27 template<
typename DataT>
128 std::shared_ptr<HistogramSender>
fpSender =
Implementation of cbm::algo::ca::EnumArray class.
A generic hit for the CA tracker (header)
CbmStsAlgoFindClusters::InputData InputData
Class of arrays, which can be accessed by an enum class entry as an index.
ca::Hit class describes a generic hit for the CA tracker
A container for all external parameters of the CA tracking algorithm.
std::vector< HitSetArray_t< qa::H2D * > > OccupHistContainer_t
void Exec()
QA execution function.
void RegisterParameters(const Parameters< fvec > *pParameters)
Registers tracking parameters object.
bool CheckInit() const
Check initialization.
std::vector< HitSetArray_t< qa::H1D * > > fvphHitTime
Time distribution of hits.
OccupHistContainer_t fvphHitOccupXY
hist: Hit occupancy in different stations in XY plane
Qa(std::shared_ptr< HistogramSender > pSender)
Default destructor.
const Vector< Track > * fpvTracks
Pointer to tracks vector.
static constexpr int knStaMax
Max number of stations (histogram binning)
std::array< qa::H1D *, knTrkParPoints > fvphTrkPhi
hist: phi at first/last hit
void Init()
Initializes the QA.
void FillHitDistributionsForHitSet(EHitSet hitSet, const ca::Hit &hit)
Fills hit distributions.
static constexpr HitSetArray_t< EHitSet > kHitSets
Array of EHitSet entries for iteration.
HitSetArray_t< qa::H1D * > fvphHitBackKeyIndex
Indices of back hit keys.
std::vector< qa::Prof2D * > fvphHitUsageXY
prof: Hit usage in different stations in XY plane
bool IsSenderDefined() const
Checks, if the histogram sender is defined.
static constexpr double kXYZMargin
Margin for occupancy distributions in XY plane.
HitSetArray_t< qa::H1D * > fvphHitFrontKeyIndex
Indices of front hit keys.
Qa(const Qa &)=delete
Copy constructor.
static constexpr int knTrkParPoints
Number of track points to build par distributions.
Qa & operator=(Qa &&)=delete
Move assignment operator.
const Vector< HitIndex_t > * fpvRecoHits
Pointer to reco hit indices.
qa::H1D * fphTrkNofHits
hist: number of hits in track
static constexpr int knHitSets
Number of hit sets: input/used.
OccupHistContainer_t fvphHitOccupZX
hist: Hit occupancy in different stations in ZX plane
qa::H2D * fphTrkFstLstSta
hist: fst vs lst station index
Constructor from the configuration object.
Qa(Qa &&)=delete
Move constructor.
const InputData * fpInputData
Pointer to input data.
static constexpr bool kDebug
Additional histograms.
Qa & operator=(const Qa &)=delete
Copy assignment operator.
void RegisterRecoHitIndices(const Vector< HitIndex_t > *pvRecoHits)
Registers reco hits indices vector.
OccupHistContainer_t fvphHitOccupZY
hist: Hit occupancy in different stations in ZY plane
std::array< qa::H1D *, knTrkParPoints > fvphTrkChi2Ndf
hist: chi2/NDF at first/last hit
std::array< qa::H2D *, knTrkParPoints > fvphTrkPhiTheta
hist: theta vs. phi at first/last hit
std::array< qa::H1D *, knTrkParPoints > fvphTrkTheta
hist: theta at first/last hit
void RegisterInputData(const InputData *pInputData)
Registers tracking input data object.
std::shared_ptr< HistogramSender > fpSender
Histogram sender.
const Parameters< fvec > * fpParameters
Pointer to tracking parameters.
@ Used
Hits used in tracks.
void RegisterTracks(const Vector< Track > *pvTracks)
Registers track vector.
Class to handle QA-objects in the online reconstruction.
TODO: SZh 8.11.2022: add selection of parameterisation.