Files | |
CaToolsDebugger.cxx | |
CaToolsDebugger.h | |
Tracking Debugger class (implementation) | |
CaToolsDef.h | |
Definitions for ca::tools namespace. | |
CaToolsField.h | |
Tracking Field class (header) | |
CaToolsHitRecord.cxx | |
CaToolsHitRecord.h | |
CaToolsLinkKey.h | |
Data structure to represent a MC link in CA tracking MC module. | |
CaToolsMCData.cxx | |
Data structure for internal tracking MC-information (implementation) | |
CaToolsMCData.h | |
Data structure for internal tracking MC-information (header) | |
CaToolsMCPoint.cxx | |
Internal class describing a MC point for CA tracking QA and performance (implementation) | |
CaToolsMCPoint.h | |
Internal class describing a MC point for CA tracking QA and performance (header) | |
CaToolsMCTrack.cxx | |
CaToolsMCTrack.h | |
Class represents a MC track for CA tracking QA and performance (header) | |
CaToolsWFExpression.cxx | |
CaToolsWFExpression.h | |
CaToolsWindowFinder.cxx | |
Framework for CA tracking hit-finder window estimation from MC (implementation) | |
CaToolsWindowFinder.h | |
Framework for CA tracking hit-finder window estimation from MC (header) | |