17#ifndef CbmSeedFinderQa_h
18#define CbmSeedFinderQa_h
75 void FillQaSeedInfo(
const int32_t WinStart,
const int32_t WinEnd,
const std::vector<CbmMatch>* vDigiMatch,
76 const double seedTime);
Container class for MC events with number, file and start time.
void FillQaSeedInfo(const int32_t WinStart, const int32_t WinEnd, const std::vector< CbmMatch > *vDigiMatch, const double seedTime)
Gather QA Information. @params WinStart Starting position of seed window. @params WinStart End positi...
std::vector< double > fvCorrectDigiRatio
Ratio of digis from matched MC event.
std::vector< uint32_t > fvLinkedMCEventsCount
Counts how many MC events contributed to a seed.
void Init()
Initialize communication with FairRootManager (needed for MC events).
TH2I * fhCorrectVsFound
digis found per event
void FillHistos()
Fill output histograms with data from current timeslice.
TH1F * fhFoundDigiRatio
noise digis per event
CbmQaCanvas * fCanv
difference between true event time and seed time for one-to-one matched cases
void WriteHistos()
Finalize histograms and canvases and write to file.
void OutputQa()
Output QA Information.
TH1F * fhTimeOffset
correct digis per event vs found digis per event, disregarding noise
std::vector< double > fvCorrectDigiRatioNoNoise
Ratio of digis from matched MC event (disregarding noise).
TH1F * fhNoiseDigiRatio
correct digis per event, disregarding noise
TFolder fOutFolder
subfolder for histograms
Create the CbmSeedFinderQa object.
std::vector< double > fvSeedTimesFull
Full vector of all event seeds that is not cleared at the end of a timeslice.
TH1F * fhTimeOffsetClosest
difference between true event time and seed time
TH1F * fhCorrectDigiRatioNoNoise
correct digis per event
std::vector< int32_t > fvNoiseDigiCount
Counts how many noise digis contributed to a seed.
TH1F * fhCorrectDigiRatio
linked MC events per trigger
std::vector< CbmMatch > fvEventMatchesPerTs
Matches that link constructed event seeds to MC events, current timeslice only.
void ResetPerTsStorage()
Reset containers that are persistent for one TS.
std::vector< double > fvTimeOffset
Difference between true event time and seed time.
CbmSeedFinderQa(const CbmSeedFinderQa &)=delete
std::vector< double > fvSeedTimesPerTs
Vector of event seeds, current TS only.
TH1F * fhMatchedTriggersPerMCEvent
linked triggers per MC event
CbmMCEventList * fEventList
summary canvas
std::vector< CbmMatch > fvEventMatches
Matches that link constructed event seeds to MC events.
TH1F * fhTimeOffsetSingletOnly
difference between seed time and closest MC event time
std::vector< int32_t > fvFullDigiCount
Counts how many digis contributed to a seed.
TH1F * fhLinkedMCEventsPerTrigger
matchted triggers per MC event
TH1F * fhLinkedTriggersPerMCEvent
output folder with histos and canvases
CbmSeedFinderQa operator=(const CbmSeedFinderQa &)=delete
void FillQaMCInfo()
Fill QA Information that uses the full list of MC events per TS.
std::vector< double > fvFoundDigiRatio
Ratio of digis of matched events that were included in event seed.
TH2I * fhCorrectVsFoundNoNoise
correct digis per event vs found digis per event