12#ifndef CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit_h
13#define CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit_h 1
A CbmL1 subtask, which provides necessary methods for L1 tracker to access the geometry and dataflow ...
A CbmL1 subtask, which provides necessary methods for CA tracker to access the geometry and dataflow ...
Abstract class, which should be inherited by every detecting subsystem tracking interface class.
bool fbUseTof
If TOF used in a setup.
CbmStsTrackingInterface * fpStsTrackingInterface
Instance of the STS tracker interface.
CbmTrdTrackingInterface * GetTrdTrackingInterface()
CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit(const CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit &)=delete
CbmMuchTrackingInterface * fpMuchTrackingInterface
Instance of the MuCh tracker interface.
bool fbUseMuch
If MuCh used in a setup.
CbmMvdTrackingInterface * GetMvdTrackingInterface()
bool fbUseSts
If STS used in a setup.
bool fbUseMvd
If MVD used in a setup.
CbmTofTrackingInterface * fpTofTrackingInterface
Instance of the TOF tracker interface.
CbmTofTrackingInterface * GetTofTrackingInterface()
CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit & operator=(CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit &&)=delete
CbmStsTrackingInterface * GetStsTrackingInterface()
bool fbUseTrd
If TRD used in a setup.
CbmMvdTrackingInterface * fpMvdTrackingInterface
Instance of the MVD tracker interface.
CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit(CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit &&)=delete
static CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit * fpInstance
Instance of the class.
std::vector< const CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceBase * > GetActiveInterfaces() const
Returns a vector of pointers to the tracking detector interfaces, included into the setup.
CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit & operator=(const CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit &)=delete
CbmMuchTrackingInterface * GetMuchTrackingInterface()
ClassDef(CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit, 0)
static CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit * Instance()
Returns a pointer to the class instance.
Default constructor (only sts and mvd will be initialized)
CbmTrdTrackingInterface * fpTrdTrackingInterface
Instance of the TRD tracker interface.
A CbmL1 subtask, which provides necessary methods for CA tracker to access the geometry and dataflow ...