28#include "TStopwatch.h"
205 Int_t DoFind(
CbmEvent* event, TClonesArray* hitArray, TClonesArray* projArray, TClonesArray* ringArray);
Class characterising one event by a collection of links (indices) to data objects,...
TStopwatch fTimers[NTimers]
TString fTimersNames[NTimers]
void ENNRingFinder(const int NHits, cbm::algo::ca::Vector< ENNHitV > &HitsV, std::vector< ENNRing > &Rings, float HitSize=1., THitIndex MinRingHits=5, fvec RMin=2., fvec RMax=6.)
TStopwatch & GetTimer(TString t)
CbmL1RichENNRingFinderParallel(Int_t verbose=0)
Int_t DoFind(CbmEvent *event, TClonesArray *hitArray, TClonesArray *projArray, TClonesArray *ringArray)
void CopyHit(ENNHit &a, int i)
void CopyHit(ENNHitV &a, int j, int i)
static bool Compare(const ENNHit &h1, const ENNHit &h2)
void CopyHit(ENNRingHit &a, int i)
void CopyHit(ENNRingHitV &a, int j, int i)
hit to use in ENNRings
std::vector< fvec > localIHits
static bool CompareENNHRings(const ENNRing &r1, const ENNRing &r2)
std::vector< THitIndex > localIHits
hit to use for ringfinding