78 constexpr double ProtonMassD = 0.93827208816;
96 constexpr double Pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
109 template<
typename T1,
typename T2 = T1>
113 inline constexpr int Undef<int> = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
116 inline constexpr unsigned Undef<unsigned> = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
119 inline constexpr float Undef<float> = std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN();
122 inline constexpr double Undef<double> = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
125 inline constexpr fscal Undef<fvec> = std::numeric_limits<fscal>::signaling_NaN();
132 constexpr char CL[] =
133 constexpr char CLb[] =
134 constexpr char CLi[] =
135 constexpr char CLu[] =
136 constexpr char CLr[] =
137 constexpr char CLbi[] =
138 constexpr char CLbu[] =
139 constexpr char CLbr[] =
142 constexpr char BK[] =
143 constexpr char RD[] =
144 constexpr char GN[] =
145 constexpr char YL[] =
146 constexpr char BL[] =
147 constexpr char MG[] =
148 constexpr char CY[] =
149 constexpr char GY[] =
150 constexpr char WT[] =
153 constexpr char BKb[] =
154 constexpr char RDb[] =
155 constexpr char GNb[] =
156 constexpr char YLb[] =
157 constexpr char BLb[] =
158 constexpr char MGb[] =
159 constexpr char CYb[] =
160 constexpr char GYb[] =
161 constexpr char WTb[] =
164 constexpr char BKi[] =
165 constexpr char RDi[] =
166 constexpr char GNi[] =
167 constexpr char YLi[] =
168 constexpr char BLi[] =
169 constexpr char MGi[] =
170 constexpr char CYi[] =
171 constexpr char GYi[] =
172 constexpr char WTi[] =
175 constexpr char BKu[] =
176 constexpr char RDu[] =
177 constexpr char GNu[] =
178 constexpr char YLu[] =
179 constexpr char BLu[] =
180 constexpr char MGu[] =
181 constexpr char CYu[] =
182 constexpr char GYu[] =
183 constexpr char WTu[] =
186 constexpr char BKr[] =
187 constexpr char RDr[] =
188 constexpr char GNr[] =
189 constexpr char YLr[] =
190 constexpr char BLr[] =
191 constexpr char MGr[] =
192 constexpr char CYr[] =
193 constexpr char GYr[] =
194 constexpr char WTr[] =
197 constexpr char BKbu[] =
198 constexpr char RDbu[] =
199 constexpr char GNbu[] =
200 constexpr char YLbu[] =
201 constexpr char BLbu[] =
202 constexpr char MGbu[] =
203 constexpr char CYbu[] =
204 constexpr char GYbu[] =
205 constexpr char WTbu[] =
208 constexpr char BKbi[] =
209 constexpr char RDbi[] =
210 constexpr char GNbi[] =
211 constexpr char YLbi[] =
212 constexpr char BLbi[] =
213 constexpr char MGbi[] =
214 constexpr char CYbi[] =
215 constexpr char GYbi[] =
216 constexpr char WTbi[] =
219 constexpr char BKbr[] =
220 constexpr char RDbr[] =
221 constexpr char GNbr[] =
222 constexpr char YLbr[] =
223 constexpr char BLbr[] =
224 constexpr char MGbr[] =
225 constexpr char CYbr[] =
226 constexpr char GYbr[] =
227 constexpr char WTbr[] =
The Kalman-filter framework main class (header)
static constexpr size_t size()
TrackParam classes of different types.
Colors of terminal log messages.
constexpr char CYbr[]
bold-reverse cyan
constexpr char CYbi[]
bold-italic cyan
constexpr char WTi[]
italic white
constexpr char GYbr[]
bold-reverse grey
constexpr char GNbr[]
bold-reverse green
constexpr char WTbu[]
bold-underline white
constexpr char CLr[]
clear reverse
constexpr char MGu[]
underline magenta
constexpr char GNr[]
reverse green
constexpr char BKbr[]
bold-reverse black
constexpr char GYu[]
underline grey
constexpr char GNu[]
underline green
constexpr char RD[]
normal red
constexpr char GYr[]
reverse grey
constexpr char CY[]
normal cyan
constexpr char GNi[]
italic green
constexpr char CLi[]
clear italic
constexpr char MGr[]
reverse magenta
constexpr char BKr[]
reverse black
constexpr char BK[]
normal black
constexpr char GYi[]
italic grey
constexpr char GY[]
normal grey
constexpr char GNbu[]
bold-underline green
constexpr char BKu[]
underline black
constexpr char MGbr[]
bold-reverse magenta
constexpr char CYr[]
reverse cyan
constexpr char YLbu[]
bold-underline yellow
constexpr char WTbr[]
bold-reverse white
constexpr char BL[]
normal blue
constexpr char RDu[]
underline red
constexpr char WTbi[]
bold-italic white
constexpr char CLbr[]
clear bold-reverse
constexpr char GYb[]
bold grey
constexpr char WTr[]
reverse white
constexpr char YL[]
normal yellow
constexpr char MGi[]
italic magenta
constexpr char CYi[]
italic cyan
constexpr char YLu[]
underline yellow
constexpr char CLbu[]
clear bold-underline
constexpr char YLi[]
italic yellow
constexpr char CLu[]
clear underline
constexpr char BLbi[]
bold-italic blue
constexpr char RDbi[]
bold-italic red
constexpr char BLbu[]
bold-underline blue
constexpr char WTu[]
underline white
constexpr char MGbu[]
bold-underline magenta
constexpr char CYb[]
bold cyan
constexpr char BKbu[]
bold-underline black
constexpr char RDi[]
italic red
constexpr char MGb[]
bold magenta
constexpr char GNbi[]
bold-italic green
constexpr char GYbu[]
bold-underline grey
constexpr char BLbr[]
bold-reverse blue
constexpr char WTb[]
bold white
constexpr char BKb[]
bold black
constexpr char MGbi[]
bold-italic magenta
constexpr char BKi[]
italic black
constexpr char RDbu[]
bold-underline red
constexpr char BKbi[]
bold-italic black
constexpr char CYbu[]
bold-underline cyan
constexpr char GYbi[]
bold-italic grey
constexpr char MG[]
normal magenta
constexpr char BLb[]
bold blue
constexpr char CYu[]
underline cyan
constexpr char BLu[]
underline blue
constexpr char GN[]
normal green
constexpr char RDr[]
reverse red
constexpr char YLbr[]
bold-reverse yellow
constexpr char BLr[]
reverse blue
constexpr char CLbi[]
clear bold-italic
constexpr char YLb[]
bold yellow
constexpr char WT[]
normal white
constexpr char YLr[]
reverse yellow
constexpr char YLbi[]
bold-italic yellow
constexpr char RDbr[]
bold-reverse red
constexpr char CLb[]
clear bold
constexpr char BLi[]
italic blue
constexpr int InputDataQaLevel
Flag: input data QA level.
constexpr int Alignment
Default alignment of data (bytes)
constexpr int AssertionLevel
Assertion level.
constexpr fscal NegligibleFieldkG
Negligible field [kG].
constexpr double PionMassD
Pion mass [GeV/c2].
constexpr fscal ElectronMass
Electron mass [GeV/c2].
constexpr fscal KaonMass
Kaon mass [GeV/c2] (PDG 22.08.2023)
constexpr double MuonMassD
Particle masses etc used for the track fit, double precision.
constexpr double ProtonMassD
Proton mass [GeV/c2] (PDG 11.08.2022)
constexpr fscal PionMass
Pion mass [GeV/c2].
constexpr double SpeedOfLightD
Speed of light [cm/ns].
constexpr fscal MuonMass
Particle masses etc used for the track fit, fscal precision.
constexpr fscal SpeedOfLight
Speed of light [cm/ns].
constexpr double KaonMassD
Kaon mass [GeV/c2] (PDG 22.08.2023)
constexpr fscal ProtonMass
Proton mass [GeV/c2] (PDG 11.08.2022)
constexpr double SpeedOfLightInvD
Inverse speed of light [ns/cm].
constexpr double ElectronMassD
Electron mass [GeV/c2].
constexpr unsigned int StationBits
Amount of bits to code a station or triplet. This values determine the maximum number of stations and...
constexpr uint8_t DetBits
Maximum 16 detector systems.
constexpr int MaxFieldApproxPolynomialOrder
Order of polynomial to approximate field in the vicinity of station plane.
constexpr int MaxNtrackGroups
constexpr unsigned int TripletBits
Amount of bits to code one triplet.
constexpr int MaxNtriplets
Max number of triplets, 2^26 = 67,108,864.
constexpr int MaxNFieldApproxCoefficients
Amount of coefficients in field approximations.
constexpr int MaxNdetectors
Max number of tracking detectors.
constexpr T2 Undef
Undefined values.
TODO: SZh 8.11.2022: add selection of parameterisation.