209 typedef std::multiset<CbmStsSignal*, CbmStsSignal::Before>
Data class for STS clusters.
Task class for simulating the detector response of the STS.
Class representing an element of the STS setup.
Parameters of the STS readout ASIC.
Parameters for one STS module.
uint32_t GetNofChannels() const
Number of channels.
Auxiliary class for physics processes in Silicon.
Data class for an analog signal in the STS.
Class for the simulation of a readout unit in the CBM-STS.
Bool_t fIsSet
? Parameters are set
Int_t ProcessAnalogBuffer(Double_t readoutTime)
CbmStsSimModule & operator=(const CbmStsSimModule &)=delete
Assignment operator (disabled)
CbmStsSimModule(CbmStsElement *setupModule=nullptr, const CbmStsParModule *modulePar=nullptr, CbmStsDigitize *digitizer=nullptr)
Standard constructor.
const CbmStsParModule * fParams
void AddSignal(UShort_t channel, Double_t time, Double_t charge, Int_t index=0, Int_t entry=0, Int_t file=0)
CbmStsDigitize * GetDigitizer() const
Digitizer task.
static Int_t GetAddressFromName(TString name)
Get the address from the module name (static)
void Digitize(UShort_t channel, CbmStsSignal *signal)
UShort_t GetNofChannels() const
Number of electronic channels @value Number of ADC channels.
std::map< UShort_t, sigset > fAnalogBuffer
ClassDef(CbmStsSimModule, 1)
std::string ToString() const
std::multiset< CbmStsSignal *, CbmStsSignal::Before > sigset
Module parameters.
CbmStsSimModule(const CbmStsSimModule &)=delete
Copy constructor (disabled)
virtual ~CbmStsSimModule()
Int_t GenerateNoise(Double_t t1, Double_t t2)
Generate noise.
void BufferStatus(Int_t &nofSignals, Double_t &timeFirst, Double_t &timeLast)
CbmStsDigitize * fDigitizer
Element in geometry setup.
void SetParams(const CbmStsParModule ¶ms)