9#ifndef _CbmKFTrErrMCPoints_h_
10#define _CbmKFTrErrMCPoints_h_
12#include "TClonesArray.h"
19#include <FairMCPoint.h>
Data class for a reconstructed hit in the STS.
CbmTofPoint * GetTofPoint(Int_t i)
double GetStsPointPy(int i)
CbmStsPoint * GetStsPoint(Int_t i)
void SetStsPoint(CbmStsPoint *sp)
ClassDef(CbmKFTrErrMCPoints, 1)
std::vector< CbmMvdHit * > MvdHitsArray
int GetNConsHitStations()
double GetMvdPointZ(int i)
double GetStsPointZ(int i)
void SetTofPoint(CbmTofPoint *tp)
double GetMvdPointPx(int i)
double GetMvdPointPy(int i)
double GetMvdPointX(int i)
double GetMvdPointY(int i)
std::vector< CbmTofPoint * > TofArray
double GetStsPointX(int i)
std::vector< CbmMvdPoint * > MvdArray
CbmStsHit * GetStsHit(Int_t i)
std::vector< CbmStsPoint * > StsArray
int GetNMaxMCPointsOnStation()
int GetNTofPoints() const
double GetStsPointPx(int i)
Bool_t IsReconstructable(CbmMCTrack *mcTr, int MinNStations, int PerformanceMode, float MinRecoMom)
std::vector< CbmStsHit * > StsHitsArray
CbmMvdPoint * GetMvdPoint(Int_t i)
int GetNMvdPoints() const
int GetNStsPoints() const
double GetStsPointY(int i)
double GetMvdPointPz(int i)
void SetMvdPoint(CbmMvdPoint *mp)
double GetStsPointPz(int i)
CbmMvdHit * GetMvdHit(Int_t i)
data class for a reconstructed 3-d hit in the STS
Geometric intersection of a MC track with a TOFb detector.