31#include "FairGenerator.h"
35class FairPrimaryGenerator;
84 inline void SetRangePt(Double_t ptMin = 0, Double_t ptMax = 3)
89 inline void SetRangeY(Double_t yMin = 0, Double_t yMax = 4)
void SetBeamMomentum(Double_t mom)
Double_t fPtMin
Max value of Pt.
Double_t fY0
Mean rapidity.
Bool_t GenerateDaughters(const TVector3 p, FairPrimaryGenerator *primGen)
Int_t fPDGType
Particle type (PDG encoding)
Double_t fYMax
Min value of Pt.
Bool_t fBox
Polarization function.
void SetPDGType(Int_t pdg)
ClassDef(CbmLitPolarizedGenerator, 1)
virtual Bool_t ReadEvent(FairPrimaryGenerator *primGen)
void SetRangeY(Double_t yMin=0, Double_t yMax=4)
virtual ~CbmLitPolarizedGenerator()
Double_t fAlpha
Pointer to the Pt function.
void SetMultiplicity(Int_t mult)
void SetRefFrame(Frame_t frame=kColSop)
void SetDistributionPt(Double_t T=0.154319, Double_t mass=-1.)
Double_t fPtMax
Min value of Pt.
CbmLitPolarizedGenerator & operator=(const CbmLitPolarizedGenerator &)
void SetRangePt(Double_t ptMin=0, Double_t ptMax=3)
Double_t fPDGMass
Particle mass [GeV].
void SetDecayMode(DecayMode_t decayMode=kDiMuon)
Double_t fPtDistMass
Mass in Pt distribution.
Double_t fT
Temperature in the Pt distribution.
Double_t fYMin
Max value of Pt.
void SetAlpha(Double_t alpha=0)
Double_t fSigma
Simga in the rapidity distribution.
CbmLitPolarizedGenerator(const CbmLitPolarizedGenerator &)
void SetDistributionY(Double_t y0=1.98604, Double_t sigma=0.617173)