66 fDigisPerAsicEvo =
new TH2F(
"Digis per Asic evo; Time [ ns ]; ASIC []", dZoomDuration / 1000, 0,
76 new TH2F(
"Time dist of digis in same chan evo; Time [ ns ]; Same chan dist [ ns ]", 5000,
77 0, 500000., 1000, 0., 10000.);
79 fDigisPerChanEvo =
new TH2F(
"Time dist of digis in same chan evo; Time [ ns ]; Channel [ ]", 5000,
82 std::cout << Form(
"TS with jump %5u, first TS time off %12.0f, start TS %5u "
83 "stop TS %5u, TS length %9.0f Start time %12.0f",
93 LOG(debug) <<
"executing TS " <<
95 if (0 <
fNrTs && 0 ==
fNrTs % 1000) LOG(info) << Form(
"Processing TS %6d",
104 LOG(debug) << GetName() <<
": MuchDigis: " << nrMuchDigis;
106 for (
Int_t iMuch = 0; iMuch < nrMuchDigis; ++iMuch) {
110 Double_t dTime = Digi->GetTime();
111 Double_t dAdc = Digi->GetAdc();
112 UInt_t uAsic = Digi->GetNxId();
113 UInt_t uChan = Digi->GetNxCh();
119 std::cout << Form(
"Much first hit in TS %5d: asic %2u chan %3u time "
120 "%12.0f Bmon time %12.0f check time %12.0f ADC %2.0f",
128 Double_t dTimeDistLastDigi = dTimeSinceStart -
130 dTimeDistLastDigi < 10000 ? dTimeDistLastDigi : 9999);
143 if (9 != uAsic || uChan < 63)
146 std::cout << Form(
"Much pulser in TS %5d: chan %3u Bmon time %12.0f time "
147 "start %12.0f ADC %2.0f dt %12.0f",