36 virtual void LoadSetup(std::string setupTag, std::string revision =
Setup provider with database functionality.
virtual CbmGeoSetup GetSetupByTag(std::string setupTag, std::string revision)
Abstract method for constructing the setup by id and tag.
virtual CbmGeoSetupModule GetModuleByTag(ECbmModuleId moduleId, std::string tag)
Abstract method for constructing the module by id and tag.
virtual void LoadSetup(std::string setupTag, std::string revision="")
Abstract method to load the setup with a tag and revision version.
virtual CbmGeoSetupMedia GetMediaByTag(std::string tag)
Abstract method for constructing the media by tag.
ClassDef(CbmGeoSetupDbProvider, 1)
virtual CbmGeoSetupField GetFieldByTag(std::string tag)
Abstract method for constructing the field by tag.
virtual std::vector< std::string > GetSetupTags()
Abstract method to get the list of setup tags.
virtual std::vector< std::string > GetMediaTags()
Abstract method to get the list of media tags.
virtual std::vector< std::string > GetFieldTags()
Abstract method to get the list of field tags.
Abstract interface class for providing the CBM detector setup description, module list,...
Data transfer object to represent the CBM Detector setup.