10#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
29 double X()
const {
return fX; }
30 double Y()
const {
return fY; }
31 double Z()
const {
return fZ; }
33 double Dx()
const {
return fDx; }
34 double Dy()
const {
return fDy; }
40 template<
class Archive>
real fDy
X, Y errors [cm].
real fDv
Error of coordinate across back-side strips [cm].
u32 fBackClusterId
Index of back-side cluster, used by tracking to reduce combinatorics.
real fY
X, Y positions of hit [cm].
real fTimeError
Error of hit time [ns].
real fZ
Z position of hit [cm].
u32 fFrontClusterId
Index of front-side cluster, used by tracking to reduce combinatorics.
void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned int)
friend class boost::serialization::access
real fDu
Error of coordinate across front-side strips [cm].