source file for the ca::Track class
Class representing an output track in the CA tracking algorithm.
Configuration of the V0 trigger class (trigger on displaced vertices)
Trigger class for secondary two-track vertices in mCBM.
std::pair< std::vector< double >, V0TriggerMoniData > Result
bool Select(const Track &track, const V0TriggerConfig &config) const
Check track cuts.
cbm::algo::kf::TrackParamS TrackParam
cbm::algo::ca::Vector< cbm::algo::ca::Track > TrackVector
std::pair< double, double > CalcPCA(const TrackParam &track1, const TrackParam &track2) const
Calculation of closest approach of two tracks (straight lines)
Result operator()(const TrackVector &tracks, const V0TriggerConfig &config) const
cbm::algo::ca::Track Track
bool IsPrimary(const TrackParam &track, const V0TriggerConfig &config) const
Check if track is a priomary.
std::string ToString() const
Info to string.
Monitoring information for the algorithm V0Trigger.
size_t numTrackPairsAfterDistCut
xpu::timings time
Time for trigger building.
size_t numTrackPairsAfterZCut
size_t numTrackPairsAfterTimeCut