135 static uint32_t
GetUniqueAddress(uint32_t Sm, uint32_t Rpc, uint32_t Channel, uint32_t Side = 0, uint32_t SmType = 0,
136 uint32_t RpcType = 0)
XPU_D constexpr auto ToIntegralType(T enumerator) -> typename std::underlying_type< T >::type
@ kTof
Time-of-flight Detector.
Base class for interfaces to the unique address.
static const int32_t fgkSystemBits
CBM ToF interface class to the unique address.
static const int32_t fgkSmIdBits
static int32_t GetNofChannelIdBits()
static const int32_t fgkRpcTypeBits
static const int32_t fgkChannelIdOffset
static const int32_t fgkiRpcFullIdMask
static const int32_t fgkRpcIdOffset
static uint32_t GetUniqueAddress(uint32_t Sm, uint32_t Rpc, uint32_t Channel, uint32_t Side=0, uint32_t SmType=0, uint32_t RpcType=0)
static const int32_t fgkChannelSideBits
static const int32_t fgkiModFullIdMask
static uint32_t ConvertCbmTofDetectorInfo(CbmTofDetectorInfo infoInput)
static const int32_t fgkSmIdOffset
static uint32_t ConvertCbmTofDetectorId(int32_t detIdInput)
static int32_t GetSmId(uint32_t address)
static int32_t GetModFullId(uint32_t address)
static const int32_t fgkChannelIdBits
static const int32_t fgkSmTypeOffset
static const int32_t fgkRpcIdBits
static int32_t GetRpcId(uint32_t address)
static int32_t GetNofSmIdBits()
static bool SameModule(uint32_t addressA, uint32_t addressB)
static int32_t GetStripFullId(uint32_t address)
static int32_t GetNofSmTypeBits()
static int32_t GetSmType(uint32_t address)
static int32_t GetRpcFullId(uint32_t address)
static int32_t GetChannelSide(uint32_t address)
static const int32_t fgkiStripFullIdMask
static int32_t GetNofChSideBits()
static int32_t GetNofRpcIdBits()
static int32_t GetChannelId(uint32_t address)
static const int32_t fgkChannelSideOffset
static const int32_t fgkSmTypeBits
static const int32_t fgkRpcTypeOffset
int32_t GetCounter(const int32_t detectorId)
int32_t GetSModule(const int32_t detectorId)
int32_t GetSMType(const int32_t detectorId)
int32_t GetCell(const int32_t detectorId)