33#include <FairRootManager.h>
34#include <FairRunAna.h>
35#include <FairRuntimeDb.h>
40#include <TClonesArray.h>
41#include <TDatabasePDG.h>
42#include <TGenericClassInfo.h>
43#include <TGeoManager.h>
47#include <TParameter.h>
48#include <TParticlePDG.h>
85 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i <
fHistList.size(); i++) {
138 FairRunAna* ana = FairRunAna::Instance();
140 LOG(fatal) <<
"No FairRunAna instance";
143 FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = ana->GetRuntimeDb();
145 LOG(fatal) <<
"No FairRuntimeDb instance";
167 TObjArray* topNodes = gGeoManager->GetTopNode()->GetNodes();
168 for (
Int_t iTopNode = 0; iTopNode < topNodes->GetEntriesFast(); iTopNode++) {
169 TGeoNode* topNode =
170 if (TString(topNode->GetName()).Contains(
"trd")) {
178 LOG(info) <<
"TRD is not in the setup, do nothing";
185 LOG(error) <<
"No CbmTrdParSetDigi container in FairRuntimeDb";
190 LOG(error) <<
"No CbmTrdParSetGeo container in FairRuntimeDb";
194 FairRootManager* manager = FairRootManager::Instance();
200 LOG(error) <<
"No time slice found";
204 fHits =
207 LOG(error) <<
"No TRD hit array found";
211 fClusters =
214 LOG(error) <<
"No TRD cluster array found";
227 fHitMatches =
233 LOG(error) <<
": No MCEventList data!";
238 LOG(error) <<
"No MC tracks found";
243 LOG(error) <<
"No MC points found";
248 LOG(error) <<
"No TRD hit matches found";
253 LOG(error) <<
"No TRD digi matches found";
263 Int_t layerCounter = 0;
264 TObjArray* topNodes = gGeoManager->GetTopNode()->GetNodes();
265 for (
Int_t iTopNode = 0; iTopNode < topNodes->GetEntriesFast(); iTopNode++) {
266 TGeoNode* topNode =
267 if (TString(topNode->GetName()).Contains(
"trd")) {
268 TObjArray* layers = topNode->GetNodes();
269 for (
Int_t iLayer = 0; iLayer < layers->GetEntriesFast(); iLayer++) {
270 TGeoNode* layer =
271 if (TString(layer->GetName()).Contains(
"layer")) {
283 LOG(error) <<
"can not count TRD tracking stations";
288 fHitsMc =
new TClonesArray(
"CbmTrdHitMC", 100);
289 manager->Register(
fHitsMc, IsOutputBranchPersistent(
294 gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
299 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i <
fHistList.size(); i++) {
316 Form(
"MC Points per Hit: Station %i;N mc points / hit", i), 10, -0.5, 9.5);
325 Form(
"Hits per MC Point: Station %i; N hits / mc point", i), 10, -0.5, 9.5);
336 double dr =
sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
338 fhEfficiencyR.emplace_back(Form(
"hEfficiencyR%i", i), Form(
"Efficiency R: Station %i;R [cm]", i), 100, 0, dr);
343 fhEfficiencyXY.emplace_back(Form(
"hEfficiencyXY%i", i), Form(
"Efficiency XY: Station %i;X [cm];Y [cm]", i), 50, -dx,
390 LOG(debug) <<
"Event: " <<
398 FairSink* sink = FairRootManager::Instance()->GetSink();
400 sink->WriteObject(&
420 LOG(fatal) <<
" No Geo params for station " << iStation <<
" module " << ModuleId <<
" found ";
424 double staZ = pGeo->
427 if ((iStation > 0) && (staZ <= lastZ)) {
428 LOG(error) <<
"TRD trackig stations are not properly ordered in Z";
457 std::vector<std::vector<int>> pointNhits;
458 pointNhits.resize(nMcEvents);
459 for (
int iE = 0; iE < nMcEvents; iE++) {
463 pointNhits[iE].resize(nPoints, 0);
466 for (
Int_t iHit = 0; iHit < nHits; iHit++) {
470 LOG(error) <<
"TRD hit N " << iHit <<
" doesn't exist";
478 LOG(error) <<
"Unknown detector class type " << hit->
GetClassType() <<
" for TRD hit N " << iHit;
486 LOG(fatal) <<
"TRD hit layer id " << StationIndex <<
" is out of range";
491 if (clusterId < 0 || clusterId >= nClusters) {
492 LOG(error) <<
"TRD cluster id " << clusterId <<
" is out of range";
498 LOG(error) <<
"TRD cluster N " << clusterId <<
" doesn't exist";
503 LOG(error) <<
"TRD hit address " << address <<
" differs from its cluster address " << cluster->
509 if (nClusterDigis <= 0) {
510 LOG(error) <<
"hit match for TRD cluster " << clusterId <<
" has no digis ";
521 for (
Int_t iDigi = 0; iDigi < nClusterDigis; iDigi++) {
523 if (digiIdx < 0 || digiIdx >= nDigis) {
524 LOG(fatal) <<
"TRD cluster: digi index " << digiIdx <<
" out of range ";
529 LOG(fatal) <<
"TRD digi " << iDigi <<
" not found";
534 std::stringstream ss;
535 ss <<
"TRD hit address " << address <<
" differs from its digi address " << digi->
537 LOG(error) << ss.str();
545 if (!tdigi) tdigi = digi->
547 default: LOG(fatal) <<
"TRD digi type neither SPADIC or FASP";
553 LOG(fatal) <<
"TRD digi match " << digiIdx <<
" not found";
568 if (hitMatch ==
nullptr) {
569 std::stringstream ss;
570 ss <<
"hit match for TRD hit " << iHit <<
" doesn't exist";
572 LOG(error) << ss.str();
577 std::stringstream ss;
578 ss <<
"hit match for TRD hit " << iHit <<
" doesn't correspond to digi matches";
580 LOG(error) << ss.str();
588 for (
int i = 0; i < myHitMatch.
GetNofLinks(); i++) {
593 if (iE < 0 || iE >= nMcEvents) {
594 std::stringstream ss;
595 ss <<
"link points to a non-existing MC event";
597 LOG(error) << ss.str();
600 if (link.
GetIndex() >= (
int) pointNhits[iE].size()) {
601 std::stringstream ss;
602 ss <<
"link points to a non-existing MC index";
604 LOG(error) << ss.str();
617 std::stringstream ss;
618 ss <<
"hit from noise [INFO]";
625 std::stringstream ss;
626 ss <<
"link points to a non-existing MC point";
628 LOG(error) << ss.str();
633 std::stringstream ss;
634 ss <<
"mc point module address differs from the hit module address";
636 LOG(error) << ss.str();
648 LOG(fatal) <<
" No Geo params for station " << StationIndex <<
" module " << ModuleId <<
" found ";
652 double staZ = pGeo->
653 if ((staZ < p->GetZIn() - 1.) || (staZ > p->
GetZOut() + 1.)) {
654 std::stringstream ss;
655 ss <<
"TRD station " << StationIndex <<
": active material Z[" << p->
GetZIn() <<
" cm," << p->
656 <<
" cm] is too far from the nominal station Z " << staZ <<
" cm";
658 LOG(error) << ss.str();
662 if (fabs(hit->
GetZ() - staZ) > 1.) {
663 std::stringstream ss;
664 ss <<
"TRD station " << StationIndex <<
": hit Z " << hit->
665 <<
" cm, is too far from the nominal station Z " << staZ <<
" cm";
667 LOG(error) << ss.str();
674 if (nHitPoints != 1) {
675 std::stringstream ss;
676 ss <<
"hit from mixed hit [INFO] nPoints=" << nHitPoints;
683 std::stringstream ss;
684 ss <<
"MC event time doesn't exist for a TRD link";
686 LOG(error) << ss.str();
690 double x = p->GetX();
691 double y = p->GetY();
692 double z = p->GetZ();
693 double t = t0 + p->GetTime();
694 double px = p->GetPx();
695 double py = p->GetPy();
696 double pz = p->GetPz();
699 if (fabs(p->
GetPzOut()) < 0.01)
702 double dz = hit->
GetZ() - z;
710 CbmLink mcTrackLink = bestLink;
711 mcTrackLink.
714 std::stringstream ss;
715 ss <<
"MC track " << p->GetTrackID() <<
" doesn't exist";
717 LOG(error) << ss.str();
721 if (pdg < 9999999 && ((TParticlePDG*) TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(pdg))) {
722 mass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(pdg)->Mass();
727 constexpr double speedOfLight = 29.979246;
730 t += dz / (pz * speedOfLight) *
sqrt(mass * mass + mom3.Mag2());
732 double du = hit->
GetX() -
733 double dv = hit->
GetY() -
734 double dt = hit->
GetTime() - t;
735 double su = hmc->
736 double sv = hit->
741 if (StationIndex % 2) {
756 if ((su < 1.e-5) || (sv < 1.e-5) || (st < 1.e-5)) {
757 std::stringstream ss;
758 ss <<
"TRD hit errors are not properly set: errX " << hit->
GetDx() <<
" errY " << hit->
GetDy() <<
" errT ";
760 LOG(error) << ss.str();
779 for (
int iE = 0; iE < nMcEvents; iE++) {
783 for (
int ip = 0; ip < nPoints; ip++) {
786 LOG(error) <<
"MC point doesn't exist";
792 LOG(fatal) <<
"TRD hit layer id " << StationIndex <<
" for module " << address <<
" is out of range";
796 fhEfficiencyR[StationIndex].Fill(
sqrt(p->GetX() * p->GetX() + p->GetY() * p->GetY()), (pointNhits[iE][ip] > 0));
797 fhEfficiencyXY[StationIndex].Fill(p->GetX(), p->GetY(), (pointNhits[iE][ip] > 0));
806 gStyle->SetPaperSize(20, 20);
821 for (UInt_t i = 0; i <
fHistList.size(); i++) {
825 for (UInt_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
@ kTrd
Transition Radiation Detector.
Definition of the CbmQaCanvas class.
Useful utilities for CBM QA tasks.
Data Container for TRD clusters.
Class for hits in TRD detector.
friend fvec sqrt(const fvec &a)
int32_t GetAddress() const
int32_t GetDigi(int32_t index) const
Get digi at position index.
int32_t GetNofDigis() const
Number of digis in cluster.
static Int_t GetNofDigis(ECbmModuleId systemId)
static Bool_t IsMatchPresent(ECbmModuleId systemId)
Presence of a digi match branch.
InitStatus Init()
const Digi * Get(Int_t index) const
Get a digi object.
static CbmDigiManager * Instance()
Static instance.
const CbmMatch * GetMatch(ECbmModuleId systemId, UInt_t index) const
Get a match object.
double GetTimeError() const
int32_t GetAddress() const
void SetIndex(int32_t index)
TObject * Get(const CbmLink *lnk)
Int_t Size(Int_t fileNumber, Int_t eventNumber)
Task class creating and managing CbmMCDataArray objects.
CbmMCDataArray * InitBranch(const char *name)
Container class for MC events with number, file and start time.
int32_t GetFileIdByIndex(uint32_t index)
File number by index @value File number for event at given index in list.
int32_t GetEventIdByIndex(uint32_t index)
Event number by index @value Event number for event at given index in list.
Int_t GetEventIndex(UInt_t event, UInt_t file)
Event index.
std::size_t GetNofEvents() const
Number of events in the list @value Number of events.
double GetEventTime(uint32_t event, uint32_t file)
Event start time.
int32_t GetPdgCode() const
void AddLinks(const CbmMatch &match)
const CbmLink & GetLink(int32_t i) const
int32_t GetNofLinks() const
const CbmLink & GetMatchedLink() const
void Divide2D(int nPads)
Divide canvas into nPads in 2D in a nice way.
Bookkeeping of time-slice content.
static uint32_t GetLayerId(uint32_t address)
Return layer ID from address.
static uint32_t GetModuleAddress(uint32_t address)
Return unique module ID from address.
std::vector< CbmQaHist< TH1D > * > fHistList
List of the above histogramms.
CbmQaHist< TH1D > fh1DpullV
CbmQaHist< TH1D > fh2DresidualY
TClonesArray * fClusters
CbmQaHist< TH1D > fh2DresidualX
CbmQaCanvas fCanvPointsPerHit
CbmMCDataArray * fMcTracks
std::vector< CbmQaHist< TH1I > > fhHitsPerPoint
hits efficiency
CbmQaHist< TH1D > fh1DpullU
Histogram for PULL Distribution.
CbmTimeSlice * fTimeSlice
CbmQaHist< TH1D > fh1DresidualV
void Finish()
FairTask: Action at end of run. For this task and all of the subtasks.
CbmQaHist< TH1D > fh1DresidualU
number of processed events
TParameter< int > fNevents
subfolder for histograms
std::vector< CbmQaHist< TProfile > > fhEfficiencyR
CbmTrdCalibTracker(const char *name="TrdQaTracker", Int_t verbose=1)
void DeInit()
Free the memory etc.
CbmQaHist< TH1D > fh2DpullY
CbmQaCanvas fCanvResidual
Canvaces: collection of histogramms.
CbmMCDataManager * fMcManager
CbmTrdParSetDigi * fTrdDigiPar
CbmQaHist< TH1D > fh2DresidualT
CbmMCDataArray * fMcPoints
CbmDigiManager * fDigiManager
CbmQaHist< TH1D > fh2DpullT
CbmTrdParSetGeo * fTrdGeoPar
InitStatus ReInit()
FairTask: Reinitialisation.
CbmQaCanvas fCanvEfficiencyXY
void ResolutionQa()
Analysis of hit uncertainty (pull) distributions.
std::vector< CbmQaHist< TProfile2D > > fhEfficiencyXY
hits efficiency
void SetParContainers()
FairTask: Intialise parameter containers.
TClonesArray * fHitMatches
void Exec(Option_t *)
TTask: Process a timeslice.
CbmQaCanvas fCanvEfficiencyR
InitStatus GeometryQa()
Check the geometry.
CbmQaHist< TH1D > fh2DpullX
std::vector< CbmQaHist< TH1I > > fhPointsPerHit
hits purity
TClonesArray * fHitsMc
CbmQaHist< TH1D > fh1DresidualT
TFolder * fHistFolder
output folder with histos and canvases
CbmQaCanvas fCanvHitsPerPoint
CbmQaHist< TH1D > fh1DpullT
CbmMCEventList * fMcEventList
MC data.
Data Container for TRD clusters.
int32_t GetAddressModule() const
Getter module address in the experiment.
uint64_t GetTimeDAQ() const
Getter for global DAQ time [clk]. Differs for each ASIC. [In FASP case DAQ time is already stored in ...
eCbmTrdAsicType GetType() const
Channel FEE SPADIC/FASP according to CbmTrdAsicType.
double GetTime() const
Getter for physical time [ns]. Accounts for clock representation of each ASIC. In SPADIC case physica...
TRD hit to MC point correlation class.
size_t AddPoint(const CbmTrdPoint *p, double t, int id)
Add MC points to the hit. The first time this function is called is for the best matched MC point.
void SetErrorMsg(std::string msg)
Store error message.
void AddCluster(const CbmTrdCluster *c)
Copy cluster details.
size_t PurgeSignals()
Applies to TRD2D and remove 0 charges from the boundaries of the cluster.
size_t AddSignal(const CbmTrdDigi *d, uint64_t t0)
Add signal values in the increasing order of pad index.
double GetDx() const
Calculate residuals in the bending plane.
data class for a reconstructed Energy-4D measurement in the TRD
bool GetClassType() const
Definition of geometry for one TRD module.
virtual Double_t GetZ() const
bool LoadAlignVolumes()
Trigger loading alignment information for all nodes registered.
virtual Int_t GetModuleId(Int_t i) const
virtual const CbmTrdParMod * GetModulePar(Int_t detId) const
int32_t GetModuleAddress() const
std::tuple< double, double > FitKaniadakisGaussian(TH1 *pHist)
Fit a histogram with Kaniadakis Gaussian Distribution.