition of CbmQaTable class |
CbmQaTask.cxx | A base class for CBM QA task logic (implementation) |
CbmQaTask.h | A base class for CBM QA task logic |
CbmQaUtil.cxx | Useful utilities for CBM QA tasks |
CbmQaUtil.h | Useful utilities for CBM QA tasks |
▼ doxygen | |
littrack | |
▼ fles | |
► cosy2019 | |
► monitor | |
CbmCosy2019MonitorAlgoHodo.cxx | |
CbmCosy2019MonitorAlgoHodo.h | |
CbmCosy2019MonitorTaskHodo.cxx | |
CbmCosy2019MonitorTaskHodo.h | |
► parameter | |
CbmCosy2019ContFact.cxx | |
CbmCosy2019ContFact.h | |
CbmCosy2019HodoPar.cxx | |
CbmCosy2019HodoPar.h | |
► unpacker | |
CbmCosy2019UnpackerAlgoHodo.cxx | |
CbmCosy2019UnpackerAlgoHodo.h | |
CbmCosy2019UnpackerTaskHodo.cxx | |
CbmCosy2019UnpackerTaskHodo.h | |
CbmStsCoincHodo.cxx | |
CbmStsCoincHodo.h | |
CbmBeamtimeCosy2019LinkDef.h | |
► mcbm2018 | |
► commonMQ | |
CbmStar2019Algo.h | |
► monitor | |
CbmCheckDataFormatGdpb2018.cxx | |
CbmCheckDataFormatGdpb2018.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoBmon.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoBmon.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoPsd.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoPsd.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoTof.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoTof.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoTofPulser.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoTofPulser.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorDataRates.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorDataRates.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorMcbmPulser.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorMcbmPulser.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorMcbmRate.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorMcbmRate.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorMcbmSync.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorMcbmSync.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorMuch.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorMuch.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorMuchLite.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorMuchLite.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorSts.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorSts.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorStsPulser.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorStsPulser.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorStsSync.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorStsSync.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskBmon.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskBmon.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskMuchLite.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskMuchLite.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskPsd.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskPsd.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskTof.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskTof.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskTofPulser.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskTofPulser.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTof.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTof.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTofPulser.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MonitorTofPulser.h | |
CbmMcbm2018TofFeeThr.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018TofFeeThr.h | |
CbmMcbm2018TofTestFee.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018TofTestFee.h | |
► tasks | |
CbmCheckDigisNbCorr.cxx | |
CbmCheckDigisNbCorr.h | |
CbmCheckEvents.cxx | |
CbmCheckEvents.h | |
CbmCheckTiming.cxx | |
CbmCheckTiming.h | |
CbmMcbm2018EventBuilder.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018EventBuilder.h | |
CbmMcbm2019CheckDigisMuch.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2019CheckDigisMuch.h | |
CbmMcbm2019CheckDigisSts.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2019CheckDigisSts.h | |
CbmMcbm2019CheckDtInDet.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2019CheckDtInDet.h | |
CbmMcbm2019CheckPulser.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2019CheckPulser.h | |
CbmMcbm2019CheckTimingPairs.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2019CheckTimingPairs.h | |
CbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilderAlgo.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilderAlgo.h | |
CbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilderTask.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilderTask.h | |
CbmMcbmCheckTimingAlgo.cxx | |
CbmMcbmCheckTimingAlgo.h | |
CbmMcbmCheckTimingTask.cxx | |
CbmMcbmCheckTimingTask.h | |
CbmMcbmSpillFindAlgo.cxx | |
CbmMcbmSpillFindAlgo.h | |
CbmMcbmSpillFindTask.cxx | |
CbmMcbmSpillFindTask.h | |
► unpacker | |
CbmCriGet4RawPrint.cxx | |
CbmCriGet4RawPrint.h | |
CbmMcbm2018RawConverterGdpb.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018RawConverterGdpb.h | |
CbmMcbm2018RawConverterSdpb.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018RawConverterSdpb.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoPsd.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoPsd.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoRich.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoRich.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoRich2020.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoRich2020.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoSts.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoSts.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTof.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTof.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTrdR.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTrdR.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskMuch.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskMuch.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskPsd.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskPsd.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskRich.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskRich.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskRich2020.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskRich2020.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskSts.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskSts.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskTof.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskTof.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskTrdR.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskTrdR.h | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerUtilRich2020.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerUtilRich2020.h | |
CbmFlibMcbm2018LinkDef.h | |
CbmMcbm2018MsCrcCheck.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018MsCrcCheck.h | |
CbmMcbm2018Source.cxx | |
CbmMcbm2018Source.h | |
CbmMcbmUnpack.cxx | |
CbmMcbmUnpack.h | |
► star2019 | |
► eventbuilder | |
CbmStar2019EventBuilderEtof.cxx | |
CbmStar2019EventBuilderEtof.h | |
CbmStar2019EventBuilderEtofAlgo.cxx | |
CbmStar2019EventBuilderEtofAlgo.h | |
CbmTofStarData2019.cxx | |
CbmTofStarData2019.h | |
► monitor | |
CbmStar2019MonitorAlgo.cxx | |
CbmStar2019MonitorAlgo.h | |
CbmStar2019MonitorPulserAlgo.cxx | |
CbmStar2019MonitorPulserAlgo.h | |
CbmStar2019MonitorPulserTask.cxx | |
CbmStar2019MonitorPulserTask.h | |
CbmStar2019MonitorTask.cxx | |
CbmStar2019MonitorTask.h | |
CbmStar2019MonitorTof.cxx | |
CbmStar2019MonitorTof.h | |
CbmStar2019TofFeeThr.cxx | |
CbmStar2019TofFeeThr.h | |
► parameter | |
CbmStar2019ContFact.cxx | |
CbmStar2019ContFact.h | |
CbmStar2019TofPar.cxx | |
CbmStar2019TofPar.h | |
CbmFlibStar2019LinkDef.h | |
▼ macro | |
► analysis | |
► common | |
► cuts | |
cbm_cuts.h | |
► beamtime | |
fit_ybox.h | |
► psd | |
event_data_struct.h | |
► rich | |
► alignment | |
► matching | |
Analyze_matching.h | |
► position | |
Compute_distance.h | |
► tof | |
► beamtime | |
► apr14 | |
► currents | |
StructDef.h | |
► feb15 | |
► current | |
FileListDef.h | |
StructDef.h | |
► nov15 | |
► current | |
FileListDef.h | |
StructDef.h | |
▼ MQ | |
► base | |
CbmMQChannels.cxx | |
CbmMQChannels.h | |
CbmMQDefs.h | |
CbmMqTMessage.h | |
► eTOF | |
CbmDeviceEventBuilderEtofStar2019.cxx | |
CbmDeviceEventBuilderEtofStar2019.h | |
CbmDeviceTriggerHandlerEtof.cxx | |
CbmDeviceTriggerHandlerEtof.h | |
runEventBuilderEtofStar2019.cxx | |
runTriggerHandlerEtof.cxx | |
► histoServer | |
CbmHistoServer.cxx | |
CbmHistoServer.h | |
CbmMqHistoServer.cxx | |
CbmMqHistoServer.h | |
runCbmHistoServer.cxx | |
runCbmMqHistoServer.cxx | |
► hitbuilder | |
CbmDeviceHitBuilderTof.cxx | |
CbmDeviceHitBuilderTof.h | |
runHitBuilderTof.cxx | |
► mcbm | |
CbmDeviceBmonMonitor.cxx | |
CbmDeviceBmonMonitor.h | |
CbmDeviceBuildDigiEvents.cxx | |
CbmDeviceBuildDigiEvents.h | |
CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents.cxx | |
CbmDeviceBuildRawEvents.h | |
CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.cxx | |
CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.h | |
CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin.cxx | |
CbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin.h | |
CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink.cxx | |
CbmDeviceMcbmEventSink.h | |
CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser.cxx | |
CbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser.h | |
CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack.cxx | |
CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack.h | |
CbmDeviceUnpack.cxx | |
CbmDeviceUnpack.h | |
runBmonMonitor.cxx | |
runBuildDigiEvents.cxx | |
runBuildRawEvents.cxx | |
runDigiEventSink.cxx | |
runMcbmEventSink.cxx | |
runMcbmEvtBuilderWin.cxx | |
runMcbmMonitorPulser.cxx | |
runMcbmUnpack.cxx | |
runUnpack.cxx | |
► monitor | |
CbmDeviceMonitorBmon.cxx | |
CbmDeviceMonitorBmon.h | |
CbmDeviceMonitorPsd.cxx | |
CbmDeviceMonitorPsd.h | |
CbmDeviceMonitorReqBmon.cxx | |
CbmDeviceMonitorReqBmon.h | |
CbmDeviceMonitorReqTof.cxx | |
CbmDeviceMonitorReqTof.h | |
CbmDeviceMonitorTof.cxx | |
CbmDeviceMonitorTof.h | |
runMonitorBmon.cxx | |
runMonitorPsd.cxx | |
runMonitorReqBmon.cxx | |
runMonitorReqTof.cxx | |
runMonitorTof.cxx | |
► parmq | |
ParameterMQServer.cxx | |
ParameterMQServer.h | |
runParameterMQServer.cxx | |
► sink | |
CbmDevNullSink.cxx | |
CbmDevNullSink.h | |
CbmTsaComponentSink.cxx | |
CbmTsaComponentSink.h | |
runDevNullSink.cxx | |
runTsaComponentSink.cxx | |
► source | |
CbmMCPointSource.cxx | |
CbmMCPointSource.h | |
CbmMQTsaInfo.cxx | |
CbmMQTsaInfo.h | |
CbmMQTsaMultiSampler.cxx | |
CbmMQTsaMultiSampler.h | |
CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof.cxx | |
CbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof.h | |
CbmMQTsaSampler.cxx | |
CbmMQTsaSampler.h | |
CbmMQTsaSamplerTof.cxx | |
CbmMQTsaSamplerTof.h | |
CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq.cxx | |
CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq.h | |
CbmStsDigiSource.cxx | |
CbmStsDigiSource.h | |
CbmTsConsumerReqDevExample.cxx | |
CbmTsConsumerReqDevExample.h | |
runMCPointSource.cxx | |
runStsDigiSource.cxx | |
runTsaInfo.cxx | |
runTsaMultiSampler.cxx | |
runTsaMultiSamplerTof.cxx | |
runTsaSampler.cxx | |
runTsaSamplerTof.cxx | |
runTsConsumerReqExample.cxx | |
runTsSamplerRepReq.cxx | |
► sts | |
CbmDeviceMinimal.cxx | |
CbmDeviceMinimal.h | |
CbmDeviceStsLocalReco.cxx | |
CbmDeviceStsLocalReco.h | |
runStsLocalReco.cxx | |
► unpacker | |
CbmDeviceUnpackTofCri.cxx | |
CbmDeviceUnpackTofCri.h | |
CbmDeviceUnpackTofMcbm2018.cxx | |
CbmDeviceUnpackTofMcbm2018.h | |
CbmDeviceUnpackTofStar2018.cxx | |
CbmDeviceUnpackTofStar2018.h | |
CbmTbDaqBuffer.cxx | |
CbmTbDaqBuffer.h | |
runUnpackTofCri.cxx | |
runUnpackTofMcbm2018.cxx | |
runUnpackTofStar2018.cxx | |
▼ reco | |
► alignment | |
CbmAlignmentLinkDef.h | |
CbmBbaAlignmentTask.cxx | Task class for alignment |
CbmBbaAlignmentTask.h | Task class for alignment |
► app | |
► cbmreco | |
main.cxx | |
► cbmreco_fairrun | |
Application.cxx | |
Application.h | |
main.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.h | |
► base | |
CbmGlobalTrackFitter.cxx | |
CbmGlobalTrackFitter.h | |
CbmMuchTrackFinder.cxx | |
CbmMuchTrackFinder.h | |
CbmPrimaryVertexFinder.cxx | |
CbmPrimaryVertexFinder.h | |
CbmRecoBaseLinkDef.h | |
CbmRichMerger.cxx | |
CbmRichMerger.h | |
CbmRichRingFinder.cxx | |
CbmRichRingFinder.h | |
CbmRichTrackExtrapolation.cxx | |
CbmRichTrackExtrapolation.h | |
CbmStsTrackFinder.cxx | |
CbmStsTrackFinder.h | |
CbmStsTrackFitter.cxx | |
CbmStsTrackFitter.h | |
CbmTofMerger.cxx | |
CbmTofMerger.h | |
CbmTofTrackFinder.cxx | |
CbmTofTrackFinder.h | |
CbmTrackMerger.cxx | |
CbmTrackMerger.h | |
CbmTrdTrackFinder.cxx | |
CbmTrdTrackFinder.h | |
CbmUnpack.h | |
CbmUnpackTask.h | |
CbmUnpackTaskBase.cxx | |
CbmUnpackTaskBase.h | |
► calibration | |
CbmOffsetDigiTime.h | |
CbmOffsetDigiTimeTester.cxx | |
CbmOffsetDigiTimeTester.h | |
CbmRecoCalLinkDef.h | |
► detectors | |
► bmon | |
► unpack | |
CbmBmonUnpackAlgo.cxx | |
CbmBmonUnpackAlgo.h | |
CbmBmonUnpackConfig.cxx | |
CbmBmonUnpackConfig.h | |
CbmBmonRecoLinkDef.h | |
► fsd | |
CbmFsdHitProducer.cxx | |
CbmFsdHitProducer.h | Hit Producer for FSD |
CbmFsdRecoLinkDef.h | |
► much | |
► qa | |
CbmMuchHitFinderQa.cxx | |
CbmMuchHitFinderQa.h | |
► unpack | |
CbmMuchUnpackAlgo.cxx | |
CbmMuchUnpackAlgo.h | MUCH unpacker algorithms |
CbmMuchUnpackConfig.cxx | |
CbmMuchUnpackConfig.h | Configuration class for an unpacker algorithm |
CbmMuchUnpackMonitor.cxx | |
CbmMuchUnpackMonitor.h | |
CbmMuchFindHitsGem.cxx | |
CbmMuchFindHitsGem.h | |
CbmMuchFindTracks.cxx | |
CbmMuchFindTracks.h | |
CbmMuchHitProducerIdeal.cxx | |
CbmMuchHitProducerIdeal.h | Ideal hit producer for MUon CHambers detector |
CbmMuchMatchTracks.cxx | |
CbmMuchMatchTracks.h | |
CbmMuchRecoLinkDef.h | |
CbmMuchTrackFinderIdeal.cxx | |
CbmMuchTrackFinderIdeal.h | |
► mvd | |
► plugins | |
► tasks | |
CbmMvdSensorClusterfinderTask.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensorClusterfinderTask.h | |
CbmMvdSensorDigiToHitTask.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensorDigiToHitTask.h | |
CbmMvdSensorFindHitTask.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensorFindHitTask.h | |
CbmMvdSensorHitfinderTask.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensorHitfinderTask.h | |
CbmMvdClusterfinder.cxx | |
CbmMvdClusterfinder.h | |
CbmMvdClusterfinderTB.cxx | |
CbmMvdClusterfinderTB.h | |
CbmMvdDigiToHit.cxx | |
CbmMvdDigiToHit.h | |
CbmMvdDigiToHitTB.cxx | |
CbmMvdDigiToHitTB.h | |
CbmMvdHitfinder.cxx | |
CbmMvdHitfinder.h | |
CbmMvdHitfinderTB.cxx | |
CbmMvdHitfinderTB.h | |
CbmMvdRecoLinkDef.h | |
► psd | |
► unpack | |
CbmPsdUnpackAlgo.cxx | |
CbmPsdUnpackAlgo.h | Baseclass for the TrdR unpacker algorithms |
CbmPsdUnpackConfig.cxx | |
CbmPsdUnpackConfig.h | Configuration class for an unpacker algorithm |
CbmPsdHitProducer.cxx | |
CbmPsdHitProducer.h | |
CbmPsdMCbmHitProducer.cxx | |
CbmPsdMCbmHitProducer.h | |
CbmPsdRecoLinkDef.h | |
► rich | |
► alignment | |
CbmHistManager.cxx | Histogram manager |
CbmRichAlignment.cxx | |
CbmRichAlignment.h | |
CbmRichCorrection.cxx | |
CbmRichCorrection.h | |
CbmRichCorrectionVector.cxx | |
CbmRichCorrectionVector.h | |
CbmRichMirror.cxx | |
CbmRichMirror.h | |
CbmRichMirrorMisalignmentCorrectionUtils.h | |
CbmRichMirrorSortingAlignment.cxx | |
CbmRichMirrorSortingAlignment.h | |
CbmRichMirrorSortingCorrection.cxx | |
CbmRichMirrorSortingCorrection.h | |
CbmRichNavigationUtil2.h | |
CbmRichPMTMapping.cxx | |
CbmRichPMTMapping.h | |
CbmRichProjectionProducer2.cxx | |
CbmRichProjectionProducer2.h | |
CbmRichProjectionProducerAnalytical.cxx | |
CbmRichProjectionProducerAnalytical.h | Project track by straight line from imaginary plane to the mirror and reflect it to the photodetector plane |
CbmRichProjectionProducerBase.h | Base class for STS track projections onto the photodetector plane |
CbmRichReconstruction.cxx | |
CbmRichReconstruction.h | Main class for running event reconstruction in the RICH detector |
CbmRichRecoQa.cxx | |
CbmRichRecoQa.h | |
► finder | |
CbmL1RichENNRingFinder.cxx | |
CbmL1RichENNRingFinder.h | |
CbmL1RichENNRingFinderParallel.cxx | |
CbmL1RichENNRingFinderParallel.h | |
CbmRichRingFinderData.h | |
CbmRichRingFinderHough.cxx | |
CbmRichRingFinderHough.h | Main class for ring finder based on Hough Transform implementation |
CbmRichRingFinderHoughImpl.cxx | |
CbmRichRingFinderHoughImpl.h | Ring finder implementation based on Hough Transform method |
CbmRichRingFinderHoughSimd.cxx | |
CbmRichRingFinderHoughSimd.h | SIMDized ring finder based on Hough Transform method |
CbmRichRingFinderIdeal.cxx | |
CbmRichRingFinderIdeal.h | Ideal ring finder in the RICH detector. It uses MC information to attach RICH hits to rings |
► fitter | |
CbmRichRingFitterBase.h | Abstract base class for concrete Rich Ring fitting algorithms. Each derived class must implement the method DoFit |
CbmRichRingFitterCircle.cxx | |
CbmRichRingFitterCircle.h | Implementation of a ring fitting algorithm with equation of a circle. Algorithm from F77 subroutine of S.Sadovsky |
CbmRichRingFitterCOP.cxx | |
CbmRichRingFitterCOP.h | Here the ring is fitted with the COP algorithm from A. Ayriyan/G. Ososkov |
CbmRichRingFitterEllipseBase.h | Base class for concrete ellipse fitting algorithms. Each derived class must implement the method DoFit |
CbmRichRingFitterEllipseMinuit.cxx | |
CbmRichRingFitterEllipseMinuit.h | This is the implementation of ellipse fitting using MINUIT |
CbmRichRingFitterEllipseTau.cxx | |
CbmRichRingFitterEllipseTau.h | Here the ring is fitted with Taubin algorithm from A. Ayriyan, G. Ososkov, N. Chernov |
CbmRichRingFitterRobustCOP.cxx | Here the ring is fitted with the RobustCOP algorithm from A. Ayriyan/ G. Ososkov |
CbmRichRingFitterRobustCOP.h | Here the ring is fitted with the RobustCOP algorithm from A. Ayriyan/G. Ososkov |
CbmRichRingFitterTAU.cxx | |
CbmRichRingFitterTAU.h | Here the ring is fitted with the TAU algorithm from A. Ayriyan/ G. Ososkov |
► mcbm | |
CbmRichMCbmAerogelAna.cxx | |
CbmRichMCbmAerogelAna.h | |
CbmRichMCbmDenoiseCnn.cxx | |
CbmRichMCbmDenoiseCnn.h | |
CbmRichMCbmDenoiseQa.cxx | |
CbmRichMCbmDenoiseQa.h | |
CbmRichMCbmHitProducer.cxx | |
CbmRichMCbmHitProducer.h | |
CbmRichMCbmQa.cxx | |
CbmRichMCbmQa.h | |
CbmRichMCbmQaReal.cxx | |
CbmRichMCbmQaReal.h | |
CbmRichMCbmQaRichOnly.cxx | |
CbmRichMCbmQaRichOnly.h | |
CbmRichMCbmSEDisplay.cxx | |
CbmRichMCbmSEDisplay.h | |
CbmRichMCbmToTShifter.cxx | |
CbmRichMCbmToTShifter.h | |
► qa | |
► legacy | |
CbmL1RichRingQa.cxx | |
CbmL1RichRingQa.h | |
CbmRichParallelQa.cxx | |
CbmRichParallelQa.h | |
► mirrors | |
CbmRichMirrorsLinkDef.h | |
CbmRichRonchiAna.cxx | |
CbmRichRonchiAna.h | |
CbmRichDigiQa.cxx | |
CbmRichDigiQa.h | |
CbmRichGeoOpt.cxx | |
CbmRichGeoOpt.h | Optimization of the RICH geometry |
CbmRichGeoTest.cxx | |
CbmRichGeoTest.h | RICH geometry checking and testing |
CbmRichGeoTestOpt.cxx | |
CbmRichGeoTestOpt.h | Creates comparison plots for RICH geometry testing |
CbmRichGeoTestStudyReport.cxx | |
CbmRichGeoTestStudyReport.h | Creates study report for RICH geometry testing |
CbmRichRecoQa.cxx | |
CbmRichRecoQa.h | |
CbmRichRecoTbQa.cxx | |
CbmRichRecoTbQa.h | |
CbmRichRingFitterQa.cxx | |
CbmRichRingFitterQa.h | Test ellipse and circle fitting on toy model |
CbmRichUrqmdTest.cxx | |
CbmRichUrqmdTest.h | |
► selection | |
CbmRichRingSelectAnn.cxx | |
CbmRichRingSelectAnn.h | Implementation for concrete RICH ring selection algorithm: reject rings using a trained neural net (input file with weights needed!) store resulting value (0-1) in "SelectionNN": 0 = good rings 1 = rings to be rejected --> choose a value in between depending on required purity/ efficiency |
CbmRichRingSelectImpl.h | |
► tracks | |
CbmRichProjectionProducerAnalytical.cxx | |
CbmRichProjectionProducerAnalytical.h | Project track by straight line from imaginary plane to the mirror and reflect it to the photodetector plane |
CbmRichProjectionProducerBase.h | Base class for STS track projections onto the photodetector plane |
CbmRichProjectionProducerTGeo.cxx | |
CbmRichProjectionProducerTGeo.h | Project track by straight line from imaginary plane to the mirror and reflect it to the photodetector plane |
CbmRichRingTrackAssignBase.h | Base class for RICH rings - STS tracks matching algorithms |
CbmRichRingTrackAssignClosestD.cxx | |
CbmRichRingTrackAssignClosestD.h | Ring-Track Assignment according to the closest distance criterion |
CbmRichRingTrackAssignIdeal.cxx | |
CbmRichRingTrackAssignIdeal.h | Ideal Ring-Track Assignment. CbmRichRingMatch must be run prior to this procedure |
CbmRichTrackExtrapolationBase.h | This is interface for concrete extrapolation algorithms to RICH |
CbmRichTrackExtrapolationIdeal.cxx | |
CbmRichTrackExtrapolationIdeal.h | This is the implementation of the TrackExtrapolation from MC points. It reads the STS track array, gets the corresponding MC RefPlanePoint and selects those to be projected to the Rich Photodetector |
CbmRichTrackExtrapolationKF.cxx | |
CbmRichTrackExtrapolationKF.h | "TrackExtrapolation" from STS tracks (Kalman Fitter) It reads the track array form STS and extrapolates those to be projected to the Rich Photodetector to some z-Plane in RICH |
CbmRichTrackExtrapolationLittrack.cxx | |
CbmRichTrackExtrapolationLittrack.h | "TrackExtrapolation" from STS tracks based on Littrack. It reads the track array form STS and extrapolates those to be projected to the Rich Photodetector to some z-Plane in RICH |
CbmRichTrackExtrapolationMirrorIdeal.cxx | |
CbmRichTrackExtrapolationMirrorIdeal.h | This is the implementation of the TrackExtrapolation from MC points - operating on points in the RICH mirror! It reads the STS track array, gets the corresponding MC MirrorPoint and selects those to be projected to the Rich Photodetector points will be stored on mirror surface again. WARNING!!!: ProjectionProducer needs to be run with zflag==2!!! |
► unpack | |
CbmRichUnpackAlgo.cxx | |
CbmRichUnpackAlgo.h | Baseclass for the TrdR unpacker algorithms |
CbmRichUnpackAlgo2022.cxx | |
CbmRichUnpackAlgo2022.h | |
CbmRichUnpackAlgoBase.cxx | |
CbmRichUnpackAlgoBase.h | |
CbmRichUnpackConfig.cxx | |
CbmRichUnpackConfig.h | Configuration class for an unpacker algorithm |
CbmRichUnpackMonitor.cxx | |
CbmRichUnpackMonitor.h | Monitoring historgrams class for Rich unpacker |
CbmRichConverter.cxx | |
CbmRichConverter.h | Convert internal data classes to cbmroot common data classes |
CbmRichHitProducer.cxx | |
CbmRichHitProducer.h | Class for producing RICH hits directly from MCPoints |
CbmRichMatchRings.cxx | |
CbmRichMatchRings.h | Task class for matching a reconstructed CbmRichRings with a simulated CbmMCTrack. The matching criterion is a maximal number of common hits/points. The task fills the data class CbmRichRingMatch for each CbmRichRing |
CbmRichRadiusCorrection.h | This class performs a correction of A and B parameters for ellipse fit or radius correction for circle fit |
CbmRichRecoLinkDef.h | |
CbmRichReconstruction.cxx | |
CbmRichReconstruction.h | Main class for running event reconstruction in the RICH detector |
CbmRichTrainAnnElectrons.cxx | |
CbmRichTrainAnnElectrons.h | Train ANN for electron identification in RICH |
CbmRichTrainAnnSelect.cxx | |
CbmRichTrainAnnSelect.h | Train ANN for fake rejection |
► sts | |
► qa | |
CbmStsFindTracksQa.cxx | |
CbmStsFindTracksQa.h | |
► unpack | |
CbmStsUnpackAlgo.cxx | |
CbmStsUnpackAlgo.h | Baseclass for the STS unpacker algorithms |
CbmStsUnpackAlgoBase.cxx | |
CbmStsUnpackAlgoBase.h | Baseclass for the Sts unpacker algorithms |
CbmStsUnpackAlgoLegacy.cxx | |
CbmStsUnpackAlgoLegacy.h | |
CbmStsUnpackConfig.cxx | |
CbmStsUnpackConfig.h | Configuration class for an unpacker algorithm |
CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx | |
CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h | |
CbmRecoSts.cxx | |
CbmRecoSts.h | |
CbmRecoStsLinkDef.h | |
CbmRecoStsPixel.cxx | |
CbmRecoStsPixel.h | |
CbmStsAlgoAnaCluster.cxx | |
CbmStsAlgoAnaCluster.h | |
CbmStsAlgoFindClusters.cxx | |
CbmStsAlgoFindClusters.h | |
CbmStsAlgoFindHits.cxx | |
CbmStsAlgoFindHits.h | |
CbmStsAlgoFindHitsOrtho.cxx | |
CbmStsAlgoFindHitsOrtho.h | |
CbmStsFindTracks.cxx | |
CbmStsFindTracks.h | |
CbmStsFindTracksEvents.cxx | |
CbmStsFindTracksEvents.h | |
CbmStsRecoModule.cxx | |
CbmStsRecoModule.h | |
CbmStsTrackFinderIdeal.cxx | |
CbmStsTrackFinderIdeal.h | |
► tof | |
► unpack | |
CbmTofUnpackAlgo.cxx | |
CbmTofUnpackAlgo.h | Baseclass for the TrdR unpacker algorithms |
CbmTofUnpackConfig.cxx | |
CbmTofUnpackConfig.h | Configuration class for an unpacker algorithm |
CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx | |
CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h | |
CbmTofBuildDigiEvents.cxx | |
CbmTofBuildDigiEvents.h | |
CbmTofCalibrator.cxx | |
CbmTofCalibrator.h | |
CbmTofClusterizersDef.h | |
CbmTofCosmicClusterizer.cxx | |
CbmTofCosmicClusterizer.h | |
CbmTofEventClusterizer.cxx | |
CbmTofEventClusterizer.h | |
CbmTofExtendTracks.cxx | |
CbmTofExtendTracks.h | |
CbmTofFindTracks.cxx | |
CbmTofFindTracks.h | |
CbmTofHitMaker.cxx | |
CbmTofHitMaker.h | |
CbmTofPtrTypes.h | |
CbmTofRecoLinkDef.h | |
CbmTofSimpClusterizer.cxx | |
CbmTofSimpClusterizer.h | |
CbmTofTBClusterizer.cxx | |
CbmTofTBClusterizer.h | |
CbmTofTestBeamClusterizer.cxx | |
CbmTofTestBeamClusterizer.h | |
CbmTofTrackFinderNN.cxx | |
CbmTofTrackFinderNN.h | |
CbmTofTrackletTools.cxx | |
CbmTofTrackletTools.h | |
CbmTofTypes.h | |
LKFMinuit.cxx | |
LKFMinuit.h | |
► trd | |
► pid | |
CbmTrdElectronsTrainAnn.cxx | |
CbmTrdElectronsTrainAnn.h | |
CbmTrdSetTracksPidANN.cxx | |
CbmTrdSetTracksPidANN.h | |
CbmTrdSetTracksPidLike.cxx | |
CbmTrdSetTracksPidLike.h | |
CbmTrdSetTracksPidModWkn.cxx | |
CbmTrdSetTracksPidModWkn.h | |
CbmTrdSetTracksPidWkn.cxx | |
CbmTrdSetTracksPidWkn.h | |
► qa | |
► data | |
CbmTrdHitMC.cxx | |
CbmTrdHitMC.h | |
CbmTrdCalibTracker.cxx | |
CbmTrdCalibTracker.h | |
CbmTrdClusterizerFastQa.cxx | |
CbmTrdClusterizerFastQa.h | |
CbmTrdHitDensityQa.cxx | |
CbmTrdHitDensityQa.h | |
CbmTrdHitProducerClusterQa.cxx | |
CbmTrdHitProducerClusterQa.h | |
CbmTrdHitProducerQa.cxx | |
CbmTrdHitProducerQa.h | |
CbmTrdOccupancyQa.cxx | |
CbmTrdOccupancyQa.h | |
CbmTrdQa.cxx | |
CbmTrdQa.h | |
CbmTrdRecoQa.cxx | |
CbmTrdRecoQa.h | |
CbmTrdTracksPidQa.cxx | |
CbmTrdTracksPidQa.h | |
► rawToDigiMethods | |
CbmTrdRawToDigiBaseR.cxx | |
CbmTrdRawToDigiBaseR.h | Base class for extracting of information from raw signals to digi level |
CbmTrdRawToDigiFitR.cxx | |
CbmTrdRawToDigiFitR.h | Class for extracting information from raw signals to digi level |
CbmTrdRawToDigiLookUpCorrR.cxx | |
CbmTrdRawToDigiLookUpCorrR.h | Class for extracting information from raw signals to digi level |
CbmTrdRawToDigiMaxAdcR.cxx | |
CbmTrdRawToDigiMaxAdcR.h | Class for extracting information from raw signals to digi level |
► unpack | |
CbmTrdUnpackAlgoBaseR.cxx | |
CbmTrdUnpackAlgoBaseR.h | Baseclass for the TrdR unpacker algorithms |
CbmTrdUnpackAlgoLegacy2020R.cxx | |
CbmTrdUnpackAlgoLegacy2020R.h | Unpacker algorithms for the TrdR 2020 data |
CbmTrdUnpackAlgoR.cxx | |
CbmTrdUnpackAlgoR.h | Unpacker algorithm for the TrdR 2021 data |
CbmTrdUnpackConfig.cxx | |
CbmTrdUnpackConfig.h | Configuration class for an unpacker algorithm |
CbmTrdUnpackFaspAlgo.cxx | |
CbmTrdUnpackFaspAlgo.h | Trd FASP unpacking algorithm |
CbmTrdUnpackFaspConfig.cxx | |
CbmTrdUnpackFaspConfig.h | Configuration class for an unpacker algorithm |
CbmTrdUnpackFaspMonitor.cxx | |
CbmTrdUnpackFaspMonitor.h | Monitor class for the unpacker algorithms (CbmTrdUnpackFasp) of FASP data |
CbmTrdUnpackMonitor.cxx | |
CbmTrdUnpackMonitor.h | Monitor class to monitor the data from the Trd unpacker algorithms |
CbmTrdClusterFinder.cxx | |
CbmTrdClusterFinder.h | FairTask to produce TrdCluster objects from TrdHit objects |
CbmTrdDigiRec.cxx | |
CbmTrdDigiRec.h | |
CbmTrdHitProducer.cxx | |
CbmTrdHitProducer.h | FairTask to produce TrdHit objects from TrdCluster objects |
CbmTrdModuleRec.cxx | |
CbmTrdModuleRec.h | |
CbmTrdModuleRec2D.cxx | |
CbmTrdModuleRec2D.h | |
CbmTrdModuleRecR.cxx | |
CbmTrdModuleRecR.h | |
CbmTrdRecoLinkDef.h | |
CbmTrdTrackFinderIdeal.cxx | |
CbmTrdTrackFinderIdeal.h | |
► eventbuilder | |
► digis | |
CbmAlgoBuildRawEvents.cxx | |
CbmAlgoBuildRawEvents.h | |
CbmBuildEventsIdeal.cxx | |
CbmBuildEventsIdeal.h | |
CbmBuildEventsIdealNew.cxx | |
CbmBuildEventsIdealNew.h | |
CbmBuildEventsQa.cxx | |
CbmBuildEventsQa.h | |
CbmBuildEventsSimple.cxx | |
CbmBuildEventsSimple.h | |
CbmEvBuildSource.cxx | |
CbmEvBuildSource.h | |
CbmSeedFinderQa.cxx | |
CbmSeedFinderQa.h | Class for sliding window seed finder |
CbmSeedFinderSlidingWindow.cxx | |
CbmSeedFinderSlidingWindow.h | Class for sliding window seed finder |
CbmTaskBuildRawEvents.cxx | |
CbmTaskBuildRawEvents.h | |
► tracks | |
CbmBuildEventsFromTracksIdeal.cxx | |
CbmBuildEventsFromTracksIdeal.h | |
CbmBuildEventsFromTracksReal.cxx | |
CbmBuildEventsFromTracksReal.h | |
CbmEbEventEfficiencies.h | |
CbmEbEventMatch.h | |
CbmEbMCEvent.h | |
CbmEventBuilderQa.cxx | |
CbmEventBuilderQa.h | |
CbmEventBuilderLinkDef.h | |
► global | |
CbmEcalTrackingMuch.cxx | |
CbmEcalTrackingMuch.h | |
CbmFindGlobalTracks.cxx | |
CbmFindGlobalTracks.h | |
CbmFindPrimaryVertex.cxx | |
CbmFindPrimaryVertex.h | |
CbmFindPrimaryVertexEvents.cxx | |
CbmFindPrimaryVertexEvents.h | |
CbmFitGlobalTracks.cxx | |
CbmFitGlobalTracks.h | |
CbmFitGlobalTracksQa.cxx | |
CbmFitGlobalTracksQa.h | |
CbmGlobalLinkDef.h | |
CbmGlobalTrackFitterIdeal.cxx | |
CbmGlobalTrackFitterIdeal.h | |
CbmPVFinderIdeal.cxx | |
CbmPVFinderIdeal.h | |
CbmRecoT0.cxx | |
CbmRecoT0.h | |
CbmTrackMergerIdeal.cxx | |
CbmTrackMergerIdeal.h | |
► KF | |
► Interface | |
CbmKFStsHit.cxx | |
CbmKFStsHit.h | |
CbmKFTrack.cxx | |
CbmKFTrack.h | |
CbmKFVertex.cxx | |
CbmKFVertex.h | |
CbmPVFinderKF.cxx | |
CbmPVFinderKF.h | |
CbmPVFinderKFGlobal.cxx | |
CbmPVFinderKFGlobal.h | Primary vertex finder from the global tracks (implementation) |
CbmStsKFTrackFitter.cxx | |
CbmStsKFTrackFitter.h | |
► KFQA | |
CbmKFPartEfficiencies.h | |
CbmKFTrackFitQa.cxx | |
CbmKFTrackFitQa.h | |
CbmKFTrackQa.cxx | |
CbmKFTrackQa.h | |
CbmKFTrErrMCPoints.cxx | |
CbmKFTrErrMCPoints.h | |
KFParticleMatch.cxx | |
KFParticleMatch.h | |
► ParticleFitter | |
CbmL1PFFitter.cxx | |
CbmL1PFFitter.h | |
CbmKF.cxx | |
CbmKF.h | |
CbmKFFieldMath.cxx | |
CbmKFFieldMath.h | |
CbmKFHit.cxx | |
CbmKFHit.h | |
CbmKFMaterial.cxx | |
CbmKFMaterial.h | |
CbmKFMath.cxx | |
CbmKFMath.h | |
CbmKFParticleFinder.cxx | |
CbmKFParticleFinder.h | |
CbmKFParticleFinderPID.cxx | |
CbmKFParticleFinderPID.h | |
CbmKFParticleFinderQa.cxx | |
CbmKFParticleFinderQa.h | |
CbmKFParticleInterface.cxx | |
CbmKFParticleInterface.h | |
CbmKFPixelMeasurement.cxx | |
CbmKFPixelMeasurement.h | |
CbmKFPrimaryVertexFinder.cxx | |
CbmKFPrimaryVertexFinder.h | |
CbmKFTrackInterface.cxx | |
CbmKFTrackInterface.h | |
CbmKFV0FinderQa.cxx | A simple QA for the V0 finder class (runs together with the finder task) (implementation) |
CbmKFV0FinderQa.h | A simple QA for the V0 finder class (runs together with the finder task) |
CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx | A FairTask for V0 candidates finding in mCBM (implementation) |
CbmKFV0FinderTask.h | |
CbmKFVertexInterface.cxx | |
CbmKFVertexInterface.h | |
KFLinkDef.h | |
KFParticleInterfaceLinkDef.h | |
KFQALinkDef.h | |
► kfnew | |
► tools | |
KfMaterialMapFactory.cxx | Utility to generate material budget map from the TGeoNavigator representation of the Setup (implementation) |
KfMaterialMapFactory.h | Utility to generate material budget map from the TGeoNavigator representation of the Setup (implementation) |
KfRootUtils.cxx | Different ROOT utility functions for the KF-framework (header) |
KfRootUtils.h | Different ROOT utility functions for the KF-framework (header) |
CbmKfFitTracksTask.cxx | Task class for refitting global or sts tracks |
CbmKfFitTracksTask.h | Task class for refitting global or sts tracks |
CbmKfOriginalField.h | Thread-safe representation of the magnetic field (header) |
CbmKfTarget.cxx | |
CbmKfTarget.h | Target property initialization and access in CBM (source) |
CbmKfTrackFitter.cxx | |
CbmKfTrackFitter.h | |
CbmKfTrackingSetupBuilder.cxx | Tracking setup initializer in CBM (source) |
CbmKfTrackingSetupBuilder.h | |
CbmKfUtil.cxx | |
CbmKfUtil.h | |
► L1 | |
► catools | |
CaToolsDebugger.cxx | |
CaToolsDebugger.h | Tracking Debugger class (implementation) |
CaToolsDef.h | Definitions for ca::tools namespace |
CaToolsField.h | Tracking Field class (header) |
CaToolsHitRecord.cxx | |
CaToolsHitRecord.h | |
CaToolsLinkKey.h | Data structure to represent a MC link in CA tracking MC module |
CaToolsMCData.cxx | Data structure for internal tracking MC-information (implementation) |
CaToolsMCData.h | Data structure for internal tracking MC-information (header) |
CaToolsMCPoint.cxx | Internal class describing a MC point for CA tracking QA and performance (implementation) |
CaToolsMCPoint.h | Internal class describing a MC point for CA tracking QA and performance (header) |
CaToolsMCTrack.cxx | |
CaToolsMCTrack.h | Class represents a MC track for CA tracking QA and performance (header) |
CaToolsWFExpression.cxx | |
CaToolsWFExpression.h | |
CaToolsWindowFinder.cxx | Framework for CA tracking hit-finder window estimation from MC (implementation) |
CaToolsWindowFinder.h | Framework for CA tracking hit-finder window estimation from MC (header) |
► L1Algo | |
► utils | |
CaAlgoRandom.cxx | Random generator utility class for CA tracking (implementation) |
CaAlgoRandom.h | Random generator utility class for CA tracking |
CaUvConverter.cxx | |
CaUvConverter.h | |
L1AlgoFunctions.h | |
L1CADebug.h | |
► OffLineInterface | |
CbmGenerateMaterialMaps.cxx | |
CbmGenerateMaterialMaps.h | A FAIR-task to generate material maps (header) |
CbmGlobalFindTracksEvents.cxx | |
CbmGlobalFindTracksEvents.h | |
CbmL1GlobalFindTracksEvents.cxx | |
CbmL1GlobalFindTracksEvents.h | |
CbmL1GlobalTrackFinder.cxx | |
CbmL1GlobalTrackFinder.h | |
CbmL1StsTrackFinder.cxx | |
CbmL1StsTrackFinder.h | |
► qa | |
CbmCaHitQaData.cxx | A helper class to store hit and MC-point parameter and calculate related quantities (implementation) |
CbmCaHitQaData.h | A helper class to store hit and MC-point parameter and calculate related quantities (header) |
CbmCaInputQaBase.cxx | Class providing basic functionality for CA input QA-tasks (implementation) |
CbmCaInputQaBase.h | Class providing basic functionality for CA input QA-tasks |
CbmCaInputQaMuch.cxx | QA-task for CA tracking input from MuCh detector (implementation) |
CbmCaInputQaMuch.h | QA-task for CA tracking input from MuCh detector (header) |
CbmCaInputQaMvd.cxx | QA-task for CA tracking input from MVD (implementation) |
CbmCaInputQaMvd.h | QA-task for CA tracking input from MVD (header) |
CbmCaInputQaSetup.cxx | QA task for tracking detector interfaces (implementation) |
CbmCaInputQaSetup.h | QA task for tracking detector interfaces |
CbmCaInputQaSts.cxx | QA-task for CA tracking input from MuCh detector (implementation) |
CbmCaInputQaSts.h | QA-task for CA tracking input from MuCh detector (header) |
CbmCaInputQaTof.cxx | QA-task for CA tracking input from TOF detector (implementation) |
CbmCaInputQaTof.h | QA-task for CA tracking input from TOF detector (header) |
CbmCaInputQaTrd.cxx | QA-task for CA tracking input from TRD detector (implementation) |
CbmCaInputQaTrd.h | QA-task for CA tracking input from TRD detector (header) |
CbmCaOutputQa.cxx | Tracking output QA-task (implementation) |
CbmCaOutputQa.h | Tracking output QA-task (header) |
CbmCaTrackFitQa.cxx | QA submodule for track fit results (residuals and puls) at selected z-coordinate (implementation) |
CbmCaTrackFitQa.h | QA submodule for track fit results (residuals and puls) at selected z-coordinate (header) |
CbmCaTrackTypeQa.cxx | |
CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h | QA submodule for different track types (header) |
CbmTofInteraction.cxx | |
CbmTofInteraction.h | Representation of MC track interaction with a TOF module |
► utils | |
CbmCaIdealHitProducer.cxx | |
CbmCaIdealHitProducer.h | Base class for the ideal hit producer task (implementation) |
CbmCaIdealHitProducerDet.cxx | |
CbmCaIdealHitProducerDet.h | |
CbmCaMCModule.cxx | CA Tracking performance interface for CBM (implementation) |
CbmCaMCModule.h | CA Tracking performance interface for CBM (header) |
CbmCaParametersHandler.cxx | Handles an instance of the CA-parameters as a shared pointer (implementation) |
CbmCaParametersHandler.h | Handles an instance of the CA-parameters as a shared pointer (header) |
CbmCaTimeSliceReader.cxx | Time-slice/event reader for CA tracker in CBM (implementation) |
CbmCaTimeSliceReader.h | Time-slice/event reader for CA tracker in CBM (header) |
CbmL1.cxx | |
CbmL1.h | |
CbmL1Constants.h | |
CbmL1Counters.h | |
CbmL1DetectorID.h | Implementation of L1DetectorID enum class for CBM |
CbmL1Hit.h | |
CbmL1MCPoint.h | |
CbmL1MCTrack.cxx | |
CbmL1MCTrack.h | |
CbmL1Performance.cxx | |
CbmL1Track.cxx | Ca Tracking track representation in CBM (implementation) |
CbmL1Track.h | |
CbmL1Vtx.h | |
CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit.cxx | |
CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit.h | |
L1LinkDef.h | |
PerformanceConstants.h | |
► littrack | |
► cbm | |
► base | |
CbmLitDetectorSetup.cxx | |
CbmLitDetectorSetup.h | Helper class to access detector presence |
CbmLitFieldFitter.cxx | |
CbmLitFieldFitter.h | Implementation of the polynomial field approximation |
CbmLitFieldGridCreator.cxx | |
CbmLitFieldGridCreator.h | Class creates grid with magnetic field values at a certain Z position |
CbmLitMapField.h | |
CbmLitToolFactory.cxx | |
CbmLitToolFactory.h | Tool factory for creation of littrack algorithms |
CbmLitTrackingGeometryConstructor.cxx | |
CbmLitTrackingGeometryConstructor.h | Tracking geometry constructor |
► elid | |
CbmLitGlobalElectronId.cxx | |
CbmLitGlobalElectronId.h | |
► generators | |
CbmLitPolarizedGenerator.cxx | |
CbmLitPolarizedGenerator.h | |
► qa | |
► base | |
CbmLitAcceptanceFunction.h | Global function to define the track acceptance. Used in QA |
CbmLitResultChecker.cxx | |
CbmLitResultChecker.h | Automatic checker of QA results |
► clustering | |
CbmLitClusteringQa.cxx | FairTask for clustering performance calculation |
CbmLitClusteringQa.h | FairTask for clustering performance calculation |
CbmLitClusteringQaReport.cxx | |
CbmLitClusteringQaReport.h | Simulation report for clustering QA |
CbmLitClusteringQaStudyReport.cxx | |
CbmLitClusteringQaStudyReport.h | Study summary report for clustering QA |
► field | |
CbmLitFieldQa.cxx | |
CbmLitFieldQa.h | Field map QA |
CbmLitFieldQaReport.cxx | |
CbmLitFieldQaReport.h | Creates field QA report |
► fieldapr | |
CbmLitFieldApproximationQa.cxx | |
CbmLitFieldApproximationQa.h | Field map approximation QA |
CbmLitFieldApproximationQaReport.cxx | |
CbmLitFieldApproximationQaReport.h | Creates field QA report |
► fit | |
CbmLitFitQa.cxx | |
CbmLitFitQa.h | Track fit QA for track reconstruction |
CbmLitFitQaReport.cxx | |
CbmLitFitQaReport.h | Create report for fit QA |
CbmLitFitQaStudyReport.cxx | |
CbmLitFitQaStudyReport.h | Creates study report for fit QA |
► material | |
CbmLitCheckBrem.cxx | |
CbmLitCheckBrem.h | |
CbmLitCheckEnergyLossMuons.cxx | |
CbmLitCheckEnergyLossMuons.h | |
► mc | |
CbmLitMCPoint.h | Monte-Carlo point |
CbmLitMCTrack.cxx | |
CbmLitMCTrack.h | Monte-Carlo track |
CbmLitMCTrackCreator.cxx | |
CbmLitMCTrackCreator.h | Creates CbmLitMCTrack objects |
► radlength | |
CbmLitRadLengthGenerator.cxx | |
CbmLitRadLengthGenerator.h | |
CbmLitRadLengthQa.cxx | |
CbmLitRadLengthQa.h | FairTask for estimation of radiation length in the detector |
CbmLitRadLengthQaReport.cxx | |
CbmLitRadLengthQaReport.h | Create report for radiation length QA |
► tof | |
CbmLitTofQa.cxx | |
CbmLitTofQa.h | Task for TOF QA |
CbmLitTofQaReport.cxx | |
CbmLitTofQaReport.h | Create report for TOF QA |
► tracking | |
CbmLitTrackingQa.cxx | |
CbmLitTrackingQa.h | FairTask for tracking performance calculation |
CbmLitTrackingQaReport.cxx | |
CbmLitTrackingQaReport.h | Create report for tracking QA |
CbmLitTrackingQaStudyReport.cxx | |
CbmLitTrackingQaStudyReport.h | Creates study report for tracking QA |
CbmLitCreateStandaloneData.cxx | |
CbmLitCreateStandaloneData.h | |
CbmLitTestMatrixMath.cxx | |
CbmLitTestMatrixMath.h | |
► reco | |
CbmLitFindGlobalTracks.cxx | |
CbmLitFindGlobalTracks.h | CBM task for global track reconstruction |
CbmLitFindGlobalTracksIdeal.cxx | |
CbmLitFindGlobalTracksIdeal.h | FairTask for ideal global track reconstruction |
CbmLitFindGlobalTracksParallel.cxx | |
CbmLitFindGlobalTracksParallel.h | CBM task for parallel global track reconstruction |
CbmLitFindMvdTracks.cxx | MVD tracking based on littrack package |
CbmLitFindMvdTracks.h | MVD tracking based on littrack package |
CbmLitFitTracks.cxx | |
CbmLitFitTracks.h | Task for testing of standard track fit algorithms |
CbmLitFitTracksParallel.cxx | |
CbmLitFitTracksParallel.h | Task to fit TRD and MUCH tracks using parallel track fit algorithms |
► utils | |
CbmLitConverter.h | |
CbmLitConverterFairTrackParam.h | |
CbmLitConverterParallel.cxx | |
CbmLitConverterParallel.h | Class for conversion between CBMROOT data classes and littrack parallel data classes |
► clustering | |
CbmClusteringA1.cxx | |
CbmClusteringA1.h | |
CbmClusteringGeometry.cxx | |
CbmClusteringGeometry.h | |
CbmClusteringLinkDef.h | |
CbmClusteringSL.cxx | |
CbmClusteringSL.h | |
CbmClusteringWard.cxx | |
CbmClusteringWard.h | |
CbmMuchClustering.cxx | |
CbmMuchClustering.h | |
CbmMuchTest.cxx | |
CbmMuchTest.h | |
► cuda | |
CudaTest.h | |
LitCudaConverter.h | |
LitCudaDetectorGeometry.h | |
LitCudaHit.h | |
LitCudaMaterialInfo.h | |
LitCudaTest.cxx | |
LitCudaTest.h | |
LitCudaTrack.h | |
LitCudaTrackParam.h | |
LitCudaTypes.h | |
► parallel | |
► electron | |
LitTrackFinderNNVecElectron.cxx | |
LitTrackFinderNNVecElectron.h | Parallel SIMDized implementation of TRD tracking |
► muon | |
LitAbsorber.h | Absorber in muon detector layout |
LitDetectorLayoutMuon.h | Classes for muon geometry description of CBM |
LitHitDataMuon.h | Class for accessing hits in the track reconstruction |
LitStationGroupMuon.h | |
LitStationMuon.h | |
LitSubstationMuon.h | |
LitTrackFinderNNVecMuon.cxx | |
LitTrackFinderNNVecMuon.h | Parallel implementation of MUCH tracking |
LitTrackFitterMuon.h | |
LitAddMaterial.h | Functions for calculation of the material effects |
LitDetectorLayout.h | Detector layout class |
LitEnums.h | Enumerations used in the parallel track reconstruction |
LitExtrapolation.h | Functions for track parameters extrapolation |
LitFieldGrid.h | Class stores a grid of magnetic field values in XY slice at Z position |
LitFieldRegion.h | |
LitFieldSlice.h | Approximated magnetic field slice in XY plane perpendicular to Z |
LitFieldValue.h | Magnetic field value at a certain point in the space |
LitFiltration.h | |
LitHitData.h | Class for accessing hits in track reconstruction |
LitMaterialGrid.h | Class stores a grid of material thickness in silicon equivalent |
LitMath.h | Useful math functions |
LitPixelHit.h | Base class for pixel hits |
LitScalPixelHit.h | Base class for scalar pixel hits |
LitScalStripHit.h | Base class for scalar strip hits |
LitScalTrack.h | Scalar track data class |
LitStation.h | |
LitStripHit.h | Base class for strip hits |
LitTrack.h | Track data class |
LitTrackFinderNN.cxx | |
LitTrackFinderNN.h | Parallel implementation of the nearest neighbor tracking algorithm |
LitTrackFitter.h | Kalman filter based track fit |
LitTrackParam.h | Track parameters data class |
LitTrackSelection.h | Implementation of the track selection algorithms |
LitTypes.h | Header files for SSE operations |
LitUtils.h | Useful classes and functions |
LitVecPack.h | Functions to pack and unpack vector data classes |
LitVirtualStation.h | |
► std | |
► base | |
CbmLitDefaultSettings.h | |
CbmLitEnums.h | Define enumerations used in littrack |
CbmLitFloat.h | Define floating point number type litfloat |
CbmLitHitData.cxx | |
CbmLitHitData.h | Class for accessing the hits in the track reconstruction |
CbmLitPtrTypes.h | Typedefs for algorithm interfaces |
CbmLitTypes.h | Typedefs for data structures used in littrack |
► data | |
CbmLitFitNode.h | Data class for storage of fitted track parameters, transport matrix and chi-square on each detector station |
CbmLitHit.h | Base data class for hits |
CbmLitPixelHit.h | Base data class for pixel hits |
CbmLitStripHit.h | Base data class for strip hits |
CbmLitTofTrack.h | |
CbmLitTrack.h | Base data class for track |
CbmLitTrackParam.h | Data class for track parameters |
► finder | |
CbmLitAllHitsTofMerger.cxx | |
CbmLitAllHitsTofMerger.h | Hit-to-track merging in TOF detector attaching all hits in the validation region |
CbmLitNearestHitTofMerger.cxx | |
CbmLitNearestHitTofMerger.h | Hit-to-track merging in TOF detector using nearest hit approach |
CbmLitTrackFinderBranch.cxx | |
CbmLitTrackFinderBranch.h | Track reconstruction using branching method |
CbmLitTrackFinderNN.cxx | |
CbmLitTrackFinderNN.h | Implementation of nearest neighbor tracking algorithm |
► fitter | |
CbmLitKalmanFilter.cxx | |
CbmLitKalmanFilter.h | |
CbmLitKalmanSmoother.cxx | |
CbmLitKalmanSmoother.h | Implementation of Kalman smoother algorithm |
CbmLitTrackFitterImp.cxx | |
CbmLitTrackFitterImp.h | Implementation of Kalman Filter track fit |
CbmLitTrackFitterIter.cxx | |
CbmLitTrackFitterIter.h | |
► interface | |
CbmLitField.h | Interface for accessing the magnetic field |
CbmLitGeoNavigator.h | Interface for geometry navigation algorithm |
CbmLitHitToTrackMerger.h | Interface for hit-to-track merging algorithm |
CbmLitMaterialEffects.h | Interface for material effects calculation algorithm |
CbmLitTrackExtrapolator.h | Interface for track extrapolation algorithm |
CbmLitTrackFinder.h | |
CbmLitTrackFitter.h | Interface for track fitter algorithm |
CbmLitTrackPropagator.h | |
CbmLitTrackSelection.h | Interface for track selection algorithm |
CbmLitTrackUpdate.h | Interface for track update algorithm |
► propagation | |
CbmLitCleverTrackExtrapolator.cxx | |
CbmLitCleverTrackExtrapolator.h | "Clever" track extrapolation |
CbmLitLineTrackExtrapolator.cxx | |
CbmLitLineTrackExtrapolator.h | |
CbmLitMaterialEffectsImp.cxx | |
CbmLitMaterialEffectsImp.h | Calculation of multiple scattering and energy loss |
CbmLitMaterialInfo.h | |
CbmLitRK4TrackExtrapolator.cxx | |
CbmLitRK4TrackExtrapolator.h | |
CbmLitTGeoNavigator.cxx | |
CbmLitTGeoNavigator.h | |
CbmLitTGeoTrackPropagator.cxx | |
CbmLitTGeoTrackPropagator.h | |
► selection | |
CbmLitQualitySort.cxx | |
CbmLitQualitySort.h | |
CbmLitTrackSelectionCuts.cxx | |
CbmLitTrackSelectionCuts.h | |
CbmLitTrackSelectionEmpty.cxx | |
CbmLitTrackSelectionEmpty.h | |
CbmLitTrackSelectionMuch.cxx | |
CbmLitTrackSelectionMuch.h | Track selection for MUCH |
CbmLitTrackSelectionSharedHits.cxx | |
CbmLitTrackSelectionSharedHits.h | |
CbmLitTrackSelectionTrd.cxx | |
CbmLitTrackSelectionTrd.h | Track selection for TRD |
► utils | |
CbmLitComparators.h | |
CbmLitMath.cxx | |
CbmLitMath.h | |
CbmLitMatrixMath.cxx | |
CbmLitMatrixMath.h | |
CbmLitMemoryManagment.h | |
LittrackLinkDef.h | |
LittrackQALinkDef.h | |
► mq | |
CbmDevBuildEvents.cxx | |
CbmDevBuildEvents.h | |
CbmDevEventSink.cxx | |
CbmDevEventSink.h | |
CbmDevTrigger.cxx | |
CbmDevTrigger.h | |
CbmDevUnpack.cxx | |
CbmDevUnpack.h | |
runBuildEvents.cxx | |
runEventSink.cxx | |
runTrigger.cxx | |
runUnpack.cxx | |
► offline | |
► app | |
Application.cxx | |
Application.h | |
main.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.h | |
► steer | |
Config.cxx | |
Config.h | |
RootLinkDef.h | |
Run.cxx | |
Run.h | |
TaskFactory.cxx | |
TaskFactory.h | |
► qa | |
CbmRecoQa.cxx | |
CbmRecoQa.h | |
CbmRecoQaTask.cxx | |
CbmRecoQaTask.h | |
CbmTrackingTrdQa.cxx | |
CbmTrackingTrdQa.h | |
RecoQaLinkDef.h | |
► steer | |
CbmOnlineParWrite.cxx | |
CbmOnlineParWrite.h | This file contains the declaration of the CbmOnlineParWrite class |
CbmRecoSteerLinkDef.h | |
CbmRecoUnpack.cxx | |
CbmRecoUnpack.h | |
CbmSinkDummy.h | |
CbmSourceDigiEvents.cxx | |
CbmSourceDigiEvents.h | |
CbmSourceDigiTimeslice.cxx | |
CbmSourceDigiTimeslice.h | |
CbmSourceDummy.h | Dummy input source |
CbmSourceTsArchive.cxx | |
CbmSourceTsArchive.h | |
► tasks | |
CbmReco.cxx | |
CbmReco.h | |
CbmRecoTasksLinkDef.h | |
CbmSourceTs.cxx | |
CbmSourceTs.h | |
CbmTaskBuildEvents.cxx | |
CbmTaskBuildEvents.h | |
CbmTaskDigiEventQa.cxx | |
CbmTaskDigiEventQa.h | |
CbmTaskEventsCloneInToOut.cxx | |
CbmTaskEventsCloneInToOut.h | |
CbmTaskInspectDigiEvents.cxx | |
CbmTaskInspectDigiEvents.h | |
CbmTaskInspectDigiTimeslice.cxx | |
CbmTaskInspectDigiTimeslice.h | |
CbmTaskMakeRecoEvents.cxx | |
CbmTaskMakeRecoEvents.h | |
CbmTaskStsHitFinderParWrite.cxx | |
CbmTaskStsHitFinderParWrite.h | |
CbmTaskTofClusterizer.cxx | |
CbmTaskTofClusterizer.h | |
CbmTaskTofClusterizerParWrite.cxx | |
CbmTaskTofClusterizerParWrite.h | |
CbmTaskTofHitFinder.cxx | |
CbmTaskTofHitFinder.h | |
CbmTaskTrdHitFinder.cxx | |
CbmTaskTrdHitFinder.h | |
CbmTaskTrdHitFinderParWrite.cxx | |
CbmTaskTrdHitFinderParWrite.h | |
CbmTaskTrdUnpackParWrite.cxx | |
CbmTaskTrdUnpackParWrite.h | |
CbmTaskTriggerDigi.cxx | |
CbmTaskTriggerDigi.h | |
CbmTaskUnpack.cxx | |
CbmTaskUnpack.h | |
▼ services | |
► archive_explorer | |
► app | |
Application.cxx | |
Application.h | |
Histograms.cxx | |
Histograms.h | |
main.cxx | |
Options.cxx | |
Options.h | |
► lib | |
HistogramCollection.cxx | |
HistogramCollection.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
Server.cxx | |
Server.h | |
► histserv | |
► app | |
Application.cxx | |
Application.h | |
main.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.h | |
► lib | |
CbmServicesHistServLinkDef.h | |
ui_callbacks.h | |
► tester | |
Application.cxx | |
Application.h | |
main.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.h | |
► online_par_dump | |
Application.cxx | |
Application.h | |
main.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.h | |
► run_info | |
► app | |
Application.cxx | The application class for the run_info service (implementation) |
Application.h | The application class for the run_info service |
main.cxx | Main function of the run_info service |
► tsa_dump | |
Application.cxx | |
Application.h | |
main.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.h | |
▼ sim | |
► detectors | |
► bmon | |
CbmBmon.cxx | |
CbmBmon.h | |
CbmBmonDigitize.cxx | |
CbmBmonDigitize.h | |
CbmBmonSimLinkDef.h | |
CbmGeoBmon.cxx | |
CbmGeoBmon.h | |
► fsd | |
CbmFsdDigitize.cxx | |
CbmFsdDigitize.h | |
CbmFsdMC.cxx | |
CbmFsdMC.h | |
CbmFsdSimLinkDef.h | |
► much | |
► qa | |
CbmMuchDigitizerQa.cxx | Implementation of the CbmMuchDigitizerQa class |
CbmMuchDigitizerQa.h | |
CbmMuchTransportQa.cxx | Implementation of the CbmMuchTransportQa class |
CbmMuchTransportQa.h | Definition of the CbmMuchTransportQa class |
CbmGeoMuch.cxx | |
CbmGeoMuch.h | |
CbmMuch.cxx | |
CbmMuch.h | |
CbmMuchDigitizeGem.cxx | |
CbmMuchDigitizeGem.h | |
CbmMuchReadoutBuffer.cxx | |
CbmMuchReadoutBuffer.h | |
CbmMuchSignal.cxx | |
CbmMuchSignal.h | |
CbmMuchSimLinkDef.h | |
► mvd | |
► plugins | |
► tasks | |
CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask.h | |
CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTBTask.cxx | |
CbmMvdSensorDigitizerTBTask.h | |
CbmMvd.cxx | |
CbmMvd.h | |
CbmMvdDigitizer.cxx | |
CbmMvdDigitizer.h | |
CbmMvdDigitizerTB.cxx | |
CbmMvdDigitizerTB.h | |
CbmMvdPixelCharge.cxx | |
CbmMvdPixelCharge.h | |
CbmMvdSimLinkDef.h | |
► psd | |
CbmPsdIdealDigitizer.cxx | |
CbmPsdIdealDigitizer.h | |
CbmPsdMC.cxx | |
CbmPsdMC.h | |
CbmPsdSimLinkDef.h | |
CbmPsdSimpleDigitizer.cxx | |
CbmPsdSimpleDigitizer.h | |
► rich | |
► geo | |
RichGeoCreator.cxx | |
RichGeoCreator.h | |
RichGeoMaterials.h | |
CbmRich.cxx | |
CbmRich.h | Defines the active detector RICH. Constructs the geometry and creates MCPoints |
CbmRichDigitizer.cxx | |
CbmRichDigitizer.h | Class for producing RICH digis from from MCPoints |
CbmRichSimLinkDef.h | |
► sts | |
► qa | |
CbmStsDigitizeQa.cxx | |
CbmStsDigitizeQa.h | |
CbmStsDigitizeQaReport.cxx | |
CbmStsDigitizeQaReport.h | |
CbmStsDigitize.cxx | |
CbmStsDigitize.h | |
CbmStsDigitizePixel.cxx | |
CbmStsDigitizePixel.h | |
CbmStsMC.cxx | |
CbmStsMC.h | |
CbmStsSensorPoint.cxx | |
CbmStsSensorPoint.h | |
CbmStsSignal.cxx | |
CbmStsSignal.h | |
CbmStsSimLinkDef.h | |
CbmStsSimModule.cxx | |
CbmStsSimModule.h | |
CbmStsSimSensor.cxx | |
CbmStsSimSensor.h | |
CbmStsSimSensorDssd.cxx | |
CbmStsSimSensorDssd.h | |
CbmStsSimSensorDssdOrtho.cxx | |
CbmStsSimSensorDssdOrtho.h | |
CbmStsSimSensorDssdStereo.cxx | |
CbmStsSimSensorDssdStereo.h | |
CbmStsSimSensorFactory.cxx | |
CbmStsSimSensorFactory.h | |
CbmStsTrackStatus.h | |
► tof | |
CbmTof.cxx | |
CbmTof.h | |
CbmTofDigitize.cxx | |
CbmTofDigitize.h | |
CbmTofMergeMcPoints.cxx | |
CbmTofMergeMcPoints.h | FairTask for merging TOF MC Points into more realistic TOF MC points |
CbmTofSimLinkDef.h | |
► trd | |
► qa | |
CbmTrdDigitizerPRFQa.cxx | |
CbmTrdDigitizerPRFQa.h | |
CbmTrdHitRateFastQa.cxx | |
CbmTrdHitRateFastQa.h | |
CbmTrdHitRateQa.cxx | |
CbmTrdHitRateQa.h | |
CbmTrdMCQa.cxx | |
CbmTrdMCQa.h | |
CbmTrd.cxx | |
CbmTrd.h | Defines the active detector TRD. Constructs the geometry and registers MCPoints |
CbmTrdCheckUtil.cxx | |
CbmTrdCheckUtil.h | |
CbmTrdDigitizer.cxx | |
CbmTrdDigitizer.h | TRD digitizer. Updated 24/04/2013 by Andrey Lebedev andre.nosp@m.y.le.nosp@m.bedev.nosp@m.@gsi.nosp@m..de Updated 4/06/2018 by Alex Bercuci aberc.nosp@m.uci@.nosp@m.niham.nosp@m..nip.nosp@m.ne.ro |
CbmTrdModuleSim.cxx | |
CbmTrdModuleSim.h | |
CbmTrdModuleSim2D.cxx | |
CbmTrdModuleSim2D.h | |
CbmTrdModuleSimR.cxx | |
CbmTrdModuleSimR.h | |
CbmTrdRawToDigiR.cxx | |
CbmTrdRawToDigiR.h | |
CbmTrdSimLinkDef.h | |
CbmTrdTrianglePRF.cxx | |
CbmTrdTrianglePRF.h | |
► passive | |
CbmCave.cxx | |
CbmCave.h | |
CbmGeoCave.cxx | |
CbmGeoCave.h | |
CbmGeoPassivePar.cxx | |
CbmGeoPassivePar.h | |
CbmGeoPlatform.cxx | |
CbmGeoPlatform.h | |
CbmMagnet.cxx | |
CbmMagnet.h | |
CbmPassiveContFact.cxx | |
CbmPassiveContFact.h | |
CbmPassiveLinkDef.h | |
CbmPipe.cxx | |
CbmPipe.h | |
CbmPlatform.cxx | |
CbmPlatform.h | |
► response | |
► app | |
Application.cxx | |
Application.h | |
main.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.cxx | |
ProgramOptions.h | |
► base | |
CbmDigitization.cxx | |
CbmDigitization.h | |
CbmDigitizationConfig.cxx | |
CbmDigitizationConfig.h | |
CbmDigitizationSource.cxx | |
CbmDigitizationSource.h | |
CbmDigitizeInfo.cxx | |
CbmDigitizeInfo.h | |
CbmMCInput.cxx | |
CbmMCInput.h | |
CbmMCInputSet.cxx | |
CbmMCInputSet.h | |
CbmRunAna.cxx | |
CbmRunAna.h | |
Defs.h | |
► steer | |
Config.cxx | |
Config.h | |
RootLinkDef.h | |
Run.cxx | |
Run.h | |
CbmSimResponseLinkDef.h | |
► transport | |
► base | |
CbmBeam.cxx | |
CbmBeam.h | |
CbmBeamProfile.cxx | |
CbmBeamProfile.h | |
CbmEventGenerator.cxx | |
CbmEventGenerator.h | |
CbmMCEventFilter.cxx | |
CbmMCEventFilter.h | |
CbmSimBaseLinkDef.h | |
CbmStack.cxx | |
CbmStack.h | |
CbmStackFilter.cxx | |
CbmStackFilter.h | |
CbmTarget.cxx | |
CbmTarget.h | |
► generators | |
► pluto | |
PDataBase.cxx | |
PDataBase.h | |
Pdefines.h | |
PMesh.cxx | |
PMesh.h | |
PParticle.cxx | |
PParticle.h | |
PStaticData.cxx | |
PStaticData.h | |
PStdData.cxx | |
PStdData.h | |
PValues.cxx | |
PValues.h | |
► unigen | |
UEvent.cxx | |
UEvent.h | |
UParticle.cxx | |
UParticle.h | |
URun.cxx | |
URun.h | |
CbmBeamGenerator.cxx | |
CbmBeamGenerator.h | |
CbmPhsdGenerator.cxx | |
CbmPhsdGenerator.h | |
CbmPlutoGenerator.cxx | |
CbmPlutoGenerator.h | |
CbmShieldGenerator.cxx | |
CbmShieldGenerator.h | |
CbmSimGeneratorsLinkDef.h | |
CbmUnigenGenerator.cxx | |
CbmUnigenGenerator.h | |
► geosetup | |
CbmGeoSetup.cxx | |
CbmGeoSetup.h | |
CbmGeoSetupDbProvider.cxx | |
CbmGeoSetupDbProvider.h | |
CbmGeoSetupField.cxx | |
CbmGeoSetupField.h | |
CbmGeoSetupLinkDef.h | |
CbmGeoSetupMedia.cxx | |
CbmGeoSetupMedia.h | |
CbmGeoSetupModule.cxx | |
CbmGeoSetupModule.h | |
CbmGeoSetupProvider.cxx | |
CbmGeoSetupProvider.h | |
CbmGeoSetupRepoProvider.cxx | |
CbmGeoSetupRepoProvider.h | |
► steer | |
CbmGeant3Settings.cxx | |
CbmGeant3Settings.h | |
CbmGeant4Settings.cxx | |
CbmGeant4Settings.h | |
CbmSetup.cxx | |
CbmSetup.h | |
CbmSimSteerLinkDef.h | |
CbmTransport.cxx | |
CbmTransport.h | |
CbmTransportConfig.cxx | |
CbmTransportConfig.h | |
CbmVMCSettings.cxx | |
CbmVMCSettings.h | |
▼ tutorials | |
► TaskToAlgo | |
CbmAlgo.h | |
CbmDeviceStsHitProducerIdeal.cxx | |
CbmDeviceStsHitProducerIdeal.h | |
CbmStsHitProducerIdealAlgo.cxx | |
CbmStsHitProducerIdealAlgo.h | |
CbmStsHitProducerIdealWrapper.cxx | |
CbmStsHitProducerIdealWrapper.h | |
CbmStsHitProducerTaskIdeal.cxx | |
CbmStsHitProducerTaskIdeal.h | |
CbmTaskToAlgoTutorialLinkDef.h | |
CbmTemplateAlgo.cxx | |
CbmTemplateAlgo.h | |
runStsHitProducerIdeal.cxx | |