45 virtual InitStatus
50 virtual void Exec(Option_t* option);
67 void DrawFromFile(
const string& fileName,
const string& outputDir);
136 if (val < 10.)
return true;
240 void DrawRichTofEv(
const std::vector<int> richHitIndx,
const std::vector<int> tofTrackIndx);
248 template<
typename T = CbmRichHit>
Ring finder implementation based on Hough Transform method.
friend fscal max(fscal x, fscal y)
friend fscal min(fscal x, fscal y)
Class characterising one event by a collection of links (indices) to data objects,...
bool isAccmRICH(CbmTofTracklet *track)
void DrawEvent(CbmEvent *ev, std::vector< int > &ringIndx, bool full)
void DoDrawCanvas(bool val=true)
void SetTriggerRichHits(Int_t val=0)
const std::vector< CbmTofDigi > * fBmonDigis
virtual void Finish()
Inherited from FairTask.
void SetTriggerTofHits(Int_t val=0)
void DoRestrictToFullAcc(bool val=true)
void SetOutputDir(const string &dir)
Set output directory where you want to write results (figures and json).
virtual ~CbmRichMCbmQaReal()
Standard destructor.
Int_t fTracksinRichWithRichHits[4]
CbmRichMCbmQaReal(const CbmRichMCbmQaReal &)
Copy constructor.
bool RestrictToFullAcc(CbmTofTracklet *track)
void DoWriteHistToFile(bool val=true)
Bool_t cutDistance(std::pair< int, double > &clTrack)
Double_t getBeta(CbmTofTracklet *track)
std::pair< int, double > FindClosestTrack(const CbmRichRing *ring, const std::vector< CbmTofTracklet * > track)
void DrawRichTofEv(const std::vector< int > richHitIndx, const std::vector< int > tofTrackIndx)
void SetTotRich(Double_t min, Double_t max)
Double_t fCbmEventStartTime
CbmDigiManager * fDigiMan
void DrawFromFile(const string &fileName, const string &outputDir)
Draw histogram from file.
virtual void Exec(Option_t *option)
Inherited from FairTask.
std::array< Double_t, 2304 > offset
std::array< Double_t, 2304 > offset_read
void DrawHist()
Draw histograms.
void InitHistograms()
Initialize histograms.
bool fDigiHitsInitialized
TClonesArray * fRichRings
CbmRichMCbmQaReal & operator=(const CbmRichMCbmQaReal &)
Assignment operator.
Standard constructor.
void SetSEDisplayRingOnly(bool val=true)
const CbmTsEventHeader * fTSHeader
TVector3 extrapolate(CbmTofHit *tofHit, Double_t Z)
void XOffsetHistos(Double_t val=0.)
CbmRichMCbmSEDisplay * fSeDisplay
void DrawRing(CbmRichRing *ring, std::vector< CbmTofTracklet * > track)
TClonesArray * fTofTracks
std::pair< int, double > FindClosestRing(CbmTofTracklet *track, std::vector< int > &ringIndx)
std::array< uint32_t, 2304 > offset_cnt
void analyseRing(const CbmRichRing *ring, CbmEvent *ev, std::pair< int, double > &clTrack)
CbmRichMCbmSEDisplay * fSeDsply_TR
bool isOnTarget(CbmTofTracklet *tTrack)
void DrawRing(CbmRichRing *ring)
Bool_t cutRadius(const CbmRichRing *ring)
void ActivateTimeHistograms(bool val=true)
virtual InitStatus Init()
Inherited from FairTask.
void SetMaxNofDrawnEvents(Int_t val=100)
Provides information on attaching a TofHit to a TofTrack.