22#include "TStopwatch.h"
87 virtual void Exec(Option_t* opt);
103 virtual InitStatus
131 void SetGlobalAsicParams(UShort_t nChannels, UShort_t nAdc, Double_t dynRange, Double_t threshold,
132 Double_t timeResolution, Double_t deadTime, Double_t noise, Double_t zeroNoiseRate);
164 Double_t cInterstrip);
185 Bool_t useCrossTalk = kTRUE);
248 std::map<UInt_t, std::unique_ptr<CbmStsSimSensor>>
fSensors {};
324 virtual InitStatus
@ kSts
Silicon Tracking System.
Energy loss model used in simulation.
Base class template for CBM digitisation tasks.
Task class for simulating the detector response of the STS.
TString fSensorConditionFile
File with sensor conditions.
Double_t fTimeTot
Total execution time.
void SetGlobalDefaults()
Set global default parameters.
UInt_t InitModules()
Instantiate modules.
virtual void Exec(Option_t *opt)
Bool_t fIsInitialised
kTRUE if Init() was called
Double_t fNofPointsIgnoTot
Total number of ignored points.
virtual ~CbmStsDigitize()
CbmStsParModule * fUserParModule
User defined, global.
Double_t fSensorDinact
Size of inactive border [cm].
void SetGlobalFracDeadChannels(Double_t fraction)
Set global fraction of dead channels.
Double_t fSensorStereoB
Stereo angle back side [degrees].
void SetSensorParameterFile(const char *fileName)
Set the file name with sensor parameters.
TClonesArray * fTracks
Input array of CbmMCTrack.
void SetSensorConditionFile(const char *fileName)
Set the file name with sensor conditions.
Int_t fNofSignalsF
Number of signals on front side.
TClonesArray * fPoints
Sensor factory.
Double_t fSensorPitch
Strip pitch [cm].
CbmStsParAsic * fUserParAsic
User defined, global.
ClassDef(CbmStsDigitize, 5)
std::map< UInt_t, std::unique_ptr< CbmStsSimSensor > > fSensors
virtual InitStatus Init()
Double_t fNofSignalsFTot
Number of signals on front side.
void SetGlobalModuleParams(UInt_t nChannels, UInt_t nAsicChannels)
Set the global module parameters.
Int_t fNofPointsProc
Number of processed points.
ECbmModuleId GetSystemId() const
Detector system ID.
Double_t fTimeDigiFirst
Time of first digi sent to DAQ.
CbmStsSimSensorFactory * fSensorFactory
STS setup interface.
TStopwatch fTimer
ROOT timer.
void ProcessAnalogBuffers(Double_t readoutTime)
Int_t fNofDigis
Number of created digis in Exec.
Int_t BufferSize() const
Number of signals in the analogue buffers @value nSignals Sum of number of signals in all modules.
TString fModuleParameterFile
File with module parameters.
CbmStsDigitize(const CbmStsDigitize &)
Double_t fNofDigisTot
Total number of digis created.
Double_t fSensorStereoF
Stereo angle front side [degrees].
CbmStsParSensor * fUserParSensor
User defined, global.
TString fSensorParameterFile
File with sensor parameters.
CbmStsParSim * fParSim
Simulation settings.
void SetGlobalAsicParams(UShort_t nChannels, UShort_t nAdc, Double_t dynRange, Double_t threshold, Double_t timeResolution, Double_t deadTime, Double_t noise, Double_t zeroNoiseRate)
Set individual module parameters.
void UseOnlyPrimaries(Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
Discard processing of secondary tracks.
Int_t GetNofSignalsB() const
virtual InitStatus ReInit()
Double_t fNofPointsProcTot
Total number of processed points.
CbmStsParSetModule * fParSetModule
Module parameter.
std::map< UInt_t, CbmStsSimModule * > fModules
Double_t fNofNoiseTot
Total number of noise digis.
void ProcessPoint(const CbmStsPoint *point, Double_t eventTime, const CbmLink &link)
CbmStsParSim * fUserParSim
Settings for simulation.
CbmStsParSetSensorCond * fParSetCond
Sensor conditions.
Int_t GetNofSignalsF() const
bool IsChannelActiveSts(Int_t address, UShort_t channel)
Test if the channel of a digi object is set active.
void CreateDigi(Int_t address, UShort_t channel, Long64_t time, UShort_t adc, const CbmMatch &match)
std::pair< size_t, bool > ReadInactiveChannels()
Read the list of inactive channels from file.
std::string BufferStatus() const
Status of the analogue buffers.
void SetProcesses(CbmStsELoss eLossModel, Bool_t useLorentzShift=kTRUE, Bool_t useDiffusion=kTRUE, Bool_t useCrossTalk=kTRUE)
Double_t fUserFracDeadChan
Fraction of inactive ASIC channels.
void InitParams()
Initialise the parameters.
std::map< Int_t, std::set< UShort_t > > fInactiveChannelsSts
Int_t fNofEvents
Total number of processed events.
void SetGlobalSensorConditions(Double_t vDep, Double_t vBias, Double_t temperature, Double_t cCoupling, Double_t cInterstrip)
Set the global sensor conditions.
void SetModuleParameterFile(const char *fileName)
Set the file name with module parameters.
CbmStsParSensorCond * fUserParCond
User defined, global.
Int_t fNofPointsIgno
Number of ignored points.
Int_t fNofSignalsB
Number of signals on back side.
Double_t fNofSignalsBTot
Number of signals on back side.
UInt_t InitSensors()
Instantiate sensors.
Double_t fUserDinactive
Size of inactive sensor border [cm].
void ResetCounters()
Reset event counters.
CbmStsDigitize operator=(const CbmStsDigitize &)
CbmStsParSetSensor * fParSetSensor
Sensor parameters.
virtual void SetParContainers()
Inherited from FairTask.
Double_t fTimeDigiLast
Time of last digi sent to DAQ.
Parameters of the STS readout ASIC.
Parameters for one STS module.
Parameters for operating conditions of a STS sensor.
Constructional parameters of a STS sensor.
Parameters container for CbmStsParModule.
Parameters container for CbmStsParSensorCond.
Parameters container for CbmStsParSensor.
Settings for STS simulation (digitizer)
Class representing the top level of the STS setup.