8 : CbmRecoUnpackConfig(
"CbmTrdUnpackFaspConfig", detGeoSetupTag, runid)
19 if (fDoLog) LOG(info) << fName <<
"::Init - chooseAlgo";
23 auto algo = std::make_shared<CbmTrdUnpackFaspAlgo>();
24 LOG(info) << fName <<
"::chooseAlgo() - selected algo = " << algo->Class_Name();
28 <<
"::Init - chooseAlgo() - no algorithm created something went wrong. We can not work like this!";
35 uint32_t uNbLostDigis = fAlgo->ResetTimeslice();
37 LOG(info) << fName <<
"::reset - Lost digis after processing timeslice: " << uNbLostDigis;
44 if (fDoLog) LOG(info) << fName <<
"::InitAlgo - Setup Fasp mapping";
54 LOG(info) << fName <<
"::InitAlgo - Setup monitoring task";
56 fMonitor->MapMaskedChannels(fAlgo->GetAsicPar());
Configuration class for an unpacker algorithm.
CbmTrdUnpackFaspConfig(std::string detGeoSetupTag, UInt_t runid=0)
Create the Cbm Trd Unpack Task object.
std::shared_ptr< CbmTrdUnpackFaspMonitor > fMonitor
pointer to the monitor object
virtual std::shared_ptr< CbmTrdUnpackFaspAlgo > chooseAlgo()
Choose the derived unpacker algorithm to be used for the DAQ output to Digi translation....
void InitAlgo()
Initialize the algorithm, include all calibration for Trd FASP.
virtual void reset()
Implement additional actions to be called once per TS, e.g. needed if more than the default output ve...
virtual ~CbmTrdUnpackFaspConfig()
Destroy the Cbm Trd Unpack Task object.