14#include "FairModule.h"
64 CbmTarget(
const char* element, Double_t thickness, Double_t diameter, Double_t density = -1.);
77 CbmTarget(
Int_t z, Double_t thickness, Double_t diameter, Double_t density = -1.);
Class for constructing the geometry of the CBM target.
Double_t fPosX
Target centre position in x [cm].
Bool_t fBuildFromFile
Flag for building from geometry file.
Default constructor.
Double_t GetRotation() const
Get target rotation angle.
Double_t GetStandardDensity(Int_t charge) const
void SetRotation(Double_t angle)
Set the rotation of the target w.r.t. the global coordinate system.
Double_t GetX() const
Get x coordinate of target centre.
virtual void ConstructGeometry()
Built the ROOT geometry.
Double_t fDensity
Density of target material [g/cm^3].
Double_t fRotY
Target rotation angle around the y axis [rad].
TVector3 GetSurfaceCentreUp() const
Upstream surface centre.
Double_t GetZ() const
Get z coordinate of target centre.
Double_t fThickness
Thickness [cm].
TVector3 GetSurfaceCentreDown() const
Downstream surface centre.
void SetPosition(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
Set the position of the target w.r.t. the global coordinate system.
Double_t GetThickness() const
Get target thickness @value Full target thickness in z [cm].
virtual ~CbmTarget()
TVector3 GetPosition() const
TString fMaterial
Material name.
Double_t GetDiameter() const
Get target diameter.
std::string ToString() const
Int_t fZ
Atomic charge of target material.
TVector3 GetNormal() const
Normal vector.
Double_t fPosZ
Target centre position in z [cm].
Double_t fDiameter
Diameter [cm].
Double_t fPosY
Target centre position in y [cm].
virtual void SetGeometryFileName(TString name, TString geoVer="0")
Output to stdout.
Double_t GetY() const
Get y coordinate of target centre.