16#include "FairEventHeader.h"
17#include "FairMCEventHeader.h"
18#include "FairSource.h"
135 LOG(fatal) <<
Mode to read entries from a ROOT TTree.
Source class for the input to digitization in CBM.
std::vector< CbmMCInputSet * > fInputSets
CbmMCInput * GetFirstInput()
First input from the first input set @value Pointer to first input.
FairMCEventHeader * fMCEventHeader
time -> inputSet
virtual Bool_t Init()
Abstract in base class. No implementation here.
Int_t ReadEventByEvent(UInt_t event)
Get next entry in event-by-event mode.
virtual Bool_t ActivateObject(TObject **object, const char *branchName)
Activate a branch and set its address.
const std::set< TString > & GetBranchList() const
List of branch names @value Reference to set of branch names.
Double_t GetStartTime()
Run start time.
Bool_t CheckBranchList(CbmMCInputSet *input)
Compare an input set branch list with the reference list.
virtual Bool_t SpecifyRunId()
Implement abstract function from base class.
void AddInput(UInt_t inputId, TChain *chain, cbm::sim::TimeDist dist, Double_t rate, ECbmTreeAccess mode=ECbmTreeAccess::kRegular)
Add a transport input.
virtual void Close()
Abstract in base class. No implementation here.
virtual ~CbmDigitizationSource()
TObjArray * fListOfFolders
virtual Bool_t ReInitUnpackers()
Abstract in base class. No implementation here.
void EmbedInput(UInt_t inputId, TChain *chain, UInt_t targetInputId, ECbmTreeAccess mode=ECbmTreeAccess::kRegular)
Embed a transport input.
virtual Bool_t InitUnpackers()
Abstract in base class. No implementation here.
void SetMode(cbm::sim::Mode mode)
Set event-by-event mode @value choice kTRUE if event-by-event mode.
std::set< TString > fBranches
virtual Int_t CheckMaxEventNo(Int_t lastEntry=0)
Maximal entry number the source can run to.
void ReadRunId()
Read run ID from the first entry in the first input.
virtual void FillEventHeader(FairEventHeader *event)
Fill the output event header.
virtual Source_Type GetSourceType()
Source type is kFILE.
virtual void Reset()
Abstract in base class. No implementation here.
virtual void SetParUnpackers()
Abstract in base class. No implementation here.
std::map< UInt_t, CbmMCInputSet * > fInputMap
ClassDef(CbmDigitizationSource, 1)
CbmMCInputSet * fCurrentInputSet
void SetTimeStart(Double_t time)
Set the offset for the first event time.
std::multimap< Double_t, CbmMCInputSet * > fNextEvent
input ID -> inputSet
virtual Int_t ReadEvent(UInt_t event=0)
Provide one tree entry.