17#include "Timeslice.hpp"
24#include <boost/any.hpp>
39 if (
auto q = boost::any_cast<T>(&varValue))
79 virtual std::string
GetParameter(std::string ) {
return std::string{
""}; }
127 std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string>>
129 std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string>>
bool is_this_type(const boost::any &varValue)
std::vector< std::pair< TNamed *, std::string > > GetHistoVector()
virtual Bool_t ReInitContainers()=0
std::vector< std::pair< TNamed *, std::string > > fvpAllHistoPointers
Total size of the core MS in a TS, [nanoseconds].
CbmUnpack(const CbmUnpack &)=delete
std::vector< T > & fDigiVect
Vector of pointers to canvases + optional folder name.
size_t fuNbOverMsPerTs
Number of Core MS in the TS.
void SetIgnoreOverlapMs(Bool_t bFlagIn=kTRUE)
Control flags.
void AddHistoToVector(TNamed *pointer, std::string sFolder="")
For monitoring of internal processes.
virtual Bool_t ProcessTs(const fles::Timeslice &ts)=0
Bool_t fbIgnoreOverlapMs
Number of MS for the loop in each MS, updated internaly by the Algos to read OverMS or not.
std::vector< size_t > fvMsComponentsList
Parameters related to FLES containers.
Double_t fdMsSizeInNs
Ignore Overlap Ms: all fuOverlapMsNb MS at the end of timeslice.
virtual std::string GetParameter(std::string)
TList * fParCList
Parameter management.
Bool_t CheckParameterValidity(std::string, std::string)
Map of parameter name and type.
virtual void SetParameter(std::string)
CbmUnpack & operator=(const CbmUnpack &)=delete
void AssignOutputVector(std::vector< T > &rVect)
Output vector.
size_t fuNbMsLoop
Number of Overlap MS at the end of the TS.
virtual Bool_t InitContainers()=0
std::map< std::string, std::string > fParameterMap
Vector of error messages.
Double_t fdTsFullSizeInNs
Total size of the core MS in a TS, [nanoseconds].
Double_t fdTsCoreSizeInNs
Size of a single MS, [nanoseconds].
std::vector< std::pair< TCanvas *, std::string > > fvpAllCanvasPointers
Vector of pointers to histograms + optional folder name.
void AssignErrorVector(std::vector< CbmErrorMessage > &rVect)
std::vector< std::pair< TCanvas *, std::string > > GetCanvasVector()
virtual TList * GetParList()=0
std::vector< CbmErrorMessage > & fErrVect
Vector of digis FIXME: check that the reference works as expected.
void AddCanvasToVector(TCanvas *pointer, std::string sFolder="")
virtual ~CbmUnpack()=default
size_t fuNbCoreMsPerTs
List of components used in the TS, updated internaly by the Algos.