No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest
2 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
3 Authors: Alexandru Bercuci [committer] */
5#include "CbmTrdFASP.h"
7#include "CbmMatch.h" // for CbmMatch
8#include "CbmTrdDigi.h" // for CbmTrdDigi, CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kFASP
10#include <Logger.h> // for Logger, LOG
12#include <TAxis.h> // for TAxis
13#include <TCanvas.h> // for TCanvas
14#include <TGraph.h> // for TGraph
15#include <TH1.h> // for TH1, TH1F
16#include <TLine.h> // for TLine
17#include <TMath.h> // for Ceil, Floor
18#include <TMathBase.h> // for Min
19#include <TString.h> // for Form, TString
20#include <TVirtualPad.h> // for TVirtualPad
22#include <iostream> // for operator<<, basic_ostream, cout, ostream
23#include <utility> // for pair, make_pair
25#include <stdio.h> // for printf, size_t
26#include <string.h> // for memcpy, memset, strcmp
28#define VERBOSE 0
29#define DRAW 0
31using namespace std;
33// Bool_t CbmTrdFASP::fgNeighbour = kTRUE; // by default enable neighbour trigger
34Bool_t CbmTrdFASP::fgNeighbour = kFALSE; // AB : match HW on mCBM22
35// Float_t CbmTrdFASP::fgShaperThr = 0.2; // [V]
36// Float_t CbmTrdFASP::fgNeighbourThr = 0.07; // [V]
37//Float_t CbmTrdFASP::fgShaperThr = 0.05; // [V]
38Float_t CbmTrdFASP::fgShaperThr = 0.08; //[V] AB : match HW on mCBM22
40Float_t CbmTrdFASP::fgBaseline = 0.25; //[V] AB : match HW on mCBM22
41Float_t CbmTrdFASP::fgOutGain = 2.025; // [V/ 4095 ADC chs]
42const Int_t CbmTrdFASP::fgkNclkFT = 14; // [clk]
43Int_t CbmTrdFASP::fgNclkLG = 31; // [clk]
44const Int_t CbmTrdFASP::fgkBufferKeep = 400; // [5*ns]
47 : TObject()
52 if (uslice < 2 * fgkBufferKeep) {
53 LOG(warn) << "CbmTrdFASP::CbmTrdFASP() : Buffer should be at least " << 2 * fgkBufferKeep
54 << " [5*ns] long. Expand.";
55 uslice = 2 * fgkBufferKeep;
56 }
57 fNphys[0] = 0;
58 fNphys[1] = 0;
59 fHitThPrev.assign(uslice, 0);
60 fShaper.assign(uslice, 0.);
61 fShaperNext.assign(uslice, 0.);
62 if (DRAW) fOut.assign(uslice + 2, 0.);
63 memset(fGraph, 0, NGRAPH * sizeof(TGraph*));
64 memset(fGraphShp, 0, NGRAPH * sizeof(TGraph*));
65 memset(fGraphPhys, 0, NGRAPH * sizeof(TGraph*));
72 Int_t nalloc(0);
73 for (Int_t ig(0); ig < NGRAPH; ig++) {
74 if (fGraph[ig]) delete fGraph[ig];
75 if (fGraphShp[ig]) delete fGraphShp[ig];
76 if (fGraphPhys[ig]) delete fGraphPhys[ig];
77 nalloc++;
78 }
79 if (VERBOSE && DRAW) printf("CbmTrdFASP::~CbmTrdFASP() : allocated graphs.");
80 if (fMonitor) delete fMonitor;
84void CbmTrdFASP::Clear(Option_t* opt)
86 // printf("CbmTrdFASP::Clear : Nphys[0] = %d\n", fNphys[0]);
88 if (fNphys[1]) ProcessShaper('R'); // process last rect channel without interference from current tilt
89 fHitThPrev.assign(fHitThPrev.size(), 0); //*sizeof(Bool_t));
90 WriteDigi(); // finalize fDigi list
91 if (strcmp(opt, "draw") == 0) Draw();
95void CbmTrdFASP::InitChannel(int id, const CbmTrdParFaspChannel* par, int asicId, int chId)
97 if (id < 0 || id > 1) {
98 LOG(error) << "FASP simulator supports only two channels at time. Request for channel " << id << " was skipped.";
99 return;
100 }
101 fPar[id] = par;
102 fAsicId[id] = asicId;
103 if (asicId < 0) {
104 fChId[id] = -1;
105 return;
106 }
108 if (chId < 0 || chId >= NFASPCH) {
109 LOG(warn) << "FASP ASIC implements " << NFASPCH << " channels. Channel identifier " << chId << " not considered.";
110 fChId[id] = -1;
111 return;
112 }
113 else
114 fChId[id] = chId;
116 if (DRAW) {
117 if (fGraphMap.find(fAsicId[id]) == fGraphMap.end()) fGraphMap[fAsicId[id]] = {0};
118 else {
119 int jg = fGraphMap[fAsicId[id]][fChId[id]];
120 if (jg > 0) {
121 memset(fGraph[jg]->GetY(), 0, fGraph[jg]->GetN() * sizeof(double));
122 memset(fGraphShp[jg]->GetY(), 0, fGraphShp[jg]->GetN() * sizeof(double));
123 memset(fGraphPhys[jg]->GetY(), 0, fGraphPhys[jg]->GetN() * sizeof(double));
124 }
125 }
126 }
132 int gid(0);
133 if (fNgraph >= NGRAPH) {
134 LOG(warn) << "CbmTrdFASP::AddGraph : Draw buffer size " << NGRAPH << " exhausted. Expert setting.";
135 return gid;
136 }
138 int id(typ == 'T' ? 0 : 1);
139 gid = fNgraph;
140 fGraph[gid] = new TGraph(/*fOut.size()*/);
141 fGraph[gid]->SetNameTitle(Form("g%03d", gid),
142 Form("FASP id/ch [%3d / %2d] pad[%3d][%c]", fAsicId[id], fChId[id], fPad, typ));
143 fGraph[gid]->SetFillStyle(0);
144 fGraph[gid]->SetMarkerStyle(7);
145 fGraph[gid]->SetLineColor(kRed);
146 fGraph[gid]->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
148 fGraphShp[gid] = (TGraph*) fGraph[gid]->Clone();
149 fGraphShp[gid]->SetName(Form("gs%03d", gid));
150 fGraphShp[gid]->SetLineColor(kBlack);
151 fGraphShp[gid]->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);
153 fGraphPhys[gid] = (TGraph*) fGraph[gid]->Clone();
154 fGraphPhys[gid]->SetName(Form("gp%03d", gid));
155 fGraphPhys[gid]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
156 fGraphPhys[gid]->SetLineWidth(2);
157 for (UInt_t ip(0), tm(fStartTime / 5); ip < fOut.size(); ip++, tm += 5)
158 fGraphPhys[gid]->SetPoint(ip, tm, 0.);
160 fNgraph++;
162 return gid;
166void CbmTrdFASP::Draw(Option_t* /*opt*/)
168 if (!DRAW) return;
169 if (!fGraphMap.size()) return;
171 TH1* h(nullptr);
172 TVirtualPad* c1(nullptr);
173 if (!fMonitor) {
174 fMonitor = new TCanvas("c", "FASP Simulator", 10, 10, 1850, 2500);
175 fMonitor->Divide(4, 4, 1.e-5, 1.e-5);
176 for (Int_t ic(1); ic <= NFASPCH; ic++) {
177 c1 = fMonitor->cd(ic);
178 c1->SetLogy();
179 c1->SetLeftMargin(0.03580097);
180 c1->SetRightMargin(0.006067961);
181 c1->SetTopMargin(0.01476793);
182 }
183 fGthr = new TLine();
184 fGthr->SetLineStyle(2);
185 }
187 for (auto iasic : fGraphMap) {
188 for (Int_t ic(0); ic < NFASPCH; ic++)
189 fMonitor->cd(ic + 1)->Clear();
190 for (int ich(0), jg(0); ich < NFASPCH; ich++) {
191 if (!(jg = iasic.second[ich])) continue;
193 int rch = ich / 4, cch = ich % 4;
194 c1 = fMonitor->cd(4 * cch + rch + 1);
196 if (!fGraph[jg]) LOG(error) << "Missing graph for " << jg;
197 else
198 fGraph[jg]->Draw("al");
199 if (!fGraphShp[jg]) LOG(error) << "Missing shaper graph for " << jg;
200 else
201 fGraphShp[jg]->Draw("l");
202 if (!fGraphPhys[jg]) LOG(error) << "Missing physics graph for " << jg;
203 else
204 fGraphPhys[jg]->Draw("lp");
205 fGthr->SetLineColor(kGreen);
206 fGthr->DrawLine(0, fgShaperThr + 0.2, 5 * fOut.size(), fgShaperThr + 0.2);
207 fGthr->SetLineColor(kRed);
208 fGthr->DrawLine(0, fgNeighbourThr + 0.2, 5 * fOut.size(), fgNeighbourThr + 0.2);
209 h = fGraph[jg]->GetHistogram();
210 h->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.1, 6);
211 }
212 fMonitor->Modified();
213 fMonitor->Update();
214 fMonitor->SaveAs(Form("FASP%03d_sim.png", iasic.first));
215 }
219Bool_t CbmTrdFASP::Go(ULong64_t time)
224 if (fStartTime == 0) {
225 fStartTime = time;
226 return kFALSE;
227 }
229 if (time < fStartTime) {
230 LOG(warn) << "FASP simulator start time " << fStartTime << "[ns] is larger than event time " << time
231 << "[ns]. Skip";
232 return kFALSE;
233 }
235 // check to see if there are at most 2us left
236 if (time - fStartTime < fProcTime) return kFALSE;
238 return kTRUE; // go
242void CbmTrdFASP::GetShaperSignal(Double_t charge)
248 // printf("CbmTrdFASP::GetShaperSignal(%5.1f)\n", charge);
249 Int_t idx0(-1), idx1(0);
250 for (Int_t is0(1); is0 < fgkNDB; is0++) {
251 if (charge > fgkCharge[is0]) continue;
252 idx0 = is0 - 1;
253 break;
254 }
256 if (idx0 < 0) { // above calibrated region
257 if (VERBOSE) printf(" refMax[%2d]=%5.1f", fgkNDB - 1, fgkCharge[fgkNDB - 1]);
258 memcpy(fSignal, fgkShaper[fgkNDB - 1], FASP_WINDOW * sizeof(Float_t));
259 }
260 else if (idx0 == 0 && charge < fgkCharge[0]) { // below calibrated region
261 if (VERBOSE) printf(" refMin[0]={%5.1f}", fgkCharge[0]);
262 for (Int_t it(0); it < FASP_WINDOW; it++)
263 fSignal[it] = charge * fgkShaper[0][it] / fgkCharge[0];
264 }
265 else {
266 idx1 = idx0 + 1;
267 if (VERBOSE) printf(" ref={%5.1f[%2d] %5.1f[%2d]}", fgkCharge[idx0], idx0, fgkCharge[idx1], idx1);
268 // linear interpolation
269 Double_t dq(fgkCharge[idx0] - fgkCharge[idx1]);
270 for (Int_t it(0); it < FASP_WINDOW; it++)
271 fSignal[it] = (charge * (fgkShaper[idx0][it] - fgkShaper[idx1][it]) + fgkShaper[idx1][it] * fgkCharge[idx0]
272 - fgkShaper[idx0][it] * fgkCharge[idx1])
273 / dq;
274 }
280 if (time <= fTimeFT) return fFT;
282 Double_t out(0);
283 Int_t i = TMath::Min(Int_t(fShaper.size()), time - 1), j(0);
284 while (i >= 0 && j < SHAPER_LUT - 1) {
285 j = (time - i) - 1;
286 out += 1. * fShaper[i] * fgkShaperLUT[j];
287 i--;
288 }
289 if (fTimeFT < 0 && fTimeDY < 0) return out;
291 //decay
292 j = time - (fTimeDY - SHAPER_LUT);
293 if (j > SHAPER_LUT - 1) return out;
294 Double_t decay = fFT * fgkDecayLUT[j];
295 if (out > decay) { // reset
296 fTimeDY = -1;
297 fFT = 0;
298 decay = out;
299 }
300 return decay;
304void CbmTrdFASP::PhysToRaw(std::vector<std::pair<CbmTrdDigi*, CbmMatch*>>* vdigi)
309 if (fgNeighbour) ScanDigiNE(vdigi);
310 else
311 ScanDigi(vdigi);
315void CbmTrdFASP::Print(Option_t* opt) const
320 printf("FASP Simulator : Pad[%3d] NeighbourTrigger[%c]\n", fPad, fgNeighbour ? 'y' : 'n');
321 printf(" Main CH : Trigger[V]=%4.2f Flat-Top[ns]=%5.1f\n", fgShaperThr,
323 printf(" Neighbour CH : Trigger[V]=%4.2f Linear-gate[ns]=%5.1f\n", fgNeighbourThr,
326 if (strcmp(opt, "all") != 0) return;
327 Int_t time = 0;
328 vector<Float_t>::const_iterator it = fShaper.cbegin(), jt = fShaperNext.cbegin();
329 while (it != fShaper.cend()) {
330 printf("time[ns]=%4d sgn[mV] : sc(%6.1f) sn(%6.1f)\n", time, 1.e3 * (*it), 1.e3 * (*jt));
332 it++;
333 jt++;
334 time += 5;
335 }
351 int id(typ == 'T' ? 0 : 1), chId = fChId[id], asicId = fAsicId[id];
352 if (VERBOSE)
353 printf(" CbmTrdFASP::ProcessShaper(%c) : pad [%3d] asic/ch[%4d/%2d] "
354 "digis[%d] ...\n",
355 typ, fPad, asicId, chId, fNphys[id]);
356 fTimeFT = -1; // length of the FT gate in 5ns bins (see fgkNclkFT)
357 fTimeLG = -1; // length of the LG gate in 5ns bins (see fgkNclkLG)
358 fFT = 0;
359 // digital signals
360 Bool_t ht(0), htf(0), // hit_threshold level/front for current FASP channel
361 ht_next(0), htf_next(0), // hit_threshold level/front for next FASP channel
362 htf_prev(0), // hit_threshold front for previous FASP channel
363 pk_cmd(0), // peak_command level
364 lg_cmd(0), // linear-gate_command level
365 trigger(0); // trigger type [1] = self [0]=neighbour
366 uint n(0), // no of raw digi found in current shaper
367 ht_time(0), // hit time on current channel
368 cs_time(0); // CS time on current channel
369 double out, max(-1), old(-1);
370 for (size_t i = 1; i < fShaper.size() - 1; i++) {
371 // compute hit threshold level/front for current and neighbour channels
372 htf_prev = 0;
373 htf = 0;
374 htf_next = 0;
375 //TODO NE if (/*fShaper[i-1]<fgNeighbourThr && */ fShaper[i] >= fgNeighbourThr) ht_time = i * 5;
376 if (fShaper[i - 1] < fgShaperThr && fShaper[i] >= fgShaperThr) {
377 ht = 1;
378 htf = 1;
379 trigger = 1;
380 ht_time = i * 5;
381 if (VERBOSE) printf(" %4lu : HT 1\n", i * 5);
382 }
383 else if (fShaper[i - 1] >= fgShaperThr && fShaper[i] < fgShaperThr) {
384 ht = 0;
385 if (VERBOSE) printf(" %4lu : HT 0\n", i * 5);
386 }
387 if (fgNeighbour) { // compute neighbour hit threshold if NE selected
388 if (fShaperNext[i - 1] < fgShaperThr && fShaperNext[i] >= fgShaperThr) {
389 ht_next = 1;
390 htf_next = 1;
391 if (VERBOSE) printf(" %4lu : HT_NEXT 1\n", i * 5);
392 }
393 else if (fShaperNext[i - 1] >= fgShaperThr && fShaperNext[i] < fgShaperThr) {
394 ht_next = 0;
395 if (VERBOSE) printf(" %4lu : HT_NEXT 0\n", i * 5);
396 }
397 if (!fHitThPrev[i] && fHitThPrev[i + 1]) {
398 htf_prev = 1;
399 if (VERBOSE) printf(" %4lu : HT_PREV 1\n", i * 5);
400 }
401 if (VERBOSE && fHitThPrev[i] && !fHitThPrev[i + 1]) printf(" %4lu : HT_PREV 0\n", i * 5);
402 }
404 // compute linear gate
405 if (fTimeLG < 0) { // check if linear-gate is closed
406 if ((fgNeighbour && (htf_prev || htf || htf_next)) || (!fgNeighbour && htf)) {
407 lg_cmd = 1;
408 fTimeLG =
409 i
410 + 0.2 * fgNclkLG
411 * CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kFASP); // compute the end time of LG in FASP-sim 5ns clks
412 if (VERBOSE) printf(" %4lu : LG_CMD 1 -> LG_End[ns]=%d\n", i * 5, fTimeLG * 5);
413 }
414 }
415 else if (static_cast<size_t>(fTimeLG) < i && !ht && !pk_cmd && (fgNeighbour && (!fHitThPrev[i] && !ht_next))) {
416 lg_cmd = 0;
417 trigger = 0;
418 fTimeLG = -1;
419 if (VERBOSE) printf(" %4lu : LG_CMD 0\n", i * 5);
420 }
422 if (!pk_cmd && lg_cmd && fShaper[i] >= fgNeighbourThr && fShaper[i] >= fShaper[i - 1]
423 && fShaper[i] > fShaper[i + 1]) {
424 pk_cmd = 1;
425 if (VERBOSE) printf(" %4lu : PK_CMD 1\n", i * 5);
426 }
428 out = MakeOut(i);
430 if (fTimeFT < 0 && lg_cmd && pk_cmd) {
431 if (max > 0 && out > max) {
432 max = -1;
433 if (VERBOSE) printf(" %4lu : RESET MAX\n", i * 5);
434 }
435 if (max < 0 && out < old) {
436 max = out;
437 if (VERBOSE) printf(" %4lu : MAX[V]=%5.2f\n", i * 5, max);
438 }
439 // start digital processing when the analog signal drops 50 mV under the max value.
440 // Adjust this value to the measured data in order to correctly describe the time difference spectra obtained (e.g. mCBM22)
441 if (out < max - 0.02) {
443 fTimeDY = -1;
444 fFT = max + 0.01;
445 cs_time = uint((i + 3) * 5);
446 // save data for digi update
447 fDigiProc.push_back(make_tuple(
448 ht_time, cs_time, UInt_t(4095 * TMath::Min(Float_t(1.), (fgBaseline + fFT) / fgOutGain)), trigger));
449 n++;
450 if (VERBOSE)
451 printf(" %4lu : HT[ns]=%4u FT[V]=%5.2f CS[ns]=%4u CS_End[ns]=%d "
452 "Trig[%c]\n",
453 i * 5, ht_time, fFT, cs_time, fTimeFT * 5, trigger ? 'S' : 'N');
454 }
455 }
456 if (fTimeFT > 0 && static_cast<size_t>(fTimeFT) <= i) {
458 fTimeFT = -1;
459 fTimeLG = -1;
460 pk_cmd = 0;
461 lg_cmd = 0;
462 trigger = 0;
463 max = -1;
464 if (VERBOSE)
465 printf(" %4lu : LG_CMD 0\n"
466 " %4lu : PK_CMD 0\n",
467 i * 5, i * 5);
468 }
469 if (DRAW) fOut[i + 3] = out;
470 old = out;
471 if (fgNeighbour) fHitThPrev[i] = ht; // save hit threshold for next channel
472 }
474 // save results for draw
475 if (DRAW) {
476 int gid = fGraphMap[asicId][chId];
477 if (!gid)
478 LOG(warn) << "CbmTrdFASP::ProcessShaper : Draw representation missing for "
479 << Form(" FASP id/ch[%3d/%2d].", asicId, chId);
480 else {
481 double time = fStartTime;
482 //printf("AB :: g%d[%s] size[%lu]\n", gid, fGraph[gid]->GetName(), fShaper.size());
483 for (uint ip(0); ip < fShaper.size(); ip++, time += 5.) {
484 //printf("time[%3d]=%.0f out[%f] shp[%f]\n", ip, time, 0.3+fOut[ip], 0.2+fShaper[ip]);
485 fGraph[gid]->SetPoint(ip, time, 0.3 + fOut[ip]);
486 fGraphShp[gid]->SetPoint(ip, time, 0.2 + fShaper[ip]);
487 }
488 }
489 }
490 // move to the next channel
491 memcpy(fShaper.data(), fShaperNext.data(), fShaper.size() * sizeof(Float_t));
492 memset(fShaperNext.data(), 0, fShaperNext.size() * sizeof(Float_t));
494 return n;
498void CbmTrdFASP::ScanDigi(std::vector<std::pair<CbmTrdDigi*, CbmMatch*>>* vdigi)
503 fPad = -1;
504 fNphys[0] = 0;
505 fNphys[1] = 0;
507 // process digi
508 vector<Float_t>::iterator itb;
509 for (auto iv : (*vdigi)) {
510 CbmTrdDigi* digi = iv.first;
512 // first time initialize geographic location
513 if (fPad < 0) {
514 fPad = digi->GetAddressChannel();
516 if (VERBOSE > 1)
517 printf(" AB :: (%3d) fStartTime = %llu N=%lu ASIC=[%3d | %2d] ASIC=[%3d | %2d]\n", fPad, fStartTime,
518 vdigi->size(), fAsicId[0], fChId[0], fAsicId[1], fChId[1]);
519 }
520 ULong64_t time = (digi->GetTime() - fStartTime) / 5; // get time in 5ns bins
522 if (VERBOSE > 1) printf(" AB :: digi->GetTime() = %f sim->time = %llu\n", digi->GetTime(), time * 5);
523 if (time + FASP_WINDOW > fShaper.size()) {
524 LOG(debug) << "CbmTrdFASP::ScanDigi() : Digi @ pad[" << fPad << " time[" << digi->GetTime()
525 << "] dows not fit in the current buffer starting @ " << fStartTime << "ns. Skip this time.";
526 break;
527 }
529 int dt;
530 double t, r = digi->GetCharge(t, dt);
531 t /= 10;
532 r /= 10;
533 if (VERBOSE)
534 printf(" time buffer[5ns]=%4llu / phys[ns]=%lu charge[fC]=%5.1f / %5.1f", time, digi->GetTimeDAQ(), t, r);
535 // tilt pad channel
536 if (t > 0 && fChId[0] >= 0) {
537 if (DRAW) {
538 int gid = fGraphMap[fAsicId[0]][fChId[0]];
539 if (!gid) fGraphMap[fAsicId[0]][fChId[0]] = gid = AddGraph('T');
540 if (gid) fGraphPhys[gid]->SetPoint(time, digi->GetTime(), t / 10.);
541 }
543 itb = fShaper.begin();
544 itb += time;
545 for (Int_t it(0); it < FASP_WINDOW && itb != fShaper.end(); it++, itb++)
546 (*itb) += fSignal[it];
547 fNphys[0]++;
548 }
550 // rect pad channel
551 if (r > 0 && fChId[1] >= 0) {
552 if (DRAW) {
553 int gid = fGraphMap[fAsicId[1]][fChId[1]];
554 if (!gid) fGraphMap[fAsicId[1]][fChId[1]] = gid = AddGraph('R');
555 fGraphPhys[gid]->SetPoint(time, digi->GetTime(), r / 10.);
556 }
558 itb = fShaperNext.begin();
559 itb += time + dt;
560 for (Int_t it(0); it < FASP_WINDOW && itb != fShaperNext.end(); it++, itb++)
561 (*itb) += fSignal[it];
562 fNphys[1]++;
563 }
565 if (VERBOSE) printf("\n");
566 } // end reading the digis
568 if (fNphys[0]) fNraw = ProcessShaper('T'); // process tilt
569 if (fNphys[1]) ProcessShaper('R'); // process rect
571 fDigi = vdigi;
572 WriteDigi();
576void CbmTrdFASP::ScanDigiNE(std::vector<std::pair<CbmTrdDigi*, CbmMatch*>>* /*vdigi*/)
582 LOG(info) << "CbmTrdFASP::ScanDigiNE() : **Method under construction**. Use CbmTrdFASP::ScanDigi() instead by "
583 "selecting CbmTrdFASP:: SetNeighbourTrigger(0)";
584 return;
586 // CbmTrdDigi* digi(nullptr);
587 // ULong64_t time;
588 // Int_t dt, gid, asic = row * 9 + col / 8; // TODO should come from calibration
589 // Double_t t, r;
590 // std::vector<std::pair<CbmTrdDigi*, CbmMatch*>>::iterator iv;
591 // vector<Float_t>::iterator itb;
592 //
593 // if (fAsicId < 0) fAsicId = asic; // init asic identifier
594 //
595 // // printf("CbmTrdFASP::ScanDigiNE : fCol[%2d] col[%2d] graph[%d]\n", fCol, col, fGraphId);
596 // // No interference from the previous data
597 // if (fCol < 0 || // first data in the module
598 // (fCol >= 0 && col != fCol + 1) || // column jump
599 // (fRow >= 0 && row != fRow)) { // row jump
600 // Clear((fAsicId != asic ? "draw" : ""));
601 //
602 // if (DRAW) {
603 // gid = fGraphId;
604 // if (fGraphPhys[gid]) memset(fGraphPhys[gid]->GetY(), 0, fGraphPhys[gid]->GetN() * sizeof(Double_t));
605 // else {
606 // fGraphPhys[gid] = new TGraph(fOut.size());
607 // fGraphPhys[gid]->SetName(Form("gp%03d", gid));
608 // fGraphPhys[gid]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
609 // fGraphPhys[gid]->SetLineWidth(2);
610 // for (UInt_t ip(0), tm(fStartTime / 5); ip < fOut.size(); ip++, tm += 5)
611 // fGraphPhys[gid]->SetPoint(ip, tm, 0.);
612 // }
613 // }
614 //
615 // // load data from current tilt channel
616 // iv = vdigi->begin();
617 // while (iv != vdigi->end()) {
618 // digi = iv->first;
619 // // TODO:AB GetTimeDAQ() [clk] and fStartTime [ns]
620 // time = (digi->GetTimeDAQ() - fStartTime) / 5; // get time from buffer start in 5ns bins
621 // if (time + FASP_WINDOW > fShaper.size()) {
622 // LOG(debug) << "CbmTrdFASP::ScanDigiNE() : T-Digi @ row[" << row << "] col[" << col << "] time["
623 // << digi->GetTimeDAQ() << "] does not fit in the current buffer starting @ " << fStartTime
624 // << "ns. Skip this time.";
625 // break;
626 // }
627 // digi->GetCharge(t, dt);
628 // t /= 10.;
629 // if (VERBOSE) printf(" [T] time buffer[5ns]=%4llu / phys[ns]=%lu charge[fC]=%5.1f ", time, digi->GetTimeDAQ(), t);
630 // // tilt pad channel
631 // if (t > 0) {
632 // if (DRAW) fGraphPhys[gid]->SetPoint(time, digi->GetTimeDAQ(), t / 100.);
633 // GetShaperSignal(t);
634 // itb = fShaper.begin();
635 // itb += time;
636 // for (Int_t it(0); it < FASP_WINDOW && itb != fShaper.end(); it++, itb++)
637 // (*itb) += fSignal[it];
638 // fNphys[0]++;
639 // }
640 // else if (VERBOSE)
641 // printf("\n");
642 // iv++;
643 // }
644 // }
645 // else {
646 // if (DRAW) {
647 // gid = fGraphId + 1;
648 // if (fGraphPhys[gid]) memset(fGraphPhys[gid]->GetY(), 0, fGraphPhys[gid]->GetN() * sizeof(Double_t));
649 // else {
650 // fGraphPhys[gid] = new TGraph(fOut.size());
651 // fGraphPhys[gid]->SetName(Form("gp%03d", gid));
652 // fGraphPhys[gid]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
653 // fGraphPhys[gid]->SetLineWidth(2);
654 // for (UInt_t ip(0), tm(fStartTime / 5); ip < fOut.size(); ip++, tm += 5)
655 // fGraphPhys[gid]->SetPoint(ip, tm, 0.);
656 // }
657 // }
658 //
659 // // load tilt digi to account for neighbour trigger
660 // iv = vdigi->begin();
661 // while (iv != vdigi->end()) {
662 // digi = iv->first;
663 // time = (digi->GetTimeDAQ() - fStartTime) / 5; // get time from buffer start in 5ns bins
664 // if (time + FASP_WINDOW > fShaper.size()) {
665 // LOG(debug) << "CbmTrdFASP::ScanDigiNE() : T-Digi @ row[" << row << "] col[" << col << "] time["
666 // << digi->GetTimeDAQ() << "] does not fit in the current buffer starting @ " << fStartTime
667 // << "ns. Skip this time.";
668 // break;
669 // }
670 // digi->GetCharge(t, dt);
671 // t /= 10.;
672 //
673 // if (VERBOSE) printf(" [T] time buffer[5ns]=%4llu / phys[ns]=%lu charge[fC]=%5.1f ", time, digi->GetTimeDAQ(), t);
674 // // tilt pad channel
675 // if (t > 0) {
676 // if (DRAW) fGraphPhys[gid]->SetPoint(time, digi->GetTimeDAQ(), t / 100.);
677 // GetShaperSignal(t);
678 // itb = fShaperNext.begin();
679 // itb += time;
680 // for (Int_t it(0); it < FASP_WINDOW && itb != fShaperNext.end(); it++, itb++)
681 // (*itb) += fSignal[it];
682 // fNphys[1]++;
683 // }
684 // else if (VERBOSE)
685 // printf("\n");
686 // iv++;
687 // }
688 // ProcessShaper('R'); // process previous rect channel
689 // WriteDigi(); // finalize fDigi list
690 // }
691 //
692 // fCol = col;
693 // fRow = row;
694 // fAsicId = asic;
695 //
696 // if (DRAW) {
697 // gid = fGraphId + 1;
698 // if (fGraphPhys[gid]) memset(fGraphPhys[gid]->GetY(), 0, fGraphPhys[gid]->GetN() * sizeof(Double_t));
699 // else {
700 // fGraphPhys[gid] = new TGraph(fOut.size());
701 // fGraphPhys[gid]->SetName(Form("gp%03d", gid));
702 // fGraphPhys[gid]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
703 // fGraphPhys[gid]->SetLineWidth(2);
704 // for (UInt_t ip(0), tm(fStartTime / 5); ip < fOut.size(); ip++, tm += 5)
705 // fGraphPhys[gid]->SetPoint(ip, tm, 0.);
706 // }
707 // }
708 // iv = vdigi->begin();
709 // while (iv != vdigi->end()) {
710 // digi = iv->first;
711 // time = (digi->GetTimeDAQ() - fStartTime) / 5; // get time from buffer start in 5ns bins
712 // if (time + FASP_WINDOW > fShaper.size()) {
713 // LOG(debug) << "CbmTrdFASP::ScanDigiNE() : R-Digi @ row[" << row << "] col[" << col << "] time["
714 // << digi->GetTimeDAQ() << "] dows not fit in the current buffer starting @ " << fStartTime
715 // << "ns. Skip this time.";
716 // break;
717 // }
718 // r = digi->GetCharge(t, dt);
719 // r /= 10.;
720 // if (VERBOSE) printf(" [R] time buffer[5ns]=%4llu / phys[ns]=%lu charge[fC]=%5.1f ", time, digi->GetTimeDAQ(), r);
721 //
722 // // rect pad channel
723 // if (r > 0) {
724 // if (DRAW) fGraphPhys[gid]->SetPoint(time, digi->GetTimeDAQ(), r / 100.);
725 // GetShaperSignal(r);
726 // itb = fShaperNext.begin();
727 // itb += time + dt;
728 // for (Int_t it(0); it < FASP_WINDOW && itb != fShaperNext.end(); it++, itb++)
729 // (*itb) += fSignal[it];
730 // fNphys[1]++;
731 // }
732 // else if (VERBOSE)
733 // printf("\n");
734 // iv++;
735 // }
736 // fNraw = ProcessShaper('T'); // process tilt on current channel
737 // fDigi = vdigi; // save link for further processing
741void CbmTrdFASP::SetProcTime(ULong64_t t)
743 if (t == 0) fProcTime = 5 * (fShaper.size() - fgkBufferKeep);
744 else
745 fProcTime = t - fStartTime;
746 //printf(" ProcTime[ns] = %d\n", fProcTime);
753 if (!fDigi) return;
754 if (VERBOSE) printf(" CbmTrdFASP::WriteDigi(T[%d], R[%d]) ...\n", fNraw, Int_t(fDigiProc.size()) - fNraw);
756 auto it = fDigiProc.begin(), // [tilt] iterator
757 ir = it + fNraw, // [rect] iterator
758 im = ir; // middle iterator
759 CbmTrdDigi *digi(nullptr), *digi1(nullptr);
760 CbmMatch* dmatch(nullptr);
761 ULong64_t time, // relative time[ns] of PHYSICAL digi wrt the simulator window start
762 dtime; // relative time[ns] of DIGITAL digi wrt the simulator window start
763 int dt, ddt, trigger(0);
764 double t, r, t0, r0;
765 uint ht_time, // hit time [ns]
766 cs_time, // CS time [ns]
767 tADC, // tilt channel signal [ADC]
768 rADC; // rect channel signal [ADC]
769 //Bool_t mask(0), pileup(0);
770 for (auto dd : (*fDigi)) {
771 digi = dd.first;
772 dmatch = dd.second;
773 time = (digi->GetTime() - fStartTime); // digi time in [ns] from buffer start
774 // stop digi finalize
775 if (time > fProcTime) break;
776 r = digi->GetCharge(t, dt);
777 r /= 10.;
778 t /= 10.;
779 if (VERBOSE) cout << " IN : " << digi->ToString() << " " << dmatch->ToString();
781 rADC = 0;
782 tADC = 0;
783 dtime = 0; // relative time of the prompt(T and R) CS signals expressed in ns
784 ddt = 0; // time difference between the T and R signals expressed in clks
785 trigger = 0;
786 ht_time = 0;
787 while (it != im) {
788 ht_time = get<0>(*it);
789 if (VERBOSE) printf(" [T] htime[ns]=%d FT[ADC]=%4d ... \n", ht_time, get<2>(*it));
790 if (ht_time > time) break;
791 it++;
792 }
793 if (t > 0. && it != im) {
794 cs_time = get<1>(*it);
795 //printf("match T htime[%d] time[%llu]\n", ht_time, time);
796 if (ht_time - time < 400) { // found converted hit
797 if (VERBOSE)
798 printf(" [T] ht[ns]=%4d CS[ns]=%4d FT[ADC]=%4u Trg[%s]\n", ht_time, cs_time, get<2>(*it),
799 (get<3>(*it) ? "S" : "N"));
800 dtime = cs_time;
801 tADC = get<2>(*it);
802 if (get<3>(*it)) trigger |= 1;
803 //if(csTime-hTime > 350) pileup = kTRUE; // 350 ns max peak time
804 it++;
805 } //else if(t>40.) mask=kTRUE; // hit not converted : possible under threshold, masked
806 // 40fC threshold
807 }
808 //printf("AB :: time[%llu] dtime[%llu] dt[%d]\n", time, dtime, dt);
810 time += dt;
811 ht_time = 0;
812 while (ir != fDigiProc.end()) {
813 ht_time = get<0>(*ir);
814 if (VERBOSE) printf(" [R] htime[ns]=%d FT[ADC]=%4d ...\n", ht_time, get<2>(*ir));
815 if (ht_time > time) break;
816 ir++;
817 }
818 if (r > 0. && ir != fDigiProc.end()) {
819 cs_time = get<1>(*ir);
820 //printf("match R htime[%d] time[%llu]\n", ht_time, time);
821 if (ht_time - time < 400) { // found converted hit
822 if (VERBOSE)
823 printf(" [R] ht[ns]=%4d CS[ns]=%4d FT[ADC]=%4u Trg[%s]\n", ht_time, cs_time, get<2>(*ir),
824 (get<3>(*ir) ? "S" : "N"));
825 if (dtime) {
826 if (cs_time > dtime)
827 ddt = TMath::Ceil(Int_t(cs_time - dtime) / CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kFASP));
828 else
829 ddt = TMath::Floor(Int_t(cs_time - dtime) / CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kFASP));
830 }
831 else
832 dtime = cs_time;
833 rADC = get<2>(*ir);
834 if (get<3>(*ir)) trigger |= 2;
835 //if(csTime-hTime > 350) pileup = kTRUE; // 350 ns max peak time
836 ir++;
837 } //else if(r>40.) mask=kTRUE; // hit not converted : possible under threshold, masked
838 // 40fC threshold
839 }
841 //printf("AB :: time[%llu] dtime[%llu] ddt[%d]\n", time, dtime, ddt);
842 //update digi
843 digi->SetMasked(1); // mark as processed
844 if (dtime) {
845 digi->SetTime(fStartTime + dtime);
846 digi->SetCharge(tADC, rADC, ddt);
847 digi->SetTriggerType(trigger);
848 if (VERBOSE) cout << " OUT: " << digi->ToString();
849 }
850 else
851 digi->SetFlag(0, kTRUE); // mark for deletion
852 if (VERBOSE)
853 cout << " ===================================="
854 << "\n";
855 }
857 // try to merge digits
858 ULong64_t time0, time1;
859 Char_t type0, // prompt digi. kTRUE if rectangle
860 type1; // late digi. kTRUE if rectangle
861 for (auto iv = fDigi->begin(); iv != fDigi->end(); iv++) {
862 digi = iv->first;
863 if (digi->IsFlagged(0)) continue; // no output
864 if (!digi->IsMasked()) break; // not finalized
865 r0 = digi->GetCharge(t0, dt);
866 if (r0 > 0. && t0 > 0.) continue; // already complete
867 type0 = (r0 > 0. ? 1 : 0); // mark type for prompt digi
868 time0 = digi->GetTimeDAQ(); // mark time for prompt digi
869 for (auto jv = iv + 1; jv != fDigi->end(); jv++) {
870 digi1 = jv->first;
871 if (digi1->IsFlagged(0)) continue; // no output
872 r = digi1->GetCharge(t, dt);
873 if (r > 0. && t > 0.) continue; // already complete
874 type1 = (r > 0. ? 1 : 0); // mark type for late digi
875 time1 = digi1->GetTimeDAQ(); // mark time for late digi
877 // try merge
878 if (type0 == type1) break; // same type
879 dt = time1 - time0;
880 if (dt > 7) break; // digits too far to be merged
882 if (VERBOSE) cout << "MERGE: " << digi->ToString() << " " << digi1->ToString();
883 if (type0) { // prompt digi rectangle
884 digi->SetTime(digi1->GetTime());
885 digi->SetCharge(t, r0, -dt);
886 Int_t rtrg(digi->GetTriggerType() & 2), ttrg(digi1->GetTriggerType() & 1);
887 digi->SetTriggerType(rtrg | ttrg); //merge the triggers
888 }
889 else { // prompt digi tilt
890 digi->SetCharge(t0, r, dt);
891 Int_t ttrg(digi->GetTriggerType() & 1), rtrg(digi1->GetTriggerType() & 2);
892 digi->SetTriggerType(rtrg | ttrg); //merge the triggers
893 }
894 if (VERBOSE) cout << "RES : " << digi->ToString();
896 digi1->SetFlag(0, kTRUE); // mark for deletion
897 break;
898 }
899 }
901 // reset processed digi vector
902 fDigiProc.clear();
903 fNraw = 0;
904 fDigi = nullptr; //remove old link
907const Float_t CbmTrdFASP::fgkShaperPar[4] = {0.068, 26.1, 2.61, 50};
909 7.52e-04, 3.79e-03, 9.02e-03, 1.58e-02, 2.33e-02, 3.10e-02, 3.83e-02, 4.48e-02, 5.03e-02, 5.46e-02,
910 5.78e-02, 5.99e-02, 6.10e-02, 6.11e-02, 6.04e-02, 5.90e-02, 5.71e-02, 5.47e-02, 5.20e-02, 4.91e-02,
911 4.60e-02, 4.29e-02, 3.98e-02, 3.67e-02, 3.37e-02, 3.09e-02, 2.81e-02, 2.55e-02, 2.31e-02, 2.08e-02,
912 1.87e-02, 1.68e-02, 1.50e-02, 1.34e-02, 1.20e-02, 1.06e-02, 9.42e-03, 8.34e-03, 7.37e-03, 6.50e-03,
913 5.72e-03, 5.03e-03, 4.42e-03, 3.87e-03, 3.39e-03, 2.97e-03, 2.59e-03, 2.26e-03, 1.97e-03, 1.71e-03,
914 1.49e-03, 1.29e-03, 1.12e-03, 9.73e-04, 8.43e-04, 7.30e-04, 6.31e-04, 5.45e-04, 4.71e-04, 4.06e-04,
915 3.50e-04, 3.01e-04, 2.60e-04, 2.23e-04, 1.92e-04, 1.65e-04, 1.42e-04, 1.22e-04, 1.04e-04, 8.94e-05,
916 7.66e-05, 6.56e-05, 5.61e-05, 4.80e-05, 4.11e-05, 3.51e-05, 3.00e-05, 2.56e-05, 2.19e-05, 1.86e-05};
918 1.00e+00, 9.05e-01, 8.19e-01, 7.41e-01, 6.70e-01, 6.07e-01, 5.49e-01, 4.97e-01, 4.49e-01, 4.07e-01,
919 3.68e-01, 3.33e-01, 3.01e-01, 2.73e-01, 2.47e-01, 2.23e-01, 2.02e-01, 1.83e-01, 1.65e-01, 1.50e-01,
920 1.35e-01, 1.22e-01, 1.11e-01, 1.00e-01, 9.07e-02, 8.21e-02, 7.43e-02, 6.72e-02, 6.08e-02, 5.50e-02,
921 4.98e-02, 4.50e-02, 4.08e-02, 3.69e-02, 3.34e-02, 3.02e-02, 2.73e-02, 2.47e-02, 2.24e-02, 2.02e-02,
922 1.83e-02, 1.66e-02, 1.50e-02, 1.36e-02, 1.23e-02, 1.11e-02, 1.01e-02, 9.10e-03, 8.23e-03, 7.45e-03,
923 6.74e-03, 6.10e-03, 5.52e-03, 4.99e-03, 4.52e-03, 4.09e-03, 3.70e-03, 3.35e-03, 3.03e-03, 2.74e-03,
924 2.48e-03, 2.24e-03, 2.03e-03, 1.84e-03, 1.66e-03, 1.50e-03, 1.36e-03, 1.23e-03, 1.11e-03, 1.01e-03,
925 9.12e-04, 8.25e-04, 7.47e-04, 6.76e-04, 6.11e-04, 5.53e-04, 5.00e-04, 4.53e-04, 4.10e-04, 3.71e-04};
927 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84, 90, 96, 102, 108,
928 114, 120, 126, 132, 138, 144, 150, 156, 162, 168, 180, 195, 210, 225, 240, 255, 270, 285,
929 300, 315, 330, 345, 360, 375, 390, 405, 420, 435, 450, 465, 480, 495, 510, 525, 540};
931 {// charge = 6 fC
932 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.001, 0.002, 0.004, 0.005, 0.007, 0.009, 0.011, 0.012, 0.014, 0.015, 0.017,
933 0.018, 0.020, 0.021, 0.022, 0.023, 0.024, 0.025, 0.025, 0.026, 0.027, 0.027, 0.028, 0.028, 0.029,
934 0.029, 0.029, 0.029, 0.029, 0.029, 0.029, 0.029, 0.029, 0.029, 0.029, 0.029, 0.029, 0.028, 0.028,
935 0.028, 0.027, 0.027, 0.027, 0.026, 0.026, 0.025, 0.025, 0.024, 0.024, 0.024, 0.023, 0.022, 0.022,
936 0.021, 0.021, 0.021, 0.020, 0.020, 0.019, 0.018, 0.018, 0.017, 0.017, 0.016, 0.016, 0.016, 0.015,
937 0.015, 0.014, 0.014, 0.013, 0.013, 0.012, 0.012, 0.011, 0.011, 0.011, 0.010, 0.010, 0.009, 0.009,
938 0.009, 0.008, 0.008, 0.008, 0.007, 0.007, 0.007, 0.006, 0.006, 0.006, 0.006, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005,
939 0.005, 0.004, 0.004, 0.004, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002,
940 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001,
941 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
942 0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000,
943 -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000,
944 -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000,
945 -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000,
946 -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000},
947 {// charge = 12 fC
948 0.000, 0.000, 0.001, 0.002, 0.004, 0.007, 0.011, 0.014, 0.017, 0.021, 0.024, 0.027, 0.031, 0.034,
949 0.036, 0.039, 0.041, 0.044, 0.046, 0.048, 0.049, 0.051, 0.052, 0.053, 0.055, 0.056, 0.056, 0.057,
950 0.058, 0.058, 0.058, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.058, 0.058, 0.058, 0.058, 0.057, 0.057, 0.056,
951 0.055, 0.055, 0.054, 0.053, 0.052, 0.052, 0.051, 0.050, 0.049, 0.048, 0.047, 0.046, 0.045, 0.044,
952 0.043, 0.042, 0.041, 0.040, 0.039, 0.038, 0.037, 0.036, 0.035, 0.034, 0.033, 0.032, 0.031, 0.030,
953 0.029, 0.028, 0.027, 0.026, 0.025, 0.025, 0.024, 0.023, 0.022, 0.021, 0.020, 0.020, 0.019, 0.018,
954 0.017, 0.017, 0.016, 0.015, 0.015, 0.014, 0.013, 0.013, 0.012, 0.012, 0.011, 0.011, 0.010, 0.010,
955 0.009, 0.009, 0.008, 0.008, 0.007, 0.007, 0.007, 0.006, 0.006, 0.006, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.004,
956 0.004, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001,
957 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
958 -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
959 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
960 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
961 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000,
962 -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000},
963 {// charge = 18 fC
964 0.000, -0.000, 0.001, 0.003, 0.007, 0.011, 0.016, 0.021, 0.026, 0.031, 0.036, 0.041, 0.046, 0.050,
965 0.054, 0.058, 0.062, 0.065, 0.068, 0.071, 0.074, 0.076, 0.078, 0.080, 0.082, 0.083, 0.085, 0.086,
966 0.086, 0.087, 0.088, 0.088, 0.088, 0.088, 0.088, 0.088, 0.087, 0.087, 0.086, 0.086, 0.085, 0.084,
967 0.083, 0.082, 0.081, 0.080, 0.079, 0.077, 0.076, 0.075, 0.073, 0.072, 0.071, 0.069, 0.068, 0.066,
968 0.065, 0.063, 0.062, 0.060, 0.058, 0.057, 0.055, 0.054, 0.052, 0.051, 0.049, 0.048, 0.046, 0.045,
969 0.044, 0.042, 0.041, 0.039, 0.038, 0.037, 0.035, 0.034, 0.033, 0.032, 0.031, 0.029, 0.028, 0.027,
970 0.026, 0.025, 0.024, 0.023, 0.022, 0.021, 0.020, 0.019, 0.018, 0.018, 0.017, 0.016, 0.015, 0.015,
971 0.014, 0.013, 0.012, 0.012, 0.011, 0.011, 0.010, 0.009, 0.009, 0.008, 0.008, 0.007, 0.007, 0.007,
972 0.006, 0.006, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.004, 0.004, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002,
973 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
974 -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
975 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
976 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
977 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
978 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001},
979 {// charge = 24 fC
980 0.000, -0.000, 0.001, 0.004, 0.009, 0.015, 0.021, 0.028, 0.035, 0.042, 0.049, 0.055, 0.061, 0.067,
981 0.073, 0.078, 0.083, 0.087, 0.091, 0.095, 0.099, 0.102, 0.104, 0.107, 0.109, 0.111, 0.113, 0.114,
982 0.115, 0.116, 0.117, 0.117, 0.118, 0.118, 0.117, 0.117, 0.117, 0.116, 0.115, 0.114, 0.113, 0.112,
983 0.111, 0.109, 0.108, 0.106, 0.105, 0.103, 0.101, 0.100, 0.098, 0.096, 0.094, 0.092, 0.090, 0.088,
984 0.086, 0.084, 0.082, 0.080, 0.078, 0.076, 0.074, 0.072, 0.070, 0.068, 0.066, 0.064, 0.062, 0.060,
985 0.058, 0.056, 0.054, 0.053, 0.051, 0.049, 0.047, 0.046, 0.044, 0.042, 0.041, 0.039, 0.038, 0.036,
986 0.035, 0.033, 0.032, 0.031, 0.029, 0.028, 0.027, 0.026, 0.025, 0.023, 0.022, 0.021, 0.020, 0.019,
987 0.018, 0.017, 0.016, 0.016, 0.015, 0.014, 0.013, 0.012, 0.012, 0.011, 0.011, 0.010, 0.009, 0.009,
988 0.008, 0.008, 0.007, 0.007, 0.006, 0.006, 0.005, 0.005, 0.004, 0.004, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003,
989 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
990 -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
991 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
992 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
993 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
994 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001},
995 {// charge = 30 fC
996 0.000, -0.000, 0.001, 0.005, 0.011, 0.018, 0.026, 0.035, 0.044, 0.052, 0.061, 0.069, 0.076, 0.084,
997 0.091, 0.097, 0.103, 0.109, 0.114, 0.119, 0.123, 0.127, 0.131, 0.134, 0.137, 0.139, 0.141, 0.143,
998 0.144, 0.145, 0.146, 0.147, 0.147, 0.147, 0.147, 0.146, 0.146, 0.145, 0.144, 0.143, 0.141, 0.140,
999 0.138, 0.137, 0.135, 0.133, 0.131, 0.129, 0.127, 0.125, 0.122, 0.120, 0.118, 0.115, 0.113, 0.110,
1000 0.108, 0.105, 0.103, 0.100, 0.097, 0.095, 0.092, 0.090, 0.087, 0.085, 0.082, 0.080, 0.077, 0.075,
1001 0.073, 0.070, 0.068, 0.066, 0.063, 0.061, 0.059, 0.057, 0.055, 0.053, 0.051, 0.049, 0.047, 0.045,
1002 0.044, 0.042, 0.040, 0.038, 0.037, 0.035, 0.034, 0.032, 0.031, 0.029, 0.028, 0.027, 0.025, 0.024,
1003 0.023, 0.022, 0.021, 0.020, 0.019, 0.018, 0.017, 0.016, 0.015, 0.014, 0.013, 0.012, 0.012, 0.011,
1004 0.010, 0.009, 0.009, 0.008, 0.008, 0.007, 0.007, 0.006, 0.006, 0.005, 0.005, 0.004, 0.004, 0.003,
1005 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
1006 -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
1007 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
1008 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
1009 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
1010 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001},
1011 {// charge = 36 fC
1012 0.000, -0.000, 0.002, 0.006, 0.013, 0.022, 0.032, 0.042, 0.052, 0.063, 0.073, 0.082, 0.092, 0.101,
1013 0.109, 0.117, 0.124, 0.131, 0.137, 0.143, 0.148, 0.153, 0.157, 0.160, 0.164, 0.167, 0.169, 0.171,
1014 0.173, 0.174, 0.175, 0.176, 0.176, 0.176, 0.176, 0.176, 0.175, 0.174, 0.173, 0.171, 0.170, 0.168,
1015 0.166, 0.164, 0.162, 0.160, 0.157, 0.155, 0.152, 0.150, 0.147, 0.144, 0.141, 0.138, 0.135, 0.132,
1016 0.129, 0.126, 0.123, 0.120, 0.117, 0.114, 0.111, 0.108, 0.105, 0.102, 0.099, 0.096, 0.093, 0.090,
1017 0.087, 0.084, 0.082, 0.079, 0.076, 0.074, 0.071, 0.068, 0.066, 0.064, 0.061, 0.059, 0.057, 0.054,
1018 0.052, 0.050, 0.048, 0.046, 0.044, 0.042, 0.040, 0.039, 0.037, 0.035, 0.034, 0.032, 0.030, 0.029,
1019 0.027, 0.026, 0.025, 0.024, 0.022, 0.021, 0.020, 0.019, 0.018, 0.017, 0.016, 0.015, 0.014, 0.013,
1020 0.012, 0.011, 0.011, 0.010, 0.009, 0.008, 0.008, 0.007, 0.007, 0.006, 0.006, 0.005, 0.005, 0.004,
1021 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
1022 -0.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.002,
1023 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1024 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.001,
1025 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
1026 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001},
1027 {// charge = 42 fC
1028 0.000, -0.000, 0.002, 0.007, 0.016, 0.026, 0.037, 0.049, 0.061, 0.073, 0.085, 0.096, 0.107, 0.117,
1029 0.127, 0.136, 0.145, 0.152, 0.160, 0.166, 0.173, 0.178, 0.183, 0.187, 0.191, 0.194, 0.197, 0.200,
1030 0.202, 0.203, 0.205, 0.205, 0.206, 0.206, 0.206, 0.205, 0.204, 0.203, 0.202, 0.200, 0.198, 0.196,
1031 0.194, 0.192, 0.189, 0.186, 0.184, 0.181, 0.178, 0.174, 0.171, 0.168, 0.165, 0.161, 0.158, 0.154,
1032 0.151, 0.147, 0.144, 0.140, 0.137, 0.133, 0.129, 0.126, 0.122, 0.119, 0.115, 0.112, 0.109, 0.105,
1033 0.102, 0.099, 0.095, 0.092, 0.089, 0.086, 0.083, 0.080, 0.077, 0.074, 0.071, 0.069, 0.066, 0.063,
1034 0.061, 0.058, 0.056, 0.054, 0.051, 0.049, 0.047, 0.045, 0.043, 0.041, 0.039, 0.037, 0.035, 0.034,
1035 0.032, 0.030, 0.029, 0.027, 0.026, 0.024, 0.023, 0.022, 0.021, 0.020, 0.018, 0.017, 0.016, 0.015,
1036 0.014, 0.013, 0.012, 0.012, 0.011, 0.010, 0.009, 0.008, 0.008, 0.007, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.005,
1037 0.004, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
1038 -0.000, -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1039 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1040 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1041 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,
1042 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001},
1043 {// charge = 48 fC
1044 0.000, -0.000, 0.002, 0.008, 0.018, 0.029, 0.042, 0.056, 0.070, 0.083, 0.097, 0.110, 0.122, 0.134,
1045 0.145, 0.155, 0.165, 0.174, 0.183, 0.190, 0.197, 0.203, 0.209, 0.214, 0.218, 0.222, 0.226, 0.228,
1046 0.231, 0.232, 0.234, 0.235, 0.235, 0.235, 0.235, 0.234, 0.233, 0.232, 0.230, 0.229, 0.227, 0.224,
1047 0.222, 0.219, 0.216, 0.213, 0.210, 0.206, 0.203, 0.200, 0.196, 0.192, 0.188, 0.184, 0.180, 0.176,
1048 0.172, 0.168, 0.164, 0.160, 0.156, 0.152, 0.148, 0.144, 0.140, 0.136, 0.132, 0.128, 0.124, 0.120,
1049 0.116, 0.113, 0.109, 0.105, 0.102, 0.098, 0.095, 0.091, 0.088, 0.085, 0.082, 0.078, 0.076, 0.072,
1050 0.070, 0.067, 0.064, 0.061, 0.059, 0.056, 0.054, 0.051, 0.049, 0.047, 0.045, 0.043, 0.041, 0.039,
1051 0.037, 0.035, 0.033, 0.031, 0.030, 0.028, 0.026, 0.025, 0.024, 0.022, 0.021, 0.020, 0.018, 0.017,
1052 0.016, 0.015, 0.014, 0.013, 0.012, 0.011, 0.011, 0.010, 0.009, 0.008, 0.007, 0.007, 0.006, 0.006,
1053 0.005, 0.004, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
1054 -0.000, -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1055 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1056 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1057 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.001,
1058 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001},
1059 {// charge = 54 fC
1060 0.000, -0.000, 0.002, 0.009, 0.020, 0.033, 0.047, 0.063, 0.078, 0.094, 0.109, 0.123, 0.137, 0.151,
1061 0.163, 0.175, 0.186, 0.196, 0.205, 0.214, 0.222, 0.229, 0.235, 0.241, 0.246, 0.250, 0.254, 0.257,
1062 0.259, 0.261, 0.263, 0.264, 0.264, 0.264, 0.264, 0.263, 0.262, 0.261, 0.259, 0.257, 0.255, 0.252,
1063 0.249, 0.247, 0.243, 0.240, 0.236, 0.232, 0.229, 0.225, 0.220, 0.216, 0.212, 0.207, 0.203, 0.198,
1064 0.194, 0.189, 0.185, 0.180, 0.176, 0.171, 0.166, 0.162, 0.157, 0.153, 0.148, 0.144, 0.140, 0.135,
1065 0.131, 0.127, 0.123, 0.118, 0.114, 0.110, 0.107, 0.103, 0.099, 0.095, 0.092, 0.088, 0.085, 0.082,
1066 0.078, 0.075, 0.072, 0.069, 0.066, 0.063, 0.060, 0.058, 0.055, 0.053, 0.050, 0.048, 0.046, 0.043,
1067 0.041, 0.039, 0.037, 0.035, 0.034, 0.031, 0.030, 0.028, 0.027, 0.025, 0.024, 0.022, 0.021, 0.020,
1068 0.018, 0.017, 0.016, 0.015, 0.014, 0.013, 0.012, 0.011, 0.010, 0.009, 0.008, 0.008, 0.007, 0.006,
1069 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
1070 -0.000, -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1071 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1072 -0.003, -0.003, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1073 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1074 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002},
1075 {// charge = 60 fC
1076 0.000, -0.000, 0.002, 0.010, 0.022, 0.036, 0.053, 0.070, 0.087, 0.104, 0.121, 0.137, 0.152, 0.167,
1077 0.181, 0.194, 0.206, 0.218, 0.228, 0.238, 0.246, 0.254, 0.261, 0.267, 0.273, 0.278, 0.282, 0.285,
1078 0.288, 0.290, 0.292, 0.293, 0.294, 0.294, 0.293, 0.293, 0.292, 0.290, 0.288, 0.286, 0.283, 0.280,
1079 0.277, 0.274, 0.270, 0.266, 0.262, 0.258, 0.254, 0.249, 0.245, 0.240, 0.235, 0.230, 0.225, 0.220,
1080 0.215, 0.210, 0.205, 0.200, 0.195, 0.190, 0.185, 0.180, 0.175, 0.170, 0.165, 0.160, 0.155, 0.150,
1081 0.146, 0.141, 0.136, 0.132, 0.127, 0.123, 0.118, 0.114, 0.110, 0.106, 0.102, 0.098, 0.094, 0.091,
1082 0.087, 0.083, 0.080, 0.077, 0.073, 0.070, 0.067, 0.064, 0.061, 0.059, 0.056, 0.053, 0.051, 0.048,
1083 0.046, 0.044, 0.041, 0.039, 0.037, 0.035, 0.033, 0.031, 0.030, 0.028, 0.026, 0.025, 0.023, 0.022,
1084 0.020, 0.019, 0.018, 0.016, 0.015, 0.014, 0.013, 0.012, 0.011, 0.010, 0.009, 0.008, 0.008, 0.007,
1085 0.006, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
1086 -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1087 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1088 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1089 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1090 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002},
1091 {// charge = 66 fC
1092 0.000, -0.000, 0.003, 0.011, 0.024, 0.040, 0.058, 0.076, 0.095, 0.114, 0.133, 0.151, 0.168, 0.184,
1093 0.199, 0.214, 0.227, 0.239, 0.251, 0.261, 0.271, 0.279, 0.287, 0.294, 0.300, 0.305, 0.310, 0.314,
1094 0.317, 0.319, 0.321, 0.322, 0.323, 0.323, 0.323, 0.322, 0.321, 0.319, 0.317, 0.314, 0.312, 0.308,
1095 0.305, 0.301, 0.297, 0.293, 0.289, 0.284, 0.279, 0.274, 0.269, 0.264, 0.259, 0.253, 0.248, 0.243,
1096 0.237, 0.231, 0.226, 0.220, 0.215, 0.209, 0.203, 0.198, 0.192, 0.187, 0.181, 0.176, 0.171, 0.165,
1097 0.160, 0.155, 0.150, 0.145, 0.140, 0.135, 0.130, 0.126, 0.121, 0.117, 0.112, 0.108, 0.104, 0.100,
1098 0.096, 0.092, 0.088, 0.084, 0.081, 0.077, 0.074, 0.071, 0.067, 0.064, 0.062, 0.059, 0.056, 0.053,
1099 0.050, 0.048, 0.045, 0.043, 0.041, 0.039, 0.036, 0.035, 0.032, 0.031, 0.029, 0.027, 0.025, 0.024,
1100 0.022, 0.021, 0.020, 0.018, 0.017, 0.016, 0.014, 0.013, 0.012, 0.011, 0.010, 0.009, 0.008, 0.008,
1101 0.007, 0.006, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
1102 -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003,
1103 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1104 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1105 -0.003, -0.003, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1106 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002},
1107 {// charge = 72 fC
1108 0.000, -0.000, 0.003, 0.012, 0.026, 0.044, 0.063, 0.083, 0.104, 0.124, 0.145, 0.164, 0.183, 0.201,
1109 0.217, 0.233, 0.247, 0.261, 0.273, 0.285, 0.295, 0.305, 0.313, 0.321, 0.327, 0.333, 0.338, 0.342,
1110 0.346, 0.348, 0.350, 0.352, 0.353, 0.353, 0.352, 0.351, 0.350, 0.348, 0.346, 0.343, 0.340, 0.336,
1111 0.333, 0.329, 0.324, 0.320, 0.315, 0.310, 0.305, 0.299, 0.294, 0.288, 0.282, 0.277, 0.271, 0.265,
1112 0.259, 0.253, 0.247, 0.240, 0.234, 0.228, 0.222, 0.216, 0.210, 0.204, 0.198, 0.192, 0.186, 0.180,
1113 0.175, 0.169, 0.163, 0.158, 0.153, 0.147, 0.142, 0.137, 0.132, 0.127, 0.123, 0.118, 0.113, 0.109,
1114 0.104, 0.100, 0.096, 0.092, 0.088, 0.084, 0.081, 0.077, 0.074, 0.070, 0.067, 0.064, 0.061, 0.058,
1115 0.055, 0.053, 0.049, 0.047, 0.044, 0.042, 0.040, 0.038, 0.035, 0.033, 0.031, 0.030, 0.028, 0.026,
1116 0.024, 0.023, 0.021, 0.020, 0.018, 0.017, 0.016, 0.015, 0.013, 0.012, 0.011, 0.010, 0.009, 0.008,
1117 0.008, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000,
1118 -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1119 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1120 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1121 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1122 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002},
1123 {// charge = 78 fC
1124 0.000, -0.000, 0.003, 0.013, 0.029, 0.047, 0.068, 0.090, 0.112, 0.135, 0.156, 0.178, 0.198, 0.217,
1125 0.235, 0.252, 0.268, 0.283, 0.296, 0.309, 0.320, 0.330, 0.339, 0.347, 0.355, 0.361, 0.366, 0.371,
1126 0.375, 0.378, 0.380, 0.381, 0.382, 0.382, 0.382, 0.381, 0.379, 0.377, 0.375, 0.372, 0.368, 0.365,
1127 0.361, 0.356, 0.351, 0.346, 0.341, 0.336, 0.330, 0.324, 0.318, 0.312, 0.306, 0.300, 0.293, 0.287,
1128 0.280, 0.274, 0.267, 0.260, 0.254, 0.247, 0.240, 0.234, 0.227, 0.221, 0.214, 0.208, 0.202, 0.195,
1129 0.189, 0.183, 0.177, 0.171, 0.165, 0.160, 0.154, 0.149, 0.143, 0.138, 0.133, 0.128, 0.123, 0.118,
1130 0.113, 0.109, 0.104, 0.100, 0.096, 0.091, 0.087, 0.084, 0.080, 0.076, 0.073, 0.069, 0.066, 0.063,
1131 0.060, 0.057, 0.053, 0.051, 0.048, 0.046, 0.043, 0.041, 0.038, 0.036, 0.034, 0.032, 0.030, 0.028,
1132 0.026, 0.025, 0.023, 0.021, 0.020, 0.018, 0.017, 0.016, 0.015, 0.013, 0.012, 0.011, 0.010, 0.009,
1133 0.008, 0.007, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000,
1134 -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1135 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004,
1136 -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1137 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002,
1138 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002},
1139 {// charge = 84 fC
1140 0.000, -0.000, 0.003, 0.014, 0.031, 0.051, 0.073, 0.097, 0.121, 0.145, 0.168, 0.191, 0.213, 0.234,
1141 0.253, 0.271, 0.288, 0.304, 0.319, 0.332, 0.344, 0.355, 0.365, 0.374, 0.382, 0.389, 0.395, 0.399,
1142 0.403, 0.407, 0.409, 0.410, 0.411, 0.412, 0.411, 0.410, 0.408, 0.406, 0.403, 0.400, 0.397, 0.393,
1143 0.388, 0.384, 0.379, 0.373, 0.368, 0.362, 0.356, 0.349, 0.343, 0.336, 0.330, 0.323, 0.316, 0.309,
1144 0.302, 0.295, 0.288, 0.280, 0.273, 0.266, 0.259, 0.252, 0.245, 0.238, 0.231, 0.224, 0.217, 0.210,
1145 0.204, 0.197, 0.191, 0.184, 0.178, 0.172, 0.166, 0.160, 0.154, 0.149, 0.143, 0.137, 0.132, 0.127,
1146 0.122, 0.117, 0.112, 0.108, 0.103, 0.099, 0.094, 0.090, 0.086, 0.082, 0.078, 0.075, 0.071, 0.067,
1147 0.064, 0.062, 0.058, 0.055, 0.052, 0.049, 0.046, 0.044, 0.041, 0.039, 0.037, 0.035, 0.032, 0.030,
1148 0.028, 0.026, 0.025, 0.023, 0.021, 0.020, 0.018, 0.017, 0.016, 0.014, 0.013, 0.012, 0.011, 0.010,
1149 0.009, 0.008, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000,
1150 -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1151 -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004,
1152 -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1153 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.002,
1154 -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002},
1155 {// charge = 90 fC
1156 0.000, -0.000, 0.004, 0.015, 0.033, 0.054, 0.078, 0.104, 0.129, 0.155, 0.180, 0.205, 0.228, 0.250,
1157 0.271, 0.291, 0.309, 0.326, 0.341, 0.356, 0.369, 0.381, 0.391, 0.401, 0.409, 0.416, 0.423, 0.428,
1158 0.432, 0.436, 0.438, 0.440, 0.441, 0.441, 0.440, 0.439, 0.438, 0.435, 0.432, 0.429, 0.425, 0.421,
1159 0.416, 0.411, 0.406, 0.400, 0.394, 0.388, 0.381, 0.374, 0.368, 0.360, 0.353, 0.346, 0.339, 0.331,
1160 0.323, 0.316, 0.308, 0.301, 0.293, 0.285, 0.277, 0.270, 0.262, 0.255, 0.247, 0.240, 0.233, 0.225,
1161 0.218, 0.211, 0.204, 0.198, 0.191, 0.184, 0.178, 0.171, 0.165, 0.159, 0.153, 0.147, 0.142, 0.136,
1162 0.131, 0.125, 0.120, 0.115, 0.110, 0.105, 0.101, 0.096, 0.092, 0.088, 0.084, 0.080, 0.076, 0.072,
1163 0.069, 0.066, 0.062, 0.059, 0.056, 0.053, 0.050, 0.047, 0.044, 0.042, 0.039, 0.037, 0.035, 0.032,
1164 0.030, 0.029, 0.026, 0.025, 0.023, 0.021, 0.020, 0.018, 0.017, 0.015, 0.014, 0.013, 0.012, 0.011,
1165 0.009, 0.008, 0.007, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000,
1166 -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004,
1167 -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004,
1168 -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004,
1169 -0.004, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1170 -0.003, -0.003, -0.002, -0.002},
1171 {// charge = 96 fC
1172 0.000, -0.000, 0.004, 0.016, 0.035, 0.058, 0.083, 0.110, 0.138, 0.165, 0.192, 0.218, 0.243, 0.266,
1173 0.289, 0.310, 0.329, 0.347, 0.364, 0.379, 0.393, 0.406, 0.417, 0.427, 0.436, 0.444, 0.451, 0.456,
1174 0.461, 0.465, 0.467, 0.469, 0.470, 0.470, 0.470, 0.469, 0.467, 0.464, 0.461, 0.458, 0.453, 0.449,
1175 0.444, 0.439, 0.433, 0.427, 0.420, 0.414, 0.407, 0.399, 0.392, 0.385, 0.377, 0.369, 0.361, 0.353,
1176 0.345, 0.337, 0.329, 0.321, 0.312, 0.304, 0.296, 0.288, 0.280, 0.272, 0.264, 0.256, 0.248, 0.241,
1177 0.233, 0.225, 0.218, 0.211, 0.204, 0.197, 0.190, 0.183, 0.176, 0.170, 0.163, 0.157, 0.151, 0.145,
1178 0.139, 0.134, 0.128, 0.123, 0.118, 0.113, 0.108, 0.103, 0.098, 0.094, 0.089, 0.085, 0.081, 0.077,
1179 0.073, 0.070, 0.066, 0.063, 0.059, 0.056, 0.053, 0.050, 0.047, 0.045, 0.042, 0.039, 0.037, 0.035,
1180 0.032, 0.030, 0.028, 0.026, 0.025, 0.023, 0.021, 0.019, 0.018, 0.016, 0.015, 0.014, 0.012, 0.011,
1181 0.010, 0.009, 0.008, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000,
1182 -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004,
1183 -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1184 -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004,
1185 -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1186 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003},
1187 {// charge = 102 fC
1188 0.000, -0.000, 0.004, 0.017, 0.037, 0.061, 0.088, 0.117, 0.146, 0.175, 0.204, 0.231, 0.258, 0.283,
1189 0.307, 0.329, 0.350, 0.369, 0.387, 0.403, 0.418, 0.431, 0.443, 0.454, 0.464, 0.472, 0.479, 0.485,
1190 0.490, 0.494, 0.497, 0.498, 0.500, 0.500, 0.499, 0.498, 0.496, 0.493, 0.490, 0.486, 0.482, 0.477,
1191 0.472, 0.466, 0.460, 0.453, 0.447, 0.439, 0.432, 0.425, 0.417, 0.409, 0.401, 0.392, 0.384, 0.375,
1192 0.367, 0.358, 0.349, 0.341, 0.332, 0.323, 0.315, 0.306, 0.297, 0.289, 0.280, 0.272, 0.264, 0.256,
1193 0.247, 0.240, 0.232, 0.224, 0.216, 0.209, 0.202, 0.194, 0.187, 0.180, 0.174, 0.167, 0.161, 0.154,
1194 0.148, 0.142, 0.136, 0.131, 0.125, 0.120, 0.114, 0.109, 0.104, 0.100, 0.095, 0.091, 0.086, 0.082,
1195 0.078, 0.075, 0.070, 0.067, 0.063, 0.060, 0.056, 0.053, 0.050, 0.047, 0.045, 0.042, 0.039, 0.037,
1196 0.035, 0.032, 0.030, 0.028, 0.026, 0.024, 0.022, 0.021, 0.019, 0.017, 0.016, 0.015, 0.013, 0.012,
1197 0.011, 0.010, 0.008, 0.007, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000,
1198 -0.000, -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004,
1199 -0.004, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1200 -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004,
1201 -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1202 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003},
1203 {// charge = 108 fC
1204 0.000, -0.000, 0.004, 0.018, 0.039, 0.065, 0.093, 0.124, 0.155, 0.185, 0.215, 0.245, 0.273, 0.299,
1205 0.324, 0.348, 0.370, 0.390, 0.409, 0.427, 0.442, 0.457, 0.469, 0.481, 0.491, 0.500, 0.507, 0.513,
1206 0.519, 0.523, 0.526, 0.528, 0.529, 0.529, 0.529, 0.527, 0.525, 0.522, 0.519, 0.515, 0.510, 0.505,
1207 0.500, 0.493, 0.487, 0.480, 0.473, 0.465, 0.458, 0.450, 0.441, 0.433, 0.424, 0.415, 0.406, 0.397,
1208 0.388, 0.379, 0.370, 0.361, 0.352, 0.342, 0.333, 0.324, 0.315, 0.306, 0.297, 0.288, 0.279, 0.271,
1209 0.262, 0.254, 0.245, 0.237, 0.229, 0.221, 0.214, 0.206, 0.198, 0.191, 0.184, 0.177, 0.170, 0.163,
1210 0.157, 0.150, 0.144, 0.138, 0.132, 0.127, 0.121, 0.116, 0.111, 0.105, 0.101, 0.096, 0.091, 0.087,
1211 0.083, 0.079, 0.074, 0.070, 0.067, 0.063, 0.060, 0.056, 0.053, 0.050, 0.047, 0.044, 0.042, 0.039,
1212 0.036, 0.034, 0.032, 0.030, 0.027, 0.025, 0.024, 0.022, 0.020, 0.018, 0.017, 0.015, 0.014, 0.013,
1213 0.011, 0.010, 0.009, 0.008, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000,
1214 -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.005,
1215 -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1216 -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.004,
1217 -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003,
1218 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003},
1219 {// charge = 114 fC
1220 0.000, -0.000, 0.004, 0.019, 0.041, 0.068, 0.098, 0.130, 0.163, 0.195, 0.227, 0.258, 0.288, 0.316,
1221 0.342, 0.367, 0.390, 0.412, 0.432, 0.450, 0.467, 0.482, 0.495, 0.507, 0.518, 0.527, 0.535, 0.542,
1222 0.547, 0.552, 0.555, 0.557, 0.558, 0.559, 0.558, 0.557, 0.554, 0.551, 0.548, 0.544, 0.539, 0.533,
1223 0.527, 0.521, 0.514, 0.507, 0.499, 0.491, 0.483, 0.475, 0.466, 0.457, 0.448, 0.439, 0.429, 0.420,
1224 0.410, 0.400, 0.391, 0.381, 0.371, 0.362, 0.352, 0.342, 0.333, 0.323, 0.314, 0.304, 0.295, 0.286,
1225 0.277, 0.268, 0.259, 0.250, 0.242, 0.234, 0.225, 0.217, 0.209, 0.202, 0.194, 0.187, 0.179, 0.173,
1226 0.166, 0.159, 0.152, 0.146, 0.140, 0.134, 0.128, 0.122, 0.117, 0.112, 0.106, 0.101, 0.096, 0.092,
1227 0.087, 0.083, 0.078, 0.074, 0.071, 0.067, 0.063, 0.060, 0.056, 0.053, 0.050, 0.047, 0.044, 0.041,
1228 0.039, 0.036, 0.034, 0.031, 0.029, 0.027, 0.025, 0.023, 0.021, 0.019, 0.018, 0.016, 0.015, 0.013,
1229 0.012, 0.011, 0.009, 0.008, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000,
1230 -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.005, -0.005,
1231 -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006,
1232 -0.006, -0.006, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1233 -0.005, -0.005, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.003, -0.003,
1234 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003},
1235 {// charge = 120 fC
1236 0.000, -0.000, 0.005, 0.020, 0.043, 0.072, 0.103, 0.137, 0.171, 0.205, 0.239, 0.271, 0.302, 0.332,
1237 0.360, 0.386, 0.411, 0.433, 0.454, 0.474, 0.491, 0.507, 0.521, 0.534, 0.545, 0.555, 0.563, 0.570,
1238 0.576, 0.581, 0.584, 0.586, 0.588, 0.588, 0.587, 0.586, 0.584, 0.581, 0.577, 0.572, 0.567, 0.561,
1239 0.555, 0.548, 0.541, 0.534, 0.526, 0.517, 0.509, 0.500, 0.491, 0.481, 0.472, 0.462, 0.452, 0.442,
1240 0.432, 0.422, 0.411, 0.401, 0.391, 0.381, 0.371, 0.360, 0.350, 0.340, 0.330, 0.320, 0.311, 0.301,
1241 0.291, 0.282, 0.273, 0.264, 0.255, 0.246, 0.237, 0.229, 0.220, 0.212, 0.204, 0.197, 0.189, 0.182,
1242 0.174, 0.167, 0.160, 0.154, 0.147, 0.141, 0.135, 0.129, 0.123, 0.117, 0.112, 0.107, 0.101, 0.097,
1243 0.092, 0.088, 0.082, 0.078, 0.074, 0.070, 0.066, 0.063, 0.059, 0.056, 0.052, 0.049, 0.046, 0.043,
1244 0.041, 0.038, 0.035, 0.033, 0.031, 0.028, 0.026, 0.024, 0.022, 0.021, 0.019, 0.017, 0.016, 0.014,
1245 0.013, 0.011, 0.010, 0.009, 0.008, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000,
1246 -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1247 -0.005, -0.005, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006,
1248 -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1249 -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004,
1250 -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003},
1251 {// charge = 126 fC
1252 0.000, -0.000, 0.005, 0.021, 0.045, 0.075, 0.108, 0.143, 0.179, 0.215, 0.250, 0.284, 0.317, 0.348,
1253 0.378, 0.405, 0.431, 0.455, 0.477, 0.497, 0.515, 0.532, 0.547, 0.560, 0.572, 0.583, 0.591, 0.599,
1254 0.605, 0.610, 0.613, 0.616, 0.617, 0.617, 0.617, 0.615, 0.613, 0.610, 0.606, 0.601, 0.596, 0.590,
1255 0.583, 0.576, 0.568, 0.560, 0.552, 0.543, 0.534, 0.525, 0.515, 0.505, 0.495, 0.485, 0.475, 0.464,
1256 0.453, 0.443, 0.432, 0.421, 0.411, 0.400, 0.389, 0.378, 0.368, 0.357, 0.347, 0.336, 0.326, 0.316,
1257 0.306, 0.296, 0.286, 0.277, 0.267, 0.258, 0.249, 0.240, 0.232, 0.223, 0.215, 0.206, 0.198, 0.191,
1258 0.183, 0.176, 0.169, 0.161, 0.155, 0.148, 0.141, 0.135, 0.129, 0.123, 0.118, 0.112, 0.107, 0.101,
1259 0.096, 0.092, 0.086, 0.082, 0.078, 0.074, 0.070, 0.066, 0.062, 0.058, 0.055, 0.052, 0.049, 0.045,
1260 0.043, 0.040, 0.037, 0.035, 0.032, 0.030, 0.027, 0.025, 0.023, 0.021, 0.020, 0.018, 0.016, 0.015,
1261 0.013, 0.012, 0.010, 0.009, 0.008, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000,
1262 -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1263 -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006,
1264 -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1265 -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004,
1266 -0.004, -0.004, -0.003, -0.003},
1267 {// charge = 132 fC
1268 0.000, -0.000, 0.005, 0.022, 0.047, 0.078, 0.113, 0.150, 0.188, 0.225, 0.262, 0.298, 0.332, 0.365,
1269 0.395, 0.424, 0.451, 0.476, 0.499, 0.520, 0.540, 0.557, 0.573, 0.587, 0.599, 0.610, 0.619, 0.627,
1270 0.634, 0.639, 0.642, 0.645, 0.647, 0.647, 0.646, 0.645, 0.642, 0.639, 0.635, 0.630, 0.624, 0.618,
1271 0.611, 0.604, 0.596, 0.587, 0.578, 0.569, 0.560, 0.550, 0.540, 0.529, 0.519, 0.508, 0.497, 0.486,
1272 0.475, 0.464, 0.453, 0.441, 0.430, 0.419, 0.408, 0.397, 0.385, 0.374, 0.363, 0.353, 0.342, 0.331,
1273 0.321, 0.310, 0.300, 0.290, 0.280, 0.271, 0.261, 0.252, 0.243, 0.234, 0.225, 0.216, 0.208, 0.200,
1274 0.192, 0.184, 0.177, 0.169, 0.162, 0.155, 0.148, 0.142, 0.135, 0.129, 0.123, 0.117, 0.112, 0.106,
1275 0.101, 0.097, 0.091, 0.086, 0.082, 0.077, 0.073, 0.069, 0.065, 0.061, 0.058, 0.054, 0.051, 0.048,
1276 0.045, 0.042, 0.039, 0.036, 0.034, 0.031, 0.029, 0.027, 0.025, 0.022, 0.021, 0.019, 0.017, 0.015,
1277 0.014, 0.012, 0.011, 0.010, 0.008, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.000,
1278 -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.006,
1279 -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.006,
1280 -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.005,
1281 -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004,
1282 -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004},
1283 {// charge = 138 fC
1284 0.000, -0.000, 0.005, 0.023, 0.049, 0.081, 0.118, 0.156, 0.196, 0.235, 0.274, 0.311, 0.347, 0.381,
1285 0.413, 0.443, 0.471, 0.497, 0.522, 0.544, 0.564, 0.582, 0.599, 0.614, 0.626, 0.638, 0.647, 0.656,
1286 0.662, 0.668, 0.672, 0.674, 0.676, 0.676, 0.676, 0.674, 0.671, 0.668, 0.663, 0.658, 0.653, 0.646,
1287 0.639, 0.631, 0.623, 0.614, 0.605, 0.595, 0.585, 0.575, 0.564, 0.554, 0.543, 0.531, 0.520, 0.509,
1288 0.497, 0.485, 0.473, 0.462, 0.450, 0.438, 0.426, 0.415, 0.403, 0.391, 0.380, 0.369, 0.357, 0.346,
1289 0.335, 0.325, 0.314, 0.303, 0.293, 0.283, 0.273, 0.263, 0.254, 0.244, 0.235, 0.226, 0.218, 0.209,
1290 0.201, 0.193, 0.185, 0.177, 0.169, 0.162, 0.155, 0.148, 0.141, 0.135, 0.129, 0.123, 0.117, 0.111,
1291 0.106, 0.101, 0.095, 0.090, 0.085, 0.081, 0.076, 0.072, 0.068, 0.064, 0.060, 0.057, 0.053, 0.050,
1292 0.047, 0.044, 0.041, 0.038, 0.035, 0.033, 0.030, 0.028, 0.026, 0.024, 0.021, 0.020, 0.018, 0.016,
1293 0.014, 0.013, 0.011, 0.010, 0.009, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.000,
1294 -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.006, -0.006,
1295 -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007,
1296 -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006,
1297 -0.006, -0.006, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004,
1298 -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004},
1299 {// charge = 144 fC
1300 0.000, -0.000, 0.006, 0.024, 0.051, 0.085, 0.123, 0.163, 0.204, 0.245, 0.285, 0.324, 0.361, 0.397,
1301 0.430, 0.462, 0.491, 0.519, 0.544, 0.567, 0.588, 0.607, 0.625, 0.640, 0.654, 0.665, 0.676, 0.684,
1302 0.691, 0.697, 0.701, 0.704, 0.705, 0.706, 0.705, 0.703, 0.701, 0.697, 0.692, 0.687, 0.681, 0.674,
1303 0.667, 0.659, 0.650, 0.641, 0.631, 0.621, 0.611, 0.600, 0.589, 0.578, 0.566, 0.555, 0.543, 0.531,
1304 0.519, 0.506, 0.494, 0.482, 0.470, 0.457, 0.445, 0.433, 0.421, 0.409, 0.397, 0.385, 0.373, 0.362,
1305 0.350, 0.339, 0.328, 0.317, 0.306, 0.295, 0.285, 0.275, 0.265, 0.255, 0.246, 0.236, 0.227, 0.218,
1306 0.210, 0.201, 0.193, 0.185, 0.177, 0.169, 0.162, 0.155, 0.148, 0.141, 0.134, 0.128, 0.122, 0.116,
1307 0.110, 0.105, 0.099, 0.094, 0.089, 0.084, 0.080, 0.075, 0.071, 0.067, 0.063, 0.059, 0.055, 0.052,
1308 0.049, 0.045, 0.042, 0.039, 0.037, 0.034, 0.031, 0.029, 0.027, 0.025, 0.022, 0.020, 0.019, 0.017,
1309 0.015, 0.013, 0.012, 0.011, 0.009, 0.008, 0.007, 0.006, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.000,
1310 -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006,
1311 -0.006, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007,
1312 -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006,
1313 -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.004,
1314 -0.004, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004},
1315 {// charge = 150 fC
1316 0.000, -0.000, 0.006, 0.025, 0.053, 0.088, 0.127, 0.169, 0.212, 0.255, 0.296, 0.337, 0.376, 0.413,
1317 0.448, 0.481, 0.512, 0.540, 0.566, 0.591, 0.613, 0.633, 0.650, 0.666, 0.681, 0.693, 0.704, 0.712,
1318 0.720, 0.726, 0.730, 0.733, 0.735, 0.735, 0.734, 0.733, 0.730, 0.726, 0.721, 0.716, 0.709, 0.702,
1319 0.695, 0.686, 0.677, 0.668, 0.658, 0.647, 0.637, 0.625, 0.614, 0.602, 0.590, 0.578, 0.566, 0.553,
1320 0.540, 0.528, 0.515, 0.502, 0.489, 0.476, 0.464, 0.451, 0.438, 0.426, 0.413, 0.401, 0.389, 0.377,
1321 0.365, 0.353, 0.341, 0.330, 0.319, 0.308, 0.297, 0.286, 0.276, 0.266, 0.256, 0.246, 0.237, 0.227,
1322 0.218, 0.209, 0.201, 0.192, 0.184, 0.176, 0.169, 0.161, 0.154, 0.147, 0.140, 0.133, 0.127, 0.121,
1323 0.115, 0.110, 0.103, 0.098, 0.093, 0.088, 0.083, 0.078, 0.074, 0.070, 0.066, 0.062, 0.058, 0.054,
1324 0.051, 0.047, 0.044, 0.041, 0.038, 0.035, 0.033, 0.030, 0.028, 0.026, 0.023, 0.021, 0.019, 0.017,
1325 0.016, 0.014, 0.012, 0.011, 0.009, 0.008, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.001, 0.000,
1326 -0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006,
1327 -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007,
1328 -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006,
1329 -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1330 -0.005, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004},
1331 {// charge = 156 fC
1332 0.000, -0.001, 0.006, 0.025, 0.055, 0.091, 0.132, 0.176, 0.220, 0.264, 0.308, 0.350, 0.390, 0.429,
1333 0.465, 0.500, 0.532, 0.561, 0.589, 0.614, 0.637, 0.658, 0.676, 0.693, 0.708, 0.721, 0.732, 0.741,
1334 0.749, 0.755, 0.759, 0.762, 0.764, 0.765, 0.764, 0.762, 0.759, 0.755, 0.750, 0.744, 0.738, 0.731,
1335 0.722, 0.714, 0.704, 0.695, 0.684, 0.673, 0.662, 0.651, 0.639, 0.626, 0.614, 0.601, 0.588, 0.575,
1336 0.562, 0.549, 0.536, 0.522, 0.509, 0.496, 0.482, 0.469, 0.456, 0.443, 0.430, 0.417, 0.404, 0.392,
1337 0.379, 0.367, 0.355, 0.343, 0.332, 0.320, 0.309, 0.298, 0.287, 0.276, 0.266, 0.256, 0.246, 0.237,
1338 0.227, 0.218, 0.209, 0.200, 0.192, 0.183, 0.175, 0.168, 0.160, 0.153, 0.146, 0.139, 0.132, 0.126,
1339 0.119, 0.114, 0.107, 0.102, 0.097, 0.091, 0.086, 0.082, 0.077, 0.072, 0.068, 0.064, 0.060, 0.056,
1340 0.053, 0.049, 0.046, 0.043, 0.040, 0.037, 0.034, 0.031, 0.029, 0.027, 0.024, 0.022, 0.020, 0.018,
1341 0.016, 0.015, 0.013, 0.011, 0.010, 0.008, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.001, 0.000,
1342 -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.005, -0.005, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.007,
1343 -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008,
1344 -0.008, -0.008, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.006,
1345 -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1346 -0.005, -0.005, -0.004, -0.004},
1347 {// charge = 162 fC
1348 0.000, -0.001, 0.006, 0.026, 0.057, 0.095, 0.137, 0.182, 0.228, 0.274, 0.319, 0.363, 0.405, 0.445,
1349 0.483, 0.518, 0.552, 0.582, 0.611, 0.637, 0.661, 0.683, 0.702, 0.719, 0.735, 0.748, 0.760, 0.769,
1350 0.777, 0.784, 0.788, 0.792, 0.793, 0.794, 0.793, 0.791, 0.788, 0.784, 0.779, 0.773, 0.766, 0.759,
1351 0.750, 0.741, 0.732, 0.721, 0.711, 0.699, 0.688, 0.676, 0.663, 0.651, 0.638, 0.624, 0.611, 0.598,
1352 0.584, 0.570, 0.556, 0.543, 0.529, 0.515, 0.501, 0.487, 0.474, 0.460, 0.447, 0.433, 0.420, 0.407,
1353 0.394, 0.382, 0.369, 0.357, 0.345, 0.333, 0.321, 0.309, 0.298, 0.287, 0.276, 0.266, 0.256, 0.246,
1354 0.236, 0.226, 0.217, 0.208, 0.199, 0.191, 0.182, 0.174, 0.166, 0.159, 0.151, 0.144, 0.137, 0.131,
1355 0.124, 0.119, 0.112, 0.106, 0.100, 0.095, 0.090, 0.085, 0.080, 0.075, 0.071, 0.067, 0.062, 0.059,
1356 0.055, 0.051, 0.048, 0.044, 0.041, 0.038, 0.035, 0.033, 0.030, 0.028, 0.025, 0.023, 0.021, 0.019,
1357 0.017, 0.015, 0.013, 0.012, 0.010, 0.009, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.001, 0.000,
1358 -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.007, -0.007,
1359 -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008,
1360 -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007,
1361 -0.007, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1362 -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005},
1363 {// charge = 168 fC
1364 0.000, -0.001, 0.006, 0.027, 0.059, 0.098, 0.142, 0.188, 0.236, 0.284, 0.330, 0.376, 0.419, 0.461,
1365 0.500, 0.537, 0.572, 0.604, 0.633, 0.660, 0.685, 0.708, 0.728, 0.746, 0.762, 0.776, 0.788, 0.798,
1366 0.806, 0.812, 0.817, 0.821, 0.823, 0.823, 0.823, 0.821, 0.818, 0.813, 0.808, 0.802, 0.795, 0.787,
1367 0.778, 0.769, 0.759, 0.748, 0.737, 0.725, 0.713, 0.701, 0.688, 0.675, 0.661, 0.648, 0.634, 0.620,
1368 0.606, 0.592, 0.577, 0.563, 0.549, 0.534, 0.520, 0.506, 0.491, 0.477, 0.463, 0.450, 0.436, 0.422,
1369 0.409, 0.396, 0.383, 0.370, 0.357, 0.345, 0.333, 0.321, 0.309, 0.298, 0.287, 0.276, 0.265, 0.255,
1370 0.245, 0.235, 0.225, 0.216, 0.207, 0.198, 0.189, 0.181, 0.173, 0.165, 0.157, 0.150, 0.142, 0.136,
1371 0.129, 0.123, 0.116, 0.110, 0.104, 0.099, 0.093, 0.088, 0.083, 0.078, 0.074, 0.069, 0.065, 0.061,
1372 0.057, 0.053, 0.050, 0.046, 0.043, 0.040, 0.037, 0.034, 0.031, 0.029, 0.026, 0.024, 0.022, 0.020,
1373 0.018, 0.016, 0.014, 0.012, 0.011, 0.009, 0.008, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.001, 0.000,
1374 -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.004, -0.004, -0.005, -0.005, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007,
1375 -0.007, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008,
1376 -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007,
1377 -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1378 -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005},
1379 {// charge = 180 fC
1380 0.000, -0.001, 0.007, 0.029, 0.062, 0.104, 0.151, 0.201, 0.251, 0.302, 0.353, 0.401, 0.448, 0.493,
1381 0.535, 0.574, 0.611, 0.646, 0.677, 0.707, 0.733, 0.757, 0.779, 0.798, 0.816, 0.831, 0.843, 0.854,
1382 0.863, 0.870, 0.876, 0.879, 0.882, 0.882, 0.881, 0.879, 0.876, 0.872, 0.866, 0.859, 0.852, 0.843,
1383 0.834, 0.824, 0.813, 0.802, 0.790, 0.778, 0.765, 0.751, 0.738, 0.723, 0.709, 0.694, 0.680, 0.665,
1384 0.649, 0.634, 0.619, 0.603, 0.588, 0.573, 0.557, 0.542, 0.527, 0.512, 0.497, 0.482, 0.467, 0.453,
1385 0.439, 0.424, 0.410, 0.397, 0.383, 0.370, 0.357, 0.344, 0.332, 0.320, 0.308, 0.296, 0.284, 0.273,
1386 0.262, 0.252, 0.241, 0.231, 0.221, 0.212, 0.203, 0.194, 0.185, 0.177, 0.168, 0.160, 0.153, 0.145,
1387 0.138, 0.132, 0.124, 0.118, 0.112, 0.106, 0.100, 0.094, 0.089, 0.084, 0.079, 0.074, 0.070, 0.065,
1388 0.061, 0.057, 0.053, 0.049, 0.046, 0.043, 0.039, 0.036, 0.034, 0.031, 0.028, 0.026, 0.023, 0.021,
1389 0.019, 0.017, 0.015, 0.013, 0.011, 0.010, 0.008, 0.007, 0.006, 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.001, 0.000,
1390 -0.001, -0.002, -0.002, -0.003, -0.004, -0.005, -0.005, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.008,
1391 -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009,
1392 -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.007,
1393 -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006,
1394 -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005},
1395 {// charge = 195 fC
1396 0.000, -0.001, 0.007, 0.031, 0.067, 0.112, 0.162, 0.216, 0.271, 0.326, 0.380, 0.433, 0.484, 0.532,
1397 0.578, 0.621, 0.661, 0.698, 0.733, 0.764, 0.793, 0.819, 0.843, 0.864, 0.883, 0.899, 0.913, 0.925,
1398 0.935, 0.943, 0.948, 0.953, 0.955, 0.956, 0.955, 0.953, 0.949, 0.944, 0.938, 0.931, 0.923, 0.914,
1399 0.904, 0.893, 0.882, 0.869, 0.856, 0.843, 0.829, 0.814, 0.800, 0.784, 0.769, 0.753, 0.737, 0.721,
1400 0.704, 0.688, 0.671, 0.654, 0.638, 0.621, 0.604, 0.588, 0.571, 0.555, 0.539, 0.523, 0.507, 0.491,
1401 0.476, 0.460, 0.445, 0.430, 0.416, 0.401, 0.387, 0.373, 0.360, 0.347, 0.334, 0.321, 0.308, 0.296,
1402 0.285, 0.273, 0.262, 0.251, 0.240, 0.230, 0.220, 0.210, 0.201, 0.192, 0.183, 0.174, 0.166, 0.158,
1403 0.150, 0.143, 0.135, 0.128, 0.121, 0.115, 0.108, 0.102, 0.096, 0.091, 0.086, 0.080, 0.076, 0.071,
1404 0.066, 0.062, 0.058, 0.054, 0.050, 0.046, 0.043, 0.039, 0.036, 0.033, 0.030, 0.028, 0.025, 0.023,
1405 0.020, 0.018, 0.016, 0.014, 0.012, 0.011, 0.009, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.003, 0.002, 0.001, 0.000,
1406 -0.001, -0.002, -0.003, -0.003, -0.004, -0.005, -0.006, -0.006, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008,
1407 -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010,
1408 -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008,
1409 -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006,
1410 -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006},
1411 {// charge = 210 fC
1412 0.000, -0.001, 0.008, 0.033, 0.071, 0.119, 0.173, 0.230, 0.290, 0.349, 0.407, 0.464, 0.519, 0.571,
1413 0.620, 0.666, 0.710, 0.750, 0.787, 0.821, 0.853, 0.881, 0.907, 0.930, 0.950, 0.967, 0.983, 0.996,
1414 1.006, 1.015, 1.021, 1.026, 1.028, 1.029, 1.028, 1.026, 1.022, 1.017, 1.011, 1.003, 0.995, 0.985,
1415 0.974, 0.962, 0.950, 0.937, 0.923, 0.908, 0.893, 0.878, 0.862, 0.845, 0.828, 0.811, 0.794, 0.777,
1416 0.759, 0.741, 0.723, 0.705, 0.687, 0.669, 0.652, 0.634, 0.616, 0.598, 0.581, 0.564, 0.546, 0.529,
1417 0.513, 0.496, 0.480, 0.464, 0.448, 0.433, 0.418, 0.403, 0.388, 0.374, 0.360, 0.346, 0.333, 0.320,
1418 0.307, 0.294, 0.282, 0.270, 0.259, 0.248, 0.237, 0.227, 0.216, 0.206, 0.197, 0.188, 0.179, 0.170,
1419 0.161, 0.154, 0.145, 0.138, 0.131, 0.124, 0.117, 0.110, 0.104, 0.098, 0.092, 0.087, 0.081, 0.076,
1420 0.071, 0.067, 0.062, 0.058, 0.054, 0.050, 0.046, 0.043, 0.039, 0.036, 0.033, 0.030, 0.027, 0.025,
1421 0.022, 0.020, 0.017, 0.015, 0.013, 0.011, 0.010, 0.008, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.002, 0.001, 0.000,
1422 -0.001, -0.002, -0.003, -0.004, -0.005, -0.005, -0.006, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.008, -0.008, -0.009, -0.009,
1423 -0.009, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.010,
1424 -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009,
1425 -0.009, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007,
1426 -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006},
1427 {// charge = 225 fC
1428 0.000, -0.001, 0.008, 0.035, 0.075, 0.126, 0.183, 0.245, 0.308, 0.371, 0.434, 0.495, 0.553, 0.609,
1429 0.662, 0.712, 0.758, 0.801, 0.842, 0.878, 0.912, 0.943, 0.970, 0.995, 1.017, 1.036, 1.052, 1.066,
1430 1.077, 1.087, 1.094, 1.098, 1.101, 1.102, 1.102, 1.099, 1.095, 1.090, 1.083, 1.075, 1.066, 1.055,
1431 1.044, 1.032, 1.018, 1.004, 0.989, 0.974, 0.958, 0.941, 0.924, 0.906, 0.888, 0.870, 0.852, 0.833,
1432 0.814, 0.795, 0.776, 0.756, 0.737, 0.718, 0.699, 0.680, 0.661, 0.642, 0.623, 0.605, 0.586, 0.568,
1433 0.550, 0.532, 0.515, 0.498, 0.481, 0.464, 0.448, 0.432, 0.416, 0.401, 0.386, 0.371, 0.357, 0.343,
1434 0.329, 0.316, 0.303, 0.290, 0.278, 0.266, 0.254, 0.243, 0.232, 0.222, 0.211, 0.201, 0.192, 0.183,
1435 0.173, 0.165, 0.156, 0.148, 0.140, 0.133, 0.126, 0.118, 0.112, 0.105, 0.099, 0.093, 0.087, 0.082,
1436 0.077, 0.072, 0.067, 0.062, 0.058, 0.053, 0.049, 0.046, 0.042, 0.039, 0.035, 0.032, 0.029, 0.026,
1437 0.024, 0.021, 0.019, 0.016, 0.014, 0.012, 0.010, 0.009, 0.007, 0.005, 0.004, 0.002, 0.001, 0.000,
1438 -0.001, -0.002, -0.003, -0.004, -0.005, -0.006, -0.006, -0.007, -0.008, -0.008, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.010,
1439 -0.010, -0.010, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011,
1440 -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010,
1441 -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007,
1442 -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.006},
1443 {// charge = 240 fC
1444 0.000, -0.001, 0.009, 0.036, 0.079, 0.132, 0.193, 0.258, 0.325, 0.393, 0.460, 0.524, 0.587, 0.647,
1445 0.703, 0.756, 0.806, 0.852, 0.895, 0.935, 0.971, 1.004, 1.033, 1.060, 1.083, 1.103, 1.121, 1.136,
1446 1.148, 1.158, 1.166, 1.171, 1.174, 1.175, 1.175, 1.172, 1.168, 1.162, 1.155, 1.147, 1.137, 1.126,
1447 1.114, 1.101, 1.087, 1.072, 1.056, 1.039, 1.022, 1.004, 0.986, 0.968, 0.948, 0.929, 0.909, 0.889,
1448 0.869, 0.849, 0.828, 0.808, 0.788, 0.767, 0.746, 0.726, 0.706, 0.686, 0.666, 0.646, 0.626, 0.607,
1449 0.588, 0.569, 0.550, 0.532, 0.514, 0.496, 0.479, 0.462, 0.445, 0.428, 0.412, 0.397, 0.381, 0.366,
1450 0.352, 0.338, 0.324, 0.310, 0.297, 0.284, 0.272, 0.260, 0.248, 0.237, 0.226, 0.215, 0.205, 0.196,
1451 0.185, 0.176, 0.167, 0.158, 0.150, 0.142, 0.134, 0.127, 0.119, 0.113, 0.106, 0.100, 0.093, 0.088,
1452 0.082, 0.077, 0.071, 0.067, 0.062, 0.057, 0.053, 0.049, 0.045, 0.041, 0.038, 0.034, 0.031, 0.028,
1453 0.025, 0.023, 0.020, 0.018, 0.015, 0.013, 0.011, 0.009, 0.007, 0.006, 0.004, 0.003, 0.001, 0.000,
1454 -0.001, -0.002, -0.003, -0.004, -0.005, -0.006, -0.007, -0.007, -0.008, -0.009, -0.009, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010,
1455 -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012,
1456 -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.010, -0.010,
1457 -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.007,
1458 -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007},
1459 {// charge = 255 fC
1460 0.000, -0.001, 0.009, 0.038, 0.082, 0.139, 0.203, 0.271, 0.343, 0.414, 0.485, 0.554, 0.620, 0.683,
1461 0.744, 0.800, 0.853, 0.903, 0.949, 0.991, 1.029, 1.064, 1.096, 1.124, 1.149, 1.170, 1.189, 1.204,
1462 1.217, 1.227, 1.234, 1.240, 1.243, 1.244, 1.243, 1.241, 1.237, 1.231, 1.224, 1.215, 1.205, 1.194,
1463 1.182, 1.168, 1.153, 1.138, 1.121, 1.104, 1.086, 1.067, 1.048, 1.028, 1.008, 0.988, 0.967, 0.946,
1464 0.924, 0.903, 0.881, 0.860, 0.838, 0.816, 0.795, 0.773, 0.751, 0.730, 0.709, 0.688, 0.667, 0.646,
1465 0.626, 0.606, 0.586, 0.567, 0.548, 0.529, 0.510, 0.492, 0.474, 0.457, 0.440, 0.423, 0.407, 0.391,
1466 0.375, 0.360, 0.346, 0.331, 0.317, 0.304, 0.290, 0.277, 0.265, 0.253, 0.241, 0.230, 0.219, 0.209,
1467 0.198, 0.188, 0.178, 0.169, 0.160, 0.152, 0.143, 0.136, 0.128, 0.120, 0.113, 0.107, 0.100, 0.094,
1468 0.088, 0.082, 0.076, 0.071, 0.066, 0.061, 0.057, 0.053, 0.048, 0.044, 0.041, 0.037, 0.034, 0.030,
1469 0.027, 0.024, 0.022, 0.019, 0.017, 0.014, 0.012, 0.010, 0.008, 0.006, 0.005, 0.003, 0.002, 0.000,
1470 -0.001, -0.002, -0.003, -0.005, -0.006, -0.006, -0.007, -0.008, -0.009, -0.009, -0.010, -0.010, -0.011, -0.011,
1471 -0.011, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013,
1472 -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011,
1473 -0.011, -0.011, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008,
1474 -0.008, -0.008, -0.007, -0.007},
1475 {// charge = 270 fC
1476 0.000, -0.001, 0.010, 0.039, 0.086, 0.145, 0.212, 0.284, 0.359, 0.434, 0.509, 0.582, 0.652, 0.720,
1477 0.783, 0.844, 0.900, 0.953, 1.001, 1.046, 1.087, 1.124, 1.158, 1.187, 1.212, 1.234, 1.252, 1.267,
1478 1.279, 1.289, 1.295, 1.300, 1.302, 1.303, 1.302, 1.299, 1.295, 1.289, 1.282, 1.274, 1.264, 1.253,
1479 1.241, 1.228, 1.213, 1.198, 1.181, 1.164, 1.146, 1.127, 1.107, 1.087, 1.066, 1.045, 1.023, 1.001,
1480 0.979, 0.957, 0.934, 0.911, 0.889, 0.866, 0.843, 0.821, 0.798, 0.776, 0.753, 0.731, 0.709, 0.688,
1481 0.666, 0.645, 0.624, 0.604, 0.584, 0.564, 0.544, 0.525, 0.506, 0.488, 0.470, 0.452, 0.435, 0.418,
1482 0.401, 0.385, 0.370, 0.354, 0.340, 0.325, 0.311, 0.297, 0.284, 0.271, 0.259, 0.247, 0.235, 0.225,
1483 0.213, 0.202, 0.192, 0.182, 0.173, 0.164, 0.155, 0.146, 0.138, 0.130, 0.123, 0.115, 0.108, 0.102,
1484 0.095, 0.089, 0.083, 0.077, 0.072, 0.067, 0.062, 0.057, 0.053, 0.049, 0.044, 0.041, 0.037, 0.033,
1485 0.030, 0.027, 0.024, 0.021, 0.019, 0.016, 0.014, 0.012, 0.009, 0.007, 0.006, 0.004, 0.002, 0.001,
1486 -0.001, -0.002, -0.003, -0.004, -0.005, -0.006, -0.007, -0.008, -0.009, -0.009, -0.010, -0.011, -0.011, -0.012,
1487 -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014,
1488 -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012,
1489 -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009,
1490 -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008},
1491 {// charge = 285 fC
1492 0.000, -0.001, 0.010, 0.041, 0.089, 0.150, 0.220, 0.296, 0.374, 0.454, 0.533, 0.609, 0.684, 0.755,
1493 0.822, 0.886, 0.946, 1.002, 1.053, 1.101, 1.144, 1.183, 1.217, 1.246, 1.271, 1.291, 1.308, 1.321,
1494 1.331, 1.338, 1.343, 1.346, 1.348, 1.347, 1.346, 1.342, 1.338, 1.332, 1.326, 1.318, 1.309, 1.299,
1495 1.287, 1.275, 1.261, 1.247, 1.231, 1.214, 1.197, 1.179, 1.159, 1.139, 1.119, 1.097, 1.076, 1.053,
1496 1.031, 1.008, 0.985, 0.962, 0.939, 0.916, 0.893, 0.869, 0.846, 0.823, 0.800, 0.777, 0.754, 0.732,
1497 0.709, 0.687, 0.666, 0.644, 0.623, 0.602, 0.582, 0.562, 0.542, 0.523, 0.504, 0.485, 0.467, 0.449,
1498 0.432, 0.415, 0.398, 0.382, 0.366, 0.351, 0.336, 0.321, 0.307, 0.294, 0.280, 0.268, 0.255, 0.244,
1499 0.231, 0.220, 0.209, 0.199, 0.188, 0.179, 0.169, 0.160, 0.151, 0.143, 0.135, 0.127, 0.119, 0.112,
1500 0.105, 0.098, 0.092, 0.086, 0.080, 0.075, 0.069, 0.064, 0.059, 0.055, 0.050, 0.046, 0.042, 0.038,
1501 0.035, 0.031, 0.028, 0.025, 0.022, 0.019, 0.017, 0.014, 0.012, 0.010, 0.008, 0.006, 0.004, 0.002,
1502 0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.003, -0.004, -0.006, -0.007, -0.007, -0.008, -0.009, -0.010, -0.010, -0.011, -0.012,
1503 -0.012, -0.012, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014,
1504 -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012,
1505 -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.009,
1506 -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.008},
1507 {// charge = 300 fC
1508 0.000, -0.001, 0.010, 0.042, 0.092, 0.155, 0.228, 0.307, 0.389, 0.472, 0.555, 0.636, 0.714, 0.789,
1509 0.860, 0.928, 0.991, 1.050, 1.104, 1.154, 1.199, 1.238, 1.271, 1.298, 1.320, 1.338, 1.352, 1.362,
1510 1.369, 1.374, 1.377, 1.379, 1.379, 1.378, 1.375, 1.372, 1.368, 1.363, 1.356, 1.349, 1.341, 1.332,
1511 1.322, 1.311, 1.299, 1.285, 1.271, 1.256, 1.240, 1.223, 1.205, 1.186, 1.166, 1.146, 1.125, 1.103,
1512 1.081, 1.058, 1.035, 1.012, 0.989, 0.965, 0.942, 0.918, 0.895, 0.871, 0.848, 0.824, 0.801, 0.778,
1513 0.755, 0.732, 0.710, 0.688, 0.666, 0.644, 0.623, 0.602, 0.581, 0.561, 0.541, 0.522, 0.503, 0.484,
1514 0.466, 0.448, 0.430, 0.413, 0.397, 0.381, 0.365, 0.349, 0.334, 0.320, 0.306, 0.292, 0.279, 0.266,
1515 0.254, 0.242, 0.230, 0.218, 0.208, 0.197, 0.187, 0.177, 0.168, 0.158, 0.150, 0.141, 0.133, 0.125,
1516 0.118, 0.110, 0.104, 0.097, 0.091, 0.085, 0.079, 0.073, 0.068, 0.063, 0.058, 0.053, 0.049, 0.045,
1517 0.041, 0.037, 0.034, 0.030, 0.027, 0.024, 0.021, 0.018, 0.016, 0.013, 0.011, 0.009, 0.007, 0.005,
1518 0.003, 0.002, 0.000, -0.001, -0.003, -0.004, -0.005, -0.006, -0.007, -0.008, -0.009, -0.010, -0.010, -0.011,
1519 -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015,
1520 -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013,
1521 -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010,
1522 -0.010, -0.010, -0.009, -0.009},
1523 {// charge = 315 fC
1524 0.000, -0.001, 0.011, 0.043, 0.094, 0.159, 0.235, 0.317, 0.403, 0.490, 0.576, 0.661, 0.743, 0.822,
1525 0.897, 0.968, 1.035, 1.097, 1.154, 1.205, 1.249, 1.287, 1.317, 1.341, 1.359, 1.373, 1.383, 1.390,
1526 1.395, 1.398, 1.400, 1.400, 1.400, 1.398, 1.396, 1.393, 1.389, 1.384, 1.378, 1.372, 1.365, 1.357,
1527 1.348, 1.339, 1.328, 1.317, 1.304, 1.291, 1.276, 1.261, 1.244, 1.227, 1.209, 1.190, 1.170, 1.149,
1528 1.128, 1.106, 1.084, 1.061, 1.038, 1.015, 0.992, 0.968, 0.944, 0.921, 0.897, 0.873, 0.850, 0.826,
1529 0.803, 0.779, 0.756, 0.734, 0.711, 0.689, 0.667, 0.645, 0.624, 0.603, 0.582, 0.562, 0.542, 0.522,
1530 0.503, 0.485, 0.466, 0.448, 0.431, 0.414, 0.397, 0.381, 0.365, 0.350, 0.335, 0.320, 0.306, 0.292,
1531 0.279, 0.267, 0.253, 0.241, 0.230, 0.218, 0.207, 0.197, 0.187, 0.177, 0.167, 0.158, 0.149, 0.141,
1532 0.133, 0.125, 0.117, 0.110, 0.103, 0.097, 0.090, 0.084, 0.078, 0.073, 0.067, 0.062, 0.058, 0.053,
1533 0.049, 0.044, 0.040, 0.037, 0.033, 0.030, 0.026, 0.023, 0.021, 0.018, 0.015, 0.013, 0.011, 0.008,
1534 0.006, 0.004, 0.003, 0.001, -0.000, -0.002, -0.003, -0.004, -0.006, -0.007, -0.008, -0.008, -0.009, -0.010,
1535 -0.011, -0.011, -0.012, -0.012, -0.013, -0.013, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015,
1536 -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014,
1537 -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011,
1538 -0.011, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010},
1539 {// charge = 330 fC
1540 0.000, -0.001, 0.011, 0.044, 0.096, 0.163, 0.241, 0.326, 0.415, 0.506, 0.596, 0.685, 0.771, 0.854,
1541 0.933, 1.007, 1.077, 1.142, 1.201, 1.252, 1.294, 1.328, 1.353, 1.373, 1.387, 1.397, 1.404, 1.409,
1542 1.412, 1.414, 1.414, 1.414, 1.414, 1.412, 1.410, 1.407, 1.404, 1.400, 1.395, 1.389, 1.383, 1.377,
1543 1.369, 1.361, 1.352, 1.342, 1.331, 1.320, 1.307, 1.294, 1.279, 1.263, 1.247, 1.230, 1.211, 1.192,
1544 1.173, 1.152, 1.131, 1.109, 1.086, 1.064, 1.041, 1.017, 0.994, 0.970, 0.947, 0.923, 0.899, 0.875,
1545 0.852, 0.828, 0.805, 0.782, 0.758, 0.736, 0.713, 0.691, 0.669, 0.647, 0.626, 0.605, 0.584, 0.563,
1546 0.544, 0.524, 0.505, 0.486, 0.468, 0.450, 0.432, 0.415, 0.398, 0.382, 0.366, 0.351, 0.336, 0.321,
1547 0.307, 0.294, 0.279, 0.267, 0.254, 0.242, 0.230, 0.219, 0.208, 0.197, 0.187, 0.177, 0.168, 0.159,
1548 0.150, 0.141, 0.133, 0.125, 0.118, 0.110, 0.104, 0.097, 0.090, 0.084, 0.078, 0.073, 0.068, 0.062,
1549 0.058, 0.053, 0.049, 0.044, 0.040, 0.037, 0.033, 0.030, 0.026, 0.023, 0.020, 0.018, 0.015, 0.013,
1550 0.010, 0.008, 0.006, 0.004, 0.002, 0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.003, -0.005, -0.006, -0.007, -0.008, -0.009,
1551 -0.010, -0.010, -0.011, -0.012, -0.012, -0.013, -0.013, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015,
1552 -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.014,
1553 -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012,
1554 -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011},
1555 {// charge = 345 fC
1556 0.000, -0.001, 0.012, 0.045, 0.098, 0.167, 0.247, 0.335, 0.427, 0.521, 0.615, 0.708, 0.797, 0.884,
1557 0.967, 1.045, 1.118, 1.186, 1.244, 1.293, 1.331, 1.360, 1.380, 1.395, 1.405, 1.412, 1.417, 1.420,
1558 1.422, 1.423, 1.424, 1.424, 1.423, 1.422, 1.420, 1.417, 1.415, 1.411, 1.407, 1.403, 1.398, 1.392,
1559 1.386, 1.379, 1.371, 1.363, 1.354, 1.344, 1.333, 1.322, 1.309, 1.296, 1.281, 1.266, 1.249, 1.232,
1560 1.214, 1.195, 1.175, 1.155, 1.133, 1.111, 1.089, 1.066, 1.043, 1.020, 0.997, 0.973, 0.949, 0.926,
1561 0.902, 0.878, 0.854, 0.831, 0.807, 0.784, 0.761, 0.738, 0.716, 0.693, 0.671, 0.649, 0.628, 0.607,
1562 0.586, 0.566, 0.546, 0.526, 0.507, 0.488, 0.470, 0.452, 0.434, 0.417, 0.400, 0.384, 0.368, 0.352,
1563 0.337, 0.323, 0.308, 0.294, 0.281, 0.268, 0.255, 0.243, 0.231, 0.220, 0.209, 0.198, 0.188, 0.178,
1564 0.169, 0.159, 0.150, 0.142, 0.134, 0.126, 0.118, 0.111, 0.104, 0.097, 0.091, 0.085, 0.079, 0.073,
1565 0.068, 0.063, 0.058, 0.053, 0.049, 0.044, 0.040, 0.037, 0.033, 0.030, 0.026, 0.023, 0.020, 0.018,
1566 0.015, 0.013, 0.010, 0.008, 0.006, 0.004, 0.002, 0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.004, -0.005, -0.006, -0.007,
1567 -0.008, -0.009, -0.010, -0.011, -0.011, -0.012, -0.012, -0.013, -0.013, -0.014, -0.014, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015,
1568 -0.015, -0.015, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015,
1569 -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012,
1570 -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.011},
1571 {// charge = 360 fC
1572 0.000, -0.001, 0.012, 0.046, 0.100, 0.170, 0.252, 0.342, 0.437, 0.534, 0.632, 0.728, 0.822, 0.912,
1573 0.999, 1.081, 1.157, 1.226, 1.282, 1.327, 1.360, 1.383, 1.399, 1.410, 1.417, 1.421, 1.425, 1.427,
1574 1.428, 1.429, 1.430, 1.430, 1.429, 1.428, 1.427, 1.425, 1.423, 1.420, 1.417, 1.413, 1.409, 1.405,
1575 1.400, 1.394, 1.387, 1.380, 1.373, 1.364, 1.355, 1.346, 1.335, 1.323, 1.311, 1.297, 1.283, 1.268,
1576 1.251, 1.234, 1.216, 1.197, 1.178, 1.157, 1.136, 1.114, 1.092, 1.069, 1.046, 1.023, 1.000, 0.976,
1577 0.952, 0.929, 0.905, 0.881, 0.857, 0.834, 0.810, 0.787, 0.764, 0.741, 0.718, 0.696, 0.674, 0.652,
1578 0.631, 0.609, 0.589, 0.568, 0.548, 0.528, 0.509, 0.490, 0.472, 0.454, 0.436, 0.419, 0.402, 0.386,
1579 0.370, 0.355, 0.339, 0.324, 0.310, 0.296, 0.283, 0.269, 0.257, 0.245, 0.233, 0.221, 0.210, 0.200,
1580 0.189, 0.179, 0.170, 0.160, 0.151, 0.143, 0.134, 0.127, 0.119, 0.112, 0.105, 0.098, 0.091, 0.085,
1581 0.079, 0.074, 0.068, 0.063, 0.058, 0.053, 0.049, 0.045, 0.041, 0.037, 0.033, 0.030, 0.026, 0.023,
1582 0.020, 0.018, 0.015, 0.012, 0.010, 0.008, 0.006, 0.004, 0.002, 0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.004, -0.005,
1583 -0.006, -0.007, -0.008, -0.009, -0.010, -0.011, -0.012, -0.012, -0.013, -0.013, -0.014, -0.014, -0.015, -0.015,
1584 -0.015, -0.015, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016,
1585 -0.016, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013,
1586 -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012},
1587 {// charge = 375 fC
1588 0.000, -0.001, 0.012, 0.047, 0.102, 0.173, 0.256, 0.348, 0.446, 0.546, 0.647, 0.747, 0.845, 0.939,
1589 1.029, 1.114, 1.193, 1.261, 1.314, 1.353, 1.381, 1.399, 1.411, 1.418, 1.423, 1.427, 1.429, 1.431,
1590 1.432, 1.433, 1.434, 1.434, 1.433, 1.433, 1.432, 1.431, 1.429, 1.427, 1.425, 1.422, 1.419, 1.415,
1591 1.411, 1.406, 1.401, 1.395, 1.389, 1.382, 1.374, 1.366, 1.357, 1.347, 1.336, 1.325, 1.313, 1.299,
1592 1.285, 1.270, 1.253, 1.236, 1.218, 1.200, 1.180, 1.160, 1.139, 1.117, 1.095, 1.072, 1.049, 1.026,
1593 1.003, 0.979, 0.955, 0.932, 0.908, 0.884, 0.860, 0.837, 0.813, 0.790, 0.767, 0.744, 0.721, 0.699,
1594 0.677, 0.655, 0.633, 0.612, 0.591, 0.571, 0.551, 0.531, 0.511, 0.493, 0.474, 0.456, 0.438, 0.421,
1595 0.404, 0.387, 0.371, 0.356, 0.341, 0.326, 0.311, 0.298, 0.284, 0.271, 0.258, 0.246, 0.234, 0.222,
1596 0.211, 0.201, 0.190, 0.180, 0.170, 0.161, 0.152, 0.144, 0.135, 0.127, 0.120, 0.112, 0.105, 0.098,
1597 0.092, 0.086, 0.080, 0.074, 0.069, 0.063, 0.058, 0.054, 0.049, 0.045, 0.041, 0.037, 0.033, 0.030,
1598 0.026, 0.023, 0.020, 0.018, 0.015, 0.012, 0.010, 0.008, 0.006, 0.004, 0.002, 0.000, -0.001, -0.003,
1599 -0.004, -0.005, -0.007, -0.008, -0.009, -0.010, -0.010, -0.011, -0.012, -0.013, -0.013, -0.014, -0.014, -0.015,
1600 -0.015, -0.015, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016,
1601 -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014,
1602 -0.014, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013},
1603 {// charge = 390 fC
1604 0.000, -0.001, 0.012, 0.048, 0.103, 0.175, 0.259, 0.354, 0.454, 0.557, 0.661, 0.764, 0.865, 0.962,
1605 1.056, 1.145, 1.225, 1.290, 1.339, 1.373, 1.395, 1.409, 1.418, 1.424, 1.427, 1.430, 1.432, 1.434,
1606 1.435, 1.436, 1.436, 1.436, 1.436, 1.436, 1.436, 1.435, 1.434, 1.432, 1.430, 1.428, 1.426, 1.423,
1607 1.420, 1.416, 1.412, 1.407, 1.402, 1.396, 1.390, 1.383, 1.375, 1.367, 1.358, 1.348, 1.338, 1.327,
1608 1.314, 1.301, 1.287, 1.272, 1.256, 1.239, 1.221, 1.202, 1.183, 1.163, 1.142, 1.120, 1.098, 1.075,
1609 1.052, 1.029, 1.006, 0.982, 0.958, 0.935, 0.911, 0.887, 0.863, 0.840, 0.816, 0.793, 0.770, 0.747,
1610 0.724, 0.702, 0.679, 0.658, 0.636, 0.615, 0.594, 0.573, 0.553, 0.533, 0.514, 0.495, 0.476, 0.458,
1611 0.440, 0.423, 0.406, 0.389, 0.374, 0.357, 0.342, 0.327, 0.313, 0.299, 0.285, 0.272, 0.260, 0.247,
1612 0.235, 0.224, 0.212, 0.202, 0.191, 0.181, 0.171, 0.162, 0.153, 0.144, 0.136, 0.128, 0.120, 0.113,
1613 0.106, 0.099, 0.092, 0.086, 0.080, 0.074, 0.069, 0.064, 0.059, 0.054, 0.049, 0.045, 0.041, 0.037,
1614 0.033, 0.030, 0.026, 0.023, 0.020, 0.017, 0.015, 0.012, 0.010, 0.008, 0.006, 0.004, 0.002, 0.000,
1615 -0.001, -0.003, -0.004, -0.006, -0.007, -0.008, -0.009, -0.010, -0.011, -0.012, -0.012, -0.013, -0.013, -0.014,
1616 -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017,
1617 -0.017, -0.017, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015,
1618 -0.015, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014},
1619 {// charge = 405 fC
1620 0.000, -0.001, 0.013, 0.049, 0.104, 0.177, 0.262, 0.358, 0.460, 0.566, 0.672, 0.778, 0.882, 0.983,
1621 1.080, 1.172, 1.251, 1.313, 1.358, 1.387, 1.405, 1.416, 1.422, 1.427, 1.430, 1.432, 1.434, 1.435,
1622 1.436, 1.437, 1.438, 1.438, 1.438, 1.438, 1.438, 1.438, 1.437, 1.436, 1.435, 1.433, 1.431, 1.429,
1623 1.427, 1.424, 1.421, 1.417, 1.413, 1.408, 1.403, 1.397, 1.391, 1.384, 1.376, 1.368, 1.359, 1.350,
1624 1.339, 1.328, 1.316, 1.303, 1.289, 1.274, 1.258, 1.241, 1.223, 1.205, 1.186, 1.165, 1.145, 1.123,
1625 1.101, 1.078, 1.055, 1.032, 1.009, 0.985, 0.962, 0.938, 0.914, 0.890, 0.867, 0.843, 0.819, 0.796,
1626 0.773, 0.750, 0.727, 0.704, 0.682, 0.660, 0.639, 0.617, 0.596, 0.576, 0.555, 0.535, 0.516, 0.497,
1627 0.478, 0.460, 0.442, 0.425, 0.408, 0.391, 0.375, 0.359, 0.344, 0.329, 0.314, 0.300, 0.287, 0.274,
1628 0.261, 0.248, 0.236, 0.225, 0.213, 0.202, 0.192, 0.182, 0.172, 0.163, 0.154, 0.145, 0.137, 0.128,
1629 0.121, 0.113, 0.106, 0.099, 0.093, 0.086, 0.080, 0.075, 0.069, 0.064, 0.059, 0.054, 0.049, 0.045,
1630 0.041, 0.037, 0.033, 0.030, 0.026, 0.023, 0.020, 0.017, 0.015, 0.012, 0.010, 0.007, 0.005, 0.003,
1631 0.002, -0.000, -0.002, -0.003, -0.005, -0.006, -0.007, -0.008, -0.009, -0.010, -0.011, -0.012, -0.013, -0.013,
1632 -0.014, -0.014, -0.015, -0.015, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017,
1633 -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016,
1634 -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015},
1635 {// charge = 420 fC
1636 0.000, -0.001, 0.013, 0.050, 0.105, 0.178, 0.265, 0.362, 0.466, 0.573, 0.682, 0.790, 0.897, 1.000,
1637 1.099, 1.193, 1.271, 1.330, 1.370, 1.396, 1.410, 1.419, 1.424, 1.428, 1.431, 1.433, 1.435, 1.436,
1638 1.437, 1.438, 1.439, 1.439, 1.440, 1.440, 1.440, 1.440, 1.439, 1.439, 1.438, 1.437, 1.436, 1.434,
1639 1.432, 1.430, 1.428, 1.425, 1.421, 1.418, 1.414, 1.409, 1.404, 1.398, 1.392, 1.385, 1.378, 1.370,
1640 1.361, 1.351, 1.341, 1.330, 1.318, 1.305, 1.291, 1.276, 1.260, 1.244, 1.226, 1.208, 1.188, 1.168,
1641 1.148, 1.126, 1.104, 1.081, 1.059, 1.035, 1.012, 0.989, 0.965, 0.941, 0.917, 0.893, 0.870, 0.846,
1642 0.822, 0.799, 0.776, 0.753, 0.730, 0.707, 0.685, 0.663, 0.641, 0.620, 0.599, 0.578, 0.558, 0.538,
1643 0.518, 0.499, 0.480, 0.462, 0.444, 0.426, 0.410, 0.392, 0.376, 0.361, 0.345, 0.330, 0.316, 0.302,
1644 0.288, 0.275, 0.262, 0.249, 0.237, 0.225, 0.214, 0.203, 0.193, 0.183, 0.173, 0.163, 0.154, 0.145,
1645 0.137, 0.129, 0.121, 0.113, 0.106, 0.099, 0.093, 0.086, 0.080, 0.075, 0.069, 0.064, 0.059, 0.054,
1646 0.049, 0.045, 0.041, 0.037, 0.033, 0.030, 0.026, 0.023, 0.020, 0.017, 0.014, 0.012, 0.009, 0.007,
1647 0.005, 0.003, 0.001, -0.001, -0.002, -0.004, -0.005, -0.006, -0.008, -0.009, -0.010, -0.011, -0.012, -0.012,
1648 -0.013, -0.014, -0.014, -0.015, -0.015, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017,
1649 -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.016, -0.016,
1650 -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016},
1651 {// charge = 435 fC
1652 0.000, -0.001, 0.013, 0.050, 0.107, 0.180, 0.267, 0.365, 0.470, 0.579, 0.690, 0.800, 0.908, 1.013,
1653 1.114, 1.208, 1.285, 1.341, 1.378, 1.400, 1.413, 1.421, 1.425, 1.429, 1.431, 1.433, 1.435, 1.436,
1654 1.438, 1.439, 1.439, 1.440, 1.441, 1.441, 1.441, 1.441, 1.441, 1.441, 1.441, 1.440, 1.439, 1.438,
1655 1.437, 1.435, 1.433, 1.431, 1.429, 1.426, 1.422, 1.419, 1.415, 1.410, 1.405, 1.399, 1.393, 1.387,
1656 1.379, 1.371, 1.363, 1.353, 1.343, 1.332, 1.320, 1.308, 1.294, 1.279, 1.263, 1.247, 1.229, 1.211,
1657 1.192, 1.172, 1.151, 1.130, 1.108, 1.085, 1.062, 1.039, 1.016, 0.992, 0.968, 0.945, 0.921, 0.897,
1658 0.873, 0.849, 0.826, 0.802, 0.779, 0.756, 0.733, 0.710, 0.688, 0.665, 0.644, 0.622, 0.601, 0.580,
1659 0.560, 0.540, 0.520, 0.501, 0.482, 0.464, 0.446, 0.428, 0.411, 0.394, 0.378, 0.362, 0.346, 0.331,
1660 0.317, 0.303, 0.289, 0.275, 0.262, 0.250, 0.238, 0.226, 0.215, 0.204, 0.193, 0.183, 0.173, 0.163,
1661 0.154, 0.145, 0.137, 0.129, 0.121, 0.113, 0.106, 0.099, 0.092, 0.086, 0.080, 0.074, 0.069, 0.063,
1662 0.058, 0.053, 0.049, 0.044, 0.040, 0.036, 0.033, 0.029, 0.026, 0.022, 0.019, 0.016, 0.014, 0.011,
1663 0.009, 0.007, 0.004, 0.002, 0.001, -0.001, -0.003, -0.004, -0.006, -0.007, -0.008, -0.009, -0.010, -0.011,
1664 -0.012, -0.013, -0.014, -0.014, -0.015, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018,
1665 -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.017, -0.017,
1666 -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.016},
1667 {// charge = 450 fC
1668 0.000, -0.001, 0.014, 0.051, 0.108, 0.181, 0.269, 0.368, 0.474, 0.584, 0.696, 0.807, 0.916, 1.022,
1669 1.124, 1.217, 1.292, 1.347, 1.382, 1.398, 1.410, 1.418, 1.424, 1.430, 1.436, 1.439, 1.441, 1.442,
1670 1.443, 1.442, 1.441, 1.439, 1.435, 1.431, 1.425, 1.419, 1.412, 1.404, 1.395, 1.386, 1.376, 1.366,
1671 1.355, 1.343, 1.330, 1.316, 1.301, 1.285, 1.268, 1.250, 1.232, 1.212, 1.192, 1.171, 1.149, 1.127,
1672 1.104, 1.080, 1.056, 1.032, 1.008, 0.983, 0.959, 0.934, 0.910, 0.885, 0.860, 0.836, 0.812, 0.788,
1673 0.764, 0.740, 0.717, 0.694, 0.671, 0.649, 0.627, 0.605, 0.583, 0.562, 0.542, 0.522, 0.502, 0.483,
1674 0.464, 0.445, 0.427, 0.410, 0.393, 0.376, 0.360, 0.344, 0.329, 0.314, 0.299, 0.285, 0.271, 0.259,
1675 0.245, 0.233, 0.221, 0.210, 0.199, 0.188, 0.178, 0.168, 0.158, 0.149, 0.140, 0.131, 0.123, 0.115,
1676 0.108, 0.100, 0.093, 0.087, 0.081, 0.074, 0.069, 0.063, 0.058, 0.053, 0.048, 0.044, 0.039, 0.035,
1677 0.031, 0.027, 0.024, 0.021, 0.018, 0.015, 0.012, 0.009, 0.007, 0.004, 0.002, 0.000, -0.002, -0.003,
1678 -0.005, -0.006, -0.008, -0.009, -0.010, -0.011, -0.012, -0.013, -0.014, -0.015, -0.016, -0.016, -0.017, -0.017,
1679 -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.019, -0.019, -0.019, -0.019, -0.019, -0.019, -0.019, -0.019, -0.019, -0.019, -0.019,
1680 -0.019, -0.019, -0.019, -0.019, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.017, -0.016, -0.016,
1681 -0.016, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.014, -0.014, -0.014, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012,
1682 -0.012, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011},
1683 {// charge = 465 fC
1684 0.000, -0.001, 0.014, 0.052, 0.109, 0.183, 0.271, 0.370, 0.477, 0.588, 0.701, 0.813, 0.922, 1.028,
1685 1.130, 1.223, 1.305, 1.361, 1.393, 1.409, 1.421, 1.430, 1.435, 1.438, 1.439, 1.439, 1.437, 1.433,
1686 1.426, 1.417, 1.405, 1.392, 1.378, 1.362, 1.345, 1.327, 1.308, 1.287, 1.266, 1.244, 1.220, 1.196,
1687 1.172, 1.146, 1.120, 1.094, 1.067, 1.040, 1.013, 0.986, 0.959, 0.932, 0.905, 0.878, 0.851, 0.825,
1688 0.799, 0.773, 0.747, 0.722, 0.697, 0.673, 0.649, 0.625, 0.602, 0.579, 0.557, 0.535, 0.514, 0.493,
1689 0.472, 0.453, 0.433, 0.414, 0.396, 0.378, 0.361, 0.344, 0.328, 0.312, 0.297, 0.282, 0.267, 0.253,
1690 0.240, 0.227, 0.215, 0.203, 0.191, 0.180, 0.169, 0.159, 0.149, 0.139, 0.130, 0.121, 0.113, 0.105,
1691 0.097, 0.090, 0.083, 0.076, 0.069, 0.063, 0.058, 0.052, 0.047, 0.042, 0.037, 0.033, 0.028, 0.024,
1692 0.021, 0.017, 0.014, 0.011, 0.007, 0.005, 0.002, -0.000, -0.003, -0.005, -0.007, -0.009, -0.010, -0.012,
1693 -0.013, -0.015, -0.016, -0.017, -0.018, -0.019, -0.020, -0.020, -0.021, -0.021, -0.022, -0.022, -0.023, -0.023,
1694 -0.023, -0.024, -0.024, -0.024, -0.024, -0.024, -0.024, -0.024, -0.024, -0.023, -0.023, -0.023, -0.023, -0.022,
1695 -0.022, -0.022, -0.022, -0.021, -0.021, -0.021, -0.020, -0.020, -0.020, -0.019, -0.019, -0.018, -0.018, -0.018,
1696 -0.017, -0.017, -0.016, -0.016, -0.016, -0.015, -0.015, -0.015, -0.014, -0.014, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.012,
1697 -0.012, -0.012, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.008, -0.008,
1698 -0.008, -0.008, -0.007, -0.007},
1699 {// charge = 480 fC
1700 0.000, -0.001, 0.014, 0.052, 0.109, 0.184, 0.272, 0.372, 0.480, 0.591, 0.705, 0.817, 0.927, 1.032,
1701 1.140, 1.246, 1.324, 1.373, 1.399, 1.416, 1.426, 1.433, 1.436, 1.438, 1.437, 1.433, 1.426, 1.415,
1702 1.401, 1.385, 1.366, 1.346, 1.324, 1.300, 1.275, 1.249, 1.222, 1.194, 1.166, 1.137, 1.107, 1.077,
1703 1.047, 1.017, 0.987, 0.957, 0.927, 0.897, 0.868, 0.839, 0.811, 0.782, 0.755, 0.727, 0.700, 0.674,
1704 0.648, 0.622, 0.598, 0.573, 0.549, 0.526, 0.503, 0.481, 0.460, 0.439, 0.419, 0.399, 0.380, 0.361,
1705 0.343, 0.325, 0.308, 0.292, 0.276, 0.261, 0.246, 0.232, 0.218, 0.205, 0.193, 0.180, 0.169, 0.157,
1706 0.147, 0.136, 0.127, 0.117, 0.108, 0.100, 0.091, 0.083, 0.076, 0.068, 0.062, 0.055, 0.049, 0.043,
1707 0.038, 0.033, 0.028, 0.023, 0.019, 0.015, 0.011, 0.007, 0.004, 0.001, -0.002, -0.005, -0.008, -0.010,
1708 -0.012, -0.015, -0.016, -0.018, -0.020, -0.021, -0.023, -0.024, -0.025, -0.026, -0.027, -0.028, -0.028, -0.029,
1709 -0.029, -0.030, -0.030, -0.030, -0.030, -0.030, -0.031, -0.031, -0.030, -0.030, -0.030, -0.030, -0.030, -0.030,
1710 -0.029, -0.029, -0.029, -0.028, -0.028, -0.028, -0.027, -0.027, -0.026, -0.026, -0.025, -0.025, -0.024, -0.024,
1711 -0.023, -0.023, -0.022, -0.022, -0.021, -0.021, -0.020, -0.020, -0.019, -0.019, -0.018, -0.018, -0.017, -0.017,
1712 -0.016, -0.016, -0.015, -0.015, -0.014, -0.014, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012, -0.012, -0.011, -0.011,
1713 -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007,
1714 -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006},
1715 {// charge = 495 fC
1716 0.000, -0.001, 0.014, 0.053, 0.110, 0.185, 0.274, 0.374, 0.482, 0.594, 0.708, 0.820, 0.929, 1.041,
1717 1.155, 1.259, 1.333, 1.378, 1.403, 1.419, 1.428, 1.434, 1.436, 1.436, 1.433, 1.426, 1.414, 1.398,
1718 1.379, 1.357, 1.333, 1.306, 1.278, 1.248, 1.218, 1.187, 1.155, 1.122, 1.089, 1.056, 1.023, 0.990,
1719 0.958, 0.925, 0.893, 0.861, 0.830, 0.799, 0.769, 0.739, 0.710, 0.682, 0.653, 0.626, 0.599, 0.573,
1720 0.547, 0.522, 0.498, 0.475, 0.452, 0.429, 0.408, 0.387, 0.367, 0.347, 0.328, 0.310, 0.292, 0.275,
1721 0.259, 0.243, 0.228, 0.213, 0.199, 0.185, 0.172, 0.160, 0.148, 0.137, 0.126, 0.115, 0.105, 0.096,
1722 0.087, 0.078, 0.070, 0.063, 0.054, 0.048, 0.041, 0.035, 0.029, 0.024, 0.018, 0.013, 0.009, 0.004,
1723 0.000, -0.003, -0.007, -0.010, -0.013, -0.016, -0.019, -0.021, -0.024, -0.026, -0.028, -0.029, -0.031, -0.032,
1724 -0.033, -0.035, -0.035, -0.036, -0.037, -0.038, -0.038, -0.039, -0.039, -0.039, -0.039, -0.039, -0.039, -0.039,
1725 -0.039, -0.039, -0.039, -0.039, -0.038, -0.038, -0.037, -0.037, -0.036, -0.036, -0.035, -0.035, -0.034, -0.034,
1726 -0.033, -0.033, -0.032, -0.031, -0.030, -0.030, -0.029, -0.029, -0.028, -0.027, -0.026, -0.026, -0.025, -0.025,
1727 -0.024, -0.023, -0.022, -0.022, -0.021, -0.021, -0.020, -0.019, -0.019, -0.018, -0.018, -0.017, -0.017, -0.016,
1728 -0.016, -0.015, -0.015, -0.014, -0.013, -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.010, -0.010,
1729 -0.009, -0.009, -0.009, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006,
1730 -0.006, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005},
1731 {// charge = 510 fC
1732 0.000, -0.001, 0.015, 0.053, 0.111, 0.186, 0.275, 0.376, 0.484, 0.597, 0.710, 0.823, 0.934, 1.049,
1733 1.165, 1.267, 1.338, 1.381, 1.405, 1.420, 1.429, 1.434, 1.436, 1.435, 1.430, 1.420, 1.405, 1.385,
1734 1.362, 1.335, 1.307, 1.276, 1.243, 1.210, 1.176, 1.141, 1.106, 1.070, 1.034, 0.999, 0.964, 0.929,
1735 0.895, 0.861, 0.828, 0.795, 0.763, 0.731, 0.700, 0.670, 0.640, 0.611, 0.583, 0.556, 0.529, 0.503,
1736 0.478, 0.453, 0.430, 0.407, 0.384, 0.363, 0.342, 0.322, 0.303, 0.284, 0.266, 0.249, 0.232, 0.216,
1737 0.201, 0.186, 0.172, 0.159, 0.146, 0.133, 0.122, 0.110, 0.100, 0.089, 0.080, 0.071, 0.062, 0.053,
1738 0.046, 0.038, 0.031, 0.025, 0.018, 0.012, 0.007, 0.002, -0.003, -0.007, -0.012, -0.016, -0.019, -0.022,
1739 -0.025, -0.028, -0.031, -0.033, -0.036, -0.038, -0.039, -0.041, -0.042, -0.044, -0.045, -0.046, -0.047, -0.047,
1740 -0.048, -0.048, -0.049, -0.049, -0.049, -0.049, -0.049, -0.049, -0.049, -0.048, -0.048, -0.048, -0.047, -0.047,
1741 -0.046, -0.046, -0.045, -0.044, -0.044, -0.043, -0.042, -0.042, -0.041, -0.040, -0.039, -0.038, -0.038, -0.037,
1742 -0.036, -0.035, -0.034, -0.033, -0.032, -0.032, -0.031, -0.030, -0.029, -0.028, -0.028, -0.027, -0.026, -0.025,
1743 -0.024, -0.024, -0.023, -0.022, -0.021, -0.021, -0.020, -0.019, -0.019, -0.018, -0.017, -0.017, -0.016, -0.016,
1744 -0.015, -0.015, -0.014, -0.014, -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012, -0.011, -0.011, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.009,
1745 -0.009, -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.005, -0.005,
1746 -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.004},
1747 {// charge = 525 fC
1748 0.000, -0.001, 0.015, 0.054, 0.112, 0.187, 0.277, 0.377, 0.486, 0.599, 0.713, 0.825, 0.939, 1.056,
1749 1.172, 1.272, 1.342, 1.383, 1.406, 1.421, 1.430, 1.435, 1.436, 1.435, 1.428, 1.416, 1.398, 1.376,
1750 1.350, 1.321, 1.289, 1.255, 1.220, 1.184, 1.147, 1.110, 1.072, 1.035, 0.997, 0.960, 0.924, 0.888,
1751 0.852, 0.817, 0.783, 0.749, 0.717, 0.684, 0.653, 0.622, 0.593, 0.564, 0.535, 0.508, 0.481, 0.455,
1752 0.430, 0.406, 0.383, 0.360, 0.338, 0.317, 0.297, 0.277, 0.259, 0.241, 0.223, 0.207, 0.191, 0.175,
1753 0.161, 0.147, 0.134, 0.121, 0.109, 0.097, 0.086, 0.076, 0.066, 0.057, 0.048, 0.039, 0.032, 0.024,
1754 0.017, 0.011, 0.004, -0.001, -0.007, -0.012, -0.017, -0.021, -0.025, -0.029, -0.032, -0.036, -0.039, -0.041,
1755 -0.044, -0.046, -0.048, -0.050, -0.051, -0.053, -0.054, -0.055, -0.056, -0.056, -0.057, -0.058, -0.058, -0.058,
1756 -0.058, -0.058, -0.058, -0.058, -0.058, -0.057, -0.057, -0.056, -0.056, -0.055, -0.054, -0.054, -0.053, -0.052,
1757 -0.051, -0.050, -0.050, -0.049, -0.048, -0.047, -0.046, -0.045, -0.044, -0.043, -0.042, -0.041, -0.040, -0.039,
1758 -0.038, -0.037, -0.036, -0.035, -0.034, -0.033, -0.032, -0.031, -0.030, -0.029, -0.028, -0.028, -0.027, -0.026,
1759 -0.025, -0.024, -0.023, -0.022, -0.022, -0.021, -0.020, -0.020, -0.019, -0.018, -0.017, -0.017, -0.016, -0.016,
1760 -0.015, -0.015, -0.014, -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012, -0.011, -0.011, -0.011, -0.010, -0.010, -0.009, -0.009,
1761 -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1762 -0.005, -0.005, -0.004, -0.004},
1763 {// charge = 540 fC
1764 0.000, -0.001, 0.015, 0.054, 0.113, 0.188, 0.278, 0.379, 0.487, 0.601, 0.715, 0.827, 0.944, 1.061,
1765 1.177, 1.276, 1.344, 1.384, 1.407, 1.422, 1.430, 1.435, 1.437, 1.435, 1.428, 1.415, 1.395, 1.371,
1766 1.343, 1.312, 1.278, 1.242, 1.205, 1.167, 1.129, 1.090, 1.051, 1.012, 0.974, 0.935, 0.898, 0.861,
1767 0.825, 0.789, 0.754, 0.720, 0.686, 0.654, 0.622, 0.591, 0.561, 0.532, 0.503, 0.476, 0.449, 0.423,
1768 0.399, 0.374, 0.351, 0.329, 0.307, 0.286, 0.266, 0.247, 0.229, 0.211, 0.194, 0.178, 0.163, 0.148,
1769 0.134, 0.120, 0.108, 0.095, 0.084, 0.073, 0.062, 0.052, 0.043, 0.034, 0.026, 0.018, 0.011, 0.004,
1770 -0.003, -0.009, -0.014, -0.019, -0.025, -0.029, -0.033, -0.037, -0.041, -0.044, -0.047, -0.050, -0.052, -0.054,
1771 -0.056, -0.058, -0.060, -0.061, -0.062, -0.063, -0.064, -0.065, -0.065, -0.066, -0.066, -0.066, -0.066, -0.066,
1772 -0.066, -0.065, -0.065, -0.064, -0.064, -0.063, -0.062, -0.062, -0.061, -0.060, -0.059, -0.058, -0.057, -0.056,
1773 -0.055, -0.054, -0.053, -0.052, -0.051, -0.050, -0.049, -0.048, -0.046, -0.045, -0.044, -0.043, -0.042, -0.041,
1774 -0.040, -0.039, -0.037, -0.036, -0.035, -0.034, -0.033, -0.032, -0.031, -0.030, -0.029, -0.028, -0.027, -0.026,
1775 -0.025, -0.025, -0.024, -0.023, -0.022, -0.021, -0.021, -0.020, -0.019, -0.018, -0.018, -0.017, -0.016, -0.016,
1776 -0.015, -0.015, -0.014, -0.013, -0.013, -0.012, -0.012, -0.011, -0.011, -0.010, -0.010, -0.010, -0.009, -0.009,
1777 -0.008, -0.008, -0.008, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.007, -0.006, -0.006, -0.006, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005, -0.005,
1778 -0.005, -0.004, -0.004, -0.004}};
#define VERBOSE
#define DRAW
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:25
#define SHAPER_LUT
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:26
#define NGRAPH
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:27
friend fscal max(fscal x, fscal y)
float Float_t
int Int_t
bool Bool_t
Generates beam ions for transport simulation.
virtual std::string ToString() const
Return string representation of the object.
Definition CbmMatch.cxx:25
int32_t GetTriggerType() const
Channel trigger type. SPADIC specific see CbmTrdTriggerType.
Definition CbmTrdDigi.h:160
void SetFlag(const int32_t iflag, bool set=true)
Generic flag status setter.
std::string ToString() const
String representation of a TRD digi. Account for digi type and specific information.
uint64_t GetTimeDAQ() const
Getter for global DAQ time [clk]. Differs for each ASIC. [In FASP case DAQ time is already stored in ...
Definition CbmTrdDigi.h:158
int32_t GetAddressChannel() const
Getter read-out id.
bool IsFlagged(const int32_t iflag) const
Query flag status (generic)
static float Clk(eCbmTrdAsicType ty)
DAQ clock accessor for each ASIC.
Definition CbmTrdDigi.h:110
double GetTime() const
Getter for physical time [ns]. Accounts for clock representation of each ASIC. In SPADIC case physica...
Definition CbmTrdDigi.h:155
double GetCharge() const
Common purpose charge getter.
FASP channel simulator.
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:30
void GetShaperSignal(Double_t charge)
Retrive linear interpolation of CADENCE for signal.
int fAsicId[2]
identifier of FASP(s) in module
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:127
std::vector< Float_t > fShaperNext
next channel shaper analog
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:112
TLine * fGthr
graph representation of various thresholds
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:135
static const Int_t fgkNDB
DB shaper size.
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:139
Int_t fNphys[2]
number of physical digi in the current [0] and next [1] shaper
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:105
Int_t ProcessShaper(Char_t typ='T')
Calculate output FASP signal and CS timming for the signal array stored in fShaper.
UInt_t fProcTime
time window [ns] for actual digi processing (excluded fgkBufferKeep)
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:103
static Bool_t fgNeighbour
Neighbour enable flag.
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:149
void SetProcTime(ULong64_t t=0)
Set limit in time for processing digis.
Int_t fTimeDY
Time decay from FT [5*ns].
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:122
Int_t fNraw
number of raw digi for the tilt channel
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:106
virtual void InitChannel(int id, const CbmTrdParFaspChannel *par, int asicId=-1, int chId=-1)
[Re]Initialize one of the two FASP channels
static const Int_t fgkBufferKeep
length of buffer time in 5ns which is kept between cycles
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:156
TGraph * fGraphShp[NGRAPH]
graph representations of FASP shaper
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:133
virtual Bool_t Go(ULong64_t time)
Check if there is enough time elapsed from fStartTime to run simulator.
static const Int_t fgkNclkFT
length of flat top in FASP clocks
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:147
Float_t fFT
Flat Top value [V].
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:123
static Float_t fgShaperThr
shaper threshold [V]
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:151
virtual void Clear(Option_t *opt="")
Finalize currently stored data.
void ScanDigi(std::vector< std::pair< CbmTrdDigi *, CbmMatch * > > *digi)
Read digi array for one pair T/R defined by the pad column.
static const Float_t fgkShaperLUT[SHAPER_LUT]
shaper LUT
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:908
Double_t MakeOut(Int_t t)
Make convolution of shaper1 superposition and theoretic shaping model (see fgkShaperPar)
TGraph * fGraphPhys[NGRAPH]
graph representations of physics digi
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:134
virtual void Print(Option_t *opt="") const
Print-out FASP analog/digital response to currently stored data.
virtual void Draw(Option_t *opt="")
Graphical representation of FASP analog/digital response to currently stored data.
TCanvas * fMonitor
monitor canvas when drawing
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:136
int fChId[2]
FASP channels being processed.
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:128
void WriteDigi()
Write processed digi to output array.
std::vector< bool > fHitThPrev
previous channel hit threshold
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:110
static const Float_t fgkShaperPar[4]
shaper parameters
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:907
void ScanDigiNE(std::vector< std::pair< CbmTrdDigi *, CbmMatch * > > *digi)
Read digi array for neighbour trigger processing.
CbmTrdFASP(UInt_t uslice=1000)
Constructor of FASP simulator.
std::vector< std::pair< CbmTrdDigi *, CbmMatch * > > * fDigi
link to digi vector to be transformed
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:107
static Float_t fgBaseline
FASP baseline [V].
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:152
int fPad
current pad as defined by CbmTrdModuleAbstract::GetPadAddress()
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:104
virtual void PhysToRaw(std::vector< std::pair< CbmTrdDigi *, CbmMatch * > > *digi)
Convert physics information in digi to the raw format.
Int_t fTimeLG
Linear gate time length [5*ns].
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:120
static Float_t fgNeighbourThr
neighbour threshold [V] for fgNeighbour=kTRUE
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:150
virtual ~CbmTrdFASP()
Float_t fSignal[FASP_WINDOW]
temporary array to store shaper analog signal for current charge interpolation
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:115
static Int_t fgNclkLG
length of linear-gate command in FASP clocks
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:148
int AddGraph(char typ='T')
std::vector< Float_t > fOut
analog output for the current channel
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:129
ULong64_t fStartTime
time offset [ns] for the current simulation
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:102
std::vector< Float_t > fShaper
current channel shaper analog
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:111
TGraph * fGraph[NGRAPH]
graph representations of analog FASP response
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:132
std::map< int, std::array< int, NFASPCH > > fGraphMap
map of ASIC_id and (ch_id, output_id of FASP signals graphs) pairs
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:131
static const Float_t fgkShaper[fgkNDB][FASP_WINDOW]
DB shaper signals for each input charge discretization.
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:930
int fNgraph
No of graphs generated.
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:126
const CbmTrdParFaspChannel * fPar[2]
current FASP ASIC parametrization
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:119
static Float_t fgOutGain
FASP -> ADC gain [V/4095 ADC].
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:153
static const Float_t fgkCharge[fgkNDB]
DB input charge discretization.
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:926
Int_t fTimeFT
Chip Select time legth [5*ns].
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:121
static const Float_t fgkDecayLUT[SHAPER_LUT]
forced discharged of FASP LUT
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:917
std::vector< std::tuple< UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, Bool_t > > fDigiProc
proccessed info wrt fStartTime <hit_time[ns], CS_time[ns], OUT[ADC], trigger>
Definition CbmTrdFASP.h:113
Definition of FASP channel calibration container.
Hash for CbmL1LinkKey.
#define NFASPCH