20#define BIT(n) (1ULL << (n))
21#define SETBIT(n, i) ((n) |= BIT(i))
22#define CLRBIT(n, i) ((n) &= ~BIT(i))
23#define TESTBIT(n, i) ((Bool_t)(((n) &BIT(i)) != 0))
28using std::stringstream;
98 LOG(warn) <<
"CbmTrdDigi::AddCharge(CbmTrdDigi*, double) : Only available for "
99 "FASP. Use AddCharge(double, double) instead.";
103 uint32_t t = ((
fCharge & 0xfff000) >> 12), r = (
fCharge & 0xfff), ts = ((sd->
fCharge & 0xfff000) >> 12),
111 if (t + ts < 0xfff) t += ts;
114 if (r + rs < 0xfff) r += rs;
126 LOG(warn) <<
"CbmTrdDigi::AddCharge(double, double) : Only available "
127 "for SPADIC. Use AddCharge(CbmTrdDigi*, double) instead.";
170 LOG(warn) <<
"CbmTrdDigi::GetCharge(double &) : Use double GetCharge() "
190 bool isMultihit =
static_cast<bool>((triggerValue >> 1) & 1);
192 return std::make_pair(type, isMultihit);
198 if (iflag < 0 || iflag >=
return false;
229 if (dt > 127) toff = 127;
232 if (r > 0xfff) r = 0xfff;
233 if (t > 0xfff) t = 0xfff;
248 if (iflag < 0 || iflag >=
266 if (triggerType < eTriggerType::kBeginTriggerTypes || triggerType >=
267 const int32_t ttype =
291 bool ttrg(trg & 1), rtrg((trg & 2) >> 1);
292 ss <<
" | pu=" << (
IsPileUp() ?
"y" :
"n") <<
" | mask=" << (
IsMasked() ?
"y" :
"n") <<
" |charge=" << std::fixed
293 << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(1) << t << (!ttrg && t > 0 ?
'*' :
' ') <<
"/" << r
294 << (!rtrg && r > 0 ?
'*' :
' ') <<
"[" << dt <<
Helper class to convert unique channel ID back and forth.
static uint32_t GetModuleId(uint32_t address)
Return module ID from address.
static uint32_t GetLayerId(uint32_t address)
Return layer ID from address.
static uint32_t GetAddress(int32_t layerId, int32_t moduleId, int32_t sectorId, int32_t rowId, int32_t columnId)
Return address from system ID, layer, module, sector, column and row IDs.
int32_t GetAddressModule() const
Getter module address in the experiment.
static const int32_t fgkTypOffset
void SetAsic(eCbmTrdAsicType ty=eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC)
Default constructor.
void SetTriggerType(const eTriggerType triggerType)
Set digi trigger type.
void SetAddress(const int32_t a)
Module address setter for digi.
static std::pair< eTriggerType, bool > GetTriggerPair(const int32_t triggerValue)
Get the trigger combination, i.e. St or Nt and is multihit or not (true/false)
int32_t GetTriggerType() const
Channel trigger type. SPADIC specific see CbmTrdTriggerType.
static const int32_t fgkTrgOffset
static const double fgClk[static_cast< size_t >(eCbmTrdAsicType::kNTypes)+1]
clock length in ns for acquisition
static const int32_t fgkRoOffset
void SetFlag(const int32_t iflag, bool set=true)
Generic flag status setter.
double GetChargeError() const
Charge error parametrisation. SPADIC specific see GetErrorClass()
void SetModule(const int32_t a)
bool IsPileUp() const
Query digi pile-up (FASP only)
std::string ToString() const
String representation of a TRD digi. Account for digi type and specific information.
void SetChannel(const int32_t a)
int32_t GetAddressChannel() const
Getter read-out id.
bool IsFlagged(const int32_t iflag) const
Query flag status (generic)
bool IsMasked() const
Query digi mask (FASP only)
static const int32_t fgkFlgOffset
void SetErrorClass(const int32_t n)
Set digi error class (SPADIC only)
eCbmTrdAsicType GetType() const
Channel FEE SPADIC/FASP according to CbmTrdAsicType.
void AddCharge(CbmTrdDigi *sd, double f)
Charge addition in case of pile-up (FASP simulation only)
int32_t GetErrorClass() const
Channel status. SPADIC specific see LUT.
void SetTimeOffset(int8_t t)
Set time offset of rectangular to tilt pads for FASP (clk)
double GetTime() const
Getter for physical time [ns]. Accounts for clock representation of each ASIC. In SPADIC case physica...
double GetCharge() const
Common purpose charge getter.
void SetCharge(float c)
Charge setter for SPADIC ASIC.
static const float fgPrecission[static_cast< size_t >(eCbmTrdAsicType::kNTypes)+1]
Nr. of digits stored for ASIC.
void SetLayer(const int32_t a)