CBM_YAML_PROPERTIES(yaml::Property(&Memory::allocationMode, "allocationMode", "Allocation mode (Auto, Static, Dynamic)"), yaml::Property(&Memory::maxNDigisPerTS, "maxNDigisPerTS", "Maximal number of digis per time slice"), yaml::Property(&Memory::maxNDigisPerModule, "maxNDigisPerModule", "Maximal number of digis per module"), yaml::Property(&Memory::clustersPerDigi, "clustersPerDigi", "Number of clusters per digi in a time slice"), yaml::Property(&Memory::hitsPerCluster, "hitsPerCluster", "Number of hits per cluster in a time slice"))
CBM_YAML_PROPERTIES(yaml::Property(&STS::digiSortMode, "digiSortMode", "Digi sort mode (0 = block sort, 1 = cub segmented sort))"), yaml::Property(&STS::clusterSortMode, "clusterSortMode", "Cluster sort mode"), yaml::Property(&STS::findClustersMultiKernels, "findClustersMultiKernels", "Split cluster finding into multiple kernels"), yaml::Property(&STS::timeCutDigiAbs, "timeCutDigiAbs", "Time delta for neighboring digis to be considered for the same cluster. [ns]"), yaml::Property(&STS::timeCutDigiSig, "timeCutDigiSig", "Used if timeCutDigiAbs is negative. Time delta must be < 'value * sqrt2 * timeResolution'. [ns]"), yaml::Property(&STS::timeCutClusterAbs, "timeCutClusterAbs", "Maximal time difference between two clusters in a hit [ns]." " Setting to a positive value will override timeCutClustersSig."), yaml::Property(&STS::timeCutClusterSig, "timeCutClusterSig", "Time cut for clusters." " Two clusters are considered it their time difference is below 'value * sqrt(terr1**2 + terr2*+2)'"), yaml::Property(&STS::doChargeCorrelation, "doChargeCorrelation", "Enable charge correlation between front+back clusters during hit finding"), yaml::Property(&STS::chargeCorrelationDelta, "chargeCorrelationDelta", "Delta in total charge between front and back clusters to be considered for hit finding"), yaml::Property(&STS::memory, "memory", "Memory limits for STS reco"))