168 std::array<ca::Grid, kMaxNofStations>
Compile-time constants definition for the CA tracking algorithm.
A class to store hit information in a backet-sorted way on 2D grid.
A generic hit for the CA tracker (header)
source file for the ca::Track class
Magnetic flux density interpolation along the track vs. z-coordinate (header)
Definition of the KfMeasurementXy class.
Class for storing 2d objects in a grid.
ca::Hit class describes a generic hit for the CA tracker
A set of parameters for the CA Track finder iteration.
Class representing an output track in the CA tracking algorithm.
void reset(std::size_t count, Tinput... value)
Clears vector and resizes it to the selected size with selected values.
Container for internal data, processed on a single time window.
HitIndex_t & HitStartIndexOnStation(int iStation)
Index of the first hit on the station.
std::array< HitIndex_t, kMaxNofStations+1 > fvNofHitsOnStation
Number of hits on the station.
HitIndex_t & NofHitsOnStation(int iStation)
Number of hits on station.
Track & RecoTrack(int iTrack)
Accesses reconstructed track by index.
const ca::Grid & Grid(int iStation) const
Gets grid for station index.
const Vector< Track > & RecoTracks() const
Accesses reconstructed track container.
unsigned char & IsHitKeyUsed(HitKeyIndex_t iKey)
Hit key flag: if this hit or cluster was already used.
Vector< Track > & RecoTracks()
Accesses reconstructed track container.
const Iteration * fpCurrentIteration
Current track-finder iteration.
kf::MeasurementXy< fvec > fTargetMeasurement
target constraint
void ResetHitData(int nHits)
Resets hit data.
std::array< HitIndex_t, kMaxNofStations+1 > fvHitStartIndexOnStation
First hit index of the station.
void ResetHitSuppressionFlags()
Reset suppressed hit flags.
ca::Grid & Grid(int iStation)
Gets grid for station index.
HitIndex_t TsHitIndex(int iSt, int iHit) const
Maps hit index from the time window to the time slice.
Vector< Track > fvRecoTracks
Sample of reconstructed tracks.
void SuppressHit(int iHit)
Set hit suppression flag.
const Vector< ca::Hit > & Hits() const
Gets hit vector.
void SetCurrentIteration(const Iteration *ptr)
Accesses current iteration.
const Iteration * CurrentIteration() const
Accesses current iteration.
HitIndex_t HitStartIndexOnStation(int iStation) const
Index of the first hit on the station.
static constexpr int kMaxNofStations
Alias to max number of stations.
Vector< unsigned char > fvbHitSuppressed
Flag, if the hit is suppressed for tracking.
const Vector< HitIndex_t > & TsHitIndices(int iSt) const
Accesses container of hit index map from the time window to the time slice.
std::array< ca::Grid, kMaxNofStations > fvGrid
Grid vs. station index.
Vector< unsigned char > & HitKeyFlags()
Access to the hit key flags container.
kf::FieldValue< fvec > & TargB()
Accesses magnetic field in starting point (target or first station)
HitIndex_t & RecoHitIndex(int iHit)
Accesses index of hit in the input data.
uint8_t IsHitSuppressed(int iHit) const
Gets hit suppression flag.
Vector< ca::Hit > fvHits
Hits of the current time window.
kf::FieldValue< fvec > fTargB
field in the target point (modifiable, do not touch!!)
Vector< HitIndex_t > & TsHitIndices(int iSt)
Accesses container of hit index map from the time window to the time slice.
Vector< unsigned char > fvbHitKeyFlags
List of used hit keys.
Vector< ca::Hit > & Hits()
Gets hit vector.
std::array< Vector< HitIndex_t >, kMaxNofStations > fvTsHitIndices
Map of hit indices from the time window to the time slice.
const Vector< HitIndex_t > & RecoHitIndices() const
Accesses indices of hits.
HitIndex_t NofHitsOnStation(int iStation) const
Number of hits on station.
kf::MeasurementXy< fvec > & TargetMeasurement()
Measurement of the target with the uncertainty.
unsigned char IsHitKeyUsed(HitKeyIndex_t iKey) const
Hit key flag: if this hit or cluster was already used.
ca::Hit & Hit(int iHit)
Gets hit by index.
HitIndex_t RecoHitIndex(int iHit) const
Accesses index of hit in the input data.
Vector< HitIndex_t > fvRecoHitIndices
Sample of reconstructed hit indices.
const ca::Hit & Hit(int iHit) const
Gets hit by index.
const kf::FieldValue< fvec > & TargB() const
Accesses magnetic field in starting point (target or first station)
const kf::MeasurementXy< fvec > & TargetMeasurement() const
Measurement of the target with the uncertainty.
const Track & RecoTrack(int iTrack) const
Accesses reconstructed track by index.
Vector< HitIndex_t > & RecoHitIndices()
Accesses indices of hits, used by reconstructed tracks.
Magnetic flux density vector.
The class describes a 2D - measurement (x, y) in XY coordinate system.
constexpr int MaxNstations
Max number of stations, 2^6 = 64.
TODO: SZh 8.11.2022: add selection of parameterisation.
class cbm::algo::ca::WindowData _fvecalignment
unsigned int HitKeyIndex_t
Index of the hit key (e.g. front / back cluster id for STS)
unsigned int HitIndex_t
Index of ca::Hit.