21#ifndef CbmSeedFinderSlidingWindow_h
22#define CbmSeedFinderSlidingWindow_h
52 void SetQa(
bool doQA =
63 template<
class inType>
64 void FillSeedTimes(
const std::vector<inType>* vIn,
const std::vector<CbmMatch>* vDigiMatch =
120 template<
class inType>
121 double GetTime(
const std::vector<inType>* vIn, int32_t i);
Container class for MC events with number, file and start time.
void SetIdealMode(const int32_t fileId=-1)
Switches to `‘ideal mode’' in which event times from MC data are used as triggers (no algorithm is ru...
CbmSeedFinderSlidingWindow operator=(const CbmSeedFinderSlidingWindow &)=delete
bool IsIdealMode()
Is `‘ideal mode’' switched on?
void OutputQa()
Output QA Information.
double fdOffset
Global time offset which is applied to each trigger time.
int32_t fminDigis
Minimum number of digis which must be found in the seed window.
void SetOffset(double offset)
Sets a global constant offset which is applied to each trigger time @params Value of offset.
CbmSeedFinderSlidingWindow(const CbmSeedFinderSlidingWindow &)=delete
CbmSeedFinderQa * fQa
Processes QA info.
size_t GetNofSeeds()
Returns number of seed times currently stored in buffer.
void SetQa(bool doQA=true)
Enable or disable the generation of QA information.
int32_t fIdealModeFileId
If only a single file is to be used in `‘ideal mode’' (-1 = all files).
std::vector< double > * fvSeedTimes
Output of the algorithm. Stores seed times for current time slice.
void Init()
Initializes QA object if set.
CbmSeedFinderSlidingWindow(std::vector< double > *vSeedTimes, int32_t minDigis, double dWindDur, double dDeadT)
Create the CbmSeedFinderSlidingWindow object.
double fdDeadT
`‘Dead time’' i.e. time interval which is discarded after a seed is found.
void FillSeedTimes()
Function which builds event seeds without digi input. Can only be used in ideal mode.
double GetTime(const std::vector< inType > *vIn, int32_t i)
Fetches time at position i of either a digi vector or vector of times.
double fdWindDur
Size of sliding window.
CbmMCEventList * fEventList
To access MC truth in `‘ideal mode’'.
bool fbIdealMode
`‘ideal mode’' uses MC truth as trigger times.