19#include <RtypesCore.h>
static Double_t GetMipNormedBB(Double_t betaGamma)
Get the Mip normalized Bethe-Bloch dEdx value Returns Q/Q_MIP based on a given parametrization of the...
CbmTrddEdxUtils(const CbmTrddEdxUtils &)=delete
Copy constructor (not implemented!)
Construct a new CbmTrd dEdx Utils object.
static Double_t MeanChargeCentrPadPRF()
Mean charge fraction on the central pad assuming a flat distrubtion all over the pad.
static Double_t MipDeDx()
Mip De Dx kev/cm for XeC02 8020 see https://cbm-wiki.gsi.de/foswiki/bin/view/TRD/ TrdParameterList.
static Double_t MipMeanPrimaryEles()
Mean number of primary electron per cm created by a MIP (current value corresponds to GEANT3 PR202104...
virtual ~CbmTrddEdxUtils()
Destroy the CbmTrd dEdx Utils object.
static Double_t MipCaliTarget()
Target percentage of the dynamic range for the MIP energy deposition on the central pad.
CbmTrddEdxUtils & operator=(const CbmTrddEdxUtils &)
Assignment operator (not implemented!)