75 Double_t maximumValue = 0);
Helper class to access detector presence.
Class stores a grid of material thickness in silicon equivalent.
Helper class to access detector presence.
virtual ~CbmLitTrackingGeometryConstructor()
Int_t GetNofStsStations()
Return number of stations in STS.
void GetMuchLayoutVec(lit::parallel::LitDetectorLayoutVec &layout)
Return MUCH detector layout for parallel MUCH tracking in SIMD format.
static CbmLitTrackingGeometryConstructor * Instance()
Return pointer to singleton object.
const CbmLitTrackingGeometryConstructor & operator=(const CbmLitTrackingGeometryConstructor &)
Assignment operator.
CbmLitTrackingGeometryConstructor(const CbmLitTrackingGeometryConstructor &)
Copy constructor.
Int_t GetNofMuchTrdStations()
Return number of stations in MUCH + TRD.
Int_t ConvertMuchToAbsoluteStationNr(Int_t station, Int_t layer)
void GetMuchLayoutScal(lit::parallel::LitDetectorLayoutScal &layout)
Return MUCH detector layout for parallel MUCH tracking in scalar format.
void GetRichMaterial(lit::parallel::LitMaterialGrid *material)
void GetMuchLayout(lit::parallel::LitDetectorLayout< T > &layout)
Return MUCH detector layout for parallel MUCH tracking.
Int_t GetNofMvdStations()
Return number of stations in MVD.
void GetTrdLayoutVec(lit::parallel::LitDetectorLayoutVec &layout)
Return TRD detector layout for TRD parallel tracking in SIMD format.
void GetTrdLayoutScal(lit::parallel::LitDetectorLayoutScal &layout)
Return TRD detector layout for TRD parallel tracking in scalar format.
Int_t GetNofMuchStations()
Return number of stations in MUCH.
void GetTrdLayout(lit::parallel::LitDetectorLayout< T > &layout)
Return TRD detector layout for TRD parallel tracking.
Int_t GetNofMuchAbsorbers()
Return number of MUCH absorbers.
void ConvertTProfile2DToLitMaterialGrid(const TProfile2D *profile, lit::parallel::LitMaterialGrid *grid, Double_t maximumValue=0)
Int_t GetNofTrdStations()
Return number of stations in TRD.
Constructor. Constructor is protected since singleton pattern is used. Pointer to object is returned ...
Represents detector layout.
Class stores a grid of material thickness in silicon equivalent.