77 TrackFitQa(
const char* pointTag,
const char* prefix, std::shared_ptr<ObjList_t> pObjList);
204 double fMass = constants::phys::MuonMass;
Compile-time constants definition for the CA tracking algorithm.
Implementation of cbm::algo::ca::EnumArray class.
Implementation of L1DetectorID enum class for CBM.
Module for ROOT objects IO interface (header)
Magnetic flux density interpolation along the track vs. z-coordinate (header)
ROOT object IO interface for QA.
Class of arrays, which can be accessed by an enum class entry as an index.
Set of histograms to monitor track parameters.
static constexpr int kCXSIZEPX
Canvas size along x-axis [px].
TrackParArray_t< double > fvRUp
Upper boundary, residuals.
void SetParticleMass(double mass)
Sets particle mass, used for fitting a track.
TrackParArray_t< TH1F * > fvphResiduals
Residuals for different track parameters.
TrackParArray_t< double > fvRLo
Lower boundary, residuals.
std::function< double()> FnVal_t
TrackFitQa(const char *pointTag, const char *prefix, std::shared_ptr< ObjList_t > pObjList)
TH1F * fph_pull_vi
Pull of inverse speed.
TH1F * fph_res_qp
Residual of q/p [ec/GeV].
TrackParArray_t< int > fvPBins
Number of bins, pulls.
TrackFitQa(TrackFitQa &&)=delete
Move constructor.
TH1F * fph_res_x
Residual of x-coordinate [cm].
TProfile * fph_res_theta_thetaMC
Resolution of polar angle [rad].
TrackParArray_t< TH1F * > fvphPulls
Pulls for different track parameters.
void SetTitle(const char *title)
Sets title, which is to be reflected on legends and titles.
TH1F * fph_pull_ty
Pull of slope along y-axis.
void FitHistograms()
Fit histograms.
TString fsTitle
Title of the point.
void Init()
Initializes histograms.
TrackFitQa & operator=(TrackFitQa &&)=delete
Move assignment operator.
TH1F * fph_pull_t
Pull of time.
static constexpr int kCYSIZEPX
Canvas size along y-axis [px].
TH1F * fph_res_vi
Residual of inverse speed [1/c].
void SetDefaultProperties()
Sets default histogram and track parameter properties.
TH1F * fph_pull_qp
Pull of q/p.
TH1F * fph_pull_tx
Pull of slope along x-axis.
TProfile * fph_res_phi_phiMC
Resolution of azimuthal angle [rad].
CbmQaCanvas * CreateResolutionPlot()
Creates resolutionis plot.
TH1F * fph_pull_y
Pull of y-coordinate.
TH1F * fph_res_ty
Residual of slope along y-axis.
ClassDefNV(TrackFitQa, 0)
Mass of particle.
const char * GetTitle() const
Gets title of fit parameters.
TrackParArray_t< bool > fvbParIgnored
Flag: true - parameter is ignored.
TH1F * fph_res_tx
Residual of slope along x-axis.
TrackParArray_t< int > fvRBins
Number of bins, residuals.
TH1F * fph_res_y
Residual of y-coordinate [cm].
void FillResAndPull(ETrackParType type, double recoVal, double recoErr, double trueVal)
Fills residual and pull for a given track parameter.
TrackFitQa & operator=(const TrackFitQa &)=delete
Copy assignment operator.
CbmQaCanvas * CreatePullPlot()
Creates pulls plot.
TrackFitQa(const TrackFitQa &)=delete
Copy constructor.
TH1F * fph_res_t
Residual of time [ns].
void SetPullHistoProperties(ETrackParType type, int nBins, double lo, double up)
Sets properties for a pull histogram.
TH1F * fph_pull_x
Pull of x-coordinate.
TrackParArray_t< double > fvPUp
Upper boundary, pulls.
TrackParArray_t< double > fvPLo
Lower boundary, pulls.
void Fill(const cbm::algo::kf::TrackParamV &trPar, const tools::MCPoint &mcPoint, bool bTimeMeasured, double weight=1)
Fills pull and residual histograms.
void SetResidualHistoProperties(ETrackParType type, int nBins, double lo, double up)
Sets properties for a residual histogram.
TProfile * fph_res_p_pMC
Resolution of momentum [GeV/c].
CbmQaCanvas * CreateResidualPlot()
Creates residuals plot.
Enumeration for track parameter type.
begin of enumeration
@ kQP
charge over total momentum
ETrackParType operator++(ETrackParType &type)
Prefix increment operator for ETrackParType.