18#include <TClonesArray.h>
37 void Exec(
int fEventNumMan,
double OpeningAngleCut,
double GammaInvMassCut,
int RealPID);
49 void FindGammasTarget(
int EventNumMan,
double AngleCut,
double InvMassCut,
int RealPID,
50 vector<CbmMCTrack*> MCtracks_minus, vector<CbmMCTrack*> MCtracks_plus,
51 vector<CbmStsTrack*> StsTrack_minus, vector<CbmStsTrack*> StsTrack_plus,
52 vector<TVector3> Momenta_minus, vector<TVector3> Momenta_plus, std::vector<int> Rings_minus,
53 std::vector<int> Rings_plus, std::vector<int> stsIndex_minus, std::vector<int> stsIndex_plus,
54 vector<CbmRichRing*> richRing_minus, vector<CbmRichRing*> richRing_plus,
55 vector<Int_t> MCIndex_minus, vector<Int_t> MCIndex_plus);
57 void FindGammasOutside(
int EventNumMan,
double AngleCut,
double InvMassCut,
int RealPID,
58 vector<CbmMCTrack*> MCtracks_minus_Outside, vector<CbmMCTrack*> MCtracks_plus_Outside,
59 vector<CbmStsTrack*> StsTrack_minus_Outside, vector<CbmStsTrack*> StsTrack_plus_Outside,
60 std::vector<int> Rings_minus_Outside, std::vector<int> Rings_plus_Outside,
61 std::vector<int> stsIndex_minus_Outside, std::vector<int> stsIndex_plus_Outside,
62 vector<CbmRichRing*> richRing_minus_Outside, vector<CbmRichRing*> richRing_plus_Outside,
63 vector<Int_t> MCIndex_minus_Outside, vector<Int_t> MCIndex_plus_Outside);
67 void FindPi0(TString mod, TString position, vector<vector<TVector3>> Gammas, vector<vector<int>> StsIndex,
68 vector<vector<int>> MCIndex, vector<vector<CbmMCTrack*>> GammasMC, TH1D* Pi0InvMassReco,
69 TH2D* Pi0_pt_vs_rap, TH2D* Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est, TH2D* MultiplicityGamma,
70 TH2D* MultiplicityChargedParticles, vector<TH1*> BGCases, TH1D* DalitzPi0, TH1D* PhotonsPi0);
Data class for STS tracks.
std::vector< int > VStsIndex_plus_Target
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_all_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_5
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_18
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_35
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_48
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_all_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_59
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_38
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_two_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_25
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_zero_Both
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_1
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_101
TH2D * InvMass_vs_OA_candidates_Target
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_onetwo_Both
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_zero_Target
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEPdg_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_42
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_kaon_InM_WAC
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_onetwo_Target
vector< TVector3 > VMomenta_minus_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_72
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_91
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_14
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetIM_InM_one_Both
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_all_Outside
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_onetwo_Outside
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_one_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_55
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_one_Both
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_onetwo_Outside
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_zero_Outside
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_zero_Target
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_7
TH1D * DalitzPi0_one_Outside
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_zero_Outside
TH1D * PdgCase8motherNonE_InM_WAC
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_31
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_20
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_105
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_6
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_3
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_61
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_WAC
TH1D * sameMIDcase8_InM_two_Both
TH1D * P_reco_zero_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_7
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_two_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_89
TH1D * GammasOA_candidates_Target
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_two_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_84
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_39
double CalculatePlaneAngle_last(CbmStsTrack *Sts_1, CbmStsTrack *Sts_2)
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_cuts_Target
TH1D * Pt_reco_zero_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_105
vector< TVector3 > VMomenta_plus_Target
TH2D * Case1ZYPos_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * DalitzPi0_onetwo_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_106
TH1D * Pt_reco_two_Outside
TH1D * PdgCase8mothers_InM_two_Both
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_one_Outside
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_two_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_41
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_28
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_two_Both
std::vector< int > frefId
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_20
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_onetwo_Outside
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_two_Outside
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEPdg_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * sameMIDcase8_mothedPDG_InM_onetwo_Both
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_zero_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_23
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_85
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_one_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_50
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_one_Outside
TH1D * sameMIDcase8_InM_one_Both
std::vector< int > EMT_man_NofRings_Target
std::vector< int > VRings_minus_Target
std::vector< int > EMT_man_Event_WAC
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_zero_Target
vector< CbmMCTrack * > VMCtracks_plus_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_72
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetP_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_83
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_one_Target
TH1D * DalitzPi0_two_Both
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_two_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_102
TH1D * Case8ElFromDalitz_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_two_Both
TH1D * PdgCase8NonE_NOT_FromTarget_InM_two_Both
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_all_Target
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEPdgFromTarget_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_60
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_one_Outside
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_53
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_29
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_13
TH1D * Pi0_pt_est_all_Both
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_all_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_54
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_two_Target
TH1D * PdgCase8_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_46
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_71
std::vector< int > VStsIndex_plus_Outside
TH1D * sameMIDcase8_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_one_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_83
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_51
TH1D * GammasInvMass_candidates_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_58
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_all_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_2
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_6
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_kaon_InM_all_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_89
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_13
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_14
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_two_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_47
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_zero_Target
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_11
TH1D * Pt_reco_onetwo_Outside
std::vector< int > EMT_man_Event_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_21
std::vector< int > EMT_man_Event_Outside
TH1D * sameMIDcase8_mothedPDG_InM_one_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_5
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_70
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_zero_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_89
TH1D * PlaneAngles_last_fromPi0_Both
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > EMT_man_pair_momenta_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_54
TH1D * GammasOA_fromPi0_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_31
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_44
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_two_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_45
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEPdg_InM_two_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_13
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetP_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_33
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_35
TH1D * BG10_InM_onetwo_Both
TH2D * Case1ZYPos_InM_all_Both
TH1D * PdgCase8NonEComeFromTarget_InM_one_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_103
TH1D * Pt_reco_two_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_33
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_pn_InM_WAC
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_two_Outside
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_two_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_56
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_two_Outside
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_all_Both
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_onetwo_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_88
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_68
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_64
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetIM_InM_WAC
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_onetwo_Outside
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_zero_Both
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_all_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_91
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_12
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_two_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_76
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_112
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_onetwo_Both
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_onetwo_Target
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_pn_InM_all_Both
TClonesArray * fArrayStsHit
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_81
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_18
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_90
TH1D * Pt_reco_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_108
TH1D * sameMIDcase8_mothedPDG_InM_two_Both
std::vector< int > VRings_minus_Outside
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_kaon_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_zero_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_47
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_eta_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_66
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_two_Both
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_52
TH1D * PdgCase8_InM_two_Both
virtual ~CbmKresConversionManual()
TH1D * PdgCase8motherNonE_InM_two_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_62
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_zero_Outside
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_two_Target
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_two_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_76
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_two_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_11
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_66
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_one_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_54
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_103
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_one_Both
vector< CbmRichRing * > VRichRing_plus_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_68
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_one_Target
std::vector< int > EMT_man_NofRings_Outside
vector< CbmRichRing * > VRichRing_plus_Outside
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_one_Both
TH1D * Case8ElFromDalitz_InM_zero_Both
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_one_Both
TH1D * PdgCase8NonE_NOT_FromTarget_InM_WAC
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_30
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_85
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_onetwo_Target
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_two_Outside
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_onetwo_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_40
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_27
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_all_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_29
std::vector< int > VRings_plus_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_70
TH1D * PdgCase8motherNonE_InM_one_Both
TH1D * Chi2_for_Secondary
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_multiplicity_man_Target
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_all_Both
TH1D * P_reco_onetwo_Both
TH1D * sameGRIDcase8_InM_one_Both
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_all_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_41
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_one_Both
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_all_Both
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_eta_InM_all_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_81
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_112
TH1D * PdgCase8motherNonE_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_7
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_cuts_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_113
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_one_Outside
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_onetwo_Target
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_all_Target
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_all_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_37
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_21
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_106
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_63
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_all_Both
TH1D * GammasInvMass_fromPi0_Both
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_cuts_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_67
TH1D * PlaneAngles_first_fromPi0_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_53
TH1D * Pt_reco_zero_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_17
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_21
TH2D * InvMass_vs_OA_candidates_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_67
TH1D * PdgCase8mothers_InM_one_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_12
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_one_Outside
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_two_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_82
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_2
CbmKresConversionManual(const CbmKresConversionManual &)
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_two_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_3
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_11
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_27
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_65
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_one_Outside
TH1D * PdgCase8NonE_NOT_FromTarget_InM_one_Both
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_zero_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_23
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_107
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_65
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_onetwo_Target
vector< Int_t > VMCIndex_minus_Outside
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_17
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_62
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_30
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_49
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEMotherPdg_InM_zero_Both
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_all_Target
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_onetwo_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_38
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetIM_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * P_reco_zero_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_55
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_1
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_all_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_34
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEMotherPdg_InM_one_Both
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEMotherPdg_InM_WAC
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_one_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_19
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_two_Outside
TH1D * PdgCase8NonE_NOT_FromTarget_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_92
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_86
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_104
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_one_Both
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_two_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_56
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_15
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_zero_Both
TH1D * BG4_InM_onetwo_Both
TH2D * InvMass_vs_OA_fromPi0_Outside
vector< CbmStsTrack * > VStsTrack_plus_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_43
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_zero_Outside
TH1D * BG9_InM_onetwo_Both
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_two_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_92
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_92
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_86
double CalculatePlaneAngle_first(CbmStsTrack *Sts_1, CbmStsTrack *Sts_2)
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_all_Outside
TH1D * PdgCase8NonE_NOT_FromTarget_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_44
TH1D * PlaneAngles_first_candidates_Target
TH1D * DalitzPi0_one_Both
TH1D * PlaneAngles_first_fromPi0_Outside
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_all_Both
TH1D * Case8ElFromDalitz_InM_one_Both
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_zero_Target
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_all_Outside
CbmKresConversionBG * fAnaBG
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_zero_Both
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_one_Outside
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_4
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_12
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_12
TH1D * DalitzPi0_zero_Both
TH1D * Case8ElFromDalitz_InM_two_Both
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_onetwo_Target
TH1D * Case8ElFromDalitz_InM_WAC
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_eta_InM_zero_Both
TClonesArray * fArrayMvdHit
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetIM_InM_two_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_22
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_36
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > EMT_man_pair_momenta_Both
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_onetwo_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_10
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_75
void SaveTargetTracks(CbmMCTrack *mcTrack1, CbmStsTrack *stsTrack, TVector3 refmom, double charge, int stsInd, int richInd, int stsMcTrackId, CbmRichRing *RING)
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_two_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_48
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_zero_Outside
TH1D * PdgCase8mothers_InM_WAC
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_30
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_one_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_27
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_all_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_75
TH1D * Pt_reco_onetwo_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_90
TH1D * sameGRIDcase8_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_zero_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_72
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEPdgFromTarget_InM_WAC
TClonesArray * fRichRingMatches
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_16
TH1D * PlaneAngles_first_candidates_Both
TH1D * DalitzPi0_zero_Outside
TH1D * GammasInvMass_fromPi0_Outside
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_rap_vs_pt_InM_all
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_76
TH1D * sameMIDcase8_mothedPDG_InM_zero_Both
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_113
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_51
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_kaon_InM_zero_Both
vector< Int_t > VMCIndex_minus_Target
vector< CbmMCTrack * > VMCtracks_minus_Target
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_onetwo_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_10
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_9
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_104
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_11
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_one_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_3
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_zero_Both
CbmKresSelectAnn * fAnnSelection
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_all_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_29
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_52
TH1D * PlaneAngles_first_fromPi0_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_48
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_onetwo_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_22
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_5
int FindInRich(int richInd, int stsMcTrackId)
vector< CbmStsTrack * > VStsTrack_plus_Outside
TH1D * PdgCase8_InM_all_Both
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetPt_InM_one_Both
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_16
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_onetwo_Target
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEPdgFromTarget_InM_one_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_51
TH2D * Case1ZYPos_InM_two_Both
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_6
TH1D * BG2_InM_onetwo_Both
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_two_Outside
TH1D * DalitzPi0_onetwo_Target
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEMotherIM_InM_WAC
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_33
TH2D * Case1ZYPos_InM_WAC
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_two_Target
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_onetwo_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_63
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetP_InM_one_Both
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_19
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEPdg_InM_all_Both
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_all_Both
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_two_Both
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEMotherPdg_InM_all_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_114
TH1D * sameGRIDcase8_InM_all_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_114
void FindGammasOutside(int EventNumMan, double AngleCut, double InvMassCut, int RealPID, vector< CbmMCTrack * > MCtracks_minus_Outside, vector< CbmMCTrack * > MCtracks_plus_Outside, vector< CbmStsTrack * > StsTrack_minus_Outside, vector< CbmStsTrack * > StsTrack_plus_Outside, std::vector< int > Rings_minus_Outside, std::vector< int > Rings_plus_Outside, std::vector< int > stsIndex_minus_Outside, std::vector< int > stsIndex_plus_Outside, vector< CbmRichRing * > richRing_minus_Outside, vector< CbmRichRing * > richRing_plus_Outside, vector< Int_t > MCIndex_minus_Outside, vector< Int_t > MCIndex_plus_Outside)
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_all_Target
void FindGammasBothWithAdditionalCuts()
TH1D * sameMIDcase8_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_24
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEMotherIM_InM_all_Both
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_multiplicity_man_Outside
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_one_Both
TH2D * InvMass_vs_OA_fromPi0_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_113
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_one_Target
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_WAC
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_60
TH1D * PdgCase8_InM_onetwo_Both
CbmKresConversionManual operator=(const CbmKresConversionManual &)
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEMotherPdg_InM_onetwo_Both
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_all_Both
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetPt_InM_WAC
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_pt_all
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetIM_InM_onetwo_Both
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_102
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetIM_InM_all_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_31
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_7
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_onetwo_Both
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_one_Outside
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_20
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_zero_Outside
TH1D * PdgCase8NonEComeFromTarget_InM_all_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_71
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_onetwo_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_71
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_111
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_55
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_107
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_5
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_20
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_Both
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_all_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_60
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_32
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_all_Target
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEMotherPdg_InM_two_Both
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_all_Target
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_zero_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_85
vector< Int_t > VMCIndex_plus_Outside
TClonesArray * fRichRings
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_zero_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_50
TH1D * P_reco_one_Outside
TClonesArray * fRichProjections
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_8
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_eta_InM_WAC
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_one_Target
TH2D * Case1ZYPos_InM_one_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_87
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_one_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_16
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_37
TH1D * PdgCase8mothers_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_42
TH1D * BG10_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEPdg_InM_WAC
TH1D * PlaneAngles_last_fromPi0_Outside
TH1D * PdgCase8motherNonE_InM_all_Both
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_zero_Both
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_one_Target
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_pn_InM_two_Both
vector< CbmRichRing * > VRichRing_minus_Target
TH1D * sameGRIDcase8_InM_two_Both
void FindGammasTarget(int EventNumMan, double AngleCut, double InvMassCut, int RealPID, vector< CbmMCTrack * > MCtracks_minus, vector< CbmMCTrack * > MCtracks_plus, vector< CbmStsTrack * > StsTrack_minus, vector< CbmStsTrack * > StsTrack_plus, vector< TVector3 > Momenta_minus, vector< TVector3 > Momenta_plus, std::vector< int > Rings_minus, std::vector< int > Rings_plus, std::vector< int > stsIndex_minus, std::vector< int > stsIndex_plus, vector< CbmRichRing * > richRing_minus, vector< CbmRichRing * > richRing_plus, vector< Int_t > MCIndex_minus, vector< Int_t > MCIndex_plus)
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_65
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_WAC
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_47
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_kaon_InM_two_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_13
TH1D * PlaneAngles_last_fromPi0_Target
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_WAC
TH1D * DalitzPi0_onetwo_Both
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_zero_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_57
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_25
TH1D * PdgCase8_InM_one_Both
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_one_Target
TH1D * P_reco_all_Outside
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_one_Target
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_all_Outside
TH1D * BG7_InM_onetwo_Both
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_pt_onetwo
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_49
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_46
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_36
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetP_InM_all_Both
TH1D * BG1_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_102
TH1D * DalitzPi0_all_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_106
TH1D * sameGRIDcase8_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_23
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_38
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_eta_InM_two_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_32
TH2D * InvMass_vs_OA_candidates_Both
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_all_Outside
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_all_Both
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_two_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_39
TH1D * GammasInvMass_candidates_Target
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_zero_Target
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_WAC
CbmRichRingFitterEllipseTau * fTauFit
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_26
TH1D * sameMIDcase8_mothedPDG_InM_all_Both
TH1D * Pdg_onetwo_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_43
std::vector< int > VStsIndex_minus_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_43
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEMotherIM_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_2
TClonesArray * fStsTrackMatches
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_40
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_one_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_17
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_15
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_onetwo_Outside
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_one_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_74
TH1D * Pi0_pt_est_onetwo_Both
vector< CbmMCTrack * > VMCtracks_minus_Outside
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_74
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_one_Both
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_zero_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_63
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_all_Outside
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_zero_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_9
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_90
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetP_InM_two_Both
vector< CbmRichRing * > VRichRing_minus_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_19
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_1
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEMotherIM_InM_one_Both
vector< TVector3 > frefmomenta
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > EMT_man_pair_momenta_Target
TH1D * PdgCase8NonEComeFromTarget_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_14
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_zero_Target
TH1D * Pt_reco_one_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_69
TH1D * sameGRIDcase8_InM_WAC
TH1D * PlaneAngles_last_candidates_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_16
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_82
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_zero_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_57
TH1D * PlaneAngles_last_candidates_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_34
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_one_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_4
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_105
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_24
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_66
TH1D * PdgCase8NonEComeFromTarget_InM_WAC
TH1D * GammasOA_fromPi0_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_88
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_rap_vs_pt_InM
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_two_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_14
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEMotherIM_InM_two_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_111
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_eta_InM_one_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_52
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_70
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_two_Target
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_WAC
TH1D * Pt_reco_all_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_58
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_one_Outside
TH1D * PdgCase8NonE_NOT_FromTarget_InM_all_Both
TH1D * sameMIDcase8_mothedPDG_InM_WAC
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetPt_InM_zero_Both
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_WAC
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_all_Target
void Exec(int fEventNumMan, double OpeningAngleCut, double GammaInvMassCut, int RealPID)
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_two_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_56
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_6
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_32
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_36
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_74
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_two_Both
TH1D * DalitzPi0_one_Target
TH1D * BG5_InM_onetwo_Both
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_two_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_46
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_45
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_17
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_two_Both
vector< CbmStsTrack * > VStsTrack_minus_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_67
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_one_Outside
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_multiplicity_man_Both
TH1D * DalitzPi0_all_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_58
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_81
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_108
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_73
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_all_Outside
TH1D * AnnFalsePairs_AfterCuts
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_one_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_104
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_45
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_61
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_4
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_35
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_onetwo_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_44
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_two_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_53
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_73
TH1D * PlaneAngles_first_candidates_Outside
vector< CbmMCTrack * > VMCtracks_plus_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_34
TH1D * GammasOA_candidates_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_18
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_28
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_8
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_26
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_87
TH1D * DalitzPi0_zero_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_101
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_onetwo_Outside
void SaveOutsideTracks(CbmMCTrack *mcTrack1, CbmStsTrack *stsTrack, double charge, int stsInd, int richInd, int stsMcTrackId, CbmRichRing *RING)
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetPt_InM_all_Both
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_zero_Both
TH1D * BG8_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEPdgFromTarget_InM_two_Both
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_10
TH1D * P_reco_onetwo_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_26
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_manual
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_62
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_9
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_one_Outside
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_one_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_114
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_WAC
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_10
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_pn_InM_one_Both
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_68
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetP_InM_WAC
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_25
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_onetwo_Outside
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_two_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_59
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > EMT_man_pair_momenta_WAC
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_75
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_84
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_two_Both
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_one_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_8
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_onetwo_Outside
std::vector< int > EMT_man_Event_Target
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_two_Target
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_two_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_73
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_61
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_zero_Both
TClonesArray * fGlobalTracks
std::vector< int > VRings_plus_Outside
TH1D * PdgCase8NonEComeFromTarget_InM_two_Both
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_all_Outside
TH2D * MultiplicityChargedParticles_onetwo_Outside
std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > fMCtracks
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_4
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_87
TH1D * DalitzPi0_two_Outside
int CheckIfElectron(CbmRichRing *ring, double momentum)
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_zero_Target
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_one_Target
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_zero_Target
TH1D * DalitzPi0_all_Target
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_1
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_64
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_zero_Target
TH1D * Pt_reco_one_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_49
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_9
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_84
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_112
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_all_Target
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_all_Outside
TH1D * PdgCase8NonEComeFromTarget_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_37
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_2
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_man_one_Target
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEPdgFromTarget_InM_all_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_69
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_kaon_InM_one_Both
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_onetwo_Outside
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_onetwo_Target
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEPdgFromTarget_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_19
TH1D * EMT_InvMass_all_Both
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_all_Outside
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_18
TH1D * PdgCase8mothers_InM_all_Both
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_onetwo_Both
vector< TH1 * > fHistoList_bg_InM_WAC
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_64
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_all_Outside
std::vector< int > VStsIndex_minus_Target
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_zero_Target
TH1D * DalitzPi0_two_Target
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_50
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_28
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est_onetwo_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_69
TH1D * sameMIDcase8_InM_WAC
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_91
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_zero_Target
TH1D * BG6_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * GammasInvMass_fromPi0_Target
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEMotherIM_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetPt_InM_two_Both
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_onetwo_Outside
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gammas_one_Both
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_two_Both
TH1D * PlaneAngles_last_candidates_Target
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_pn_InM_onetwo_Both
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEComeFromTargetPt_InM_onetwo_Both
TH2D * MultiplicityGamma_all_Outside
vector< CbmStsTrack * > VStsTrack_minus_Target
TH1D * sameMIDcase8_InM_all_Both
TH1D * GammasOA_fromPi0_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_108
TH1D * sameMIDcase8NonEPdg_InM_one_Both
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_all_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_111
TH2D * InvMass_vs_OA_fromPi0_Target
TH2D * Pi0_pt_vs_rap_all_Both
TH1D * pt_onetwo_mixing_3
TH1D * BG3_InM_onetwo_Both
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_one_Target
TH1D * Pt_reco_all_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_103
TH1D * P_reco_onetwo_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_41
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_42
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_22
TH1D * PdgCase8mothers_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_107
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_zero_Both
TH1D * AnnTruePairs_AfterCuts
TH2D * Case1ZYPos_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_two_Outside
TH1D * PhotonsPi0_onetwo_Target
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_two_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_15
TH1D * GammasInvMass_candidates_Outside
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_82
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_39
TH1D * PdgCase8motherNonE_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_8
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_57
std::vector< int > EMT_man_NofRings_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_83
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_86
std::vector< int > EMT_man_NofRings_WAC
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_40
std::vector< std::vector< CbmMCTrack * > > Gammas_MC_onetwo_Target
vector< Int_t > VMCIndex_plus_Target
TH1D * Case8ElFromDalitz_InM_all_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_mixing_59
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_101
TH1D * GammaInvMassReco_all_Both
TH1D * Pi0InvMassReco_two_Both
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_15
TH1D * Case8NonElFrom_pn_InM_zero_Both
TH1D * GammaOpeningAngleReco_zero_Outside
std::vector< std::vector< TVector3 > > Gamma_WAC
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_88
void FindPi0(TString mod, TString position, vector< vector< TVector3 > > Gammas, vector< vector< int > > StsIndex, vector< vector< int > > MCIndex, vector< vector< CbmMCTrack * > > GammasMC, TH1D *Pi0InvMassReco, TH2D *Pi0_pt_vs_rap, TH2D *Pi0_pt_vs_rap_est, TH2D *MultiplicityGamma, TH2D *MultiplicityChargedParticles, vector< TH1 * > BGCases, TH1D *DalitzPi0, TH1D *PhotonsPi0)
TH1D * rap_vs_Pt_InM_all_mixing_24
TH1D * GammasOA_candidates_Both
TClonesArray * fStsTracks
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_MCIndex_all_Outside
std::vector< std::vector< int > > Gammas_stsIndex_one_Both
TH1D * P_reco_two_Outside
Here the ring is fitted with Taubin algorithm from A. Ayriyan, G. Ososkov, N. Chernov.