16#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
17#include <boost/serialization/string.hpp>
205 std::string
int indentLevel = 0)
255 template<
class Archive>
A set of parameters for the CA Track finder iteration.
float fTripletLinkChi2
Min value of dp^2/dp_error^2, for which two tiplets are neighbours.
float fDoubletChi2Cut
Doublet chi2 upper cut.
void SetPickGather(float input)
Sets size of region [TODO: units??] to attach new hits to the created track.
int fMaxStationGap
Flag: true - find triplets with fMaxStationGap missing stations.
int GetMinNhits() const
Gets min n hits.
void SetTrackFromTripletsFlag(bool flag)
Sets flag: true: all the triplets found on this iteration will be converted to tracks,...
void SetTrackChi2Cut(float input)
Sets track chi2 upper cut.
float GetTripletChi2Cut() const
Gets triplet chi2 upper cut.
bool fIsPrimary
Flag: true - only primary tracks are searched for.
int fFirstStationIndex
First station, used for tracking.
bool fIsTrackFromTriplets
Flag to select triplets on the iteration as tracks In ordinary cases, the shortest track consists fro...
int fMinNhitsStation0
min n hits for tracks that start on station 0
float fMaxDZ
Correction for accounting overlaping and iff z [cm].
bool Check() const
Checks parameters consistency.
float fTargetPosSigmaY
Constraint on target position in Y direction [cm].
float fMaxSlope
Max slope (tx\ty) in 3D hit position of a triplet.
float GetMaxSlope() const
Gets max slope (tx\ty) in 3D hit position of a triplet.
void SetMaxSlope(float input)
Sets max slope (tx\ty) in 3D hit position of a triplet.
void SetName(const std::string &name)
Sets name of the iteration.
Iteration(Iteration &&other) noexcept=default
Move constructor.
float GetPickGather() const
Gets size of region [TODO: units??] to attach new hits to the created track.
~Iteration() noexcept=default
void SetElectronFlag(bool flag)
Sets flag: electron tracks - true, heavy ion tracks - false.
float GetTrackChi2Cut() const
Gets track chi2 upper cut.
bool GetElectronFlag() const
flag check: electrons/positrons - true, heavy charged - false
float GetDoubletChi2Cut() const
Gets doublet chi2 upper cut.
float fTargetPosSigmaX
Constraint on target position in X direction [cm].
float GetTripletFinalChi2Cut() const
Gets triplet chi2 upper cut.
int GetMaxStationGap() const
Gets flag: true - triplets are also built with skipping <= GetMaxStationGap stations.
std::string fName
Iteration name.
void SetMaxQp(float input)
Sets max considered q/p for tracks.
void SetTargetPosSigmaXY(float sigmaX, float sigmaY)
Sets sigma of target positions in XY plane.
void SetMinNhits(int val)
Sets flag: true - skip track candidates with level = 0.
std::string ToString(int indentLevel=0) const
String representation of the class contents.
void SetFirstStationIndex(int index)
Sets index of first station used in tracking.
static std::string ToTableFromVector(const Vector< Iteration > &vIterations)
Forms a string, representing a table of iterations from the vector of iterations.
void SetPrimaryFlag(bool flag)
Sets flag: primary tracks - true, secondary tracks - false.
int GetMinNhitsStation0() const
Gets min n hits for tracks that start on station 0.
float fMaxQp
Max considered q/p for tracks.
Iteration(const Iteration &other, const std::string &name)
Copy constructor.
float fMaxSlopePV
Max slope (tx\ty) in primary vertex.
float GetTargetPosSigmaX() const
Gets sigma target position in X direction [cm].
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int)
bool GetTrackFromTripletsFlag() const
float fPickGather
Size of region to attach new hits to the created track.
void SetMaxDZ(float input)
TODO: select a more proper name.
void SetTripletChi2Cut(float input)
Sets triplet chi2 upper cut.
bool fIsExtendTracks
Flag: true - extends track candidates with unused hits.
void SetTripletFinalChi2Cut(float input)
Sets triplet chi2 upper cut.
void SetMaxStationGap(int nSkipped)
Sets flag: true - triplets are built also skipping <= GetMaxStationGap stations.
float GetTripletLinkChi2() const
Gets min value of dp/dp_error, for which two tiplets are neighbours.
float GetMaxQp() const
Gets max considered q/p for tracks.
float GetMaxDZ() const
Gets correction for accounting overlaping and iff z.
void SetTripletLinkChi2(float input)
Sets min value of dp/dp_error, for which two tiplets are neighbours.
float fTripletChi2Cut
Triplet chi2 upper cut.
bool GetPrimaryFlag() const
Checks flag: true - only primary tracks are searched, false - [all or only secondary?...
float fTrackChi2Cut
Track chi2 upper cut.
float fTripletFinalChi2Cut
Triplet chi2 upper cut.
const std::string & GetName() const
Gets the name of the iteration.
bool fIsElectron
Flag: true - only electrons are searched for.
friend class boost::serialization::access
Serialization method, used to save ca::Hit objects into binary or text file in a defined order.
float GetTargetPosSigmaY() const
Gets sigma target position in Y direction [cm].
Default constructor.
int GetFirstStationIndex() const
Gets station index of the first station used in tracking.
bool GetExtendTracksFlag() const
Sets flag: true - extends track candidates with unused hits.
int fMinNhits
min n hits on the tracks
void SetDoubletChi2Cut(float input)
Sets doublet chi2 upper cut.
float GetMaxSlopePV() const
Gets max slope (tx\ty) in primary vertex.
Iteration(const Iteration &other)=default
Copy constructor.
void SetMaxSlopePV(float input)
Sets max slope (tx\ty) in primary vertex.
void SetExtendTracksFlag(bool flag)
Sets flag: true - extends track candidates with unused hits.
void SetMinNhitsStation0(int val)
Sets min n hits for tracks that start on station 0.
TODO: SZh 8.11.2022: add selection of parameterisation.