16#include <RtypesCore.h>
66 std::ostream&
const {
return *
fOut; }
Enumeration defines different report types.
Abstract class for basic report elements (headers, tables, images etc.).
void WriteCanvases() const
Write canvases to file.
std::ostream & Out() const
All text output goes to this stream.
CbmReport & operator=(const CbmReport &)
void SetOutputDir(const std::string &outputDir)
void DeleteReportElement()
Delete report element. Normally should be called at the end of Create function.
void SaveCanvasesAsImages() const
Save all canvases to images.
void CreateReportElement(ReportType reportType)
Create concrete CbmReportElement instance based on report type.
std::vector< TCanvas * > fCanvases
virtual ~CbmReport()
void SetReportName(const std::string &name)
void PrintCanvases() const
Print images created from canvases in the report.
const std::string & GetReportTitle() const
CbmReport(const CbmReport &)
void SetReportTitle(const std::string &title)
virtual void Draw()=0
Pure abstract function which is called from public Create() function. This function has to draw all n...
const std::string & GetReportName() const
const CbmReportElement * R() const
Accessor to CbmReportElement object. User has to write the report using available tags from CbmReport...
void CreateReports()
Create all available report types.
TCanvas * CreateCanvas(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t ww, Int_t wh)
Create canvas and put it to vector of TCanvases. Canvases created with this function will be automati...
const std::string & GetOutputDir() const
void Draw(Option_t *)
Inherited from TObject. This method is implemented in order to avoid warnings.
virtual void Create()=0
Pure abstract function which is called from public Create() function. This function has to write repo...