66 AddInput(0, fileName, dist, eventRate, mode);
102 void EmbedInput(UInt_t inputId, TString fileName, UInt_t targetInputId,
Mode to read entries from a ROOT TTree.
CBM task class for filling digis into time slices.
void StoreAllTimeSlices(Bool_t choice=kTRUE)
Store all time-slices.
Source class for the input to digitization in CBM.
void SetTimeStart(Double_t time)
Set the offset for the first event time.
void EmbedInput(UInt_t inputId, TString fileName, UInt_t targetInputId, ECbmTreeAccess mode=ECbmTreeAccess::kRegular)
Embed an input file into another one.
Int_t CheckInput()
Check the presence of input branches.
void SetParameterRootFile(TString fileName)
Set the parameter file name.
void SetStartTime(Double_t time)
Set the start time of the run.
void DefaultInit()
Initialize the branches, digitizers and parameter files With default values.
void DeactivateAllBut(ECbmModuleId system)
Deactivate all systems except the specified one.
void SetCreateMatches(Bool_t choice=kTRUE)
Set creation of links to MC.
void SetMonitorFile(const char *fileName)
Set the monitor file name.
Int_t CreateDefaultDigitizers()
Instantiate the default digitisers for the active systems.
TString fMoniFile
Resource monitoring information.
void Run()
Process all events from input.
ClassDef(CbmDigitization, 3)
void SetDigitizer(ECbmModuleId system, CbmDigitizeBase *digitizer, TString branch="", Bool_t persistent=kTRUE)
Set a digitizer explicitly.
void SetOutputFile(TString fileName, Bool_t overwrite=kFALSE)
Set the output file name.
CbmDigitizeBase * GetDigitizer(ECbmModuleId system)
Get the pointer on a given digitizer if existing.
std::map< ECbmModuleId, CbmDigitizeInfo * > fDigitizers
void AddInput(TString fileName, cbm::sim::TimeDist dist=cbm::sim::TimeDist::Poisson, Double_t eventRate=0., ECbmTreeAccess mode=ECbmTreeAccess::kRegular)
Add an input file.
Bool_t AddParameterAsciiFile(TString fileName)
Add an ASCII parameter file.
void SetTimeSliceLength(Double_t length)
Set length of the time-slices.
TString fOutFile
Output data (digis)
TList fParAsciiFiles
ASCII parameter files.
void StoreAllTimeSlices(Bool_t choice=kTRUE)
Store all time-slices.
void SetProduceNoise(Bool_t choice=kTRUE)
Set production of inter-event noise.
void Deactivate(ECbmModuleId system)
Deactivate a system for digitisation.
void GenerateRunInfo(Bool_t choice=kTRUE)
Write run info (default is kTRUE)
void Run(Int_t nEvents)
Process nEvents from input, starting with the first event.
CbmDigitization(const CbmDigitization &)=delete
Copy constructor forbidden.
CbmDigitizationSource * fSource
Input source.
virtual ~CbmDigitization()
TString GetGeoTag(ECbmModuleId system, TGeoManager *geo)
Get the geometry tag of a system from a TGeoManager.
Double_t fTimeSliceLength
TString fParRootFile
ROOT parameter file.
void SetDefaultBranches()
Default settings for digitizers.
CbmDigitization operator=(const CbmDigitization &)=delete
Assignment operator forbidden.
void SetMode(cbm::sim::Mode mode)
Set event-by-event mode.
void AddInput(UInt_t inputId, TString fileName, cbm::sim::TimeDist dist=cbm::sim::TimeDist::Poisson, Double_t eventRate=0., ECbmTreeAccess mode=ECbmTreeAccess::kRegular)
Add an input file.
Abstract base class for CBM digitisation tasks.