71 {
117 std::shared_ptr<cbm::algo::kf::Setup<double>>
A base KF-Setup initialization class (source)
Creates a valid initialized Setup instance.
Setup< T > MakeSetup(EFieldMode fldMode)
Creates a setup instance.
void SetMaterialCacheFile(const std::string &filename, size_t refHash)
Sets the material budget cache file name.
KF-framework representation of the detector setup.
Encapsulation of the kf::Setup initialization routines for CBM.
static constexpr bool kMatCreatorSafeMode
Safe mode of the material map creation.
cbm::algo::kf::Setup< T > MakeSetup(cbm::algo::kf::EFieldMode fldMode)
Makes setup object.
void SetMaterialCacheFile(const TString &filename, size_t geoHash)
Sets the material budget cache file name.
std::shared_ptr< const cbm::algo::kf::Setup< double > > GetSharedGeoSetup()
Gets a shared pointer to the geometry setup.
Default constructor.
static constexpr double kTargMaterialOffset
Offset between target upper limit and its material zMax [cm].
static constexpr double kMatCreatorPitch
Material budget map minimal bin size [cm].
bool fbInitialized
Checks, if the setup was already initialized.
static constexpr int kMatCreatorNrays
Number of rays per dimension for the material budget.
static TrackingSetupBuilder * Instance()
Instance access.
static constexpr double kTargFieldInitStep
Step between nodes in the target field initialization [cm].
TrackingSetupBuilder & operator=(const TrackingSetupBuilder &)=delete
bool IsInGeometry(cbm::algo::ca::EDetectorID detID) const
Checks, if a tracking detector is used (is in geometry and has hits)
static constexpr int kMatCreatorMaxNbins
Max number of bins in the material budget map in x(y) axis.
void Init()
Initializes the instance.
cbm::algo::kf::SetupBuilder fBuilder
KF-setup builder.
std::shared_ptr< cbm::algo::kf::Setup< double > > fpGeoSetup
An instance of the tracking KF-setup in a double precision.
TrackingSetupBuilder(TrackingSetupBuilder &&)=delete
bool HasHits(cbm::algo::ca::EDetectorID detID) const
Checks, if a tracking detector has hits.
static constexpr DetectorIDArray_t< const char * > kDetHitBrName
Hit branch names vs. cbm::algo::ca::EDetectorID.
void SetIgnoreHitPresence(bool ok=true)
Sets hits ignoring (DEBUG FLAG)
DetectorIDArray_t< bool > fvbDetHasHits
Does detector subsystem have hits?
TrackingSetupBuilder & operator=(TrackingSetupBuilder &&)=delete
void CheckDetectorPresence()
Check detector presence.
static TrackingSetupBuilder * fpInstance
bool fbIgnoreHitPresence
Ignores hit presence, when active subsystems are determined.
DetectorIDArray_t< bool > fvbDetInGeometry
Is detector subsystem in geometry?
TrackingSetupBuilder(const TrackingSetupBuilder &)=delete
Enumeration for the tracking detector subsystems in CBM-CA.
Enumiration for the magnetic field representation variants in the track fitting algorithm.