18 template<
typename DataT>
38 template<
typename DataIn>
44 ,
53 template<
class Archive>
86 template<
typename DataOut = DataT>
89 return kfutils::simd::Cast<DataT, DataOut>(
93 template<
typename DataOut = DataT>
96 return kfutils::simd::Cast<DataT, DataOut>(
100 template<
typename DataOut = DataT>
103 return kfutils::simd::Cast<DataT, DataOut>(-
107 template<
typename DataOut = DataT>
110 return kfutils::simd::Cast<DataT, DataOut>(
114 template<
typename DataOut = DataT>
117 return kfutils::simd::Cast<DataT, DataOut>(-
123 std::string
int verbosityLevel = 0,
int indentLevel = 0,
bool isHeader =
Compile-time constants definition for the CA tracking algorithm.
Magnetic flux density interpolation along the track vs. z-coordinate (header)
int geoLayerID
Index of layer in geometrical setup.
DataT Xmax
min radius of the station [cm]
DataOut GetXmax() const
Gets limit of the station size in x-axis direction.
void CheckConsistency() const
Verifies class invariant consistency.
Station(const Station< DataIn > &other)
Copy constructor with type conversion.
DataT fZ
z position of station [cm]
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int)
int timeInfo
flag: if time information can be used
std::string ToString(int verbosityLevel=0, int indentLevel=0, bool isHeader=false) const
String representation of class contents.
DataT Ymax
max radius of the station [cm]
DataOut GetYmax() const
Gets limit of the station size in y-axis direction.
DataOut GetXmin() const
Gets limit of the station size in x-axis direction.
int GetType() const
Gets type of the station.
int fieldStatus
flag: 1 - station is INSIDE the field, 0 - station is OUTSIDE the field
friend class boost::serialization::access
kf::FieldSlice< DataT > fieldSlice
Magnetic field near the station.
int GetGeoLayerID() const
Gets index of the layer in the geometry setup (which can include inactive stations as well)
int GetFieldStatus() const
Gets field status flag.
DataOut GetYmin() const
Gets limit of the station size in y-axis direction.
int GetTimeStatus() const
Gets time-measurement flag.
DataOut GetZ() const
Gets z-position of the station.
A magnetic field approximation on the two-dimensional plane.
constexpr int Undef< int >
constexpr T2 Undef
Undefined values.
TODO: SZh 8.11.2022: add selection of parameterisation.
class cbm::algo::ca::WindowData _fvecalignment