16#include "TClonesArray.h"
20#include "TGeoManager.h"
32#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
39using boost::assign::list_of;
42 : FairTask(
44 , fOutputDir(
46 , fGeneratePDFs(false)
49 std::cout <<
"CbmRichMCbmToTShifter::Constructor.." << std::endl;
54 std::cout <<
"CbmRichMCbmToTShifter::Init" << std::endl;
56 FairRootManager* ioman = FairRootManager::Instance();
57 if (
nullptr == ioman) {
58 Fatal(
"RootManager not instantised!");
64 Fatal(
"No Rich Digis!");
76 for (
int i = 0; i < nofDigis; ++i) {
79 if (
h !=
87 std::cout <<
"Drawing Hists..." << std::endl;
92 for (
auto const& inner : outer.second) {
93 mean +=
98 if (mean_cnt != 0) mean /= mean_cnt;
100 if (
fShowTdcId) s <<
"TDC 0x" << std::hex << 0xc000 <<
" " << std::dec <<
" !";
102 if (
fShowTdcId) s <<
"TDC 0x" << std::hex << 0xc001 <<
" " << std::dec <<
" !";
107 for (
auto const& outer :
fhTotMap) {
108 int tdc = outer.first;
109 TCanvas* c =
new TCanvas(Form(
"fhToT_%x", outer.first), Form(
"fhToT_%x", outer.first), 2000, 2000);
112 <
>(tdc)) {
115 if (std::next(it) !=
fhTotMap.end()) s <<
" \\" << std::endl;
118 if (
fShowTdcId) s <<
"TDC 0x" << std::hex << outer.first <<
" " << std::dec <<
" !";
120 for (
int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
125 if (
h) < 20 ||
h->GetEntries() < mean * 0.1) {
138 s <<
" \\" << std::endl;
140 else if (std::next(it) ==
fhTotMap.end()) {
143 if (cnt == 71) s << std::endl;
147 s <<
" \\" << std::endl;
155 for (uint16_t i = cnt; i < 72; ++i) {
156 s <<
" \\" << std::endl;
162 std::cout << s.str() << std::endl;
170 TString name, title, subFolder;
171 name.Form(
"ToT_tdc_0x%x_ch%u", tdc, channel);
172 title.Form(
"%s;ToT [ns];Entries", name.Data());
173 h =
new TH1D(name, title, 500, -1., 49.);
183 for (
Int_t i = 1; i <
h->GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
184 Double_t val =
190 return h->GetBinCenter(b);
197 for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 33; ++i) {
@ kRich
Ring-Imaging Cherenkov Detector.
Helper functions for drawing 1D and 2D histograms and graphs.
Convert internal data classes to cbmroot common data classes.
Generates beam ions for transport simulation.
static Int_t GetNofDigis(ECbmModuleId systemId)
static Bool_t IsPresent(ECbmModuleId systemId)
Presence of a digi branch.
InitStatus Init()
const Digi * Get(Int_t index) const
Get a digi object.
static CbmDigiManager * Instance()
Static instance.
int32_t GetAddress() const
TH1 * GetTotH1(Int_t tdc, Int_t channel)
Handler for TH1 Histograms.
std::string printEmpty()
Fill output lines with 0's if DiRICh Address is not in use in input file.
CbmDigiManager * fDigiMan
int getDirichAddress(const int dirich)
Extract the Tdc Address from the encoded DiRICH Address.
int getDirichChannel(const int dirich)
Extract the channel Address from the encoded DiRICH Address.
virtual void Exec(Option_t *option)
Inherited from FairTask.
Double_t GetMaxH1(TH1 *h)
Find the Maximum in a TH1 Histogram.
virtual InitStatus Init()
Inherited from FairTask.
std::map< Int_t, std::map< Int_t, TH1 * > > fhTotMap
uint16_t calcDirichAddr(uint32_t cnt)
virtual void Finish()
Inherited from FairTask.
Standard constructor.