52 TrackTypeQa(
const char* typeName,
const char* prefixName,
bool bUseMC, std::shared_ptr<ObjList_t> pObjList);
170 void SetDrawAtt(Color_t markerCol = 1, Style_t markerSty = 20, Color_t lineCol = -1, Style_t lineSty = 1);
333 static constexpr double kLoP = 0.;
334 static constexpr double kUpP = 12.;
342 static constexpr double kLoY = 0.;
343 static constexpr double kUpY = 4.;
351 static constexpr double kLoTX = -2.;
352 static constexpr double kUpTX = +2.;
354 static constexpr double kLoTY = -2.;
355 static constexpr double kUpTY = +2.;
QA submodule for track fit results (residuals and puls) at selected z-coordinate (header)
Implementation of L1DetectorID enum class for CBM.
Module for ROOT objects IO interface (header)
Magnetic flux density interpolation along the track vs. z-coordinate (header)
Track fit utilities for the CA tracking based on the Kalman filter.
ROOT object IO interface for QA.
A container for all external parameters of the CA tracking algorithm.
Magnetic field region, corresponding to a hit triplet.
Unified QA for a group of tracks.
static constexpr double kLoTY
Lower boundary, slope along y.
static constexpr double kLoCHI2NDF
Lower boundary, chi2 over NDF.
int fCounterMC
Counter of MC tracks.
double GetNofMCTracks() const
Gets number of MC tracks.
static constexpr double kUpCHI2NDF
Upper boundary, chi2 over NDF.
tools::MCData * fpMCData
Pointer to MC data object.
bool fbUseMC
Flag: true - MC information is used.
double GetAverageFakeLength() const
Gets average fake length.
TH1F * fph_mc_ptMC
Transverse momentum over charge of MC tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_nhits
Hit number of reconstructed tracks.
std::unique_ptr< TrackFitQa > fpFitQaLastHit
void FillRecoTrack(int iTrkReco, double weight=1)
Fills histograms with various track information.
static constexpr double kLoY
Lower boundary, rapidity.
TH1F * fph_reco_etaMC
MC pseudo-rapidity of reconstructed tracks.
void SetDrawAtt(Color_t markerCol=1, Style_t markerSty=20, Color_t lineCol=-1, Style_t lineSty=1)
Sets drawing attributes for histograms.
TH2F * fph_reco_ptMC_yMC
MC transverse momentum vs MC rapidity of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_fhitR
Distance of the first hit from z-axis for reconstructed tracks.
void SetMCTrackCut(std::function< bool(const tools::MCTrack &)> cut)
Sets selection cuts on MC tracks.
double GetAverageNofStationsWithHit() const
Gets average reconstructed track length.
TProfile * fph_clone_ptMC
Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum.
TProfile * fph_clone_nhitsMC
Efficiency vs. MC number of hits (total number of stations with a)
TProfile * fph_stations_hit
Average number of stations with hit.
TProfile2D * fph_eff_ptMC_yMC
Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum and MC rapidity.
static constexpr double kLoP
Lower boundary, total momentum [GeV/c].
static constexpr double kLoETA
Lower boundary, pseudo-rapidity.
Style_t fLineStyle
Line style.
static constexpr double kLoNSTA
Lower boundary, number of stations.
TrackTypeQa(const TrackTypeQa &)=delete
Copy constructor.
TH2F * fph_mc_thetaMC_phiMC
Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of MC tracks.
static constexpr int kBinsTHETA
Number of bins, polar angle.
TH1F * fph_reco_tyMC
MC Slope along y-axis of reconstructed tracks.
static constexpr int kBinsCHI2NDF
Number of bins, chi2 over NDF.
TH1F * fph_reco_fsta
First station index of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_phiMC
MC Azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.
TProfile2D * fph_clone_tyMC_txMC
Efficiency vs. MC slopes.
double GetClonesRate() const
Gets clones rate.
int fCounterRecoTotal
Counter of reco tracks (total = reco + ghost + clones)
std::unique_ptr< TrackFitQa > fpFitQaFirstMCpoint
TH1F * fph_reco_txMC
MC Slope along x-axis of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_mc_phiMC
Azimuthal angle of MC tracks.
ca::Vector< CbmL1Track > * fpvRecoTracks
Pointer to vector of reconstructed tracks.
static constexpr int kBinsTX
Number of bins, slope along x.
static constexpr int kBinsFHITR
Number of bins, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis.
TProfile * fph_eff_pMC
Efficiency vs. MC momentum.
TrackTypeQa & operator=(const TrackTypeQa &)=delete
Copy assignment operator.
void SetRecoTrackCut(std::function< bool(const CbmL1Track &)> cut)
Sets selection cuts on reconstructed tracks.
ca::Vector< CbmL1HitDebugInfo > * fpvHits
Pointer to vector of reconstructed hits.
double fMCLength
Total length of MC tracks.
TH1F * fph_mc_pMC
MC total momentum over charge of MC tracks.
TProfile * fph_eff_yMC
Efficiency vs. MC rapidity.
TProfile * fph_eff_thetaMC
Efficiency vs. MC polar angle.
double GetAverageNofStationsWithPoint() const
Gets average MC track length.
TH1F * fph_reco_lsta
Last station index of reconstructed tracks.
bool IsMCUsed() const
Flag on MC usage by the track type.
TH1F * fph_mc_txMC
Slope along x-axis of MC tracks.
TProfile * fph_clone_etaMC
Efficiency vs. MC pseudorapidity.
static constexpr int kBinsPT
Number of bins, transverse momentum.
TProfile * fph_rate_clones
Rate of clone tracks / mc.
TH1F * fph_reco_tx
Slope along x-axis of reconstructed tracks.
TProfile * fph_eff_ptMC
Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum.
TH2F * fph_mc_ptMC_yMC
MC transverse momentum vs. MC rapidity of MC tracks.
static constexpr double kUpTX
Upper boundary, slope along x.
void Init()
Initializes histograms.
static constexpr double kLoPHI
Lower boundary, azimuthal angle [rad].
static constexpr double kUpTHETA
Upper boundary, polar angle [rad].
static constexpr double kUpNSTA
Upper boundary, number of stations.
static constexpr double kUpY
Upper boundary, rapidity.
void RegisterRecoTracks(ca::Vector< CbmL1Track > &vTracks)
Registers the reconstructed tracks container.
Color_t fMarkerColor
Marker color.
TH1F * fph_reco_eta
Pseudo-rapidity of reconstructed tracks.
std::unique_ptr< TrackFitQa > fpFitQaFirstHit
std::function< bool(const CbmL1Track &)> fRecoTrackCut
Cut function on reconstructed tracks.
double GetNofRecoTracksTotal() const
Gets total number of reconstructed tracks (reco + ghost + clones)
TH1F * fph_reco_phi
Azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.
TString fsTitle
Title of the track category.
TH1F * fph_reco_ptMC
MC transverse momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.
static constexpr int kBinsNHITS
Number of bins, number of hits.
TProfile2D * fph_clone_ptMC_yMC
Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum and MC rapidity.
TH1F * fph_reco_chi2_ndf_time
Fit chi2 over NDF of reconstructed tracks for time.
static constexpr double kUpFHITR
Upper boundary, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis [cm].
TProfile * fph_clone_tyMC
Efficiency vs. MC slope along y-axis.
TH2F * fph_reco_ty_tx
Slope along x-axis vs y-axis of reconstructed tracks.
TProfile * fph_clone_phiMC
Efficiency vs. MC azimuthal angle.
double fFakeLength
Total length of fake tracks.
static constexpr int kBinsPHI
Number of bins, azimuthal angle.
TH2F * fph_reco_theta_phi
Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_chi2_ndf
Fit chi2 over NDF of reconstructed tracks.
static constexpr int kBinsP
Number of bins, total momentum.
TH1F * fph_mc_yMC
MC rapidity of MC tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_ty
Slope along y-axis of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_mc_thetaMC
Polar angle of MC tracks.
static constexpr double kUpPT
Upper boundary, transverse momentum [GeV/c].
TProfile * fph_clone_pMC
Clone rate vs. MC momentum.
int fCounterClones
Counter of clone tracks.
TProfile * fph_clone_txMC
Efficiency vs. MC slope along x-axis.
static constexpr double kUpNHITS
Upper boundary, number of hits.
const char * GetTitle() const
Gets title of track group.
void RegisterMCData(tools::MCData &mcData)
Registers the MC data.
TrackTypeQa(TrackTypeQa &&)=delete
Move constructor.
TProfile * fph_rate_killed
Rate of killed tracks / mc.
TProfile * fph_rate_reco
Rate of reconstructed tracks / mc.
TH2F * fph_mc_tyMC_txMC
Slope along x-axis vs y-axis of MC tracks.
double GetAverageRecoLength() const
Gets average reconstructed track length.
TH1F * fph_reco_pMC
MC total momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.
double GetNofRecoTracksMatched() const
Gets number of total reco tracks.
TProfile * fph_eff_txMC
Efficiency vs. MC slope along x-axis.
TH1F * fph_reco_yMC
MC rapidity of reconstructed tracks.
void SetTitle(const char *title)
Sets title, which is to be reflected on legends and titles.
std::shared_ptr< ca::Parameters< float > > fpParameters
Pointer to parameters object.
TProfile * fph_eff_nhitsMC
Efficiency vs. MC number of hits (total number of stations with a)
static constexpr double kUpPHI
Upper boundary, azimuthal angle [rad].
Color_t fLineColor
Line color.
void RegisterParameters(std::shared_ptr< ca::Parameters< float > > &pParameters)
Registers CA parameters object.
TProfile2D * fph_clone_thetaMC_phiMC
Efficiency vs. MC theta and MC phi.
TProfile * fph_eff_phiMC
Efficiency vs. MC azimuthal angle.
void RegisterRecoHits(ca::Vector< CbmL1HitDebugInfo > &vHits)
Register the reconstructed hits container.
cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< double > fTrackFit
Track fitter.
TProfile2D * fph_eff_thetaMC_phiMC
Efficiency vs. MC theta and MC phi.
TH1F * fph_mc_etaMC
MC pseudo-rapidity of MC tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_pt
Transverse momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_p
Total momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.
std::unique_ptr< TrackFitQa > fpFitQaVertex
TrackTypeQa & operator=(TrackTypeQa &&)=delete
Move assignment operator.
static constexpr double kLoTHETA
Lower boundary, polar angle [rad].
ClassDefNV(TrackTypeQa, 0)
static constexpr double kLoNHITS
Lower boundary, number of hits.
static constexpr double kUpTY
Upper boundary, slope along y.
double GetIntegratedEff() const
Gets integrated efficiency.
TH1F * fph_reco_thetaMC
MC Polar angle of reconstructed tracks.
double fRecoLength
Total length of reconstructed tracks.
static constexpr double kLoPT
Lower boundary, transverse momentum [GeV/c].
TH2F * fph_reco_thetaMC_phiMC
MC Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.
cbm::algo::kf::FieldRegion< double > fFieldRegion
Magnetic field.
TProfile * fph_eff_tyMC
Efficiency vs. MC slope along y-axis.
TProfile * fph_eff_int
Integrated efficiency.
double GetKilledRate() const
Gets killed rate.
std::function< bool(const tools::MCTrack &)> fMCTrackCut
Cut function on MC tracks.
static constexpr int kBinsTY
Number of bins, slope along y.
double GetNofClones() const
Gets number of clones.
static constexpr double kLoTX
Lower boundary, slope along x.
TProfile * fph_eff_etaMC
Efficiency vs. MC pseudorapidity.
void FillPerEvent()
Fills counters per event.
virtual void SetTH1Properties(TH1 *pHist) const override
Overrided virtual function of the CbmQaIO class, defines properties of the histograms.
TH1F * fph_reco_theta
Polar angle of reconstructed tracks.
static constexpr int kBinsNSTA
Number of bins, number of stations.
TProfile * fph_clone_thetaMC
Efficiency vs. MC polar angle.
TProfile2D * fph_eff_tyMC_txMC
Efficiency vs. MC slopes.
TProfile * fph_clone_yMC
Efficiency vs. MC rapidity.
void FillMCTrack(int iTrkMC, double weight=1)
Fills histograms with mc track information.
static constexpr int kBinsY
Number of bins, rapidity.
static constexpr double kLoFHITR
Lower boundary, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis [cm].
static constexpr int kBinsETA
Number of bins, pseudo-rapidity.
TH1F * fph_mc_tyMC
Slope along y-axis of MC tracks.
static constexpr double kUpETA
Upper boundary, pseudo-rapidity.
Style_t fMarkerStyle
Marker style.
static constexpr double kUpP
Upper boundary, total momentum [GeV/c].
TrackTypeQa(const char *typeName, const char *prefixName, bool bUseMC, std::shared_ptr< ObjList_t > pObjList)
TProfile * fph_stations_point
Average number of stations with MC point.