47 virtual InitStatus
52 virtual void Exec(Option_t* option);
99 void GetPmtNormal(
Int_t NofPMTPoints, Double_t& normalX, Double_t& normalY, Double_t& normalZ, Double_t& normalCste);
RICH geometry parameters for the reconstruction. This class is used for convinient storing of the bas...
Here the ring is fitted with the COP algorithm from A. Ayriyan/G. Ososkov.
Here the ring is fitted with Taubin algorithm from A. Ayriyan, G. Ososkov, N. Chernov.
void SetOutputDir(TString dir)
void RotateAndCopyHitsToRingLight(const CbmRichRing *ring1, CbmRichRingLight *ring2)
void FillPMTMapEllipse(const Char_t *mirr_path, Float_t CenterX, Float_t CenterY)
virtual ~CbmRichPMTMapping()
void SetDrawHist(Bool_t b)
static const int kMAX_NOF_HITS
TClonesArray * fRichPoints
void SetRunTitle(TString title)
TClonesArray * fGlobalTracks
TClonesArray * fRichRingMatches
void CalculateSphereParameters(const Char_t *mirrID, Double_t &sphereX, Double_t &sphereY, Double_t &sphereZ, Double_t &sphereR)
TClonesArray * fRichMirrorPoints
void ProjectionProducer2()
virtual void Exec(Option_t *option)
Inherited from FairTask.
CbmRichPMTMapping operator=(const CbmRichPMTMapping &)
TClonesArray * fRichMCPoints
CbmRichPMTMapping(const CbmRichPMTMapping &)
void ProjectionProducer()
std::map< string, string > fPathsMap
ClassDef(CbmRichPMTMapping, 1)
virtual void Finish()
Inherited from FairTask.
CbmRichRingFitterEllipseTau * fTauFit
void CalculateSphereParameters2(const Char_t *mirrID, Double_t &sphereX, Double_t &sphereY, Double_t &sphereZ, Double_t &sphereR)
TClonesArray * fRichRings
void GetPmtNormal(Int_t NofPMTPoints, Double_t &normalX, Double_t &normalY, Double_t &normalZ, Double_t &normalCste)
TClonesArray * fRichRefPlanePoints
virtual InitStatus Init()
Inherited from FairTask.
std::map< string, string > fPathsMapEllipse
void DrawHistFromFile(TString fileName)
Bool_t fIsMirrorUpperHalf
void FillPMTMap(const Char_t *mirr_path, CbmRichPoint *pPoint)
TClonesArray * fRichProjections
CbmRichRingFitterCOP * fCopFit
PMT parameters for the RICH geometry.
Here the ring is fitted with the COP algorithm from A. Ayriyan/G. Ososkov.
Here the ring is fitted with Taubin algorithm from A. Ayriyan, G. Ososkov, N. Chernov.