Timer class for CA tracking (header)
source file for the ca::Track class
static int GetMcTrackIdForCaHit(int iHit)
Gets number of stations before the pipe (MVD stations in CBM)
static int GetMcTrackIdForWindowHit(int iGridHit)
Get mc track ID for a hit (debug tool)
std::unique_ptr< ca::TrackFinder > fpTrackFinder
Track finder steer class for the entire time slice.
InputData fInputData
Tracking input data.
void ReceiveParameters(Parameters< fvec > &¶meters)
Receives tracking parameters.
fscal fDefaultMass
mass of the propagated particle [GeV/c2]
int fNstationsBeforePipe
number of stations before pipe (MVD stations in CBM)
TrackingMonitorData fMonitorData
Tracking monitor data (statistics per call)
void ReceiveInputData(InputData &&inputData)
Receives input data.
void Init(const TrackingMode mode)
Parameters< fvec > fParameters
Object of Framework parameters class.
A container for all external parameters of the CA tracking algorithm.
static void ForceUseOfOriginalField(bool v=true)
Forces the use of the original field function.
constexpr double ProtonMassD
Proton mass [GeV/c2] (PDG 11.08.2022)
constexpr fscal SpeedOfLightInv
Inverse speed of light [ns/cm].
constexpr double SpeedOfLightInvD
Inverse speed of light [ns/cm].
TODO: SZh 8.11.2022: add selection of parameterisation.
Enumeration for the tracking detector subsystems in CBM-CA.