5#ifndef CbmTimesliceManager_H
6#define CbmTimesliceManager_H
10#include "FairRunAna.h"
13#include <TEveEventManager.h>
14#include <TEveProjectionAxes.h>
25class TEveProjectionAxes;
26class TEveProjectionManager;
155 TGLViewer::ECameraType
fRphiCam = TGLViewer::kCameraOrthoXOY;
156 TGLViewer::ECameraType
fRhoCam = TGLViewer::kCameraOrthoZOY;
157 TGLViewer::ECameraType
fCamZY = TGLViewer::kCameraOrthoZnOX;
158 TGLViewer::ECameraType
fCamZX = TGLViewer::kCameraOrthoZOY;
189 void SetViewers(TEveViewer* RPhi, TEveViewer* RhoZ);
TBrowser Event display for Timeslices as Tree entry with CbmEvents in container. Function as unique I...
virtual ~CbmTimesliceManager()=default
void SetMcbmViewers(TEveViewer *ZY, TEveViewer *ZX)
TEveProjectionAxes * fAxesZX
void LoadXMLDetector(TGeoNode *node, FairXMLNode *xml, Int_t depth=0)
void SetDisplayMcbm(bool bLowRate=true, bool bMuch=false)
Select/add default set of views and some Hit and Tracks drawing classes for the mCBM 2022+ setups.
FairRootManager * fRootManager
Int_t StringToColor(TString color) const
TEveViewer * fRPhiView
CBM views.
TEveViewer * fMultiRPhiView
TGLAnnotation * fTimesliceNumberText
virtual void GotoTimeslice(uint32_t timeslice)
TEveProjectionAxes * fAxesRho
TEveProjectionManager * fProjManagerZY
virtual void SetEvtNumberText(Int_t evtNumber)
virtual void LoadXMLSettings()
TGLAnnotation * fEventTimeText
void SwitchPdgColorTrack(Bool_t pdg_color)
Bool_t GetClearHandler() const
Used to indicate to subtask that they should reset.
TGLViewer::ECameraType fCamZX
TGLAnnotation * fEventNumberText
void InitializeViewsCbm()
bool InitializeMainView(Int_t visopt, Int_t vislvl, Int_t maxvisnds)
void InitializeViewsMcbm()
void SetTransparencyForLayer(TGeoNode *node, Int_t depth, Char_t transparency)
virtual uint32_t GetCurrentTimeslice() const
void SetDisplayCbmMuon()
Select/add default set of views and some Hit and Tracks drawing classes for the CBM SIS100 muon setup...
TEveProjectionManager * fRhoZProjManager
bool fbMcbmViewersEna
mCBM views
virtual Int_t Color(Int_t pdg)
virtual void SwitchBackground(Bool_t)
virtual void NextTimeslice()
ClassDef(CbmTimesliceManager, 1)
TEveProjectionManager * fRPhiProjManager
void SetDisplayTofCosmicsHd()
Select/add default set of views and some Hit and Tracks drawing classes for the HD 2023+ cosmics setu...
CbmTimesliceManager & operator=(const CbmTimesliceManager &)=delete
virtual Int_t GetCurrentEvent() const
TEveProjectionManager * fProjManagerZX
TEveViewer * fMultiRhoZView
TGLViewer::ECameraType fCamZY
void SetDisplayCbmElectron()
Select/add default set of views and some Hit and Tracks drawing classes for the CBM SIS100 electron s...
void AddParticlesToPdgDataBase()
void AddTask(FairTask *t)
virtual void SetTsNumberText(Int_t tsNumber)
virtual void DisplaySettings()
virtual void GotoEvent(Int_t event)
void SetViewers(TEveViewer *RPhi, TEveViewer *RhoZ)
TClonesArray * fCbmEvents
virtual void SetEvtTimeText(Double_t time)
virtual void SetTransparency(Bool_t use_xml, Int_t trans)
static CbmTimesliceManager * gRinstanceTsMan
static CbmTimesliceManager * Instance()
virtual void PrevTimeslice()
TGLViewer::ECameraType fRhoCam
void SetClearHandler(Bool_t val)
Used to indicate to subtask that they should reset.
double_t GetTimesliceTime()
current time in ns to display in the event display.
virtual void Init(Int_t visopt=1, Int_t vislvl=3, Int_t maxvisnds=10000)
TGLViewer::ECameraType fRphiCam
TEveProjectionAxes * fAxesPhi
void MakeScreenshot(CbmTsEveAnimationControl::eScreenshotType screenshotType, TString def_path="")
Screenshot(s) generation: to be called by GUI element.
bool GetMcbmViewersMode() const
double_t GetEventTime()
current time in ns to display in the event display.
std::map< int, int > fPDGToColor
CbmTimesliceManager(const CbmTimesliceManager &)=delete
virtual void SetTsTimeText(Double_t time)
TEveProjectionAxes * fAxesZY
virtual void SetXMLConfig(TString xml_config)
Set path to xml configuration file for control of transparency and visibility of individual geometry ...
TGLAnnotation * fTimesliceTimeText