21 std::string sSetupName =
25 throw(std::invalid_argument(
"RunId smaller than the earliest run mapped (1575 in 2021 campaign)"));
27 else if (1575 <= ulRunId && ulRunId <= 1588) {
32 else if (2060 <= ulRunId && ulRunId <= 2065) {
34 sSetupName =
36 else if (2150 <= ulRunId && ulRunId <= 2160) {
38 sSetupName =
40 else if (2176 <= ulRunId && ulRunId <= 2310) {
42 sSetupName =
44 else if (2350 <= ulRunId && ulRunId <= 2397) {
46 sSetupName =
48 else if (2454 <= ulRunId && ulRunId <= 2497) {
50 sSetupName =
52 else if (2498 <= ulRunId && ulRunId <= 2610) {
54 sSetupName =
56 else if (2724 <= ulRunId && ulRunId <= 2917) {
58 sSetupName =
60 else if (2918 <= ulRunId && ulRunId <= 3399) {
62 sSetupName =
64 else if (3400 <= ulRunId) {
66 sSetupName =
70 throw(std::invalid_argument(Form(
"RunId %d is not mapped! Please complete the map!", ulRunId)));