86 static std::vector<DigiEvent>
const std::vector<CbmDigiEvent>& events);
87 static std::vector<CbmDigiEvent>
const std::vector<DigiEvent>& events);
A structure to store different triggers in parallel to the CbmEvent (implementation)
Collection of digis from all detector systems.
Collection of digis from all detector systems within one event.
Class to store different triggers for a given event.
std::vector< T, PODAllocator< T > > PODVector
PODVector is a std::vector that doesn't initialize its elements.
Collection of digis from all detector systems.
PODVector< CbmRichDigi > fRich
Unpacked RICH digis.
PODVector< CbmTrdDigi > fTrd
Unpacked TRD digis.
PODVector< CbmStsDigi > fSts
Unpacked STS digis.
PODVector< CbmTrdDigi > fTrd2d
Unpacked TRD2D digis.
PODVector< CbmFsdDigi > fFsd
Unpacked FSD digis.
PODVector< CbmTofDigi > fTof
Unpacked TOF digis.
size_t TotalSize() const
Get the total number of digis across all subsystems.
CbmDigiData ToStorable() const
Convert to CbmDigiData for file storage.
PODVector< CbmPsdDigi > fPsd
Unpacked PSD digis.
PODVector< CbmMuchDigi > fMuch
Unpacked MUCH digis.
PODVector< CbmBmonDigi > fBmon
Unpacked Bmon digis.
size_t Size(ECbmModuleId system) const
Get the number of digis for a given subsystem.
size_t TotalSizeBytes() const
Get the total number of bytes used by all digis.
Event data with event number and trigger time.
double fTime
Event trigger time [ns].
CbmEventTriggers fSelectionTriggers
static std::vector< CbmDigiEvent > ToCbmDigiEvents(const std::vector< DigiEvent > &events)
static std::vector< DigiEvent > FromCbmDigiEvents(const std::vector< CbmDigiEvent > &events)
uint64_t fNumber
Event identifier.
CbmDigiEvent ToStorable() const
Convert to CbmDigiEvent for file storage.