No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* Copyright (C) 2006-2020 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
2 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
3 Authors: Ivan Kisel, Sergey Gorbunov [committer], Igor Kulakov, Valentina Akishina, Grigory Kozlov */
6 *====================================================================
7 *
8 * CBM Level 1 Reconstruction
9 *
10 * Authors: I.Kisel, S.Gorbunov
11 *
12 * e-mail : ikisel@kip.uni-heidelberg.de
13 *
14 *====================================================================
15 *
16 * L1 Fit performance
17 *
18 *====================================================================
19 */
21#include "CaFramework.h"
22#include "CaToolsDebugger.h"
23#include "CbmL1.h"
24#include "CbmL1Constants.h"
25#include "CbmL1Counters.h"
26#include "CbmMatch.h"
27#include "CbmMuchPixelHit.h"
28#include "CbmMuchPoint.h"
29#include "CbmQaTable.h"
30#include "CbmStsDigi.h"
31#include "CbmStsHit.h"
32#include "CbmStsPoint.h"
33#include "CbmStsSetup.h"
34#include "CbmStsStation.h"
35#include "CbmTofHit.h"
36#include "CbmTofPoint.h"
37#include "CbmTrdHit.h"
38#include "CbmTrdPoint.h"
39#include "FairField.h"
40#include "FairRunAna.h"
41#include "FairTrackParam.h" // for vertex pulls
42#include "KfTrackKalmanFilter.h"
43#include "KfTrackParam.h"
44#include "TFile.h"
45#include "TH1.h"
46#include "TH2.h"
47#include "TMath.h"
48#include "TNtuple.h"
49#include "TProfile.h"
51#include <Logger.h>
53#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
55#include <cmath>
56#include <list>
57#include <map>
58#include <sstream>
59#include <vector>
61using namespace cbm::algo::ca;
62using namespace cbm::algo;
66using std::map;
67using std::vector;
73 , ratio_killed()
74 , ratio_clone()
75 , ratio_length()
76 , ratio_fakes()
77 , killed()
78 , clone()
79 , reco_length()
80 , reco_fakes()
81 , mc_length()
83 {
84 // add total efficiency
85 AddCounter("long_fast_prim", "LongRPrim efficiency");
86 AddCounter("fast_prim", "FastPrim efficiency");
87 AddCounter("fast_sec", "FastSec efficiency");
88 AddCounter("fast", "Fastset efficiency");
89 AddCounter("total", "Allset efficiency");
90 AddCounter("slow_prim", "SlowPrim efficiency");
91 AddCounter("slow_sec", "SlowSec efficiency");
92 AddCounter("slow", "Slow efficiency");
93 AddCounter("d0", "D0 efficiency");
94 AddCounter("short", "Short123s efficiency");
95 AddCounter("shortPion", "Short123s pion eff");
96 AddCounter("shortProton", "Short123s proton eff");
97 AddCounter("shortKaon", "Short123s kaon eff");
98 AddCounter("shortE", "Short123s e eff");
99 AddCounter("shortRest", "Short123s rest eff");
101 AddCounter("fast_sec_e", "FastSec E efficiency");
102 AddCounter("fast_e", "Fastset E efficiency");
103 AddCounter("total_e", "Allset E efficiency");
104 AddCounter("slow_sec_e", "SlowSec E efficiency");
105 AddCounter("slow_e", "Slow E efficiency");
106 }
110 virtual void AddCounter(const TString& shortname, const TString& name)
111 {
112 TL1Efficiencies::AddCounter(shortname, name);
123 };
137 void CalcEff()
138 {
141 ratio_clone = clone / mc;
143 ratio_length = reco_length / allReco;
144 ratio_fakes = reco_fakes / allReco;
145 };
147 void Inc(bool isReco, bool isKilled, double _ratio_length, double _ratio_fakes, int _nclones, int _mc_length,
148 int _mc_length_hits, const TString& name)
149 {
150 TL1Efficiencies::Inc(isReco, name);
152 const int index = indices[name];
154 if (isKilled) killed.counters[index]++;
155 reco_length.counters[index] += _ratio_length;
156 reco_fakes.counters[index] += _ratio_fakes;
157 clone.counters[index] += _nclones;
158 mc_length.counters[index] += _mc_length;
159 mc_length_hits.counters[index] += _mc_length_hits;
160 };
162 void PrintEff(bool ifPrintTableToLog = false, TDirectory* outDir = nullptr,
163 const std::string& nameOfTable = "efficiency_table")
164 {
165 int NCounters = mc.GetNcounters();
166 std::vector<std::string> rowNames(NCounters + 2);
167 for (int iC = 0; iC < NCounters; ++iC) {
168 rowNames[iC] = std::string(names[iC].Data());
169 }
170 rowNames[NCounters] = "Ghost prob.";
171 rowNames[NCounters + 1] = "N ghosts";
172 std::vector<std::string> colNames = {"Eff.", "Killed", "Length", "Fakes", "Clones",
173 "All Reco", "All MC", "MCl(hits)", "MCl(MCps)"};
175 CbmQaTable* aTable = new CbmQaTable(nameOfTable.c_str(), "Track Efficiency", NCounters + 2, 9);
176 aTable->SetColWidth(20);
177 aTable->SetNamesOfRows(rowNames);
178 aTable->SetNamesOfCols(colNames);
179 for (int iC = 0; iC < NCounters; iC++) {
180 aTable->SetCell(iC, 0, ratio_reco.counters[iC]);
181 aTable->SetCell(iC, 1, ratio_killed.counters[iC]);
182 aTable->SetCell(iC, 2, ratio_length.counters[iC]);
183 aTable->SetCell(iC, 3, ratio_fakes.counters[iC]);
184 aTable->SetCell(iC, 4, ratio_clone.counters[iC]);
185 if (nEvents > 0) {
186 aTable->SetCell(iC, 5, reco.counters[iC] / double(nEvents));
187 aTable->SetCell(iC, 6, mc.counters[iC] / double(nEvents));
188 }
189 else {
190 aTable->SetCell(iC, 5, -1.);
191 aTable->SetCell(iC, 6, -1.);
192 }
193 if (mc.counters[iC] > 0) {
194 aTable->SetCell(iC, 7, mc_length_hits.counters[iC] / double(mc.counters[iC]));
195 aTable->SetCell(iC, 8, mc_length.counters[iC] / double(mc.counters[iC]));
196 }
197 else {
198 aTable->SetCell(iC, 7, -1.);
199 aTable->SetCell(iC, 8, -1.);
200 }
201 }
202 aTable->SetCell(NCounters, 0, ratio_ghosts);
203 aTable->SetCell(NCounters + 1, 0, ghosts);
205 if (ifPrintTableToLog) {
206 LOG(info) << *aTable; // print a table to log
207 }
208 if (outDir != nullptr) {
209 aTable->SetDirectory(outDir);
210 }
211 else {
212 aTable->SetDirectory(nullptr);
213 delete aTable;
214 }
215 };
233 static TL1PerfEfficiencies L1_NTRA; // average efficiencies
235 static int L1_NEVENTS = 0;
236 static double L1_CATIME = 0.0;
238 if (doFinish) {
239 L1_NTRA.CalcEff();
240 L1_NTRA.PrintEff(false, fTableDir);
241 return;
242 }
244 TL1PerfEfficiencies ntra; // efficiencies for current event
246 cbm::ca::tools::Debugger::Instance().AddNtuple("ghost", "it:ih:p:x:y:z:t:dx:dy");
247 static int statNghost = 0;
249 for (vector<CbmL1Track>::iterator rtraIt = fvRecoTracks.begin(); rtraIt != fvRecoTracks.end(); ++rtraIt) {
250 ntra.ghosts += rtraIt->IsGhost();
251 if (0 && rtraIt->IsGhost()) { // Debug.
252 TrackParamV tr(*rtraIt);
253 std::stringstream ss;
254 ss << " L1: ghost track: nhits " << rtraIt->GetNofHits() << " p " << 1. / rtraIt->GetQp() << " purity "
255 << rtraIt->GetMaxPurity() << " | hits ";
256 for (map<int, int>::iterator posIt = rtraIt->hitMap.begin(); posIt != rtraIt->hitMap.end(); posIt++) {
257 ss << " (" << posIt->second << " " << posIt->first << ") ";
258 }
259 LOG(info) << ss.str();
260 for (map<int, int>::iterator posIt = rtraIt->hitMap.begin(); posIt != rtraIt->hitMap.end(); posIt++) {
261 const auto& mcTrk = fMCData.GetTrack(posIt->first);
262 LOG(info) << "mc " << posIt->first << " pdg " << mcTrk.GetPdgCode() << " mother: " << mcTrk.GetMotherId()
263 << " chain " << mcTrk.GetChainId() << " n mc stations: " << mcTrk.GetNofConsStationsWithPoint();
264 }
265 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rtraIt->Hits.size(); i++) {
266 const ca::Hit& h = fpAlgo->GetInputData().GetHit(rtraIt->Hits[i]);
267 const CbmL1HitDebugInfo& s = fvHitDebugInfo[rtraIt->Hits[i]];
268 LOG(info) << " x y z t " << s.x << " " << s.y << " " << h.Z() << " dx " << s.dx << " dy " << s.dy;
269 cbm::ca::tools::Debugger::Instance().FillNtuple("ghost", statNghost, i, fabs(1. / tr.GetQp()[0]), s.x, s.y,
270 h.Z(), h.T(), s.dx, s.dy);
271 }
272 LOG(info) << tr.ToString(0);
273 statNghost++;
274 }
275 }
277 int sta_nhits[fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetNstationsActive()];
278 int sta_nfakes[fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetNstationsActive()];
280 for (int i = 0; i < fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetNstationsActive(); i++) {
281 sta_nhits[i] = 0;
282 sta_nfakes[i] = 0;
283 }
285 for (const auto& mcTrk : fMCData.GetTrackContainer()) {
286 // if( !( mcTrk.GetPdgCode() == -11 && mcTrk.GetMotherId() == -1 ) ) continue; // electrons only
287 if (!mcTrk.IsReconstructable() && !mcTrk.IsAdditional()) continue;
289 // -- find used constans --
290 // is track reconstructed
291 const bool reco = (mcTrk.IsReconstructed());
292 // is track killed. At least one hit of it belong to some recoTrack
293 const bool killed = !reco && mcTrk.IsDisturbed();
294 // ration length for current mcTrack
295 double ratio_length = 0;
296 double ratio_fakes = 0;
297 double mc_length_hits = mcTrk.GetTotNofStationsWithHit();
300 int mc_length = mcTrk.GetTotNofStationsWithPoint();
301 if (reco) {
302 for (unsigned int irt : mcTrk.GetRecoTrackIndexes()) {
303 const auto& rTrk = fvRecoTracks[irt];
304 ratio_length += static_cast<double>(rTrk.GetNofHits()) * rTrk.GetMaxPurity() / mc_length_hits;
305 ratio_fakes += 1 - rTrk.GetMaxPurity();
306 }
307 }
310 // number of clones
311 int nclones = 0;
312 if (reco) nclones = mcTrk.GetNofClones();
313 // if (nclones){ // Debug. Look at clones
314 // for (int irt = 0; irt < rTracks.size(); irt++){
315 // const int ista = fvHitDebugInfo[rTracks[irt]->Hits[0]].iStation;
316 // LOG(info) << rTracks[irt]->GetNOfHits() << "(" << ista << ") ";
317 // }
318 // LOG(info) << mtra.NStations();
319 // }
321 if (mcTrk.IsAdditional()) { // short
322 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "short");
323 switch (mcTrk.GetPdgCode()) {
324 case 11:
325 case -11:
326 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "shortE");
327 break;
328 case 211:
329 case -211:
330 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "shortPion");
331 break;
332 case 321:
333 case -321:
334 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "shortKaon");
335 break;
336 case 2212:
337 case -2212:
338 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "shortProton");
339 break;
340 default: ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "shortRest");
341 }
342 }
343 else { // separate all efficiecies from short eff
346 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "total");
348 if (mcTrk.IsSignal()) { // D0
349 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "d0");
350 }
352 if (mcTrk.GetP() > CbmL1Constants::MinFastMom) { // fast tracks
353 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "fast");
355 if (mcTrk.IsPrimary()) { // fast primary
356 if (mcTrk.GetTotNofStationsWithHit() == fNStations) { // long fast primary
357 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "long_fast_prim");
358 }
359 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "fast_prim");
360 }
361 else { // fast secondary
362 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "fast_sec");
363 }
364 }
365 else { // slow set of tracks
366 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "slow");
368 if (mcTrk.IsPrimary()) { // slow primary
369 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "slow_prim");
370 }
371 else {
372 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "slow_sec");
373 }
374 } // if slow
376 if (mcTrk.GetPdgCode() == 11 || mcTrk.GetPdgCode() == -11) {
377 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "total_e");
379 if (mcTrk.GetP() > CbmL1Constants::MinFastMom) { // fast tracks
380 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "fast_e");
382 if (mcTrk.IsPrimary()) { // fast primary
383 }
384 else { // fast secondary
385 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "fast_sec_e");
386 }
387 }
388 else { // slow set of tracks
389 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "slow_e");
391 if (mcTrk.IsPrimary()) { // slow primary
392 }
393 else {
394 ntra.Inc(reco, killed, ratio_length, ratio_fakes, nclones, mc_length, mc_length_hits, "slow_sec_e");
395 }
396 } // if slow
397 }
398 }
400 } // for mcTracks
402 L1_CATIME += fTrackingTime;
403 L1_NEVENTS++;
404 ntra.IncNEvents();
405 L1_NTRA += ntra;
407 ntra.CalcEff();
408 L1_NTRA.CalcEff();
410 if (fVerbose) {
411 if (fVerbose > 1) {
412 ntra.PrintEff(true);
413 std::stringstream ss;
414 ss << "Number of true and fake hits in stations: \n";
415 for (int i = 0; i < fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetNstationsActive(); i++) {
416 ss << sta_nhits[i] - sta_nfakes[i] << "+" << sta_nfakes[i] << " ";
417 }
418 LOG(info) << ss.str();
419 } // fVerbose > 1
420 LOG(info) << "\n"
421 << "L1 ACCUMULATED STAT : " << L1_NEVENTS << " EVENTS \n";
422 L1_NTRA.PrintEff(true);
423 LOG(info) << "Reconstructible MC tracks/event: "
424 << (double(L1_NTRA.mc.counters[L1_NTRA.indices["total"]]) / double(L1_NEVENTS));
425 LOG(info) << "Reconstructed MC tracks/event: "
426 << (double(L1_NTRA.reco.counters[L1_NTRA.indices["total"]]) / double(L1_NEVENTS));
427 LOG(info) << "\nCA Track Finder: " << L1_CATIME / L1_NEVENTS << " s/time slice \n";
428 }
429} // void CbmL1::Performance()
432void CbmL1::HistoPerformance() // TODO: check if works correctly. Change vHitFast on match data in CbmL1**Track classes
435 static TProfile *p_eff_all_vs_mom, *p_eff_prim_vs_mom, *p_eff_sec_vs_mom, *p_eff_d0_vs_mom, *p_eff_prim_vs_theta,
436 *p_eff_all_vs_pt, *p_eff_prim_vs_pt, *p_eff_all_vs_nhits, *p_eff_prim_vs_nhits, *p_eff_sec_vs_nhits;
438 static TH1F *h_reg_MCmom, *h_acc_MCmom, *h_reco_MCmom, *h_ghost_Rmom;
439 static TH1F *h_reg_prim_MCmom, *h_acc_prim_MCmom, *h_reco_prim_MCmom;
440 static TH1F *h_reg_sec_MCmom, *h_acc_sec_MCmom, *h_reco_sec_MCmom;
442 static TH1F* h_acc_mom_short123s;
444 static TH1F *h_reg_mom_prim, *h_reg_mom_sec, *h_reg_nhits_prim, *h_reg_nhits_sec;
445 static TH1F *h_acc_mom_prim, *h_acc_mom_sec, *h_acc_nhits_prim, *h_acc_nhits_sec;
446 static TH1F *h_reco_mom_prim, *h_reco_mom_sec, *h_reco_nhits_prim, *h_reco_nhits_sec;
447 static TH1F *h_rest_mom_prim, *h_rest_mom_sec, *h_rest_nhits_prim, *h_rest_nhits_sec;
449 //static TH1F *h_hit_density[10];
451 static TH1F *h_ghost_purity, *h_ghost_mom, *h_ghost_nhits, *h_ghost_fstation, *h_ghost_chi2, *h_ghost_prob,
452 *h_ghost_tx, *h_ghost_ty;
453 static TH1F *h_reco_mom, *h_reco_d0_mom, *h_reco_nhits, *h_reco_station, *h_reco_chi2, *h_reco_prob, *h_rest_prob,
454 *h_reco_purity, *h_reco_time;
455 static TProfile *h_reco_timeNtr, *h_reco_timeNhit;
456 static TProfile *h_reco_fakeNtr, *h_reco_fakeNhit;
457 static TH1F *h_tx, *h_ty, *h_sec_r, *h_ghost_r;
459 static TH1F *h_notfound_mom, *h_notfound_nhits, *h_notfound_station, *h_notfound_r, *h_notfound_tx, *h_notfound_ty;
461 static TH1F *h_mcp, *h_nmchits;
462 // static TH1F *h_chi2, *h_prob, *MC_vx, *MC_vy, *MC_vz, *VtxChiPrim, *VtxChiSec;
464 // static TH2F *P_vs_P ;
466 static TH2F *h2_vertex, *h2_prim_vertex, *h2_sec_vertex;
467 //static TH3F *h3_vertex, *h3_prim_vertex, *h3_sec_vertex;
469 static TH2F *h2_reg_nhits_vs_mom_prim, *h2_reg_nhits_vs_mom_sec, *h2_reg_fstation_vs_mom_prim,
470 *h2_reg_fstation_vs_mom_sec, *h2_reg_lstation_vs_fstation_prim, *h2_reg_lstation_vs_fstation_sec;
471 static TH2F *h2_acc_nhits_vs_mom_prim, *h2_acc_nhits_vs_mom_sec, *h2_acc_fstation_vs_mom_prim,
472 *h2_acc_fstation_vs_mom_sec, *h2_acc_lstation_vs_fstation_prim, *h2_acc_lstation_vs_fstation_sec;
473 static TH2F *h2_reco_nhits_vs_mom_prim, *h2_reco_nhits_vs_mom_sec, *h2_reco_fstation_vs_mom_prim,
474 *h2_reco_fstation_vs_mom_sec, *h2_reco_lstation_vs_fstation_prim, *h2_reco_lstation_vs_fstation_sec;
475 static TH2F *h2_ghost_nhits_vs_mom, *h2_ghost_fstation_vs_mom, *h2_ghost_lstation_vs_fstation;
476 static TH2F *h2_rest_nhits_vs_mom_prim, *h2_rest_nhits_vs_mom_sec, *h2_rest_fstation_vs_mom_prim,
477 *h2_rest_fstation_vs_mom_sec, *h2_rest_lstation_vs_fstation_prim, *h2_rest_lstation_vs_fstation_sec;
479 static TH1F* h_reg_phi_prim;
480 static TH1F* h_reg_phi_sec;
481 static TH1F* h_acc_phi_prim;
482 static TH1F* h_acc_phi_sec;
483 static TH1F* h_reco_phi_prim;
484 static TH1F* h_reco_phi_sec;
485 static TH1F* h_rest_phi_prim;
486 static TH1F* h_rest_phi_sec;
487 static TH1F* h_ghost_phi;
488 static TH1F* h_reco_phi;
489 static TH1F* h_notfound_phi;
491 static TH2F* h2_fst_hit_yz; // occupancy of track first hit in y-z plane
492 static TH2F* h2_lst_hit_yz; // occupancy of track last hit in y-z plane
493 static TH2F* h2_all_hit_yz; // occupancy of track all hits in y-z plane
495 static bool first_call = 1;
497 if (first_call) {
498 first_call = 0;
500 TDirectory* curdir = gDirectory;
501 gDirectory = fHistoDir;
503 h2_fst_hit_yz =
504 new TH2F("h2_fst_hit_yz", "Track first hit occupancy in y-z plane;z [cm];y [cm]", 80, 0, 0, 80, 0, 0);
505 h2_lst_hit_yz =
506 new TH2F("h2_lst_hit_yz", "Track last hit occupancy in y-z plane;z[ cm];y [cm]", 80, 0, 0, 80, 0, 0);
507 h2_all_hit_yz = new TH2F("h2_all_hit_yz", "Track hit occupancy in y-z plane;z[ cm];y [cm]", 80, 0, 0, 80, 0, 0);
509 p_eff_all_vs_mom = new TProfile("p_eff_all_vs_mom", "AllSet Efficiency vs Momentum", 100, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 100.0);
510 p_eff_prim_vs_mom =
511 new TProfile("p_eff_prim_vs_mom", "Primary Set Efficiency vs Momentum", 100, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 100.0);
512 p_eff_sec_vs_mom =
513 new TProfile("p_eff_sec_vs_mom", "Secondary Set Efficiency vs Momentum", 100, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 100.0);
514 p_eff_d0_vs_mom =
515 new TProfile("p_eff_d0_vs_mom", "D0 Secondary Tracks Efficiency vs Momentum", 150, 0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 100.0);
516 p_eff_prim_vs_theta =
517 new TProfile("p_eff_prim_vs_theta", "All Primary Set Efficiency vs Theta", 100, 0.0, 30.0, 0.0, 100.0);
518 p_eff_all_vs_pt = new TProfile("p_eff_all_vs_pt", "AllSet Efficiency vs Pt", 100, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 100.0);
519 p_eff_prim_vs_pt = new TProfile("p_eff_prim_vs_pt", "Primary Set Efficiency vs Pt", 100, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 100.0);
521 p_eff_all_vs_nhits = new TProfile("p_eff_all_vs_nhits", "AllSet Efficiency vs NMCHits", 8, 3.0, 11.0, 0.0, 100.0);
522 p_eff_prim_vs_nhits =
523 new TProfile("p_eff_prim_vs_nhits", "PrimSet Efficiency vs NMCHits", 8, 3.0, 11.0, 0.0, 100.0);
524 p_eff_sec_vs_nhits = new TProfile("p_eff_sec_vs_nhits", "SecSet Efficiency vs NMCHits", 8, 3.0, 11.0, 0.0, 100.0);
526 h_reg_MCmom = new TH1F("h_reg_MCmom", "Momentum of registered tracks", 100, 0.0, 5.0);
527 h_acc_MCmom = new TH1F("h_acc_MCmom", "Reconstructable tracks", 100, 0.0, 5.0);
528 h_reco_MCmom = new TH1F("h_reco_MCmom", "Reconstructed tracks", 100, 0.0, 5.0);
530 h_ghost_Rmom = new TH1F("h_ghost_Rmom", "Ghost tracks", 100, 0.0, 5.0);
531 h_reg_prim_MCmom = new TH1F("h_reg_prim_MCmom", "Momentum of registered tracks", 100, 0.0, 5.0);
532 h_acc_prim_MCmom = new TH1F("h_acc_prim_MCmom", "Reconstructable tracks", 100, 0.0, 5.0);
533 h_reco_prim_MCmom = new TH1F("h_reco_prim_MCmom", "Reconstructed tracks", 100, 0.0, 5.0);
534 h_reg_sec_MCmom = new TH1F("h_reg_sec_MCmom", "Momentum of registered tracks", 100, 0.0, 5.0);
535 h_acc_sec_MCmom = new TH1F("h_acc_sec_MCmom", "Reconstructable tracks", 100, 0.0, 5.0);
536 h_reco_sec_MCmom = new TH1F("h_reco_sec_MCmom", "Reconstructed tracks", 100, 0.0, 5.0);
538 h_acc_mom_short123s =
539 new TH1F("h_acc_mom_short123s", "Momentum of accepted tracks with 3 hits on first stations", 500, 0.0, 5.0);
541 h_reg_mom_prim = new TH1F("h_reg_mom_prim", "Momentum of registered primary tracks", 500, 0.0, 5.0);
542 h_reg_mom_sec = new TH1F("h_reg_mom_sec", "Momentum of registered secondary tracks", 500, 0.0, 5.0);
543 h_acc_mom_prim = new TH1F("h_acc_mom_prim", "Momentum of accepted primary tracks", 500, 0.0, 5.0);
544 h_acc_mom_sec = new TH1F("h_acc_mom_sec", "Momentum of accepted secondary tracks", 500, 0.0, 5.0);
545 h_reco_mom_prim = new TH1F("h_reco_mom_prim", "Momentum of reconstructed primary tracks", 500, 0.0, 5.0);
546 h_reco_mom_sec = new TH1F("h_reco_mom_sec", "Momentum of reconstructed secondary tracks", 500, 0.0, 5.0);
547 h_rest_mom_prim = new TH1F("h_rest_mom_prim", "Momentum of not found primary tracks", 500, 0.0, 5.0);
548 h_rest_mom_sec = new TH1F("h_rest_mom_sec", "Momentum of not found secondary tracks", 500, 0.0, 5.0);
550 h_reg_phi_prim = new TH1F("h_reg_phi_prim", "Azimuthal angle of registered primary tracks", 1000, -3.15, 3.15);
551 h_reg_phi_sec = new TH1F("h_reg_phi_sec", "Azimuthal angle of registered secondary tracks", 1000, -3.15, 3.15);
552 h_acc_phi_prim = new TH1F("h_acc_phi_prim", "Azimuthal angle of accepted primary tracks", 1000, -3.15, 3.15);
553 h_acc_phi_sec = new TH1F("h_acc_phi_sec", "Azimuthal angle of accepted secondary tracks", 1000, -3.15, 3.15);
554 h_reco_phi_prim = new TH1F("h_reco_phi_prim", "Azimuthal angle of reconstructed primary tracks", 1000, -3.15, 3.15);
555 h_reco_phi_sec = new TH1F("h_reco_phi_sec", "Azimuthal angle of reconstructed secondary tracks", 1000, -3.15, 3.15);
556 h_rest_phi_prim = new TH1F("h_rest_phi_prim", "Azimuthal angle of not found primary tracks", 1000, -3.15, 3.15);
557 h_rest_phi_sec = new TH1F("h_rest_phi_sec", "Azimuthal angle of not found secondary tracks", 1000, -3.15, 3.15);
559 h_reg_nhits_prim = new TH1F("h_reg_nhits_prim", "Number of hits in registered primary track", 51, -0.1, 10.1);
560 h_reg_nhits_sec = new TH1F("h_reg_nhits_sec", "Number of hits in registered secondary track", 51, -0.1, 10.1);
561 h_acc_nhits_prim = new TH1F("h_acc_nhits_prim", "Number of hits in accepted primary track", 51, -0.1, 10.1);
562 h_acc_nhits_sec = new TH1F("h_acc_nhits_sec", "Number of hits in accepted secondary track", 51, -0.1, 10.1);
563 h_reco_nhits_prim = new TH1F("h_reco_nhits_prim", "Number of hits in reconstructed primary track", 51, -0.1, 10.1);
564 h_reco_nhits_sec = new TH1F("h_reco_nhits_sec", "Number of hits in reconstructed secondary track", 51, -0.1, 10.1);
565 h_rest_nhits_prim = new TH1F("h_rest_nhits_prim", "Number of hits in not found primary track", 51, -0.1, 10.1);
566 h_rest_nhits_sec = new TH1F("h_rest_nhits_sec", "Number of hits in not found secondary track", 51, -0.1, 10.1);
568 h_ghost_mom = new TH1F("h_ghost_mom", "Momentum of ghost tracks", 500, 0.0, 5.0);
569 h_ghost_phi = new TH1F("h_ghost_phi", "Azimuthal angle of ghost tracks", 1000, -3.15, 3.15);
570 h_ghost_nhits = new TH1F("h_ghost_nhits", "Number of hits in ghost track", 51, -0.1, 10.1);
571 h_ghost_fstation = new TH1F("h_ghost_fstation", "First station of ghost track", 50, -0.5, 10.0);
572 h_ghost_chi2 = new TH1F("h_ghost_chi2", "Chi2/NDF of ghost track", 50, -0.5, 10.0);
573 h_ghost_prob = new TH1F("h_ghost_prob", "Prob of ghost track", 505, 0., 1.01);
574 h_ghost_r = new TH1F("h_ghost_r", "R of ghost track at the first hit", 50, 0.0, 150.0);
575 h_ghost_tx = new TH1F("h_ghost_tx", "tx of ghost track at the first hit", 50, -5.0, 5.0);
576 h_ghost_ty = new TH1F("h_ghost_ty", "ty of ghost track at the first hit", 50, -1.0, 1.0);
577 h_ghost_purity = new TH1F("h_ghost_purity", "Ghost: percentage of correct hits", 100, -0.5, 100.5);
579 h_reco_mom = new TH1F("h_reco_mom", "Momentum of reco track", 50, 0.0, 5.0);
580 h_reco_phi = new TH1F("h_reco_phi", "Azimuthal angle of reco track", 1000, -3.15, 3.15);
581 h_reco_nhits = new TH1F("h_reco_nhits", "Number of hits in reco track", 50, 0.0, 10.0);
582 h_reco_station = new TH1F("h_reco_station", "First station of reco track", 50, -0.5, 10.0);
583 h_reco_chi2 = new TH1F("h_reco_chi2", "Chi2/NDF of reco track", 50, -0.5, 10.0);
584 h_reco_prob = new TH1F("h_reco_prob", "Prob of reco track", 505, 0., 1.01);
585 h_rest_prob = new TH1F("h_rest_prob", "Prob of reco rest track", 505, 0., 1.01);
586 h_reco_purity = new TH1F("h_reco_purity", "Percentage of correct hits", 100, -0.5, 100.5);
587 h_reco_time = new TH1F("h_reco_time", "CA Track Finder Time (s/ev)", 20, 0.0, 20.0);
588 h_reco_timeNtr = new TProfile("h_reco_timeNtr", "CA Track Finder Time (s/ev) vs N Tracks", 200, 0.0, 1000.0);
589 h_reco_timeNhit = new TProfile("h_reco_timeNhit", "CA Track Finder Time (s/ev) vs N Hits", 200, 0.0, 30000.0);
590 h_reco_fakeNtr = new TProfile("h_reco_fakeNtr", "N Fake hits vs N Tracks", 200, 0.0, 1000.0);
591 h_reco_fakeNhit = new TProfile("h_reco_fakeNhit", "N Fake hits vs N Hits", 200, 0.0, 30000.0);
593 h_reco_d0_mom = new TH1F("h_reco_d0_mom", "Momentum of reco D0 track", 150, 0.0, 15.0);
595 // h_hit_density[0] = new TH1F("h_hit_density0", "Hit density station 1", 50, 0.0, 5.00);
596 // h_hit_density[1] = new TH1F("h_hit_density1", "Hit density station 2", 100, 0.0, 10.00);
597 // h_hit_density[2] = new TH1F("h_hit_density2", "Hit density station 3", 140, 0.0, 13.99);
598 // h_hit_density[3] = new TH1F("h_hit_density3", "Hit density station 4", 180, 0.0, 18.65);
599 // h_hit_density[4] = new TH1F("h_hit_density4", "Hit density station 5", 230, 0.0, 23.32);
600 // h_hit_density[5] = new TH1F("h_hit_density5", "Hit density station 6", 270, 0.0, 27.98);
601 // h_hit_density[6] = new TH1F("h_hit_density6", "Hit density station 7", 340, 0.0, 34.97);
602 // h_hit_density[7] = new TH1F("h_hit_density7", "Hit density station 8", 460, 0.0, 46.63);
603 // h_hit_density[8] = new TH1F("h_hit_density8", "Hit density station 9", 500, 0.0, 50.00);
604 // h_hit_density[9] = new TH1F("h_hit_density8", "Hit density station 9", 500, 0.0, 50.00);
605 // h_hit_density[10] = new TH1F("h_hit_density8", "Hit density station 9", 500, 0.0, 50.00);
607 h_tx = new TH1F("h_tx", "tx of MC track at the vertex", 50, -0.5, 0.5);
608 h_ty = new TH1F("h_ty", "ty of MC track at the vertex", 50, -0.5, 0.5);
610 h_sec_r = new TH1F("h_sec_r", "R of sec MC track at the first hit", 50, 0.0, 15.0);
612 h_notfound_mom = new TH1F("h_notfound_mom", "Momentum of not found track", 50, 0.0, 5.0);
613 h_notfound_phi = new TH1F("h_notfound_phi", "Momentum of not found track", 50, 0.0, 5.0);
614 h_notfound_nhits = new TH1F("h_notfound_nhits", "Num hits of not found track", 50, 0.0, 10.0);
615 h_notfound_station = new TH1F("h_notfound_station", "First station of not found track", 50, 0.0, 10.0);
616 h_notfound_r = new TH1F("h_notfound_r", "R at first hit of not found track", 50, 0.0, 15.0);
617 h_notfound_tx = new TH1F("h_notfound_tx", "tx of not found track at the first hit", 50, -5.0, 5.0);
618 h_notfound_ty = new TH1F("h_notfound_ty", "ty of not found track at the first hit", 50, -1.0, 1.0);
620 /*
621 h_chi2 = new TH1F("chi2", "Chi^2", 100, 0.0, 10.);
622 h_prob = new TH1F("prob", "Prob", 100, 0.0, 1.01);
623 VtxChiPrim = new TH1F("vtxChiPrim", "Chi to primary vtx for primary tracks", 100, 0.0, 10.);
624 VtxChiSec = new TH1F("vtxChiSec", "Chi to primary vtx for secondary tracks", 100, 0.0, 10.);
626 h_mcp = new TH1F("h_mcp", "MC P ", 500, 0.0, 5.0);
627 /*
628 MC_vx = new TH1F("MC_vx", "MC Vertex X", 100, -.05, .05);
629 MC_vy = new TH1F("MC_vy", "MC Vertex Y", 100, -.05, .05);
630 MC_vz = new TH1F("MC_vz", "MC Vertex Z", 100, -.05, .05);
632 h_nmchits = new TH1F("h_nmchits", "N STS hits on MC track", 50, 0.0, 10.0);
634 // P_vs_P = new TH2F("P_vs_P", "Resolution P/Q vs P", 20, 0., 20.,100, -.05, .05);
636 h2_vertex = new TH2F("h2_vertex", "2D vertex distribution", 105, -5., 100., 100, -50., 50.);
637 h2_prim_vertex = new TH2F("h2_primvertex", "2D primary vertex distribution", 105, -5., 100., 100, -50., 50.);
638 h2_sec_vertex = new TH2F("h2_sec_vertex", "2D secondary vertex distribution", 105, -5., 100., 100, -50., 50.);
640 //h3_vertex = new TH3F("h3_vertex", "3D vertex distribution", 20, -5., 100., 100, -50., 50., 100, -50., 50.);
641 //h3_prim_vertex = new TH3F("h3_primvertex", "3D vertex distribution", 20, -5., 100., 100, -50., 50., 100, -50., 50.);
642 //h3_sec_vertex = new TH3F("h3_sec_vertex", "3D vertex distribution", 20, -5., 100., 100, -50., 50., 100, -50., 50.);
644 h2_reg_nhits_vs_mom_prim =
645 new TH2F("h2_reg_nhits_vs_mom_prim", "NHits vs. Momentum (Reg. Primary Tracks)", 51, -0.05, 5.05, 11, -0.5, 10.5);
646 h2_reg_nhits_vs_mom_sec = new TH2F("h2_reg_nhits_vs_mom_sec", "NHits vs. Momentum (Reg. Secondary Tracks)", 51,
647 -0.05, 5.05, 11, -0.5, 10.5);
648 h2_acc_nhits_vs_mom_prim =
649 new TH2F("h2_acc_nhits_vs_mom_prim", "NHits vs. Momentum (Acc. Primary Tracks)", 51, -0.05, 5.05, 11, -0.5, 10.5);
650 h2_acc_nhits_vs_mom_sec = new TH2F("h2_acc_nhits_vs_mom_sec", "NHits vs. Momentum (Acc. Secondary Tracks)", 51,
651 -0.05, 5.05, 11, -0.5, 10.5);
652 h2_reco_nhits_vs_mom_prim = new TH2F("h2_reco_nhits_vs_mom_prim", "NHits vs. Momentum (Reco Primary Tracks)", 51,
653 -0.05, 5.05, 11, -0.5, 10.5);
654 h2_reco_nhits_vs_mom_sec = new TH2F("h2_reco_nhits_vs_mom_sec", "NHits vs. Momentum (Reco Secondary Tracks)", 51,
655 -0.05, 5.05, 11, -0.5, 10.5);
656 h2_ghost_nhits_vs_mom =
657 new TH2F("h2_ghost_nhits_vs_mom", "NHits vs. Momentum (Ghost Tracks)", 51, -0.05, 5.05, 11, -0.5, 10.5);
658 h2_rest_nhits_vs_mom_prim = new TH2F("h2_rest_nhits_vs_mom_prim", "NHits vs. Momentum (!Found Primary Tracks)", 51,
659 -0.05, 5.05, 11, -0.5, 10.5);
660 h2_rest_nhits_vs_mom_sec = new TH2F("h2_rest_nhits_vs_mom_sec", "NHits vs. Momentum (!Found Secondary Tracks)", 51,
661 -0.05, 5.05, 11, -0.5, 10.5);
663 h2_reg_fstation_vs_mom_prim =
664 new TH2F("h2_reg_fstation_vs_mom_prim", "First Station vs. Momentum (Reg. Primary Tracks)", 51, -0.05, 5.05, 11,
665 -0.5, 10.5);
666 h2_reg_fstation_vs_mom_sec =
667 new TH2F("h2_reg_fstation_vs_mom_sec", "First Station vs. Momentum (Reg. Secondary Tracks)", 51, -0.05, 5.05, 11,
668 -0.5, 10.5);
669 h2_acc_fstation_vs_mom_prim =
670 new TH2F("h2_acc_fstation_vs_mom_prim", "First Station vs. Momentum (Acc. Primary Tracks)", 51, -0.05, 5.05, 11,
671 -0.5, 10.5);
672 h2_acc_fstation_vs_mom_sec =
673 new TH2F("h2_acc_fstation_vs_mom_sec", "First Station vs. Momentum (Acc. Secondary Tracks)", 51, -0.05, 5.05, 11,
674 -0.5, 10.5);
675 h2_reco_fstation_vs_mom_prim =
676 new TH2F("h2_reco_fstation_vs_mom_prim", "First Station vs. Momentum (Reco Primary Tracks)", 51, -0.05, 5.05, 11,
677 -0.5, 10.5);
678 h2_reco_fstation_vs_mom_sec =
679 new TH2F("h2_reco_fstation_vs_mom_sec", "First Station vs. Momentum (Reco Secondary Tracks)", 51, -0.05, 5.05, 11,
680 -0.5, 10.5);
681 h2_ghost_fstation_vs_mom = new TH2F("h2_ghost_fstation_vs_mom", "First Station vs. Momentum (Ghost Tracks)", 51,
682 -0.05, 5.05, 11, -0.5, 10.5);
683 h2_rest_fstation_vs_mom_prim =
684 new TH2F("h2_rest_fstation_vs_mom_prim", "First Station vs. Momentum (!Found Primary Tracks)", 51, -0.05, 5.05,
685 11, -0.5, 10.5);
686 h2_rest_fstation_vs_mom_sec =
687 new TH2F("h2_rest_fstation_vs_mom_sec", "First Station vs. Momentum (!Found Secondary Tracks)", 51, -0.05, 5.05,
688 11, -0.5, 10.5);
690 h2_reg_lstation_vs_fstation_prim =
691 new TH2F("h2_reg_lstation_vs_fstation_prim", "Last vs. First Station (Reg. Primary Tracks)", 11, -0.5, 10.5, 11,
692 -0.5, 10.5);
693 h2_reg_lstation_vs_fstation_sec =
694 new TH2F("h2_reg_lstation_vs_fstation_sec", "Last vs. First Station (Reg. Secondary Tracks)", 11, -0.5, 10.5, 11,
695 -0.5, 10.5);
696 h2_acc_lstation_vs_fstation_prim =
697 new TH2F("h2_acc_lstation_vs_fstation_prim", "Last vs. First Station (Acc. Primary Tracks)", 11, -0.5, 10.5, 11,
698 -0.5, 10.5);
699 h2_acc_lstation_vs_fstation_sec =
700 new TH2F("h2_acc_lstation_vs_fstation_sec", "Last vs. First Station (Acc. Secondary Tracks)", 11, -0.5, 10.5, 11,
701 -0.5, 10.5);
702 h2_reco_lstation_vs_fstation_prim =
703 new TH2F("h2_reco_lstation_vs_fstation_prim", "Last vs. First Station (Reco Primary Tracks)", 11, -0.5, 10.5, 11,
704 -0.5, 10.5);
705 h2_reco_lstation_vs_fstation_sec =
706 new TH2F("h2_reco_lstation_vs_fstation_sec", "Last vs. First Station (Reco Secondary Tracks)", 11, -0.5, 10.5, 11,
707 -0.5, 10.5);
708 h2_ghost_lstation_vs_fstation = new TH2F("h2_ghost_lstation_vs_fstation", "Last vs. First Station (Ghost Tracks)",
709 11, -0.5, 10.5, 11, -0.5, 10.5);
710 h2_rest_lstation_vs_fstation_prim =
711 new TH2F("h2_rest_lstation_vs_fstation_prim", "Last vs. First Station (!Found Primary Tracks)", 11, -0.5, 10.5,
712 11, -0.5, 10.5);
713 h2_rest_lstation_vs_fstation_sec =
714 new TH2F("h2_rest_lstation_vs_fstation_sec", "Last vs. First Station (!Found Secondary Tracks)", 11, -0.5, 10.5,
715 11, -0.5, 10.5);
717 //maindir->cd();
719 // ----- Create list of all histogram pointers
721 gDirectory = curdir;
723 } // first_call
726 static int NEvents = 0;
727 if (NEvents > 0) {
728 h_reg_MCmom->Scale(NEvents);
729 h_acc_MCmom->Scale(NEvents);
730 h_reco_MCmom->Scale(NEvents);
731 h_ghost_Rmom->Scale(NEvents);
732 h_reg_prim_MCmom->Scale(NEvents);
733 h_acc_prim_MCmom->Scale(NEvents);
734 h_reco_prim_MCmom->Scale(NEvents);
735 h_reg_sec_MCmom->Scale(NEvents);
736 h_acc_sec_MCmom->Scale(NEvents);
737 h_reco_sec_MCmom->Scale(NEvents);
738 }
739 NEvents++;
741 // //hit density calculation: h_hit_density[10]
742 //
743 // for (vector<CbmL1HitDebugInfo>::iterator hIt = fvHitDebugInfo.begin(); hIt != fvHitDebugInfo.end(); ++hIt){
744 // float x = hIt->x;
745 // float y = hIt->y;
746 // float r = sqrt(x*x+y*y);
747 // h_hit_density[hIt->iStation]->Fill(r, 1.0/(2.0*3.1415*r));
748 // }
750 //
751 for (vector<CbmL1Track>::iterator rtraIt = fvRecoTracks.begin(); rtraIt != fvRecoTracks.end(); ++rtraIt) {
752 CbmL1Track* prtra = &(*rtraIt);
753 if ((prtra->Hits).size() < 1) continue;
754 { // fill histos
755 if (fabs(prtra->GetQp()) > 1.e-10)
756 h_reco_mom->Fill(
757 fabs(1.0 / prtra->GetQp())); // TODO: Is it a right precision? In FairTrackParam it is 1.e-4 (S.Zharko)
758 // NOTE: p = (TMath::Abs(fQp) > 1.e-4) ? 1. / TMath::Abs(fQp) : 1.e4; // FairTrackParam::Momentum(TVector3)
759 // h_reco_mom->Fill(TMath::Abs(prtra->T[4] > 1.e-4) ? 1. / TMath::Abs(prtra->T[4]) : 1.e+4); // this should be correct
761 h_reco_phi->Fill(prtra->GetPhi()); // TODO: What is precision?
762 h_reco_nhits->Fill((prtra->Hits).size());
763 CbmL1HitDebugInfo& mh = fvHitDebugInfo[prtra->Hits[0]];
764 h_reco_station->Fill(mh.iStation);
766 int iFstHit = prtra->GetFirstHitIndex();
767 auto& fstHit = fvHitDebugInfo[iFstHit];
768 h2_fst_hit_yz->Fill(fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(fstHit.iStation).fZ[0], fstHit.GetY());
770 int iLstHit = prtra->GetLastHitIndex();
771 auto& lstHit = fvHitDebugInfo[iLstHit];
772 h2_lst_hit_yz->Fill(fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(lstHit.iStation).fZ[0], lstHit.GetY());
774 for (int iH : prtra->Hits) {
775 const auto& hit = fvHitDebugInfo[iH];
776 int y = hit.GetY();
777 int z = fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(hit.iStation).fZ[0];
778 h2_all_hit_yz->Fill(z, y);
779 }
780 }
783 h_reco_purity->Fill(100 * prtra->GetMaxPurity());
785 if (prtra->GetNdf() > 0) {
786 if (prtra->IsGhost()) {
787 h_ghost_chi2->Fill(prtra->GetChiSq() / prtra->GetNdf());
788 h_ghost_prob->Fill(TMath::Prob(prtra->GetChiSq(), prtra->GetNdf()));
789 }
790 else if (prtra->GetNofMCTracks() > 0) {
791 const auto& mcTrk = fMCData.GetTrack(prtra->GetMatchedMCTrackIndex());
792 if (mcTrk.IsReconstructable()) {
793 h_reco_chi2->Fill(prtra->GetChiSq() / prtra->GetNdf());
794 h_reco_prob->Fill(TMath::Prob(prtra->GetChiSq(), prtra->GetNdf()));
795 }
796 else {
797 // h_rest_chi2->Fill(prtra->GetChiSq()/prtra->NDF);
798 h_rest_prob->Fill(TMath::Prob(prtra->GetChiSq(), prtra->GetNdf()));
799 }
800 }
801 }
804 // fill ghost histos
805 if (prtra->IsGhost()) {
806 //fMonitor.IncrementCounter(EMonitorKey::kGhostTrack);
807 h_ghost_purity->Fill(100 * prtra->GetMaxPurity());
808 if (fabs(prtra->GetQp()) > 1.e-10) {
809 h_ghost_mom->Fill(prtra->GetP());
810 h_ghost_phi->Fill(prtra->GetPhi()); // phi = atan(py / px) = atan(ty / tx)
811 h_ghost_Rmom->Fill(prtra->GetP());
812 }
813 h_ghost_nhits->Fill((prtra->Hits).size());
814 CbmL1HitDebugInfo& h1 = fvHitDebugInfo[prtra->Hits[0]];
815 CbmL1HitDebugInfo& h2 = fvHitDebugInfo[prtra->Hits[1]];
816 h_ghost_fstation->Fill(h1.iStation);
817 h_ghost_r->Fill(sqrt(fabs(h1.x * h1.x + h1.y * h1.y)));
818 double z1 = fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(h1.iStation).fZ[0];
819 double z2 = fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(h2.iStation).fZ[0];
820 if (fabs(z2 - z1) > 1.e-4) {
821 h_ghost_tx->Fill((h2.x - h1.x) / (z2 - z1));
822 h_ghost_ty->Fill((h2.y - h1.y) / (z2 - z1));
823 }
825 CbmL1HitDebugInfo& hf = fvHitDebugInfo[prtra->Hits[0]];
826 CbmL1HitDebugInfo& hl = fvHitDebugInfo[prtra->Hits[(prtra->Hits).size() - 1]];
827 if (fabs(prtra->GetQp()) > 1.e-10) {
828 h2_ghost_nhits_vs_mom->Fill(prtra->GetP(), prtra->Hits.size());
829 h2_ghost_fstation_vs_mom->Fill(prtra->GetP(), hf.iStation + 1);
830 }
831 if (hl.iStation >= hf.iStation) h2_ghost_lstation_vs_fstation->Fill(hf.iStation + 1, hl.iStation + 1);
832 }
834 } // for reco tracks
836 int mc_total = 0; // total amount of reconstructable mcTracks
837 for (const auto& mcTrk : fMCData.GetTrackContainer()) {
838 // if( !( mcTrk.GetPdgCode() == -11 && mcTrk.GetPdgCode() == -1 ) ) continue; // electrons only
840 // No Sts hits?
841 int nmchits = mcTrk.GetNofHits();
842 if (nmchits == 0) continue;
844 double momentum = mcTrk.GetP();
845 double pt = mcTrk.GetPt();
846 double theta = mcTrk.GetTheta() * 180 / 3.1415;
847 double phi = mcTrk.GetPhi();
849 h_mcp->Fill(momentum);
850 h_nmchits->Fill(nmchits);
852 int nSta = mcTrk.GetTotNofStationsWithHit();
854 CbmL1HitDebugInfo& fh = fvHitDebugInfo[*(mcTrk.GetHitIndexes().begin())];
855 CbmL1HitDebugInfo& lh = fvHitDebugInfo[*(mcTrk.GetHitIndexes().rbegin())];
857 h_reg_MCmom->Fill(momentum);
858 if (mcTrk.IsPrimary()) {
859 h_reg_mom_prim->Fill(momentum);
860 h_reg_phi_prim->Fill(phi);
861 h_reg_prim_MCmom->Fill(momentum);
862 h_reg_nhits_prim->Fill(nSta);
863 h2_reg_nhits_vs_mom_prim->Fill(momentum, nSta);
864 h2_reg_fstation_vs_mom_prim->Fill(momentum, fh.iStation + 1);
865 if (lh.iStation >= fh.iStation) h2_reg_lstation_vs_fstation_prim->Fill(fh.iStation + 1, lh.iStation + 1);
866 }
867 else {
868 h_reg_mom_sec->Fill(momentum);
869 h_reg_phi_sec->Fill(phi);
870 h_reg_sec_MCmom->Fill(momentum);
871 h_reg_nhits_sec->Fill(nSta);
872 if (momentum > 0.01) {
873 h2_reg_nhits_vs_mom_sec->Fill(momentum, nSta);
874 h2_reg_fstation_vs_mom_sec->Fill(momentum, fh.iStation + 1);
875 if (lh.iStation >= fh.iStation) h2_reg_lstation_vs_fstation_sec->Fill(fh.iStation + 1, lh.iStation + 1);
876 }
877 }
879 if (mcTrk.IsAdditional()) {
880 h_acc_mom_short123s->Fill(momentum);
881 }
883 if (!mcTrk.IsReconstructable()) continue;
884 mc_total++;
886 h_acc_MCmom->Fill(momentum);
887 if (mcTrk.IsPrimary()) {
888 h_acc_mom_prim->Fill(momentum);
889 h_acc_phi_prim->Fill(phi);
890 h_acc_prim_MCmom->Fill(momentum);
891 h_acc_nhits_prim->Fill(nSta);
892 h2_acc_nhits_vs_mom_prim->Fill(momentum, nSta);
893 h2_acc_fstation_vs_mom_prim->Fill(momentum, fh.iStation + 1);
894 if (lh.iStation >= fh.iStation) h2_acc_lstation_vs_fstation_prim->Fill(fh.iStation + 1, lh.iStation + 1);
895 }
896 else {
897 h_acc_mom_sec->Fill(momentum);
898 h_acc_phi_sec->Fill(phi);
899 h_acc_sec_MCmom->Fill(momentum);
900 h_acc_nhits_sec->Fill(nSta);
901 if (momentum > 0.01) {
902 h2_acc_nhits_vs_mom_sec->Fill(momentum, nSta);
903 h2_acc_fstation_vs_mom_sec->Fill(momentum, fh.iStation + 1);
904 if (lh.iStation >= fh.iStation) h2_acc_lstation_vs_fstation_sec->Fill(fh.iStation + 1, lh.iStation + 1);
905 }
906 }
909 // vertex distribution of primary and secondary tracks
910 h2_vertex->Fill(mcTrk.GetStartZ(), mcTrk.GetStartY());
911 //h3_vertex->Fill(mcTrk.GetStartZ(), mcTrk.GetStartX(), mcTrk.GetStartY());
912 if (mcTrk.GetMotherId() < 0) { // primary
913 h2_prim_vertex->Fill(mcTrk.GetStartZ(), mcTrk.GetStartY());
914 //h3_prim_vertex->Fill(mcTrk.GetStartZ(), mcTrk.GetStartX(), mcTrk.GetStartY());
915 }
916 else {
917 h2_sec_vertex->Fill(mcTrk.GetStartZ(), mcTrk.GetStartY());
918 //h3_sec_vertex->Fill(mcTrk.GetStartZ(), mcTrk.GetStartX(), mcTrk.GetStartY());
919 }
922 int iph = mcTrk.GetHitIndexes()[0];
925 h_sec_r->Fill(sqrt(fabs(ph.x * ph.x + ph.y * ph.y)));
926 if (fabs(mcTrk.GetPz()) > 1.e-8) {
927 h_tx->Fill(mcTrk.GetTx());
928 h_ty->Fill(mcTrk.GetTy());
929 }
931 // reconstructed tracks
932 bool reco = (mcTrk.IsReconstructed());
933 int nMCHits = mcTrk.GetTotNofStationsWithHit();
935 if (reco) {
936 p_eff_all_vs_mom->Fill(momentum, 100.0);
937 p_eff_all_vs_nhits->Fill(nMCHits, 100.0);
938 p_eff_all_vs_pt->Fill(pt, 100.0);
939 h_reco_MCmom->Fill(momentum);
940 if (mcTrk.GetMotherId() < 0) { // primary
941 p_eff_prim_vs_mom->Fill(momentum, 100.0);
942 p_eff_prim_vs_nhits->Fill(nMCHits, 100.0);
943 p_eff_prim_vs_pt->Fill(pt, 100.0);
944 p_eff_prim_vs_theta->Fill(theta, 100.0);
945 }
946 else {
947 p_eff_sec_vs_mom->Fill(momentum, 100.0);
948 p_eff_sec_vs_nhits->Fill(nMCHits, 100.0);
949 }
950 if (mcTrk.GetMotherId() < 0) { // primary
951 h_reco_mom_prim->Fill(momentum);
952 h_reco_phi_prim->Fill(phi);
953 h_reco_prim_MCmom->Fill(momentum);
954 h_reco_nhits_prim->Fill(nSta);
955 h2_reco_nhits_vs_mom_prim->Fill(momentum, nSta);
956 h2_reco_fstation_vs_mom_prim->Fill(momentum, fh.iStation + 1);
957 if (lh.iStation >= fh.iStation) h2_reco_lstation_vs_fstation_prim->Fill(fh.iStation + 1, lh.iStation + 1);
958 }
959 else {
960 h_reco_mom_sec->Fill(momentum);
961 h_reco_phi_sec->Fill(phi);
962 h_reco_sec_MCmom->Fill(momentum);
963 h_reco_nhits_sec->Fill(nSta);
964 if (momentum > 0.01) {
965 h2_reco_nhits_vs_mom_sec->Fill(momentum, nSta);
966 h2_reco_fstation_vs_mom_sec->Fill(momentum, fh.iStation + 1);
967 if (lh.iStation >= fh.iStation) h2_reco_lstation_vs_fstation_sec->Fill(fh.iStation + 1, lh.iStation + 1);
968 }
969 }
970 }
971 else {
972 h_notfound_mom->Fill(momentum);
973 h_notfound_phi->Fill(phi);
974 p_eff_all_vs_mom->Fill(momentum, 0.0);
975 p_eff_all_vs_nhits->Fill(nMCHits, 0.0);
976 p_eff_all_vs_pt->Fill(pt, 0.0);
977 if (mcTrk.GetMotherId() < 0) { // primary
978 p_eff_prim_vs_mom->Fill(momentum, 0.0);
979 p_eff_prim_vs_nhits->Fill(nMCHits, 0.0);
980 p_eff_prim_vs_pt->Fill(pt, 0.0);
981 p_eff_prim_vs_theta->Fill(theta, 0.0);
982 }
983 else {
984 p_eff_sec_vs_mom->Fill(momentum, 0.0);
985 p_eff_sec_vs_nhits->Fill(nMCHits, 0.0);
986 }
987 if (mcTrk.GetMotherId() < 0) { // primary
988 h_rest_mom_prim->Fill(momentum);
989 h_rest_phi_prim->Fill(phi);
990 h_rest_nhits_prim->Fill(nSta);
991 h2_rest_nhits_vs_mom_prim->Fill(momentum, nSta);
992 h2_rest_fstation_vs_mom_prim->Fill(momentum, fh.iStation + 1);
993 if (lh.iStation >= fh.iStation) h2_rest_lstation_vs_fstation_prim->Fill(fh.iStation + 1, lh.iStation + 1);
994 }
995 else {
996 h_rest_mom_sec->Fill(momentum);
997 h_rest_phi_sec->Fill(phi);
998 h_rest_nhits_sec->Fill(nSta);
999 if (momentum > 0.01) {
1000 h2_rest_nhits_vs_mom_sec->Fill(momentum, nSta);
1001 h2_rest_fstation_vs_mom_sec->Fill(momentum, fh.iStation + 1);
1002 if (lh.iStation >= fh.iStation) h2_rest_lstation_vs_fstation_sec->Fill(fh.iStation + 1, lh.iStation + 1);
1003 }
1004 }
1005 }
1007 // killed tracks. At least one hit of they belong to some recoTrack
1008 // bool killed = 0;
1009 if (!reco) {
1010 h_notfound_nhits->Fill(nmchits);
1011 h_notfound_station->Fill(ph.iStation);
1012 h_notfound_r->Fill(sqrt(fabs(ph.x * ph.x + ph.y * ph.y)));
1014 if (mcTrk.GetNofPoints() > 0) {
1015 const auto& pMC = fMCData.GetPoint(mcTrk.GetPointIndexes()[0]);
1016 h_notfound_tx->Fill(pMC.GetTx());
1017 h_notfound_ty->Fill(pMC.GetTy());
1018 }
1020 // CbmL1HitDebugInfo &ph21 = fvHitDebugInfo[mtra.Hits[0]];
1021 // CbmL1HitDebugInfo &ph22 = fvHitDebugInfo[mtra.Hits[1]];
1023 // double z21 = fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(ph21.iStation).fZ[0];
1024 // double z22 = fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(ph22.iStation).fZ[0];
1025 // if( fabs(z22-z21)>1.e-4 ){
1026 // h_notfound_tx->Fill((ph22.x-ph21.x)/(z22-z21));
1027 // h_notfound_ty->Fill((ph22.y-ph21.y)/(z22-z21));
1028 // }
1030 // if( mtra.IsDisturbed() ) killed = 1;
1031 }
1034 if (mcTrk.IsSignal()) { // D0
1035 h_reco_d0_mom->Fill(momentum);
1036 if (reco)
1037 p_eff_d0_vs_mom->Fill(momentum, 100.0);
1038 else
1039 p_eff_d0_vs_mom->Fill(momentum, 0.0);
1040 }
1042 } // for mcTracks
1044 int NFakes = 0;
1045 for (unsigned int ih = 0; ih < fpAlgo->GetInputData().GetNhits(); ih++) {
1046 int iMC = fvHitDebugInfo[ih].GetBestMcPointId(); // TODO2: adapt to linking
1047 if (iMC < 0) NFakes++;
1048 }
1050 h_reco_time->Fill(fTrackingTime);
1051 h_reco_timeNtr->Fill(mc_total, fTrackingTime);
1052 h_reco_timeNhit->Fill(fpAlgo->GetInputData().GetNhits(), fTrackingTime);
1054 h_reco_fakeNtr->Fill(mc_total, NFakes);
1055 h_reco_fakeNhit->Fill(fpAlgo->GetInputData().GetNhits() - NFakes, NFakes);
1058 // NOTE: Must be called once
1059 h_reg_MCmom->Scale(1.f / NEvents);
1060 h_acc_MCmom->Scale(1.f / NEvents);
1061 h_reco_MCmom->Scale(1.f / NEvents);
1062 h_ghost_Rmom->Scale(1.f / NEvents);
1063 h_reg_prim_MCmom->Scale(1.f / NEvents);
1064 h_acc_prim_MCmom->Scale(1.f / NEvents);
1065 h_reco_prim_MCmom->Scale(1.f / NEvents);
1066 h_reg_sec_MCmom->Scale(1.f / NEvents);
1067 h_acc_sec_MCmom->Scale(1.f / NEvents);
1068 h_reco_sec_MCmom->Scale(1.f / NEvents);
1070} // void CbmL1::HistoPerformance()
1075 const int Nh_fit = 17;
1076 static TH1F *h_fit[Nh_fit], *h_fitL[Nh_fit], *h_fitSV[Nh_fit], *h_fitPV[Nh_fit], *h_fit_chi2;
1078 static TH2F *PRes2D, *PRes2DPrim, *PRes2DSec;
1080 static TH2F* pion_res_pt_fstDca;
1081 static TH2F* kaon_res_pt_fstDca;
1082 static TH2F* pton_res_pt_fstDca;
1084 static TH2F* pion_res_pt_vtxDca;
1085 static TH2F* kaon_res_pt_vtxDca;
1086 static TH2F* pton_res_pt_vtxDca;
1088 static TH2F* pion_res_p_fstDca;
1089 static TH2F* kaon_res_p_fstDca;
1090 static TH2F* pton_res_p_fstDca;
1092 static TH2F* pion_res_p_vtxDca;
1093 static TH2F* kaon_res_p_vtxDca;
1094 static TH2F* pton_res_p_vtxDca;
1096 static bool first_call = 1;
1100 fit.SetMask(fmask::One());
1101 //fit.SetMaxExtrapolationStep(10.);
1102 fit.SetDoFitVelocity(true);
1104 if (first_call) {
1105 first_call = 0;
1107 TDirectory* currentDir = gDirectory;
1108 gDirectory = fHistoDir;
1109 gDirectory->cd("Fit");
1110 {
1111 PRes2D = new TH2F("PRes2D", "Resolution P [%] vs P", 100, 0., 20., 100, -15., 15.);
1112 PRes2DPrim = new TH2F("PRes2DPrim", "Resolution P [%] vs P", 100, 0., 20., 100, -15., 15.);
1113 PRes2DSec = new TH2F("PRes2DSec", "Resolution P [%] vs P", 100, 0., 20., 100, -15., 15.);
1115 pion_res_pt_fstDca = new TH2F("pion_res_pt_fstDca", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -500, 500);
1116 kaon_res_pt_fstDca = new TH2F("kaon_res_pt_fstDca", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -500, 500);
1117 pton_res_pt_fstDca = new TH2F("pton_res_pt_fstDca", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -500, 500);
1119 pion_res_pt_vtxDca = new TH2F("pion_res_pt_vtxDca", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -5000, 5000);
1120 kaon_res_pt_vtxDca = new TH2F("kaon_res_pt_vtxDca", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -5000, 5000);
1121 pton_res_pt_vtxDca = new TH2F("pton_res_pt_vtxDca", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -5000, 5000);
1123 pion_res_p_fstDca = new TH2F("pion_res_p_fstDca", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -500, 500);
1124 kaon_res_p_fstDca = new TH2F("kaon_res_p_fstDca", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -500, 500);
1125 pton_res_p_fstDca = new TH2F("pton_res_p_fstDca", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -500, 500);
1127 pion_res_p_vtxDca = new TH2F("pion_res_p_vtxDca", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -5000, 5000);
1128 kaon_res_p_vtxDca = new TH2F("kaon_res_p_vtxDca", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -5000, 5000);
1129 pton_res_p_vtxDca = new TH2F("pton_res_p_vtxDca", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -5000, 5000);
1131 struct {
1132 const char* name;
1133 const char* title;
1134 Int_t n;
1135 Double_t l, r;
1136 } Table[Nh_fit] = {{"x", "Residual X [#mum]", 140, -40., 40.},
1137 {"y", "Residual Y [#mum]", 100, -450., 450.},
1138 {"tx", "Residual Tx [mrad]", 100, -4., 4.},
1139 {"ty", "Residual Ty [mrad]", 100, -3.5, 3.5},
1140 {"P", "Resolution P/Q [%]", 100, -15., 15.},
1141 {"px", "Pull X [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -6., 6.},
1142 {"py", "Pull Y [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -6., 6.},
1143 {"ptx", "Pull Tx [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -6., 6.},
1144 {"pty", "Pull Ty [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -6., 6.},
1145 {"pQP", "Pull Q/P [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -6., 6.},
1146 {"QPreco", "Reco Q/P ", 100, -10., 10.},
1147 {"QPmc", "MC Q/P ", 100, -10., 10.},
1148 {"time", "Residual Time [ns]", 100, -10., 10.},
1149 {"ptime", "Pull Time [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -10., 10.},
1150 {"vi", "Residual Vi [1/c]", 100, -4., 4.},
1151 {"pvi", "Pull Vi [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -10., 10.},
1152 {"distrVi", "Vi distribution [1/c]", 100, 0., 4.}};
1154 if (ca::TrackingMode::kGlobal == fpAlgo->GetTrackingMode()) {
1155 Table[4].l = -100.;
1156 Table[4].r = 100.;
1157 }
1159 struct Tab {
1160 const char* name;
1161 const char* title;
1162 Int_t n;
1163 Double_t l, r;
1164 };
1165 Tab TableVertex[Nh_fit] = {//{"x", "Residual X [cm]", 200, -0.01, 0.01},
1166 {"x", "Residual X [cm]", 2000, -1., 1.},
1167 //{"y", "Residual Y [cm]", 200, -0.01, 0.01},
1168 {"y", "Residual Y [cm]", 2000, -1., 1.},
1169 //{"tx", "Residual Tx [mrad]", 100, -3., 3.},
1170 {"tx", "Residual Tx [mrad]", 100, -2., 2.},
1171 //{"ty", "Residual Ty [mrad]", 100, -3., 3.},
1172 {"ty", "Residual Ty [mrad]", 100, -2., 2.},
1173 {"P", "Resolution P/Q [%]", 100, -15., 15.},
1174 {"px", "Pull X [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -10., 10.},
1175 {"py", "Pull Y [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -10., 10.},
1176 {"ptx", "Pull Tx [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -10., 10.},
1177 {"pty", "Pull Ty [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -10., 10.},
1178 {"pQP", "Pull Q/P [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -10., 10.},
1179 {"QPreco", "Reco Q/P ", 100, -10., 10.},
1180 {"QPmc", "MC Q/P ", 100, -10., 10.},
1181 {"time", "Residual Time [ns]", 100, -10., 10.},
1182 {"ptime", "Pull Time [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -10., 10.},
1183 {"vi", "Residual Vi [1/c]", 100, -10., 10.},
1184 {"pvi", "Pull Vi [residual/estimated_error]", 100, -10., 10.},
1185 {"distrVi", "Vi distribution [1/c]", 100, -10., 10.}};
1187 if (ca::TrackingMode::kGlobal == fpAlgo->GetTrackingMode()) {
1188 TableVertex[4].l = -1.;
1189 TableVertex[4].r = 1.;
1190 }
1192 for (int i = 0; i < Nh_fit; i++) {
1193 char n[225], t[255];
1194 sprintf(n, "fst_%s", Table[i].name);
1195 sprintf(t, "First point %s", Table[i].title);
1196 h_fit[i] = new TH1F(n, t, Table[i].n, Table[i].l, Table[i].r);
1197 sprintf(n, "lst_%s", Table[i].name);
1198 sprintf(t, "Last point %s", Table[i].title);
1199 h_fitL[i] = new TH1F(n, t, Table[i].n, Table[i].l, Table[i].r);
1200 sprintf(n, "svrt_%s", TableVertex[i].name);
1201 sprintf(t, "Secondary vertex point %s", TableVertex[i].title);
1202 h_fitSV[i] = new TH1F(n, t, TableVertex[i].n, TableVertex[i].l, TableVertex[i].r);
1203 sprintf(n, "pvrt_%s", TableVertex[i].name);
1204 sprintf(t, "Primary vertex point %s", TableVertex[i].title);
1205 h_fitPV[i] = new TH1F(n, t, TableVertex[i].n, TableVertex[i].l, TableVertex[i].r);
1207 for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
1208 sprintf(n, "smth_%s_sta_%i", Table[i].name, j);
1209 sprintf(t, "Station %i %s", j, Table[i].title);
1210 // h_smoothed[j][i] = new TH1F(n,t, Table[i].n, Table[i].l, Table[i].r);
1211 }
1212 }
1213 h_fit_chi2 = new TH1F("h_fit_chi2", "Chi2/NDF", 50, -0.5, 10.0);
1214 }
1215 gDirectory = currentDir;
1216 } // if first call
1219 for (vector<CbmL1Track>::iterator it = fvRecoTracks.begin(); it != fvRecoTracks.end(); ++it) {
1221 if (it->IsGhost()) continue;
1223 bool isTimeFitted = 0;
1225 {
1226 int nTimeMeasurenments = 0;
1227 for (unsigned int ih = 0; ih < it->Hits.size(); ih++) {
1228 int ista = fvHitDebugInfo[it->Hits[ih]].iStation;
1229 if (fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(ista).timeInfo) {
1230 nTimeMeasurenments++;
1231 }
1232 }
1233 isTimeFitted = (nTimeMeasurenments > 1);
1234 }
1236 do { // first hit
1238 if (it->GetNofMCTracks() < 1) {
1239 break;
1240 }
1241 const auto& mcTrk = fMCData.GetTrack(it->GetMCTrackIndexes()[0]);
1242 int imcPoint = fvHitDebugInfo[it->Hits.front()].GetBestMcPointId();
1244 // extrapolate to the first mc point of the mc track !
1246 imcPoint = mcTrk.GetPointIndexes()[0];
1248 if (imcPoint < 0) break;
1250 const auto& mcP = fMCData.GetPoint(imcPoint);
1252 TrackParamV tr(*it);
1253 FillFitHistos(tr, mcP, isTimeFitted, h_fit);
1255 double dx = tr.GetX()[0] - mcP.GetXIn();
1256 double dy = tr.GetY()[0] - mcP.GetYIn();
1257 double dca = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
1258 // make dca distance negative for the half of the tracks to ease the gaussian fit and the rms calculation
1259 if (mcTrk.GetId() % 2) dca = -dca;
1260 double pt = mcP.GetPt();
1261 double dP = (fabs(1. / tr.GetQp()[0]) - mcP.GetP()) / mcP.GetP();
1263 PRes2D->Fill(mcP.GetP(), 100. * dP);
1265 if (mcTrk.IsPrimary()) {
1267 h_fit[4]->Fill(100. * dP);
1269 PRes2DPrim->Fill(mcP.GetP(), 100. * dP);
1271 if (abs(mcTrk.GetPdgCode()) == 211) {
1272 pion_res_p_fstDca->Fill(mcP.GetP(), dca * 1.e4);
1273 pion_res_pt_fstDca->Fill(pt, dca * 1.e4);
1274 }
1275 if (abs(mcTrk.GetPdgCode()) == 321) {
1276 kaon_res_p_fstDca->Fill(mcP.GetP(), dca * 1.e4);
1277 kaon_res_pt_fstDca->Fill(pt, dca * 1.e4);
1278 }
1279 if (abs(mcTrk.GetPdgCode()) == 2212) {
1280 pton_res_p_fstDca->Fill(mcP.GetP(), dca * 1.e4);
1281 pton_res_pt_fstDca->Fill(pt, dca * 1.e4);
1282 }
1283 }
1284 else {
1285 PRes2DSec->Fill(mcP.GetP(), 100. * dP);
1286 }
1287 } while (0);
1290 { // last hit
1292 int iMC = fvHitDebugInfo[it->Hits.back()].GetBestMcPointId(); // TODO2: adapt to linking
1293 if (iMC < 0) continue;
1294 const auto& mcP = fMCData.GetPoint(iMC);
1295 TrackParamV tr(it->TLast);
1296 FillFitHistos(tr, mcP, isTimeFitted, h_fitL);
1297 }
1299 do { // vertex
1301 if (it->GetNofMCTracks() < 1) {
1302 break;
1303 }
1305 const auto& mc = fMCData.GetTrack(it->GetMatchedMCTrackIndex());
1306 fit.SetTrack(*it);
1308 const TrackParamV& tr = fit.Tr();
1310 // if (mc.mother_ID != -1) { // secondary
1311 if (!mc.IsPrimary()) { // secondary
1313 { // extrapolate to vertex
1315 fit.Extrapolate(mc.GetStartZ(), fld);
1316 // add material
1317 const int fSta = fvHitDebugInfo[it->Hits[0]].iStation;
1318 const int dir = int((mc.GetStartZ() - fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(fSta).fZ[0])
1319 / fabs(mc.GetStartZ() - fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(fSta).fZ[0]));
1320 // if (abs(mc.z - fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(fSta).fZ[0]) > 10.) continue; // can't extrapolate on large distance
1321 for (int iSta = fSta /*+dir*/;
1322 (iSta >= 0) && (iSta < fNStations)
1323 && (dir * (mc.GetStartZ() - fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(iSta).fZ[0]) > 0);
1324 iSta += dir) {
1325 // LOG(info) << iSta << " " << dir;
1326 auto radThick = fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetActiveSetup().GetMaterial(iSta).GetThicknessX0(fit.Tr().GetX(),
1327 fit.Tr().GetY());
1328 fit.MultipleScattering(radThick);
1329 fit.EnergyLossCorrection(radThick, kf::FitDirection::kUpstream);
1330 }
1331 }
1332 if (mc.GetStartZ() != tr.GetZ()[0]) continue;
1334 // static int good = 0;
1335 // static int bad = 0;
1336 // if (mc.z != tr.GetZ()[0]){
1337 // bad++;
1338 // continue;
1339 // }
1340 // else good++;
1341 // LOG(info) << "bad\\good" << bad << " " << good;
1343 // calculate pulls
1344 //h_fitSV[0]->Fill( (mc.x-tr.GetX()[0]) *1.e4);
1345 //h_fitSV[1]->Fill( (mc.y-tr.GetY()[0]) *1.e4);
1346 h_fitSV[0]->Fill((tr.GetX()[0] - mc.GetStartX()));
1347 h_fitSV[1]->Fill((tr.GetY()[0] - mc.GetStartY()));
1348 h_fitSV[2]->Fill((tr.GetTx()[0] - mc.GetTx()) * 1.e3);
1349 h_fitSV[3]->Fill((tr.GetTy()[0] - mc.GetTy()) * 1.e3);
1350 h_fitSV[4]->Fill(100. * (fabs(1. / tr.GetQp()[0]) / mc.GetP() - 1.));
1351 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C00()[0]) && tr.C00()[0] > 0) {
1352 h_fitSV[5]->Fill((tr.GetX()[0] - mc.GetStartX()) / sqrt(tr.C00()[0]));
1353 }
1354 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C11()[0]) && tr.C11()[0] > 0)
1355 h_fitSV[6]->Fill((tr.GetY()[0] - mc.GetStartY()) / sqrt(tr.C11()[0]));
1356 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C22()[0]) && tr.C22()[0] > 0)
1357 h_fitSV[7]->Fill((tr.GetTx()[0] - mc.GetTx()) / sqrt(tr.C22()[0]));
1358 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C33()[0]) && tr.C33()[0] > 0)
1359 h_fitSV[8]->Fill((tr.GetTy()[0] - mc.GetTy()) / sqrt(tr.C33()[0]));
1360 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C44()[0]) && tr.C44()[0] > 0)
1361 h_fitSV[9]->Fill((tr.GetQp()[0] - mc.GetCharge() / mc.GetP()) / sqrt(tr.C44()[0]));
1362 h_fitSV[10]->Fill(tr.GetQp()[0]);
1363 h_fitSV[11]->Fill(mc.GetCharge() / mc.GetP());
1364 if (isTimeFitted) {
1365 h_fitSV[12]->Fill(tr.GetTime()[0] - mc.GetStartT());
1366 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C55()[0]) && tr.C55()[0] > 0.) {
1367 h_fitSV[13]->Fill((tr.GetTime()[0] - mc.GetStartT()) / sqrt(tr.C55()[0]));
1368 }
1369 double dvi =
1370 tr.GetVi()[0]
1371 - sqrt(1. + mc.GetMass() * mc.GetMass() / mc.GetP() / mc.GetP()) * constants::phys::SpeedOfLightInvD;
1372 h_fitSV[14]->Fill(dvi * constants::phys::SpeedOfLightD);
1373 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C66()[0]) && tr.C66()[0] > 0.) {
1374 h_fitSV[15]->Fill(dvi / sqrt(tr.C66()[0]));
1375 }
1376 h_fitSV[16]->Fill(tr.GetVi()[0] * constants::phys::SpeedOfLightD);
1377 }
1378 }
1379 else { // primary
1381 { // extrapolate to vertex
1384 // add material
1385 const int fSta = fvHitDebugInfo[it->Hits[0]].iStation;
1387 const int dir = (mc.GetStartZ() - fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(fSta).fZ[0])
1388 / abs(mc.GetStartZ() - fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(fSta).fZ[0]);
1389 // if (abs(mc.z - fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(fSta].fZ[0]) > 10.) continue; // can't extrapolate on large distance
1391 for (int iSta = fSta + dir; (iSta >= 0) && (iSta < fNStations)
1392 && (dir * (mc.GetStartZ() - fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(iSta).fZ[0]) > 0);
1393 iSta += dir) {
1395 fit.Extrapolate(fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(iSta).fZ, fld);
1396 auto radThick = fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetActiveSetup().GetMaterial(iSta).GetThicknessX0(fit.Tr().GetX(),
1397 fit.Tr().GetY());
1398 fit.MultipleScattering(radThick);
1399 fit.EnergyLossCorrection(radThick, kf::FitDirection::kUpstream);
1400 }
1401 fit.Extrapolate(mc.GetStartZ(), fld);
1402 }
1403 if (mc.GetStartZ() != tr.GetZ()[0]) continue;
1405 double dx = tr.GetX()[0] - mc.GetStartX();
1406 double dy = tr.GetY()[0] - mc.GetStartY();
1407 double dt = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
1408 // make dt distance negative for the half of the tracks to ease the gaussian fit and the rms calculation
1409 if (mc.GetId() % 2) dt = -dt;
1411 double pt = mc.GetPt();
1413 if (abs(mc.GetPdgCode()) == 211) {
1414 pion_res_p_vtxDca->Fill(mc.GetP(), dt * 1.e4);
1415 pion_res_pt_vtxDca->Fill(pt, dt * 1.e4);
1416 }
1417 if (abs(mc.GetPdgCode()) == 321) {
1418 kaon_res_p_vtxDca->Fill(mc.GetPdgCode(), dt * 1.e4);
1419 kaon_res_pt_vtxDca->Fill(mc.GetPt(), dt * 1.e4);
1420 }
1421 if (abs(mc.GetPdgCode()) == 2212) {
1422 pton_res_p_vtxDca->Fill(mc.GetP(), dt * 1.e4);
1423 pton_res_pt_vtxDca->Fill(pt, dt * 1.e4);
1424 }
1426 // calculate pulls
1427 h_fitPV[0]->Fill((mc.GetStartX() - tr.GetX()[0]));
1428 h_fitPV[1]->Fill((mc.GetStartY() - tr.GetY()[0]));
1429 h_fitPV[2]->Fill((mc.GetTx() - tr.GetTx()[0]) * 1.e3);
1430 h_fitPV[3]->Fill((mc.GetTy() - tr.GetTy()[0]) * 1.e3);
1431 h_fitPV[4]->Fill(100. * (fabs(1 / tr.GetQp()[0]) / mc.GetP() - 1.));
1432 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C00()[0]) && tr.C00()[0] > 0)
1433 h_fitPV[5]->Fill((mc.GetStartX() - tr.GetX()[0]) / sqrt(tr.C00()[0]));
1434 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C11()[0]) && tr.C11()[0] > 0)
1435 h_fitPV[6]->Fill((mc.GetStartY() - tr.GetY()[0]) / sqrt(tr.C11()[0]));
1436 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C22()[0]) && tr.C22()[0] > 0)
1437 h_fitPV[7]->Fill((mc.GetTx() - tr.GetTx()[0]) / sqrt(tr.C22()[0]));
1438 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C33()[0]) && tr.C33()[0] > 0)
1439 h_fitPV[8]->Fill((mc.GetTy() - tr.GetTy()[0]) / sqrt(tr.C33()[0]));
1440 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C44()[0]) && tr.C44()[0] > 0)
1441 h_fitPV[9]->Fill((mc.GetCharge() / mc.GetP() - tr.GetQp()[0]) / sqrt(tr.C44()[0]));
1442 h_fitPV[10]->Fill(tr.GetQp()[0]);
1443 h_fitPV[11]->Fill(mc.GetCharge() / mc.GetP());
1444 if (isTimeFitted) {
1445 h_fitPV[12]->Fill(tr.GetTime()[0] - mc.GetStartT());
1446 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C55()[0]) && tr.C55()[0] > 0.) {
1447 h_fitPV[13]->Fill((tr.GetTime()[0] - mc.GetStartT()) / sqrt(tr.C55()[0]));
1448 }
1449 double dvi =
1450 tr.GetVi()[0]
1451 - sqrt(1. + mc.GetMass() * mc.GetMass() / mc.GetP() / mc.GetP()) * constants::phys::SpeedOfLightInvD;
1452 h_fitPV[14]->Fill(dvi * constants::phys::SpeedOfLightD);
1453 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C66()[0]) && tr.C66()[0] > 0.) {
1454 h_fitPV[15]->Fill(dvi / sqrt(tr.C66()[0]));
1455 }
1456 h_fitPV[16]->Fill(tr.GetVi()[0] * constants::phys::SpeedOfLightD);
1457 }
1458 }
1459 } while (0);
1461 h_fit_chi2->Fill(it->GetChiSq() / it->GetNdf());
1463 // last TRD point
1464 /*
1465 do {
1466 break; // only produce these plots in debug mode
1467 if (it->GetNMCTracks() < 1) { break; }
1469 if (!fpTrdPoints) break;
1470 const CbmL1MCTrack& mcTrack = *(it->GetMCTracks()[0]);
1471 int nTrdPoints = fpTrdPoints->Size(mcTrack.iFile, mcTrack.iEvent);
1472 int lastP = -1;
1473 double lastZ = -1.e8;
1474 for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < nTrdPoints; iPoint++) {
1475 const CbmTrdPoint* pt = dynamic_cast<CbmTrdPoint*>(fpTrdPoints->Get(mcTrack.iFile, mcTrack.iEvent, iPoint));
1476 if (!pt) { continue; }
1477 if (pt->GetTrackID() != mcTrack.ID) { continue; }
1478 if (lastP < 0 || lastZ < pt->GetZ()) {
1479 lastP = iPoint;
1480 lastZ = pt->GetZ();
1481 }
1482 }
1483 CbmL1MCPoint mcP;
1484 if (CbmL1::ReadMCPoint(&mcP, lastP, mcTrack.iFile, mcTrack.iEvent, 3)) { break; }
1485 TrackParamV tr;
1486 tr.copyFromArrays(it->TLast, it->CLast);
1487 FillFitHistos(tr, mcP, isTimeFitted, h_fitTrd);
1488 } while (0); // Trd point
1491 // last TOF point
1492 do {
1493 break; // only produce these plots in debug mode
1495 if (it->GetNMCTracks() < 1) { break; }
1497 if (!fpTofPoints) break;
1498 const CbmL1MCTrack& mcTrack = *(it->GetMCTracks()[0]);
1499 int nTofPoints = fpTofPoints->Size(mcTrack.iFile, mcTrack.iEvent);
1500 int lastP = -1;
1501 double lastZ = -1.e8;
1502 for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < nTofPoints; iPoint++) {
1503 const CbmTofPoint* pt = dynamic_cast<CbmTofPoint*>(fpTofPoints->Get(mcTrack.iFile, mcTrack.iEvent, iPoint));
1504 if (!pt) { continue; }
1505 if (pt->GetTrackID() != mcTrack.ID) { continue; }
1506 if (lastP < 0 || lastZ < pt->GetZ()) {
1507 lastP = iPoint;
1508 lastZ = pt->GetZ();
1509 }
1510 }
1511 CbmL1MCPoint mcP;
1512 if (CbmL1::ReadMCPoint(&mcP, lastP, mcTrack.iFile, mcTrack.iEvent, 4)) { break; }
1513 TrackParamV tr;
1514 tr.copyFromArrays(it->TLast, it->CLast);
1515 FillFitHistos(tr, mcP, isTimeFitted, h_fitTof);
1516 } while (0); // tof point
1518 } // reco track
1520} // void CbmL1::TrackFitPerformance()
1523void CbmL1::FillFitHistos(TrackParamV& track, const cbm::ca::tools::MCPoint& mcP, bool isTimeFitted, TH1F* h[])
1527 fit.SetMask(fmask::One());
1528 //fit.SetMaxExtrapolationStep(10.);
1529 fit.SetDoFitVelocity(true);
1530 fit.SetTrack(track);
1531 kf::FieldRegion<fvec> fld(kf::EFieldType::Normal, kf::GlobalField::fgOriginalField);
1532 fit.Extrapolate(mcP.GetZOut(), fld);
1533 track = fit.Tr();
1535 const TrackParamV& tr = track;
1537 h[0]->Fill((tr.GetX()[0] - mcP.GetXOut()) * 1.e4);
1538 h[1]->Fill((tr.GetY()[0] - mcP.GetYOut()) * 1.e4);
1539 h[2]->Fill((tr.GetTx()[0] - mcP.GetTxOut()) * 1.e3);
1540 h[3]->Fill((tr.GetTy()[0] - mcP.GetTyOut()) * 1.e3);
1541 h[4]->Fill(100. * (fabs(1. / tr.GetQp()[0]) / mcP.GetP() - 1.));
1543 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C00()[0]) && tr.C00()[0] > 0)
1544 h[5]->Fill((tr.GetX()[0] - mcP.GetXOut()) / sqrt(tr.C00()[0]));
1545 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C11()[0]) && tr.C11()[0] > 0)
1546 h[6]->Fill((tr.GetY()[0] - mcP.GetYOut()) / sqrt(tr.C11()[0]));
1547 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C22()[0]) && tr.C22()[0] > 0)
1548 h[7]->Fill((tr.GetTx()[0] - mcP.GetTxOut()) / sqrt(tr.C22()[0]));
1549 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C33()[0]) && tr.C33()[0] > 0)
1550 h[8]->Fill((tr.GetTy()[0] - mcP.GetTyOut()) / sqrt(tr.C33()[0]));
1551 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C44()[0]) && tr.C44()[0] > 0)
1552 h[9]->Fill((tr.GetQp()[0] - mcP.GetQp()) / sqrt(tr.C44()[0]));
1553 h[10]->Fill(tr.GetQp()[0]);
1554 h[11]->Fill(mcP.GetQp());
1555 if (isTimeFitted) {
1556 h[12]->Fill(tr.GetTime()[0] - mcP.GetTime());
1557 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C55()[0]) && tr.C55()[0] > 0.) {
1558 h[13]->Fill((tr.GetTime()[0] - mcP.GetTime()) / sqrt(tr.C55()[0]));
1559 }
1561 double dvi = tr.GetVi()[0] - mcP.GetInvSpeed();
1562 h[14]->Fill(dvi * constants::phys::SpeedOfLightD);
1563 if (std::isfinite((fscal) tr.C66()[0]) && tr.C66()[0] > 0.) {
1564 h[15]->Fill(dvi / sqrt(tr.C66()[0]));
1565 }
1566 h[16]->Fill(tr.GetVi()[0] * constants::phys::SpeedOfLightD);
1567 }
1573 TDirectory* curr = gDirectory;
1574 TFile* currentFile = gFile;
1575 TFile* fout = new TFile("CaFieldApproxQa.root", "RECREATE");
1576 fout->cd();
1578 assert(FairRunAna::Instance());
1579 FairField* MF = FairRunAna::Instance()->GetField();
1580 assert(MF);
1582 for (int ist = 0; ist < fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetNstationsActive(); ist++) {
1584 const ca::Station<fvec>& st = fpAlgo->GetParameters().GetStation(ist);
1586 double z = st.fZ[0];
1587 double Xmax = st.Xmax[0];
1588 double Ymax = st.Ymax[0];
1590 int NbinsX = 101;
1591 int NbinsY = 101;
1593 TH2F* hdB[4] = {
1594 new TH2F(Form("station_%i_dB", ist), Form("station %i, dB, z = %0.f cm", ist, z), //
1595 NbinsX, -Xmax, Xmax, NbinsY, -Ymax, Ymax),
1596 new TH2F(Form("station_%i_dBx", ist), Form("station %i, dBx, z = %0.f cm", ist, z), //
1597 NbinsX, -Xmax, Xmax, NbinsY, -Ymax, Ymax),
1598 new TH2F(Form("station_%i_dBy", ist), Form("station %i, dBy, z = %0.f cm", ist, z), //
1599 NbinsX, -Xmax, Xmax, NbinsY, -Ymax, Ymax),
1600 new TH2F(Form("station_%i_dBz", ist), Form("station %i, dBz, z = %0.f cm", ist, z), //
1601 NbinsX, -Xmax, Xmax, NbinsY, -Ymax, Ymax) //
1602 };
1604 TH2F* hB[4] = {
1605 new TH2F(Form("station_%i_B", ist), Form("station %i, B, z = %0.f cm", ist, z), //
1606 NbinsX, -Xmax, Xmax, NbinsY, -Ymax, Ymax),
1607 new TH2F(Form("station_%i_Bx", ist), Form("station %i, Bx, z = %0.f cm", ist, z), //
1608 NbinsX, -Xmax, Xmax, NbinsY, -Ymax, Ymax),
1609 new TH2F(Form("station_%i_By", ist), Form("station %i, By, z = %0.f cm", ist, z), //
1610 NbinsX, -Xmax, Xmax, NbinsY, -Ymax, Ymax),
1611 new TH2F(Form("station_%i_Bz", ist), Form("station %i, Bz, z = %0.f cm", ist, z), //
1612 NbinsX, -Xmax, Xmax, NbinsY, -Ymax, Ymax) //
1613 };
1615 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
1616 hdB[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X, cm");
1617 hdB[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y, cm");
1618 hdB[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1);
1619 hdB[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1);
1620 hdB[i]->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
1621 hB[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X, cm");
1622 hB[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y, cm");
1623 hB[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1);
1624 hB[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1);
1625 hB[i]->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
1626 }
1628 hdB[0]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("B_map - B_L1, kGauss");
1629 hdB[1]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Bx_map - Bx_L1, kGauss");
1630 hdB[2]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("By_map - By_L1, kGauss");
1631 hdB[3]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Bz_map - Bz_L1, kGauss");
1633 hdB[0]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("B_map, kGauss");
1634 hdB[1]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Bx_map, kGauss");
1635 hdB[2]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("By_map, kGauss");
1636 hdB[3]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Bz_map, kGauss");
1639 for (int i = 1; i <= hdB[0]->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); i++) {
1640 double x = hdB[0]->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i);
1641 for (int j = 1; j <= hdB[0]->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); j++) {
1642 double y = hdB[0]->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(j);
1643 double r[] = {x, y, z};
1644 double B[] = {0., 0., 0.};
1645 MF->GetFieldValue(r, B);
1647 double bbb = sqrt(B[0] * B[0] + B[1] * B[1] + B[2] * B[2]);
1651 hdB[0]->SetBinContent(i, j, (bbb - B_L1.GetAbs()[0]));
1652 hdB[1]->SetBinContent(i, j, (B[0] - B_L1.GetBx()[0]));
1653 hdB[2]->SetBinContent(i, j, (B[1] - B_L1.GetBy()[0]));
1654 hdB[3]->SetBinContent(i, j, (B[2] - B_L1.GetBz()[0]));
1656 hB[0]->SetBinContent(i, j, bbb);
1657 hB[1]->SetBinContent(i, j, B[0]);
1658 hB[2]->SetBinContent(i, j, B[1]);
1659 hB[3]->SetBinContent(i, j, B[2]);
1660 }
1661 }
1663 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
1664 hdB[i]->Write();
1665 hB[i]->Write();
1666 }
1668 } // for ista
1670 fout->Close();
1671 fout->Delete();
1672 gFile = currentFile;
1673 gDirectory = curr;
1674} // void CbmL1::FieldApproxCheck()
1677#include "TMath.h"
1680 TDirectory* curr = gDirectory;
1681 TFile* currentFile = gFile;
1682 TFile* fout = new TFile("FieldApprox.root", "RECREATE");
1683 fout->cd();
1685 assert(FairRunAna::Instance());
1686 FairField* MF = FairRunAna::Instance()->GetField();
1687 assert(MF);
1689 int nPointsZ = 1000;
1690 int nPointsPhi = 100;
1691 int nPointsTheta = 100;
1692 double startZ = 0, endZ = 100.;
1693 double startPhi = 0, endPhi = 2 * TMath::Pi();
1694 double startTheta = -30. / 180. * TMath::Pi(), endTheta = 30. / 180. * TMath::Pi();
1696 double DZ = endZ - startZ;
1697 double DP = endPhi - startPhi;
1698 double DT = endTheta - startTheta;
1700 float ddp = endPhi / nPointsPhi;
1701 float ddt = 2 * endTheta / nPointsTheta;
1703 TH2F* hSb =
1704 new TH2F("Field Integral", "Field Integral", static_cast<int>(nPointsPhi), -(startPhi + ddp / 2.),
1705 (endPhi + ddp / 2.), static_cast<int>(nPointsTheta), (startTheta - ddt / 2.), (endTheta + ddt / 2.));
1707 for (int iP = 0; iP < nPointsPhi; iP++) {
1708 double phi = startPhi + iP * DP / nPointsPhi;
1709 for (int iT = 0; iT < nPointsTheta; iT++) {
1710 double theta = startTheta + iT * DT / nPointsTheta;
1712 double Sb = 0;
1713 for (int iZ = 1; iZ < nPointsZ; iZ++) {
1714 double z = startZ + DZ * iZ / nPointsZ;
1715 double x = z * TMath::Tan(theta) * TMath::Cos(phi);
1716 double y = z * TMath::Tan(theta) * TMath::Sin(phi);
1717 double r[3] = {x, y, z};
1718 double b[3];
1719 MF->GetFieldValue(r, b);
1720 double B = sqrt(b[0] * b[0] + b[1] * b[1] + b[2] * b[2]);
1721 Sb += B * DZ / nPointsZ / 100. / 10.;
1722 }
1723 hSb->SetBinContent(iP + 1, iT + 1, Sb);
1724 }
1725 }
1727 hSb->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#phi [rad]");
1728 hSb->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#theta [rad]");
1729 hSb->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1);
1730 hSb->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1);
1731 hSb->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Field Integral [T#dotm]");
1732 hSb->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
1734 hSb->Write();
1737 fout->Close();
1738 fout->Delete();
1739 gFile = currentFile;
1740 gDirectory = curr;
1741} // void CbmL1::FieldApproxCheck()
1743// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1747 if (!fpMcTripletsTree) {
1748 TDirectory* currentDir = gDirectory;
1749 TFile* currentFile = gFile;
1752 // Get prefix and directory
1753 boost::filesystem::path p = (FairRunAna::Instance()->GetUserOutputFileName()).Data();
1754 std::string dir = p.parent_path().string();
1755 if (dir.empty()) dir = ".";
1756 std::string filename = dir + "/" + fsMcTripletsOutputFilename + "." + p.filename().string();
1757 LOG(info) << "\033[1;31mSAVING A TREE: " << filename << "\033[0m";
1759 fpMcTripletsOutFile = new TFile(filename.c_str(), "RECREATE");
1760 fpMcTripletsOutFile->cd();
1761 fpMcTripletsTree = new TTree("t", "MC Triplets");
1762 // motherId - id of mother particle (< 0, if primary)
1763 // pdg - PDG code of particle
1764 // processId - id of the process (ROOT::TMCProcessID)
1765 // pq - absolute value of track momentum [GeV/c], divided by charge [e]
1766 // zv - z-component of track vertex [cm]
1767 // s - global index of station
1768 // x0, y0, z0 - position of the left MC point in a triplet [cm]
1769 // x1, y1, z1 - position of the middle MC point in a triplet [cm]
1770 // x2, y2, z2 - position of the right MC point in a triplet [cm]
1772 gFile = currentFile;
1773 gDirectory = currentDir;
1774 }
1776 // Variables for tree branches
1777 int brMotherId = -1;
1778 int brPdg = -1;
1779 unsigned int brProcId = (unsigned int) -1;
1780 float brP = 0.f;
1781 int brQ = 0;
1782 float brVertexZ = 0.f;
1783 int brStation = -1;
1785 float brX0 = 0.f;
1786 float brY0 = 0.f;
1787 float brZ0 = 0.f;
1788 float brX1 = 0.f;
1789 float brY1 = 0.f;
1790 float brZ1 = 0.f;
1791 float brX2 = 0.f;
1792 float brY2 = 0.f;
1793 float brZ2 = 0.f;
1795 // Register branches
1796 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brMotherId", &brMotherId, "motherId/I");
1797 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brPdg", &brPdg, "pdg/I");
1798 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brProcId", &brProcId, "processId/i");
1799 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brP", &brP, "p/F");
1800 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brQ", &brQ, "q/I");
1801 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brVertexZ", &brVertexZ, "zv/F");
1802 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brStation", &brStation, "s/I");
1803 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brX0", &brX0, "x0/F");
1804 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brY0", &brY0, "y0/F");
1805 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brZ0", &brZ0, "z0/F");
1806 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brX1", &brX1, "x1/F");
1807 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brY1", &brY1, "y1/F");
1808 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brZ1", &brZ1, "z1/F");
1809 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brX2", &brX2, "x2/F");
1810 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brY2", &brY2, "y2/F");
1811 fpMcTripletsTree->Branch("brZ2", &brZ2, "z2/F");
1813 struct ReducedMcPoint {
1814 int s;
1815 float x;
1816 float y;
1817 float z;
1818 };
1820 for (const auto& tr : fMCData.GetTrackContainer()) {
1821 // Use only reconstructable tracks
1822 if (!tr.IsReconstructable()) {
1823 continue;
1824 }
1826 std::vector<ReducedMcPoint> vPoints;
1827 vPoints.reserve(tr.GetNofPoints());
1828 for (unsigned int iP : tr.GetPointIndexes()) {
1829 const auto& point = fMCData.GetPoint(iP);
1830 vPoints.emplace_back(
1831 ReducedMcPoint{point.GetStationId(), float(point.GetX()), float(point.GetY()), float(point.GetZ())});
1832 }
1834 std::sort(vPoints.begin(), vPoints.end(),
1835 [](const ReducedMcPoint& lhs, const ReducedMcPoint& rhs) { return lhs.s < rhs.s; });
1837 for (unsigned int i = 0; i + 2 < vPoints.size(); ++i) {
1838 // Condition to collect only triplets without gaps in stations
1839 // TODO: SZh 20.10.2022 Add cases for jump iterations
1840 if (vPoints[i + 1].s == vPoints[i].s + 1 && vPoints[i + 2].s == vPoints[i].s + 2) {
1841 // Fill MC-triplets tree
1842 brMotherId = tr.GetMotherId();
1843 brPdg = tr.GetPdgCode();
1844 brProcId = tr.GetProcessId();
1845 brP = tr.GetP();
1846 brQ = tr.GetCharge();
1847 brVertexZ = tr.GetStartZ();
1848 brStation = vPoints[i].s;
1849 brX0 = vPoints[i].x;
1850 brY0 = vPoints[i].y;
1851 brZ0 = vPoints[i].z;
1852 brX1 = vPoints[i + 1].x;
1853 brY1 = vPoints[i + 1].y;
1854 brZ1 = vPoints[i + 1].z;
1855 brX2 = vPoints[i + 2].x;
1856 brY2 = vPoints[i + 2].y;
1857 brZ2 = vPoints[i + 2].z;
1859 fpMcTripletsTree->Fill();
1860 }
1861 }
1862 }
Tracking Debugger class (implementation)
Class for pixel hits in MUCH detector.
Definition of CbmQaTable class.
Data class for a reconstructed hit in the STS.
Class for hits in TRD detector.
friend fvec sqrt(const fvec &a)
static constexpr size_t size()
Definition KfSimdPseudo.h:2
Track fit utilities for the CA tracking based on the Kalman filter.
int Int_t
Generates beam ions for transport simulation.
double dy
y coordinate error [cm]
Definition CbmL1Hit.h:151
double y
y coordinate of position [cm]
Definition CbmL1Hit.h:147
int iStation
index of station in active stations array
Definition CbmL1Hit.h:144
double dx
x coordinate error [cm]
Definition CbmL1Hit.h:150
double x
x coordinate of position [cm]
Definition CbmL1Hit.h:146
double GetMaxPurity() const
Gets max purity.
Definition CbmL1Track.h:71
std::vector< int > Hits
Indexes of hits of this track.
Definition CbmL1Track.h:104
bool IsGhost() const
Definition CbmL1Track.h:55
int GetMatchedMCTrackIndex() const
Gets index of matched MC track.
Definition CbmL1Track.h:76
int GetFirstHitIndex() const
Gets first hit index.
Definition CbmL1Track.h:58
int GetNofMCTracks() const
Gets number of associated MC tracks.
Definition CbmL1Track.h:82
int GetLastHitIndex() const
Gets last hit index.
Definition CbmL1Track.h:61
int fNStations
number of total active detector stations
Definition CbmL1.h:441
TDirectory * fHistoDir
Definition CbmL1.h:500
double fTrackingTime
time of track finding procedure
Definition CbmL1.h:444
void EfficienciesPerformance(bool doFinish=kFALSE)
Calculates tracking efficiencies (counters)
TTree * fpMcTripletsTree
Tree to save MC-triplets.
Definition CbmL1.h:510
std::string fsMcTripletsOutputFilename
Name of file to save MC-triplets tree.
Definition CbmL1.h:511
cbm::ca::tools::MCData fMCData
MC Data object.
Definition CbmL1.h:417
ca::Framework * fpAlgo
Pointer to the L1 track finder algorithm.
Definition CbmL1.h:425
TDirectory * fTableDir
Definition CbmL1.h:501
void FieldIntegralCheck()
ca::Vector< CbmL1Track > fvRecoTracks
Reconstructed tracks container.
Definition CbmL1.h:429
void FillFitHistos(cbm::algo::kf::TrackParamV &tr, const cbm::ca::tools::MCPoint &mc, bool isTimeFitted, TH1F *h[])
void TrackFitPerformance()
ca::Vector< CbmL1HitDebugInfo > fvHitDebugInfo
Container of hits with extended information.
Definition CbmL1.h:487
void DumpMCTripletsToTree()
void HistoPerformance()
Fills performance histograms.
void FieldApproxCheck()
TFile * fpMcTripletsOutFile
File to save MC-triplets tree.
Definition CbmL1.h:509
TODO: SZh, 30.01.2023: Override THistPainter::PaintText() to add zeroes in tables.
Definition CbmQaTable.h:24
void SetNamesOfCols(const std::vector< std::string > &names)
Sets the names of table columns.
void SetNamesOfRows(const std::vector< std::string > &names)
Sets the names of table rows.
void SetCell(Int_t iRow, Int_t iCol, Double_t content, Double_t error=0.)
void SetColWidth(Int_t width)
Definition CbmQaTable.h:74
const InputData & GetInputData() const
Gets pointer to input data object for external access.
Definition CaFramework.h:96
TrackingMode GetTrackingMode()
fscal GetDefaultParticleMass() const
const Parameters< fvec > & GetParameters() const
Gets a pointer to the Framework parameters object.
Definition CaFramework.h:87
ca::Hit class describes a generic hit for the CA tracker
Definition CaHit.h:32
HitIndex_t GetNhits() const
Gets number of hits in the hits vector.
Definition CaInputData.h:61
const Hit & GetHit(HitIndex_t index) const
Gets reference to hit by its index.
Definition CaInputData.h:55
DataT Xmax
min radius of the station [cm]
Definition CaStation.h:30
DataT fZ
z position of station [cm]
Definition CaStation.h:29
DataT Ymax
max radius of the station [cm]
Definition CaStation.h:31
kf::FieldSlice< DataT > fieldSlice
Magnetic field near the station.
Definition CaStation.h:33
Magnetic field region, corresponding to a hit triplet.
constexpr FieldValue< T > GetFieldValue(const T &x, const T &y) const
Gets field value at a point on the transverse plane.
Magnetic flux density vector.
T GetBz() const
Gets magnetic flux density z-component [kG].
T GetBx() const
Gets magnetic flux x-component [kG].
T GetBy() const
Gets magnetic flux density y-component [kG].
T GetAbs() const
Gets absolute magnetic flux [kG].
static EFieldType fgOriginalFieldType
Global field type.
static FieldFn_t fgOriginalField
Global variable to store the fielf funciton (x,y,z)->(Bx,By,Bz)
void Extrapolate(DataT z, const kf::FieldRegion< DataT > &F)
kf::TrackParam< DataT > & Tr()
void MultipleScattering(DataT radThick, DataT tx0, DataT ty0, DataT qp0)
apply multiple scattering correction to the track with the given Qp0
void EnergyLossCorrection(DataT radThick, FitDirection direction)
void SetParticleMass(DataT mass)
set particle mass for the fit
void SetTrack(const kf::TrackParam< T > &t)
T C00() const
Individual getters for covariance matrix elements.
T GetVi() const
Gets inverse velocity [ns/cm] in downstream direction.
T GetTy() const
Gets slope along y-axis.
T GetZ() const
Gets z position [cm].
T GetP() const
Gets momentum [GeV/ec]. For the straight tracks returns 1.e4 [GeV/ec].
T GetPhi() const
Gets azimuthal angle [rad].
T GetTime() const
Gets time [ns].
T GetTx() const
Gets slope along x-axis.
T GetQp() const
Gets charge over momentum [ec/GeV].
T GetNdf() const
Gets NDF of track fit model.
T GetY() const
Gets y position [cm].
T GetChiSq() const
Gets Chi-square of track fit model.
std::string ToString(int i=-1) const
Prints parameters to a string.
T GetX() const
Gets x position [cm].
static fmask One()
static Debugger & Instance()
void AddNtuple(const char *name, const char *varlist)
Set new ntuple.
void FillNtuple(const char *name, float v[])
Add an entry to ntuple.
const auto & GetTrack(int idx) const
Gets a reference to MC track by its internal index.
const auto & GetTrackContainer() const
Gets a reference to the vector of tracks.
const auto & GetPoint(int idx) const
Gets a reference to MC point by its index.
Class describes a unified MC-point, used in CA tracking QA analysis.
double GetTyOut() const
Gets slope along x-axis at exit of station.
double GetTime() const
Gets time [ns].
double GetYOut() const
Gets y coordinate at exit of station [cm].
int GetInvSpeed() const
Gets inverse speed at reference z of station [ns/cm].
double GetZOut() const
Gets z coordinate at exit of station [cm].
double GetQp() const
Gets track charge over momentum at reference z of station [ec/GeV].
double GetXOut() const
Gets x coordinate at exit of station [cm].
double GetTxOut() const
Gets slope along x-axis at exit of station.
double GetP() const
Gets track momentum absolute value at reference z of station [GeV/c].
const double MinFastMom
constexpr double SpeedOfLightD
Speed of light [cm/ns].
Definition CaDefs.h:79
constexpr double SpeedOfLightInvD
Inverse speed of light [ns/cm].
Definition CaDefs.h:80
TODO: SZh 8.11.2022: add selection of parameterisation.
Definition CaBranch.h:14
kf::fscal fscal
Definition CaSimd.h:14
virtual void AddCounter(const TString &shortname, const TString &name)
std::map< TString, int > indices
void Inc(bool isReco, const TString &name)
TL1TracksCatCounters< int > reco
std::vector< TString > names
TL1TracksCatCounters< int > mc
TL1Efficiencies & operator+=(TL1Efficiencies &a)
TL1TracksCatCounters< double > ratio_reco
TL1TracksCatCounters< double > ratio_clone
TL1TracksCatCounters< int > mc_length_hits
TL1TracksCatCounters< double > ratio_length
TL1TracksCatCounters< double > ratio_fakes
void PrintEff(bool ifPrintTableToLog=false, TDirectory *outDir=nullptr, const std::string &nameOfTable="efficiency_table")
void Inc(bool isReco, bool isKilled, double _ratio_length, double _ratio_fakes, int _nclones, int _mc_length, int _mc_length_hits, const TString &name)
TL1TracksCatCounters< double > reco_length
TL1TracksCatCounters< int > mc_length
TL1TracksCatCounters< double > reco_fakes
TL1TracksCatCounters< int > killed
TL1TracksCatCounters< double > ratio_killed
virtual void AddCounter(const TString &shortname, const TString &name)
TL1TracksCatCounters< int > clone
TL1PerfEfficiencies & operator+=(TL1PerfEfficiencies &a)
counters used for efficiency calculation
int GetNcounters() const
cacore::Vector< T > counters