136 void SetField(Double_t bX, Double_t bY, Double_t bZ)
Class representing an element of the STS setup.
Parameters for operating conditions of a STS sensor.
Settings for STS simulation (digitizer)
Container class for a local point in a STS sensor.
Class for the simulation of a readout unit in the CBM-STS.
Class for the simulation of a sensor in the CBM-STS.
CbmStsSimSensor(CbmStsElement *element=nullptr)
Standard constructor.
void SetField(Double_t bX, Double_t bY, Double_t bZ)
Set the magnetic field in the sensor centre.
CbmStsSimModule * GetModule() const
Simulation module.
Int_t GetSensorId() const
Sensor ID.
virtual ~CbmStsSimSensor()
virtual Bool_t Init()
Initialise the sensor, if needed.
ClassDef(CbmStsSimSensor, 1)
Int_t ProcessPoint(const CbmStsPoint *point, Double_t eventTime, const CbmLink &link)
Process one MC Point.
Double_t fBx
Operating conditions.
const CbmLink & GetCurrentLink() const
Current link object.
CbmStsElement * GetElement() const
Corresponding element in STS setup.
CbmStsSimSensor & operator=(const CbmStsSimSensor &)=delete
Assignment operator (disabled)
static UInt_t GetAddressFromName(TString name)
Get the address from the sensor name (static)
CbmStsSimSensor(const CbmStsSimSensor &)=delete
Copy constructor (disabled)
Double_t fBz
z component of magnetic field in sensor centre
const CbmStsParSensorCond * GetConditions() const
Sensor conditions.
Double_t fBy
y component of magnetic field in sensor centre
CbmStsSimModule * fModule
Setup element.
const CbmStsParSensorCond * fConditions
Simulation settings.
void SetElement(CbmStsElement *element)
Set the corresponding STS setup element.
void SetSimSettings(const CbmStsParSim *settings)
Set the simulation settings.
void SetConditions(const CbmStsParSensorCond *conditions)
void SetModule(CbmStsSimModule *module)
Set the corresponding simulation module.
virtual std::string ToString() const =0
Set the sensor parameters.
const CbmStsParSim * fSettings
Simulation module.
virtual Int_t CalculateResponse(CbmStsSensorPoint *point)=0
Link to currently processed MCPoint.