No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* Copyright (C) 2013-2021 Institut fuer Kernphysik, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, Muenster
2 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
3 Authors: Cyrano Bergmann [committer], David Emschermann */
7#include "CbmTrdAddress.h"
8#include "CbmTrdGeoHandler.h"
9#include "CbmTrdParAsic.h"
10#include "CbmTrdParModAsic.h"
11#include "CbmTrdParModDigi.h"
12#include "CbmTrdParModGeo.h"
13#include "CbmTrdParSetAsic.h"
14#include "CbmTrdParSetDigi.h"
15#include "CbmTrdParSetGeo.h"
16#include "CbmTrdRadiator.h"
17#include "CbmTrdUtils.h"
19#include "FairRootManager.h"
20#include "FairRunAna.h"
21#include "FairRuntimeDb.h"
22#include <Logger.h>
24#include "TBox.h"
25#include "TCanvas.h"
26#include "TClonesArray.h"
27#include "TColor.h"
28#include "TGeoManager.h"
29#include "TH2.h"
30#include "TImage.h"
31#include "TLine.h"
32#include "TMath.h"
33#include "TPRegexp.h"
34#include "TPolyMarker.h"
35#include "TStyle.h"
36#include <TFile.h>
38#include <fstream>
39#include <iostream>
40#include <vector>
42#include <cmath>
44#include "Riostream.h"
46#define winsize 6000 // 1500 // 5500 // 6000
48using std::cin;
49using std::cout;
50using std::endl;
51using std::flush;
52using std::ios;
53using std::pair;
54using std::setfill;
55using std::setiosflags;
56using std::setprecision;
57using std::setw;
58using std::vector;
60// ---- Default constructor -------------------------------------------
62// --------------------------------------------------------------------
64// ---- Constructor ----------------------------------------------------
65CbmTrdHitRateFastQa::CbmTrdHitRateFastQa(const char* name, const char*)
66 : FairTask(name)
67 , myfile()
68 , nTotalAsics(0)
69 , nTotalOptLinks(0)
70 , trdTotalDataRate(0)
71 , h1DataModule(NULL)
72 , h1OptLinksModule(NULL)
73 , Digicounter(-1)
74 , tFile(NULL)
75 , fDraw(kFALSE)
76 , fPlane(-1)
77 , fStation(-1)
78 , fLayer(-1)
79 , fCol_mean(-1)
80 , fCol_in(-1)
81 , fCol_out(-1)
82 , fRow_mean(-1)
83 , fRow_in(-1)
84 , fRow_out(-1)
85 , fModuleID(-1)
86 , fMCindex(-1)
87 , local_meanLL()
88 , local_meanC()
89 , global_meanLL()
90 , global_meanC()
91 , local_inLL()
92 , local_inC()
93 , global_inLL()
94 , global_inC()
95 , local_outLL()
96 , local_outC()
97 , global_outLL()
98 , global_outC()
99 , fx_in(0.)
100 , fx_out(0.)
101 , fy_in(0.)
102 , fy_out(0.)
103 , fz_in(0.)
104 , fz_out(0.)
105 , fx_mean(0.)
106 , fy_mean(0.)
107 , fz_mean(0.)
108 , fSector(-1)
109 , padsize()
110 , modulesize()
111 , fELoss(-1.)
112 , fELossdEdX(-1.)
113 , fELossTR(-1.)
114 , fPosXLL(0.)
115 , fPosYLL(0.)
116 , fPadPosxLL(0.)
117 , fPadPosyLL(0.)
118 , fPadPosxC(0.)
119 , fPadPosyC(0.)
120 , fDeltax(0.)
121 , fDeltay(0.)
122 , fPadCharge()
123 , fPRFHitPositionLL(0.)
124 , fPRFHitPositionC(0.)
125 , fEfficiency(1.)
126 , fTrdPoints(NULL)
127 , fDigiCollection(NULL)
128 , fDigiMatchCollection(NULL)
129 , fMCStacks(NULL)
130 , fAsicPar(NULL)
131 , fDigiPar(NULL)
132 , fGeoPar(NULL)
133 , fGeoHandler(new CbmTrdGeoHandler())
134 , fColors()
135 , fZLevel()
136 , fBitPerHit(0)
137 , fDigiMap()
138 , fDigiMapIt()
141// --------------------------------------------------------------------
143// ---- Destructor ----------------------------------------------------
146 // FairRootManager *ioman =FairRootManager::Instance();
147 //ioman->Write();
148 //fDigiCollection->Clear("C");
149 //delete fDigiCollection;
150 //fDigiMatchCollection->Clear("C");
151 //delete fDigiMatchCollection;
153// --------------------------------------------------------------------
155// ---- Initialisation ----------------------------------------------
158 cout << " * CbmTrdHitRateFastQa * :: SetParContainers() " << endl;
161 // Get Base Container
162 FairRunAna* ana = FairRunAna::Instance();
163 FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = ana->GetRuntimeDb();
165 fAsicPar = (CbmTrdParSetAsic*) (rtdb->getContainer("CbmTrdParSetAsic"));
166 fDigiPar = (CbmTrdParSetDigi*) (rtdb->getContainer("CbmTrdParSetDigi"));
167 fGeoPar = (CbmTrdParSetGeo*) (rtdb->getContainer("CbmTrdParSetGeo"));
169// --------------------------------------------------------------------
171// ---- ReInit -------------------------------------------------------
175 cout << " * CbmTrdHitRateFastQa * :: ReInit() " << endl;
178 FairRunAna* ana = FairRunAna::Instance();
179 FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = ana->GetRuntimeDb();
181 fAsicPar = (CbmTrdParSetAsic*) (rtdb->getContainer("CbmTrdParSetAsic"));
182 fDigiPar = (CbmTrdParSetDigi*) (rtdb->getContainer("CbmTrdParSetDigi"));
183 fGeoPar = (CbmTrdParSetGeo*) (rtdb->getContainer("CbmTrdParSetGeo"));
185 return kSUCCESS;
187// --------------------------------------------------------------------
189// ---- Init ----------------------------------------------------------
193 cout << " * CbmTrdHitRate * :: Init() " << endl;
195 FairRootManager* ioman = FairRootManager::Instance();
196 if (!ioman) Fatal("Init", "No FairRootManager");
198 fTrdPoints = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("TrdPoint");
199 if (!fTrdPoints) {
200 cout << "-W CbmTrdCluster::Init: No TrdPoints array!" << endl;
201 cout << " Task will be inactive" << endl;
202 return kERROR;
203 }
205 fMCStacks = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("MCTrack");
206 if (!fMCStacks) {
207 cout << "-W CbmTrdCluster::Init: No MCTrack array!" << endl;
208 cout << " Task will be inactive" << endl;
209 return kERROR;
210 }
211 /*
212 fDigiCollection = new TClonesArray("CbmTrdDigi", 100);
213 ioman->Register("TrdDigi","TRD Digis",fDigiCollection,IsOutputBranchPersistent("TrdDigi"));
215 fDigiMatchCollection = new TClonesArray("CbmTrdDigiMatch", 100);
216 ioman->Register("TrdDigiMatch","TRD Digis",fDigiMatchCollection,IsOutputBranchPersistent("TrdDigiMatch"));
217 */
218 fGeoHandler->Init();
220 //fRadiators->Init();
222 return kSUCCESS;
224// --------------------------------------------------------------------
227// ---- Exec ----------------------------------------------------------
230 myfile.open("hits_per_asic.txt", std::fstream::out);
231 myfile << "#" << endl;
232 myfile << "## TRD data per ASIC" << endl;
233 myfile << "#" << endl;
234 myfile << "#" << endl;
235 myfile << "#--------------------------" << endl;
237 fBitPerHit = 112 * 1.5; // (112 + 4*16) * 10 / 8.; // 6 time samples, 8b/10b encoding, CBMnet header
238 // fBitPerHit = 220; // (112 + 4*16) * 10 / 8.; // 6 time samples, 8b/10b encoding, CBMnet header
239 // fBitPerHit = 112; // 6 time samples 3 + (9 * 6 + 3) / 15 = 7 words = 7 * 16 bit = 112 bits
241 //TStyle::SetNumberContours(99);
242 gStyle->SetNumberContours(99);
243 //TH2::SetContour(99);
244 /*
245 const Int_t Number = 11;
246 Double_t r[Number] = {1.00, 0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.50, 1.00, 0.50, 1.00};
247 Double_t g[Number] = {0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.50, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.50, 1.00};
248 Double_t b[Number] = {1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.50, 1.00};
249 Double_t length[Number] = {0.00, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90, 1.00};
250 Int_t nb = 99;
251 Int_t a = TColor::CreateGradientColorTable(Number,length,r,g,b,nb);
252 */
253 printf("Introduction:\n");
254 // HitRateGeoPara2 *GeoPara = new HitRateGeoPara2;
255 // Bool_t Lines;
256 // Bool_t Fast = true; // false; // true; // false; // will not fill the root file (in Histo)!!
257 // Bool_t firstLayer = false;
258 fDraw = true; // false;
259 Double_t ZRangeL = 1;
260 Double_t ZRangeU = 1e05;
261 Double_t mm2bin = 2.5; // 20.0; // 10.0; // 5.0; // 2.5;
263 fStation = 0;
264 fLayer = 0;
267 TFile* oldFile = gFile;
268 TDirectory* oldDir = gDirectory;
270 tFile = new TFile("CbmTrdHitRateFastQa.root", "RECREATE", " ROOT file with histograms");
273 gFile = oldFile;
274 gDirectory = oldDir;
276 size_t buf_size = 50;
277 Char_t name[buf_size];
278 Char_t title[buf_size];
281 snprintf(name, buf_size - 1, "HA_S%d_L%d", fStation, fLayer);
282 // sprintf(title,"DataAsic_Station %d, Layer %d",fStation,fLayer);
283 snprintf(title, buf_size - 1, "Data_per_Asic");
284 // TH1F* h1HitAsic = new TH1F(name,title,50*fBitPerHit,1,10*fBitPerHit);
285 // TH1F* h1HitAsic = new TH1F(name,title,1000,1,2000); // Mbit
287 // set even bin size on logx scale
288 const Int_t anbins = 100;
289 Double_t axmin = 1; // Mbit
290 Double_t axmax = 2000; // Mbit
291 Double_t alogxmin = TMath::Log10(axmin);
292 Double_t alogxmax = TMath::Log10(axmax);
293 Double_t abinwidth = (alogxmax - alogxmin) / anbins;
294 Double_t axbins[anbins + 1];
295 axbins[0] = axmin;
296 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= anbins; i++) {
297 axbins[i] = axmin + TMath::Power(10, alogxmin + i * abinwidth);
298 }
299 TH1F* h1HitAsic = new TH1F(name, title, anbins, axbins); // Mbit
301 if (fBitPerHit == 1.) h1HitAsic->SetXTitle("Hits/Asic [Hz]");
302 else
303 h1HitAsic->SetXTitle("Data/32ch Asic [Mbit/s]");
304 h1HitAsic->SetYTitle("count");
305 // h1HitAsic->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,20);
307 snprintf(name, buf_size - 1, "HM_S%d_L%d", fStation, fLayer);
308 // sprintf(title, buf_size-1, "DataModule_Station %d, Layer %d",fStation,fLayer);
309 snprintf(title, buf_size - 1, "Data_per_Module");
310 // h1DataModule = new TH1F(name,title,50*fBitPerHit,10,100*10*fBitPerHit);
311 // h1DataModule = new TH1F(name,title,1000,10,100*2000);
313 // set even bin size on logx scale
314 const Int_t bnbins = 100;
315 Double_t bxmin = 10; // Mbit
316 Double_t bxmax = 100 * 2000; // Mbit
317 Double_t blogxmin = TMath::Log10(bxmin);
318 Double_t blogxmax = TMath::Log10(bxmax);
319 Double_t bbinwidth = (blogxmax - blogxmin) / bnbins;
320 Double_t bxbins[bnbins + 1];
321 bxbins[0] = bxmin;
322 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= bnbins; i++) {
323 bxbins[i] = bxmin + TMath::Power(10, blogxmin + i * bbinwidth);
324 }
325 h1DataModule = new TH1F(name, title, bnbins, bxbins); // Mbit
327 if (fBitPerHit == 1.) h1DataModule->SetXTitle("Hits/Module [Hz]");
328 else
329 h1DataModule->SetXTitle("Data/Module [Mbit/s]");
330 h1DataModule->SetYTitle("count");
331 // h1DataModule->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,20);
333 snprintf(name, buf_size - 1, "HO_S%d_L%d", fStation, fLayer);
334 // sprintf(title,"OptLinksModule_Station %d, Layer %d",fStation,fLayer);
335 snprintf(title, buf_size - 1, "5_Gbps_optical_links_per_Module");
336 h1OptLinksModule = new TH1F(name, title, 20, 0.5, 20.5);
337 h1OptLinksModule->SetXTitle("optical links");
338 h1OptLinksModule->SetYTitle("count");
339 // h1OptLinksModule->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,20);
341 TH1F* h1HitPad = NULL;
342 TH2F* h2Layer = NULL;
343 TH2F* h2Topview[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
344 TCanvas* c1 = NULL;
345 TCanvas* c3 = NULL;
346 TCanvas* c2 = NULL;
347 TCanvas* c0 = NULL;
348 if (fDraw) {
349 c0 = new TCanvas("c0", "c0", 1800, 450);
350 c0->Divide(3, 1);
351 }
352 const Int_t z_cave = 12000;
353 h2Topview[0] =
354 new TH2F("TopView", "TopView", int(2 * winsize / mm2bin), -winsize, winsize, int(z_cave / mm2bin), 0, z_cave);
355 h2Topview[0]->SetXTitle("x-Coordinate [mm]");
356 h2Topview[0]->SetYTitle("z-Coordinate [mm]");
357 h2Topview[0]->SetZTitle("#");
358 h2Topview[1] = new TH2F("FrontView", "FrontView", int(2 * winsize / mm2bin), -winsize, winsize,
359 int(2 * winsize / mm2bin), -winsize, winsize);
360 h2Topview[1]->SetXTitle("x-Coordinate [mm]");
361 h2Topview[1]->SetYTitle("y-Coordinate [mm]");
362 h2Topview[1]->SetZTitle("#");
363 h2Topview[2] =
364 new TH2F("SideView", "SideView", int(z_cave / mm2bin), 0, z_cave, int(2 * winsize / mm2bin), -winsize, winsize);
365 h2Topview[2]->SetXTitle("z-Coordinate [mm]");
366 h2Topview[2]->SetYTitle("y-Coordinate [mm]");
367 h2Topview[2]->SetZTitle("#");
368 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
369 h2Topview[i]->SetContour(99);
370 h2Topview[i]->SetStats(kFALSE);
371 h2Topview[i]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
372 h2Topview[i]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
373 h2Topview[i]->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
374 h2Topview[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02);
375 h2Topview[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5);
376 h2Topview[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02);
377 h2Topview[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(2);
378 h2Topview[i]->GetZaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02);
379 h2Topview[i]->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(-2);
380 if (fDraw) {
381 c0->cd(i + 1);
382 h2Topview[i]->Draw("colz");
383 }
384 }
385 /*
386 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 8; i++){
387 fColors.push_back(19-i);
388 fZLevel.push_back(ZRangeL + (i+1) * ((ZRangeU - ZRangeL) / 9));
389 printf("%2i %3i %f\n",i,fColors[i],fZLevel[i]);
390 }
391 fColors.push_back(1);
392 fZLevel.push_back(ZRangeL + (9) * ((ZRangeU - ZRangeL) / 9));
393 */
394 for (Int_t i = 0; i < TColor::GetNumberOfColors(); i++) {
395 fColors.push_back(TColor::GetColorPalette(i));
396 fZLevel.push_back(ZRangeL + TMath::Power(10, TMath::Log10(ZRangeU) / TColor::GetNumberOfColors() * i));
397 //fZLevel.push_back(ZRangeL + (i+1) * ((ZRangeU - ZRangeL) / TColor::GetNumberOfColors()));
398 //printf("%2i %3i %f\n",i,TColor::GetColorPalette(i),ZRangeL + (i+1) * ((ZRangeU - ZRangeL) / TColor::GetNumberOfColors()));
399 }
400 //h2Topview->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(ZRangeL,ZRangeU);
401 // return;
403 vector<int> Plane01;
404 vector<int> Plane02;
405 vector<int> Plane03;
406 vector<int> Plane04;
407 vector<int> Plane05;
408 vector<int> Plane06;
409 vector<int> Plane07;
410 vector<int> Plane08;
411 vector<int> Plane09;
412 vector<int> Plane10;
414 Int_t ModuleID;
415 // Int_t Sector = 0;
416 const Int_t NofModules = fDigiPar->GetNrOfModules();
418 //const Int_t NofModules = 10; // DE
419 //TH2F *Module[NofModules];
421 for (Int_t i = 0; i < NofModules; i++) {
423 ModuleID = fDigiPar->GetModuleId(i);
424 // CbmTrdParSetAsic *fModuleAsic = (CbmTrdParSetAsic*)fAsicPar->GetModuleSet(ModuleID);
425 // CbmTrdParModDigi *fModuleInfo = (CbmTrdParModDigi*)fDigiPar->GetModulePar(ModuleID);
426 // CbmTrdParModGeo *fModuleGeo = (CbmTrdParModGeo*)fGeoPar->GetModulePar(ModuleID);
427 //printf("%d:\n %.1f %.1f %.1f\n",ModuleID,fModuleInfo->GetX(), fModuleInfo->GetY(),fModuleInfo->GetZ());
430 fStation = fPlane / 4 + 1; // OK for SIS100 and SIS300
431 fLayer = fPlane % 4 + 1; // OK for SIS100 and SIS300
433 //cout << "module " << i+1 << ": ID " << ModuleID << " - P" << fPlane << " S" << fStation << " L" << fLayer << endl;
434 //printf("module %4i: ID $6i - P%2i S%2i L%2i\n",i+1,ModuleID,fPlane,fStation,fLayer);
435 // fill plane vectors
436 if (fPlane == 0) Plane01.push_back(ModuleID);
437 if (fPlane == 1) Plane02.push_back(ModuleID);
438 if (fPlane == 2) Plane03.push_back(ModuleID);
439 if (fPlane == 3) Plane04.push_back(ModuleID);
440 if (fPlane == 4) Plane05.push_back(ModuleID);
441 if (fPlane == 5) Plane06.push_back(ModuleID);
442 if (fPlane == 6) Plane07.push_back(ModuleID);
443 if (fPlane == 7) Plane08.push_back(ModuleID);
444 if (fPlane == 8) Plane09.push_back(ModuleID);
445 if (fPlane == 9) Plane10.push_back(ModuleID);
446 }
448 vector<vector<int>> LiSi;
449 //LiSi.push_back(Plane01);
450 //LiSi.push_back(Plane02);
451 //LiSi.push_back(Plane05);
452 //LiSi.push_back(Plane06);
453 //LiSi.push_back(Plane09);
454 //LiSi.push_back(Plane10);
455 LiSi.push_back(Plane01);
456 LiSi.push_back(Plane02);
457 LiSi.push_back(Plane03);
458 LiSi.push_back(Plane04);
459 LiSi.push_back(Plane05);
460 LiSi.push_back(Plane06);
461 LiSi.push_back(Plane07);
462 LiSi.push_back(Plane08);
463 LiSi.push_back(Plane09);
464 LiSi.push_back(Plane10);
466 TString OutFile1;
467 TString OutFile2;
469 TImage* Outimage1;
470 TImage* Outimage2;
472 TLine* MaxHitRatePerPad = new TLine(1e05, 0, 1e05, 1e04); // 100.000 hits per pad
473 MaxHitRatePerPad->SetLineColor(2); // make it red
474 MaxHitRatePerPad->SetLineWidth(8); // make it thick
476 /*
477 h2Layer = new TH2F("dummy1","dummy1",1,-0.5,0.5,1,-0.5,0.5);
478 h1HitPad = new TH1F("dummy2","dummy2",1,-0.5,0.5);
479 c1 = new TCanvas("dummy3","dummy3",10,10);
480 c2 = new TCanvas("dummy4","dummy4",10,10);
481 */
482 //**************************************************************************************
484 if ((Int_t) LiSi.size() > 0)
485 for (vector<vector<Int_t>>::size_type j = 0; j < LiSi.size(); j++) {
486 // fix layer number
487 UInt_t nModulesInThisLayer = LiSi[j].size();
488 if (nModulesInThisLayer == 0) break;
489 fPlane = CbmTrdAddress::GetLayerId(LiSi[j][0]);
490 fStation = fPlane / 4 + 1; // OK for SIS100 and SIS300
491 fLayer = fPlane % 4 + 1; // OK for SIS100 and SIS300
493 printf("Station: %i Layer: %i nModules: %i\n", fStation, fLayer, nModulesInThisLayer);
495 h2Topview[0]->Reset();
496 h2Topview[1]->Reset();
497 h2Topview[2]->Reset();
499 OutFile1.Form("pics/HitRateLayerPadView_S%d_L%d.png", fStation, fLayer);
500 OutFile2.Form("pics/HitRateLayerSpectrum_S%d_L%d.png", fStation, fLayer);
502 HistoInit(c1, c2, c3, h2Layer, h1HitPad, ZRangeL, ZRangeU, mm2bin);
504 if (fDraw) {
505 c2->cd(1);
506 MaxHitRatePerPad->Draw("same"); // draw red line
507 }
508 // generate HitPerPadSpectra
509 // generate png files
510 // Lines = false;
511 //c3 = (TCanvas*)c1->Clone("c3");
512 if (nModulesInThisLayer > 0)
513 for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < nModulesInThisLayer; i++) {
514 printf(" ModuleAddress: %i\n", LiSi[j][i]);
515 myfile << "# ModuleAddress: " << LiSi[j][i] << endl;
516 ScanModulePlane(LiSi[j][i], c1, c3, h1HitPad, h1HitAsic);
517 }
518 /*
519 GetModuleInformationFromDigiPar(GeoPara, Fast, Lines, LiSi[j][i], h2Layer ,c1, h1HitPad, c2, h2Topview, c0, mm2bin);
521 if(fDraw)
522 {
523 c1->cd(1)->SetLogz(1);
524 h2Layer->Draw("colz"); // draw layer view
525 }
527 Lines = true;
528 for (vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < nModulesInThisLayer; i++)
529 ScanModulePlane();
530 GetModuleInformationFromDigiPar(GeoPara, Fast, Lines, LiSi[j][i], h2Layer ,c1, h1HitPad, c2, h2Topview, c0, mm2bin);
531 */
532 if (fDraw) // dump png file for this layer
533 {
534 Outimage1 = TImage::Create();
535 Outimage1->FromPad(c1);
536 Outimage1->WriteImage(OutFile1);
537 OutFile1.ReplaceAll("png", "pdf");
538 c1->SaveAs(OutFile1);
539 OutFile1.ReplaceAll("Pad", "ASIC");
540 if (c1) delete c1;
541 c3->SaveAs(OutFile1);
542 OutFile1.ReplaceAll("pdf", "png");
543 c3->SaveAs(OutFile1);
544 if (c3) delete c3;
546 c2->cd(1);
547 h1HitPad->Draw("same");
549 c2->cd(2);
550 h1HitAsic->Draw();
551 h1HitAsic->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
552 c2->Update();
553 TLine* MaxDataRatePerUplink = new TLine(500, 0.7 * gPad->GetUymax(), 500,
554 gPad->GetUymax()); // 500 Mbit per Uplink
555 // TLine* MaxDataRatePerUplink = new TLine(500,60,500,80); // 500 Mbit per Uplink
556 MaxDataRatePerUplink->SetLineColor(2); // make it red
557 MaxDataRatePerUplink->SetLineWidth(8); // make it thick
558 MaxDataRatePerUplink->Draw("same"); // draw red line
560 c2->cd(3);
561 h1DataModule->Draw();
562 h1DataModule->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
563 c2->Update();
565 TLine* MaxDataRatePerOptLink = new TLine(5000, 0.7 * gPad->GetUymax(), 5000,
566 gPad->GetUymax()); // 500 Mbit per Uplink
567 // TLine* MaxDataRatePerOptLink = new TLine(5000,5,5000,8); // 500 Mbit per Uplink
568 MaxDataRatePerOptLink->SetLineColor(2); // make it red
569 MaxDataRatePerOptLink->SetLineWidth(8); // make it thick
570 MaxDataRatePerOptLink->Draw("same"); // draw red line
572 c2->cd(4);
573 h1OptLinksModule->Draw();
574 h1OptLinksModule->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
576 Outimage2 = TImage::Create();
577 Outimage2->FromPad(c2);
578 Outimage2->WriteImage(OutFile2);
579 OutFile1.ReplaceAll("png", "pdf");
580 c2->SaveAs(OutFile2);
581 OutFile1.ReplaceAll("Pad", "ASIC");
582 c2->SaveAs(OutFile2);
584 h1HitAsic->Reset();
585 h1DataModule->Reset();
586 h1OptLinksModule->Reset();
588 if (c2) delete c2;
589 if (Outimage1) delete Outimage1;
590 if (Outimage2) delete Outimage2;
591 }
592 if (h2Layer) delete h2Layer;
593 if (h1HitPad) delete h1HitPad;
594 if (fDraw) c0->Update();
595 }
596 if (fDraw) c0->Update();
597 h1HitAsic->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
599 printf(" --------------------------\n");
600 printf(" total number of ASICs : %d\n", nTotalAsics);
601 printf(" total number of optical links: %d\n", nTotalOptLinks);
602 printf(" total TRD data rate : %.2f (Gbit/s)\n", trdTotalDataRate * 1e-3);
603 printf(" --------------------------\n");
604 printf(" --------------------------\n");
606 myfile << "# total number of ASICs: " << nTotalAsics << endl;
607 myfile << "#--------------------------" << endl;
608 myfile << "#--------------------------" << endl;
609 myfile.close();
613void CbmTrdHitRateFastQa::ScanModulePlane(const Int_t moduleAddress, TCanvas*& c1, TCanvas*& c2, TH1F*& HitPad,
614 TH1F*& HitAsic)
616 c1->cd(1);
617 Double_t ratePerModule = 0; // sum of data from this module
618 TVector3 padPos;
619 TVector3 padSize;
620 CbmTrdParModAsic* fModuleAsic = (CbmTrdParModAsic*) fAsicPar->GetModulePar(moduleAddress);
621 CbmTrdParModDigi* fModuleInfo = (CbmTrdParModDigi*) fDigiPar->GetModulePar(moduleAddress);
622 CbmTrdParModGeo* fModuleGeo = (CbmTrdParModGeo*) fGeoPar->GetModulePar(moduleAddress);
623 gGeoManager->FindNode(fModuleGeo->GetX(), fModuleGeo->GetY(), fModuleGeo->GetZ());
624 /*gGeoManager->FindNode(fModuleInfo->GetX(),
625 fModuleInfo->GetY(),
626 fModuleInfo->GetZ());
627 printf("%s\n",TString(gGeoManager->GetPath()).Data());
628 */
629 std::vector<Int_t> AsicAddresses;
630 fModuleAsic->GetAsicAddresses(&AsicAddresses);
631 Int_t nofAsics = fModuleAsic->GetNofAsics();
632 printf(" NofAsics: %3i\n", nofAsics);
633 myfile << "# NofAsics : " << nofAsics << endl;
634 myfile << "# moduleAddress / Asic ID / hits per 32ch Asic per second" << endl;
635 nTotalAsics += nofAsics;
636 std::map<Int_t, Double_t> ratePerAsicMap;
637 for (Int_t iAsic = 0; iAsic < nofAsics; iAsic++) {
638 ratePerAsicMap[AsicAddresses[iAsic]] = 0.;
639 }
640 const Int_t nSec = fModuleInfo->GetNofSectors();
641 for (Int_t s = 0; s < nSec; s++) {
642 const Int_t nRow = fModuleInfo->GetNofRowsInSector(s);
643 const Int_t nCol = fModuleInfo->GetNofColumnsInSector(s);
644 for (Int_t r = 0; r < nRow; r++) {
645 for (Int_t c = 0; c < nCol; c++) {
646 fModuleInfo->GetPosition(/*moduleAddress, */ s, c, r, padPos,
647 padSize); // padPos local or global???
648 Int_t channelAddress = CbmTrdAddress::GetAddress(CbmTrdAddress::GetLayerId(moduleAddress),
649 CbmTrdAddress::GetModuleId(moduleAddress), s, r, c);
650 Double_t local_min[3] = {padPos[0] - 0.5 * padSize[0], padPos[1] - 0.5 * padSize[1], padPos[2]};
651 Double_t local_max[3] = {padPos[0] + 0.5 * padSize[0], padPos[1] + 0.5 * padSize[1], padPos[2]};
652 //Double_t master_min[3];
653 //Double_t master_max[3];
654 //gGeoManager->LocalToMaster(local_min, master_min);
655 //gGeoManager->LocalToMaster(local_max, master_max);
656 if (fModuleInfo->GetOrientation() == 1
657 || fModuleInfo->GetOrientation()
658 == 3) { // Pad size is in local coordinate system where position is in global coordinate system
659 local_min[0] = padPos[0] - 0.5 * padSize[1];
660 local_min[1] = padPos[1] - 0.5 * padSize[0];
661 local_max[0] = padPos[0] + 0.5 * padSize[1];
662 local_max[1] = padPos[1] + 0.5 * padSize[0];
663 }
664 //Double_t global_min[3];
665 //Double_t global_max[3];
666 //Double_t x_min(padPos[0]-0.5*padSize[0]), x_max(padPos[0]+0.5*padSize[0]), y_min(padPos[1]-0.5*padSize[1]), y_max(padPos[1]+0.5*padSize[1]);
667 //gGeoManager->LocalToMaster(local_min, global_min);
668 //gGeoManager->LocalToMaster(local_max, global_max);
669 //TBox *pad = new TBox(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max);
670 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
671 //master_min[i] *= 10.;
672 //master_max[i] *= 10.;
673 local_min[i] *= 10.;
674 local_max[i] *= 10.;
675 }
676 //Double_t rate = CalcHitRatePad(global_min[0], global_max[0], global_min[1], global_max[1], global_max[2]);
677 Double_t rate = CalcHitRatePad(local_min[0], local_max[0], local_min[1], local_max[1], local_max[2]);
678 HitPad->Fill(rate);
679 ratePerModule += rate; // increase sum by rate of this asic
681 //TBox *pad = new TBox(global_min[0], global_min[1], global_max[0], global_max[1]);
682 TBox* pad = new TBox(local_min[0], local_min[1], local_max[0], local_max[1]);
683 //printf(" %i %i %i (%f, %f) (%f, %f) %f\n",s,r,c,local_min[0],local_min[1],global_min[0],global_min[1],rate);
684 pad->SetLineColor(0);
685 pad->SetLineWidth(0);
686 // Int_t color(0), j(0);
687 UInt_t j(0);
688 while ((rate > fZLevel[j]) && (j < fZLevel.size())) {
689 //printf (" %i<%i %i %E <= %E\n",j,(Int_t)fZLevel.size(),fColors[j], rate, fZLevel[j]);
690 j++;
691 }
692 //printf ("%i<%i %i %E <= %E\n\n",j,(Int_t)fZLevel.size(),fColors[j], rate, fZLevel[j]);
693 pad->SetFillColor(fColors[j]);
694 if (j >= fZLevel.size() || rate > 1E05) pad->SetFillColor(12);
695 pad->Draw("same");
697 //delete pad;
698 Int_t AsicAddress = fModuleAsic->GetAsicAddress(channelAddress);
699 if (AsicAddress < 0)
700 LOG(error) << "CbmTrdHitRateFastQa::ScanModulePlane: Channel address:" << channelAddress
701 << " is not initialized in module " << moduleAddress << "(s:" << s << ", r:" << r << ", c:" << c
702 << ")";
703 ratePerAsicMap[AsicAddress] += rate;
704 }
705 }
706 //TLine *sec = new TLine();
707 //sec->SetLineStyle(2);
708 //sec->Draw("same");
709 }
710 TBox* module = new TBox(
711 fModuleGeo->GetX() * 10 - fModuleInfo->GetSizeX() * 10, fModuleGeo->GetY() * 10 - fModuleInfo->GetSizeY() * 10,
712 fModuleGeo->GetX() * 10 + fModuleInfo->GetSizeX() * 10, fModuleGeo->GetY() * 10 + fModuleInfo->GetSizeY() * 10);
713 module->SetFillStyle(0);
714 module->Draw("same");
715 c1->Update();
716 c2->cd(1);
717 module->Draw("same");
718 c2->Update();
719 CbmTrdParAsic* Asic = NULL;
720 TBox* asic = NULL;
721 CbmTrdUtils* utils = new CbmTrdUtils();
722 utils->InitColorVector(true, 0., 4e6);
723 for (Int_t iAsic = 0; iAsic < nofAsics; iAsic++) {
724 Asic = fModuleAsic->GetAsicPar(AsicAddresses[iAsic]);
726 Double_t local_min[3];
727 Double_t local_max[3];
728 Double_t master_min[3];
729 Double_t master_max[3];
730 local_min[0] = Asic->GetX() - 0.5 * Asic->GetSizeX();
731 local_min[1] = Asic->GetY() - 0.5 * Asic->GetSizeY();
732 local_min[2] = fModuleGeo->GetZ();
733 local_max[0] = Asic->GetX() + 0.5 * Asic->GetSizeX();
734 local_max[1] = Asic->GetY() + 0.5 * Asic->GetSizeY();
735 local_max[2] = fModuleGeo->GetZ();
736 gGeoManager->LocalToMaster(local_min, master_min);
737 gGeoManager->LocalToMaster(local_max, master_max);
738 //printf("moduleAddress:%10i O:%i Asic:%3i rate:%E\n",moduleAddress,fModuleInfo->GetOrientation(),AsicAddresses[iAsic],ratePerAsicMap[AsicAddresses[iAsic]]);
739 asic = new TBox(10. * master_min[0], 10. * master_min[1], 10. * master_max[0], 10. * master_max[1]);
740 c2->cd(1);
741 if (ratePerAsicMap[AsicAddresses[iAsic]] > 4e6) asic->SetFillColor(kBlack);
742 else
743 asic->SetFillColor(utils->GetColorCode(ratePerAsicMap[AsicAddresses[iAsic]]));
745 // myfile << iAsic << " " << AsicAddresses[iAsic] << " " << ratePerAsicMap[AsicAddresses[iAsic]] << endl;
746 myfile << moduleAddress << " " << setfill('0') << setw(2) << iAsic << " " << setiosflags(ios::fixed)
747 << setprecision(0) << setfill(' ') << setw(8) << ratePerAsicMap[AsicAddresses[iAsic]] << endl;
749 Double_t dataPerAsic = ratePerAsicMap[AsicAddresses[iAsic]] * 3 * 1e-6 * fBitPerHit; // Mbit, incl. neighbor
750 HitAsic->Fill(dataPerAsic);
751 asic->Draw("same");
752 //c2->Update();
753 }
755 Double_t dataPerModule = ratePerModule * 3 * 1e-6 * fBitPerHit; // Mbit, incl. neighbor
756 Int_t nOptLinks = 1 + dataPerModule / 4000.; // 5000.; // 1 link plus 1 for each 4 Gbps (fill links to 80% max)
757 h1DataModule->Fill(dataPerModule);
758 h1OptLinksModule->Fill(nOptLinks);
760 // global statistics
761 nTotalOptLinks += nOptLinks;
762 trdTotalDataRate += dataPerModule;
764 printf(" data rate: %11.4f (Gbit/s)\n", dataPerModule * 1e-3);
765 printf(" opt links: %6i\n", nOptLinks);
766 printf(" --------------------------\n");
768 myfile << "#--------------------------" << endl;
772void CbmTrdHitRateFastQa::HistoInit(TCanvas*& c1, TCanvas*& c2, TCanvas*& c3, TH2F*& Layer, TH1F*& HitPad,
773 Double_t ZRangeL, Double_t ZRangeU, Double_t mm2bin)
775 size_t buf_size = 50;
776 Char_t name[buf_size];
777 Char_t title[buf_size];
780 snprintf(name, buf_size - 1, "HP_S%d_L%d", fStation, fLayer);
781 snprintf(title, buf_size - 1, "HitPad_Station %d, Layer %d", fStation, fLayer);
783 // set even bin size on logx scale
784 const Int_t cnbins = 200;
785 Double_t cxmin = 1e2;
786 Double_t cxmax = 1e6;
787 Double_t clogxmin = TMath::Log10(cxmin);
788 Double_t clogxmax = TMath::Log10(cxmax);
789 Double_t cbinwidth = (clogxmax - clogxmin) / cnbins;
790 Double_t cxbins[cnbins + 1];
791 cxbins[0] = cxmin;
792 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= cnbins; i++) {
793 cxbins[i] = cxmin + TMath::Power(10, clogxmin + i * cbinwidth);
794 }
795 HitPad = new TH1F(name, title, cnbins, cxbins);
797 // HitPad = new TH1F(name,title,10000,1e02,1e06);
798 HitPad->SetXTitle("Hits/Pad [Hz]");
799 HitPad->SetYTitle("count");
800 HitPad->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1, 1e04);
802 snprintf(name, buf_size - 1, "c2_S%d_L%d", fStation, fLayer);
803 snprintf(title, buf_size - 1, "c2 Station %d, Layer %d", fStation, fLayer);
804 if (fDraw) {
805 c2 = new TCanvas(name, title, 1600, 900);
806 c2->Divide(2, 2); // (3,1);
807 c2->cd(1)->SetLogx(1);
808 c2->cd(1)->SetLogy(1);
809 c2->cd(1)->SetGridx(1);
810 c2->cd(1)->SetGridy(1);
811 HitPad->Draw();
813 // h1HitAsic
814 c2->cd(2)->SetLogx(1); // Data per 32ch Asic lin/log scale
815 c2->cd(2)->SetLogy(0); // will be overwritten later
816 c2->cd(2)->SetGridx(1);
817 c2->cd(2)->SetGridy(1);
819 // h1DataModule
820 c2->cd(3)->SetLogx(1); // Data per Module lin/log scale
821 c2->cd(3)->SetLogy(0); // will be overwritten later
822 c2->cd(3)->SetGridx(1);
823 c2->cd(3)->SetGridy(1);
825 // h1OptLinksModule
826 c2->cd(4)->SetLogx(0); // Data per Module lin/log scale
827 c2->cd(4)->SetLogy(0); // will be overwritten later
828 c2->cd(4)->SetGridx(1);
829 c2->cd(4)->SetGridy(1);
830 }
832 snprintf(name, buf_size - 1, "S%d_L%d", fStation, fLayer);
833 snprintf(title, buf_size - 1, "Station %d, Layer %d", fStation, fLayer);
834 printf("%s\n", title);
836 Layer =
837 new TH2F(name, title, int(2 * winsize / mm2bin), -winsize, winsize, int(2 * winsize / mm2bin), -winsize, winsize);
838 Layer->SetContour(99);
839 Layer->SetXTitle("x-Coordinate [mm]");
840 Layer->SetYTitle("y-Coordinate [mm]");
841 Layer->SetZTitle("Hits/Pad [Hz]");
842 Layer->SetStats(kFALSE);
843 Layer->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
844 Layer->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
845 Layer->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
846 Layer->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02);
847 Layer->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5);
848 Layer->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02);
849 Layer->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(2);
850 Layer->GetZaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.02);
851 Layer->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(-2);
852 Layer->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(ZRangeL, ZRangeU);
853 Layer->Fill(0., 0., 0.);
855 snprintf(name, buf_size - 1, "c1_S%d_L%d", fStation, fLayer);
856 snprintf(title, buf_size - 1, "c1 Station %d, Layer %d", fStation, fLayer);
857 if (fDraw) {
858 c1 = new TCanvas(name, title, 1000, 900);
859 c1->Divide(1, 1);
860 c1->cd(1)->SetLogz(1);
861 Layer->DrawCopy("colz");
862 snprintf(name, buf_size - 1, "c3_S%d_L%d", fStation, fLayer);
863 snprintf(title, buf_size - 1, "c3 Station %d, Layer %d", fStation, fLayer);
864 c3 = new TCanvas(name, title, 1000, 900);
865 c3->Divide(1, 1);
866 c3->cd(1)->SetLogz(1);
867 Layer->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(1., 4e6);
868 Layer->SetZTitle("Hits/Asic [Hz]");
869 Layer->DrawCopy("colz");
870 }
873// --------------------------------------------------------------------
875// ---- FinishTask-----------------------------------------------------
883// --------------------------------------------------------------------
884// ----GetModuleInformation ------------------------------------------
887 // Extract the information about station, layer, module type
888 // and cpoy number of the module from the full path to the
889 // node.
890 // The full path is tokenized at the "/" which diide the different
891 // levels of the geometry.
892 // Knowing the nameing scheme of the volumes one gets the required
893 // information with simple string manipulation.
894 // This is probably not the fastes way, but the speed has to be checked.
895 // The methode works only for versions of Root > 5.20.0, before the
896 // class TStringTocken is not implemented
898 TString path = gGeoManager->GetPath();
899 cout << "Path: " << path << endl;
900 TStringToken* bla = new TStringToken(path, "/");
902 while (bla->NextToken()) {
903 if (bla->Contains("layer")) {
904 TString bla3 = (TString) *bla;
905 Ssiz_t pos = bla3.Last('_');
906 Ssiz_t substringLength = bla3.Length() - pos - 1;
907 TString bla2 = bla3((bla3.Last('_') + 1), substringLength);
908 TString bla1 = bla3(3, 1);
909 fStation = bla1.Atoi();
910 fLayer = bla2.Atoi();
911 }
912 if (bla->Contains("mod")) {
913 TString bla3 = (TString) *bla;
914 Ssiz_t pos = bla3.Last('_');
915 Ssiz_t substringLength = bla3.Length() - pos - 1;
916 TString bla2 = bla3(pos + 1, substringLength);
917 substringLength = pos - 7;
918 TString bla1 = bla3(7, substringLength);
919 break;
920 }
921 }
924// --------------------------------------------------------------------
925// ----GetModuleInformationFromDigiPar ------------------------------------------
927 Int_t VolumeID, TH2F* Layer, TCanvas* c1, TH1F* HitPad,
928 TCanvas* c2, TH2F* Topview[3], TCanvas* c0, Double_t mm2bin)
930 // fPos is >0 for x and y and not rotated
931 // origin of the local coordinate system in
932 // the lower left corner of the chamber,
933 // x to the right (small side of the pads), y up
934 //cout << "GetModuleInformationFromDigiPar" << endl;
936 CbmTrdParModDigi* fModuleInfo = (CbmTrdParModDigi*) fDigiPar->GetModulePar(VolumeID);
937 CbmTrdParModGeo* fModuleGeo = (CbmTrdParModGeo*) fGeoPar->GetModulePar(VolumeID);
938 if (fModuleInfo != NULL) {
940 // fill GeoPara
941 TVector3 padPos;
942 TVector3 padSize;
944 GeoPara->nSec = fModuleInfo->GetNofSectors(); // is always 3
945 GeoPara->moduleId = VolumeID;
946 GeoPara->layerId = fLayer;
947 GeoPara->stationId = fStation;
949 GeoPara->mPos[0] = fModuleGeo->GetX() * 10;
950 GeoPara->mPos[1] = fModuleGeo->GetY() * 10;
951 GeoPara->mPos[2] = fModuleGeo->GetZ() * 10; // == z(station) ??
953 GeoPara->mSize[0] = fModuleInfo->GetSizeX() * 10;
954 GeoPara->mSize[1] = fModuleInfo->GetSizeY() * 10;
955 GeoPara->mSize[2] = 0;
957 GeoPara->nCol = 0; // reset total number of columns
958 GeoPara->nRow = 0; // reset total number of rows
960 for (Int_t s = 0; s < GeoPara->nSec; s++) // for all (3) sectors
961 {
962 GeoPara->sCol[s] = 0; // reset number of columns in sector
963 GeoPara->sRow[s] = 0; // reset number of rows in sector
965 fModuleInfo->GetPosition(/*VolumeID, */ s, 0, 0, padPos, padSize);
966 GeoPara->pSize[s][2] = 0;
968 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) // for x and y
969 {
970 GeoPara->pSize[s][i] = padSize[i] * 10; // convert to mm
972 if (i == 0) // x direction
973 {
974 GeoPara->sSize[s][i] = fModuleInfo->GetSectorSizeX(s) * 10;
975 if (GeoPara->sSize[s][i] < 2 * GeoPara->mSize[i]) // if sector smaller than module
976 {
977 GeoPara->sCol[s] = round(GeoPara->sSize[s][i] / GeoPara->pSize[s][i]); // calculate number of pads
978 }
979 else // only one sector
980 {
981 if (s == 0)
982 GeoPara->sCol[s] = round(GeoPara->sSize[s][i] / GeoPara->pSize[s][i]); // calculate number of pads
983 else
984 GeoPara->sCol[s] = 0; // set other sectors 0
985 }
986 GeoPara->nCol += GeoPara->sCol[s]; // sum up columns
987 }
989 if (i == 1) // y direction
990 {
991 GeoPara->sSize[s][i] = fModuleInfo->GetSectorSizeY(s) * 10;
992 if (GeoPara->sSize[s][i] < 2 * GeoPara->mSize[i]) // if sector smaller than module
993 {
994 GeoPara->sRow[s] = round(GeoPara->sSize[s][i] / GeoPara->pSize[s][i]);
995 }
996 else // only one sector
997 {
998 if (s == 0)
999 GeoPara->sRow[s] = round(GeoPara->sSize[s][i] / GeoPara->pSize[s][i]); // calculate number of pads
1000 else
1001 GeoPara->sRow[s] = 0; // set other sectors 0
1002 }
1003 GeoPara->nRow += GeoPara->sRow[s]; // sum up columns
1004 }
1005 }
1006 }
1008 // swap, if required
1009 if (GeoPara->nRow > GeoPara->nCol) // if mofre rows than columns
1010 {
1011 Int_t itemp;
1012 Double_t dtemp;
1014 itemp = GeoPara->nRow;
1015 GeoPara->nRow = GeoPara->nCol;
1016 GeoPara->nCol = itemp;
1018 for (Int_t s = 0; s < GeoPara->nSec; s++) // for all (3) sectors
1019 {
1020 dtemp = GeoPara->sRow[s];
1021 GeoPara->sRow[s] = GeoPara->sCol[s];
1022 GeoPara->sCol[s] = dtemp;
1024 dtemp = GeoPara->sSize[s][0];
1025 GeoPara->sSize[s][0] = GeoPara->sSize[s][1];
1026 GeoPara->sSize[s][1] = dtemp;
1028 dtemp = GeoPara->pSize[s][0];
1029 GeoPara->pSize[s][0] = GeoPara->pSize[s][1];
1030 GeoPara->pSize[s][1] = dtemp;
1031 }
1032 cout << "swapped x and y" << endl;
1033 }
1035 // get origin
1036 fModuleInfo->GetPosition(/*VolumeID, */ 0, 0, 0, padPos, padSize);
1037 GeoPara->vOrigin[0] = padPos[0] * 10;
1038 GeoPara->vOrigin[1] = padPos[1] * 10;
1039 GeoPara->vOrigin[2] = padPos[2] * 10;
1041 // get col offset
1042 fModuleInfo->GetPosition(/*VolumeID, */ 0, 1, 0, padPos, padSize);
1043 GeoPara->vX[0] = padPos[0] * 10 - GeoPara->vOrigin[0];
1044 GeoPara->vX[1] = padPos[1] * 10 - GeoPara->vOrigin[1];
1045 GeoPara->vX[2] = padPos[2] * 10 - GeoPara->vOrigin[2];
1047 // get row offset
1048 // fModuleInfo->GetPosition(VolumeID, 0, 0, 1, padPos, padSize); // rather take next of 3 sectors
1049 fModuleInfo->GetPosition(/*VolumeID, */ 1, 0, 0, padPos, padSize);
1050 GeoPara->vY[0] = padPos[0] * 10 - GeoPara->vOrigin[0];
1051 GeoPara->vY[1] = padPos[1] * 10 - GeoPara->vOrigin[1];
1052 GeoPara->vY[2] = padPos[2] * 10 - GeoPara->vOrigin[2];
1054 // normal vector
1055 GeoPara->vN[0] = GeoPara->vX[1] * GeoPara->vY[2] - GeoPara->vX[2] * GeoPara->vY[1];
1056 GeoPara->vN[1] = GeoPara->vX[2] * GeoPara->vY[0] - GeoPara->vX[0] * GeoPara->vY[2];
1057 GeoPara->vN[2] = GeoPara->vX[0] * GeoPara->vY[1] - GeoPara->vX[1] * GeoPara->vY[0];
1059 // inclination angle
1060 GeoPara->lambda = (GeoPara->vOrigin[0] * GeoPara->vN[0] + GeoPara->vOrigin[1] * GeoPara->vN[1]
1061 + GeoPara->vOrigin[2] * GeoPara->vN[2]);
1063 /*x-direction*/
1064 GeoPara->cosX = (GeoPara->vX[0] * 1 + GeoPara->vX[1] * 0 + GeoPara->vX[2] * 0)
1065 / sqrt(pow(GeoPara->vX[0], 2) + pow(GeoPara->vX[1], 2) + pow(GeoPara->vX[2], 2));
1066 /*y-direction*/
1067 GeoPara->cosY = (GeoPara->vY[0] * 0 + GeoPara->vY[1] * 1 + GeoPara->vY[2] * 0)
1068 / sqrt(pow(GeoPara->vY[0], 2) + pow(GeoPara->vY[1], 2) + pow(GeoPara->vY[2], 2));
1070 // check and fix cos values (were larger than 1)
1071 // cout << "a cosX " << GeoPara->cosX << " cosY " << GeoPara->cosY << endl;
1073 if (GeoPara->cosX > 1) GeoPara->cosX = 1;
1074 if (GeoPara->cosX < -1) GeoPara->cosX = -1;
1075 if (GeoPara->cosY > 1) GeoPara->cosY = 1;
1076 if (GeoPara->cosY < -1) GeoPara->cosY = -1;
1078 // cout << "b cosX " << GeoPara->cosX << " cosY " << GeoPara->cosY << endl;
1080 if (GeoPara->vX[0] != 0)
1081 GeoPara->stepDirection[0] =
1082 fabs(GeoPara->vX[0]) / (GeoPara->vX[0]); // is the next pad (1,0,0) on the left or right side?
1083 else
1084 GeoPara->stepDirection[0] =
1085 -fabs(GeoPara->vX[1]) / (GeoPara->vX[1]); // is the next pad (1,0,0) on the left or right side?
1087 if (GeoPara->vY[1] != 0)
1088 GeoPara->stepDirection[1] =
1089 fabs(GeoPara->vY[1]) / (GeoPara->vY[1]); // is the next pad (0,1,0) on the upper or lower side?
1090 else
1091 GeoPara->stepDirection[1] =
1092 -fabs(GeoPara->vY[0]) / (GeoPara->vY[0]); // is the next pad (0,1,0) on the upper or lower side?
1094 // transfer values to old variables
1095 Double_t Mpos[3];
1096 Double_t Msize[3];
1097 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) // for x, y and z
1098 {
1099 Mpos[i] = GeoPara->mPos[i]; // set module position
1100 Msize[i] = GeoPara->mSize[i]; // set module size
1101 }
1103 cout.setf(ios::fixed);
1104 cout.precision(0);
1105 if (Lines)
1106 cout << "pos " << setw(6) << Mpos[0] << setw(6) << Mpos[1] << setw(6) << Mpos[2] << " size " << setw(6)
1107 << Msize[0] << setw(6) << Msize[1] << setw(6) << Msize[2] << endl;
1110 const Int_t nSec = fModuleInfo->GetNofSectors(); // is always 3
1111 // cout << nSec << " nSec" << endl;
1112 Double_t Ssize[3 * nSec]; // sector size
1113 Double_t Psize[3 * nSec]; // pad size
1114 for (Int_t iSec = 0; iSec < nSec; iSec++) // iSec = Sector
1115 {
1116 Ssize[0 + iSec * nSec] = GeoPara->sSize[iSec][0];
1117 Ssize[1 + iSec * nSec] = GeoPara->sSize[iSec][1];
1118 Ssize[2 + iSec * nSec] = 0;
1120 Psize[0 + iSec * nSec] = GeoPara->pSize[iSec][0];
1121 Psize[1 + iSec * nSec] = GeoPara->pSize[iSec][1];
1122 Psize[2 + iSec * nSec] = 0;
1123 }
1125 if (Lines)
1126 cout << "sec " << setw(10) << Ssize[0] << setw(10) << Ssize[1] << setw(10) << Ssize[3] << setw(10) << Ssize[4]
1127 << setw(10) << Ssize[6] << setw(10) << Ssize[7] << endl;
1129 cout.precision(2);
1130 if (Lines)
1131 cout << "pad " << setw(10) << Psize[0] << setw(10) << Psize[1] << setw(10) << Psize[3] << setw(10) << Psize[4]
1132 << setw(10) << Psize[6] << setw(10) << Psize[7] << endl;
1134 // nCol and nRow
1135 Int_t nCol = GeoPara->nCol; // columns per module - or - pads per row
1136 Int_t nRow = GeoPara->nRow; // rows per module
1138 const Int_t mCol = fModuleInfo->GetNofColumns();
1139 const Int_t mRow = fModuleInfo->GetNofRows();
1141 if (Lines) {
1142 cout << "col0 " << setw(10) << GeoPara->sCol[0] << " row0 " << setw(10) << GeoPara->sRow[0] << endl;
1143 cout << "col1 " << setw(10) << GeoPara->sCol[1] << " row1 " << setw(10) << GeoPara->sRow[1] << endl;
1144 cout << "col2 " << setw(10) << GeoPara->sCol[2] << " row2 " << setw(10) << GeoPara->sRow[2] << endl;
1145 cout << "col " << setw(10) << nCol << " row " << setw(10) << nRow << endl;
1147 cout << "mcol " << setw(10) << mCol << " mrow " << setw(10) << mRow << endl;
1148 cout << "0col " << setw(10) << fModuleInfo->GetNofColumnsInSector(0) << " 0row " << setw(10)
1149 << fModuleInfo->GetNofRowsInSector(0) << endl;
1150 cout << "1col " << setw(10) << fModuleInfo->GetNofColumnsInSector(1) << " 1row " << setw(10)
1151 << fModuleInfo->GetNofRowsInSector(1) << endl;
1152 cout << "2col " << setw(10) << fModuleInfo->GetNofColumnsInSector(2) << " 2row " << setw(10)
1153 << fModuleInfo->GetNofRowsInSector(2) << endl;
1154 }
1158 // Int_t nCol = 0; // columns per module - or - pads per row
1159 // Int_t nRow = 0; // rows per module
1160 //
1161 // for (Int_t i = 0; i < fnSec; i++)
1162 // {
1163 // if (Ssize[0+i*nSec] < 2 * Msize[0] && Ssize[0+i*nSec] > 0) // sector size within module size
1164 // {
1165 // nCol += int(Ssize[0+i*nSec]/Psize[0+i*nSec]);
1166 // }
1167 // else
1168 // {
1169 // nCol = int(Ssize[0+i*nSec]/Psize[0+i*nSec]);
1170 // }
1171 //
1172 // if (Ssize[1+i*nSec] < 2 * Msize[1] && Ssize[1+i*nSec] > 0) // sector size within module size
1173 // {
1174 // nRow += int(Ssize[1+i*nSec]/Psize[1+i*nSec]);
1175 // }
1176 // else
1177 // {
1178 // nRow = int(Ssize[1+i*nSec]/Psize[1+i*nSec]);
1179 // }
1180 // }
1181 //
1182 // if (Lines)
1183 // cout << "nCol " << setw(10) << nCol << " nRow "<< setw(10) << nRow << endl;
1185 if (Lines) {
1186 cout << "vX0 " << setw(10) << GeoPara->vX[0] << endl;
1187 cout << "vX1 " << setw(10) << GeoPara->vX[1] << endl;
1188 cout << "vY0 " << setw(10) << GeoPara->vY[0] << endl;
1189 cout << "vY1 " << setw(10) << GeoPara->vY[1] << endl;
1190 cout << "step " << setw(10) << GeoPara->stepDirection[0] << setw(10) << GeoPara->stepDirection[1] << endl;
1191 cout << "cos " << setw(10) << GeoPara->cosX << setw(10) << GeoPara->cosY << endl;
1192 cout << "v00xy " << setw(10) << GeoPara->mPos[0] - GeoPara->vOrigin[0] << setw(10)
1193 << GeoPara->mPos[1] - GeoPara->vOrigin[1] << endl;
1195 // cout << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
1196 }
1198 // angles are relative to y direction
1199 if ((GeoPara->stepDirection[0] == 1) && (GeoPara->stepDirection[1] == 1)) // OK - vert up
1200 GeoPara->rot_angle = 0;
1201 if ((GeoPara->stepDirection[0] == -1) && (GeoPara->stepDirection[1] == 1)) // OK - hori left
1202 GeoPara->rot_angle = 1;
1203 if ((GeoPara->stepDirection[0] == -1) && (GeoPara->stepDirection[1] == -1)) // OK - vert down
1204 GeoPara->rot_angle = 2;
1205 if ((GeoPara->stepDirection[0] == 1) && (GeoPara->stepDirection[1] == -1)) // OK - hori right
1206 GeoPara->rot_angle = 3;
1208 // GeoPara->ori = fModuleInfo->GetOrientation(); // is 0,1,2,3
1209 if (Lines)
1210 cout << "ori " << setw(10) << fModuleInfo->GetOrientation() << " rot " << setw(10) << GeoPara->rot_angle
1211 << endl;
1213 // if (GeoPara->rot_angle == 3)
1214 // {
1215 // fModuleInfo->GetPosition(VolumeID, 2, GeoPara->sCol[0], GeoPara->sRow[2], padPos, padSize);
1216 // if (Lines)
1217 // {
1224 // cout << "v11xy " << setw(10) << padPos[0] * 10 - GeoPara->vOrigin[0]
1225 // << setw(10) << padPos[1] * 10 - GeoPara->vOrigin[1] << endl;
1226 // }
1227 // GeoPara->vOrigin[0] = padPos[0] * 10;
1228 // GeoPara->vOrigin[1] = padPos[1] * 10;
1229 // }
1231 if (Lines) cout << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
1233 Topview[0]->Fill(GeoPara->mPos[0], GeoPara->mPos[2]);
1234 Topview[1]->Fill(GeoPara->mPos[0], GeoPara->mPos[1]);
1235 Topview[2]->Fill(GeoPara->mPos[2], GeoPara->mPos[1]);
1237 if (Lines) {
1238 DrawPads(GeoPara, Layer, c1);
1239 DrawBorders(GeoPara, Layer, c1);
1240 }
1241 else {
1242 Histo(GeoPara, Fast, Layer, c1, HitPad, c2, Topview, c0, mm2bin);
1243 }
1245 if (Lines)
1246 for (Int_t s = 0; s < GeoPara->nSec; s++) // for all (3) sectors
1247 {
1248 fModuleInfo->GetPosition(/*VolumeID,*/ s, 0, 0, padPos, padSize);
1250 TPolyMarker* start = new TPolyMarker(1);
1251 start->SetPoint(0, padPos(0) * 10, padPos(1) * 10);
1252 start->SetMarkerStyle(22);
1253 start->SetMarkerSize(.8);
1255 if (fDraw) {
1256 c1->cd(1);
1257 start->Draw("same");
1258 }
1260 fModuleInfo->GetPosition(/*VolumeID,*/ s, GeoPara->sCol[0] - 1, GeoPara->sRow[s] - 1, padPos, padSize);
1262 TPolyMarker* end = new TPolyMarker(1);
1263 end->SetPoint(0, padPos(0) * 10, padPos(1) * 10);
1264 end->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1265 end->SetMarkerSize(.8);
1267 if (fDraw) {
1268 c1->cd(1);
1269 end->Draw("same");
1270 }
1271 }
1272 }
1274 else
1275 printf("fModuleInfo == NULL\n");
1277Double_t CbmTrdHitRateFastQa::CalcHitRatePad(const Double_t x_min, const Double_t x_max, const Double_t y_min,
1278 const Double_t y_max, const Double_t z)
1279{ //[mm]
1280 // Double_t a[3] = { 7.66582e+00, 6.97712e+00, 6.53780e+00};
1281 // Double_t b[3] = {-2.72375e-03, -1.85168e-03, -1.42673e-03};
1282 Double_t r(0), alpha(0), HitRate(0);
1283 Double_t xStepWidth(1), yStepWidth(1); // [mm]
1284 const Int_t xSteps = Int_t(fabs(x_max - x_min) / xStepWidth) - 1;
1285 const Int_t ySteps = Int_t(fabs(y_max - y_min) / yStepWidth) - 1;
1286 Double_t x(x_min + 0.5), y(y_min + 0.5);
1287 // const Double_t padArea = fabs(x_max - x_min) * fabs(y_max - y_min);
1288 for (Int_t yStep = 0; yStep < ySteps; yStep++) {
1289 x = x_min + 0.5;
1290 for (Int_t xStep = 0; xStep < xSteps; xStep++) {
1291 r = sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2));
1292 alpha = atan(r / z) * 1000.; //[mrad]
1293 HitRate += // fit including errors
1294 exp(4.536355e00 + -8.393716e-03 * alpha) + exp(2.400547e01 + -1.208306e-02 * alpha) / (z * z);
1295 x += xStepWidth;
1296 }
1297 y += yStepWidth;
1298 }
1299 return (HitRate); // [Hz/mm^2]
1302Double_t CbmTrdHitRateFastQa::CalcHitRate(HitRateGeoPara2* GeoPara, Double_t StartX, Double_t /*StopX*/, Int_t xSteps,
1303 Double_t StartY, Double_t /*StopY*/, Int_t ySteps, Double_t* /*Mpos*/,
1304 TH2F** /*Topview[3]*/, TCanvas* /*c0*/)
1306 //cout << "CalcHitRate" << endl;
1307 Double_t HitRate = 0; //1. / sqrt( pow( StartX,2) + pow( StartY,2));
1308 Double_t r = 0;
1309 Double_t alpha = 0;
1310 // Int_t counter = 0;
1311 // Double_t a[3] = { 7.66582e+00, 6.97712e+00, 6.53780e+00};
1312 // Double_t b[3] = {-2.72375e-03, -1.85168e-03, -1.42673e-03};
1314 Double_t xStepWidth = GeoPara->cosX;
1315 Double_t yStepWidth = GeoPara->cosY;
1316 Double_t x = StartX + 0.5 * GeoPara->cosX; // don't start on the pad border line
1317 Double_t y = StartY + 0.5 * GeoPara->cosY;
1319 // Double_t xStepWidth = fabs(GeoPara->cosX);
1320 // Double_t yStepWidth = fabs(GeoPara->cosY);
1321 // Double_t x = StartX + 0.5 * fabs(GeoPara->cosX); // don't start on the pad border line
1322 // Double_t y = StartY + 0.5 * fabs(GeoPara->cosY);
1323 Double_t z = (GeoPara->lambda - (x * GeoPara->vN[0] + y * GeoPara->vN[1])) / GeoPara->vN[2];
1324 for (Int_t yStep = 0; yStep < ySteps; yStep++) {
1325 x = StartX + 0.5 * GeoPara->cosX;
1326 // x = StartX + 0.5 * fabs(GeoPara->cosX);
1327 for (Int_t xStep = 0; xStep < xSteps; xStep++) {
1328 z = (GeoPara->lambda - (x * GeoPara->vN[0] + y * GeoPara->vN[1])) / GeoPara->vN[2];
1329 r = sqrt(pow(x / 1.5, 2) + pow(y, 2));
1330 alpha = atan(r / z) * 1000.;
1331 /* //Fit without errors
1332 HitRate +=
1333 exp(4.54156e00 + -8.47377e-03 * alpha) +
1334 exp(2.40005e01 + -1.19541e-02 * alpha) /
1335 (z * z)
1336 ;
1337 */
1338 HitRate += // fit including errors
1339 exp(4.536355e00 + -8.393716e-03 * alpha) + exp(2.400547e01 + -1.208306e-02 * alpha) / (z * z);
1340 /*
1341 Topview[0]->Fill(x,z);
1342 Topview[1]->Fill(x,y);
1343 Topview[2]->Fill(z,y);
1344 */
1345 x += xStepWidth;
1346 }
1347 y += yStepWidth;
1348 }
1349 return (HitRate /*/(counter/100.)*/); /*Convertes Hits/Pad -> Hits/cm² on each Pad*/
1353void CbmTrdHitRateFastQa::Histo(HitRateGeoPara2* GeoPara, Bool_t Fast, TH2F* h2Layer, TCanvas* /*c1*/, TH1F* h1HitPad,
1354 TCanvas* /*c2*/, TH2F* Topview[3], TCanvas* c0, Double_t mm2bin)
1356 Double_t ZRangeL = 1e00; //1e05;
1357 Double_t ZRangeU = 1e05; //1e06;
1358 TString name;
1360 // show only current module name
1361 name.Form("ModuleID %5d", GeoPara->moduleId);
1362 // cout << " " << name << "\r" << flush;
1363 cout << " " << name << "\n" << flush;
1365 name.Form("Module%05d", GeoPara->moduleId);
1366 TH2F* h2Module;
1367 if (GeoPara->mSize[0] < 500) // small module
1368 h2Module = new TH2F(name, name, 600 / mm2bin + 1, -300.5, 300.5, 600 / mm2bin + 1, -300.5,
1369 300.5); // 501 x 501 bins
1370 else // large module
1371 h2Module = new TH2F(name, name, 1000 / mm2bin + 1, -500.5, 500.5, 1000 / mm2bin + 1, -500.5,
1372 500.5); // 1001 x 1001 bins
1373 // TH2F *h2Module = new TH2F(name,name,1500/mm2bin+1,-750.5,750.5,1500/mm2bin+1,-750.5,750.5);
1374 h2Module->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(ZRangeL, ZRangeU);
1376 name.Form("Module%05dHitPad", GeoPara->moduleId);
1377 TH1F* h1HitPadModule = new TH1F(name, name, 1200, 0, 120000);
1378 // TH1F* h1HitPadModule = new TH1F(name,name,10000,1e00,1e06);
1380 //cout << "Histo" << endl;
1382 // printf(" Xp %6d Xs %6d Yp %6d Ys %6d\n", (Int_t)GeoPara->mPos[0], (Int_t)GeoPara->mSize[0], (Int_t)GeoPara->mPos[1], (Int_t)GeoPara->mSize[1]);
1383 // cout << endl << "Xp " << GeoPara->mPos[0] << " Xs " << GeoPara->mSize[0] << " Yp " << GeoPara->mPos[1] << " Ys " << GeoPara->mSize[1] << endl;
1385 Double_t HiteRate = 0;
1387 Int_t iSecX = 0;
1388 Int_t iSecY = 0;
1390 Double_t planeStartX = GeoPara->mPos[0] - GeoPara->mSize[0];
1391 Double_t planeStopX = planeStartX + GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0];
1393 Double_t planeStartY = GeoPara->mPos[1] - GeoPara->mSize[1];
1394 Double_t planeStopY = planeStartY + GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1];
1396 Double_t StartX = GeoPara->vOrigin[0]
1397 + 0.5 * GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0] * GeoPara->cosX; // vOrigin points to the center of pad (0,0,0)
1398 Double_t StopX = StartX + GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0] * GeoPara->cosX;
1400 Double_t StartY = GeoPara->vOrigin[1] + 0.5 * GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1] * GeoPara->cosY;
1401 Double_t StopY = StartY + GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1] * GeoPara->cosY;
1403 Int_t xSteps = 0;
1404 Int_t ySteps = 0;
1406 // cout << "x " << GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0] << " y " << GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][1] << endl;
1408 // printf("stX %6d spX %6d stY %6d spY %6d\n", (Int_t)StartX, (Int_t)StopX, (Int_t)StartY, (Int_t)StopY);
1410 //Int_t xStepDirection = GeoPara->vX[0] / fabs(GeoPara->vX[0]); // is the next pad (1,0,0) on the left or right side?
1411 //Int_t yStepDirection = GeoPara->vY[1] / fabs(GeoPara->vY[1]); // is the next pad (0,1,0) on the upper or lower side?
1413 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1415 //if (GeoPara->rot_angle == 1)
1416 //if (GeoPara->rot_angle != 3)
1417 for (Int_t iR = 0; iR < GeoPara->nRow; iR++) // rows
1418 {
1419 StartX = GeoPara->vOrigin[0] + 0.5 * GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0] * GeoPara->cosX; // why to the left?
1420 StopX = StartX + GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0] * GeoPara->cosX;
1421 planeStartX = GeoPara->mPos[0] - GeoPara->mSize[0];
1422 planeStopX = planeStartX + GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0];
1424 for (Int_t iC = 0; iC < GeoPara->nCol; iC++) // for all columns
1425 {
1426 xSteps = GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0] - 1; // 1 Step / mm
1427 ySteps = GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1] - 1;
1429 if (Fast) {
1430 //DE
1431 // if (GeoPara->mPos[0] > -1 && GeoPara->mPos[1] > -1)
1432 if (GeoPara->mPos[0] < 1 && GeoPara->mPos[1] < 1) // copy the bottom left quadrant
1433 {
1434 HiteRate = CalcHitRate(GeoPara, StartX, StopX, xSteps, StartY, StopY, ySteps, GeoPara->mPos, Topview, c0);
1435 h1HitPad->Fill(HiteRate, 4); // weight 4 for each quadrant
1436 }
1437 }
1439 else // slow, for each module
1440 {
1441 HiteRate = CalcHitRate(GeoPara, StartX, StopX, xSteps, StartY, StopY, ySteps, GeoPara->mPos, Topview, c0);
1442 h1HitPad->Fill(HiteRate);
1443 h1HitPadModule->Fill(HiteRate); // single module, goes into root file
1444 }
1446 // fill HitRate into h2Layer histo
1448 Int_t mStepX = Int_t((planeStartX - GeoPara->mPos[0]));
1449 Int_t mStepY = Int_t((planeStartY - GeoPara->mPos[1]));
1451 for (Int_t stepY = int(planeStartY / mm2bin); stepY < int(planeStopY / mm2bin); stepY++) {
1452 // mStepX = Int_t((planeStartX-GeoPara->mPos[0]));
1454 for (Int_t stepX = int(planeStartX / mm2bin); stepX < int(planeStopX / mm2bin); stepX++) {
1456 if (Fast) {
1457 //DE
1458 // if (GeoPara->mPos[0]/*GeoPara->mPos[0]*/ > -1 && GeoPara->mPos[1]/*GeoPara->mPos[1]*/ > -1)
1459 if (GeoPara->mPos[0] /*GeoPara->mPos[0]*/ < 1 && GeoPara->mPos[1] /*GeoPara->mPos[1]*/ < 1) {
1461 h2Layer->SetBinContent(stepX + int(winsize / mm2bin), stepY + int(winsize / mm2bin),
1462 HiteRate); // bin coordiantes
1463 h2Layer->SetBinContent(-1 * stepX + int(winsize / mm2bin), stepY + int(winsize / mm2bin),
1464 HiteRate); // bin coordiantes
1465 h2Layer->SetBinContent(stepX + int(winsize / mm2bin), -1 * stepY + int(winsize / mm2bin),
1466 HiteRate); // bin coordiantes
1467 h2Layer->SetBinContent(-1 * stepX + int(winsize / mm2bin), -1 * stepY + int(winsize / mm2bin),
1468 HiteRate); // bin coordiantes
1470 if (GeoPara->moduleId == 5) {
1471 // cout << "filling 5 " << mStepX << " " << mStepY << " " << HiteRate << endl;
1472 h2Module->Fill(mStepX, mStepY,
1473 HiteRate); // single module, goes into root file
1474 }
1475 }
1476 }
1478 else // slow
1479 {
1481 h2Layer->SetBinContent(stepX + int(winsize / mm2bin), stepY + int(winsize / mm2bin),
1482 HiteRate); // bin coordinates
1484 // cout << "StepX " << stepX << " StepY " << stepY << endl;
1486 if (GeoPara->moduleId == 5) {
1487 cout << "filling 5 " << mStepX << " " << mStepY << " " << HiteRate << endl;
1488 h2Module->Fill(mStepX, mStepY,
1489 HiteRate); // single module, goes into root file
1490 }
1491 // cout << "mStepX " << mStepX << " mStepY " << mStepY << endl;
1492 }
1494 mStepX += mm2bin;
1495 }
1497 mStepY += mm2bin;
1498 }
1500 //printf("Sx Sy (%d,%d) nC nR (%d,%d) iC iR (%d,%d) SC SR (%d,%d) Px Py (%.1f,%.1f) StartX StartY (%.1f,%.1f)\n",iSecX,iSecY,nC,nR,iC,iR,SecCol,SecRow,Psize[0+iSecX*nSec],Psize[1+iSecY*nSec],StartX,StartY);
1502 // if (iC == GeoPara->sCol[iSecX]-1) // why -1 ??
1503 if (iC == GeoPara->sCol[iSecX]) {
1504 // cout << "iC " << iC << " " << GeoPara->nCol << " " << iSecX << endl;
1505 iSecX++;
1506 }
1507 StartX += GeoPara->stepDirection[0] * GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0] * GeoPara->cosX;
1508 StopX += GeoPara->stepDirection[0] * GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0] * GeoPara->cosX;
1509 planeStartX += GeoPara->stepDirection[0] * GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0];
1510 planeStopX += GeoPara->stepDirection[0] * GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0];
1511 // StartX += GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0] * GeoPara->cosX;
1512 // StopX += GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0] * GeoPara->cosX;
1513 // planeStartX += GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0];
1514 // planeStopX += GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0];
1515 }
1517 iSecX = 0;
1519 // if (iR == GeoPara->sRow[iSecY]-1) // why -1 ??
1520 if (iR == GeoPara->sRow[iSecY]) {
1521 // cout << "iR " << iR << " " << GeoPara->nRow << " " << iSecY << endl;
1522 iSecY++;
1523 }
1525 StartY += GeoPara->stepDirection[1] * GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1] * GeoPara->cosY;
1526 StopY += GeoPara->stepDirection[1] * GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1] * GeoPara->cosY;
1527 planeStartY += GeoPara->stepDirection[1] * GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1];
1528 planeStopY += GeoPara->stepDirection[1] * GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1];
1529 // StartY += GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1] * GeoPara->cosY;
1530 // StopY += GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1] * GeoPara->cosY;
1531 // planeStartY += GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1];
1532 // planeStopY += GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1];
1533 }
1535 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1537 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1538 Topview[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1540 h2Layer->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1541 h1HitPad->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1543 h2Module->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1544 h1HitPadModule->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1545 if (h2Module) delete h2Module;
1546 if (h1HitPadModule) delete h1HitPadModule;
1550void CbmTrdHitRateFastQa::DrawBorders(HitRateGeoPara2* GeoPara, TH2F* /*Layer*/, TCanvas* c1)
1552 //----------------------Sector--------------------------------------
1553 Double_t SecXStart = 0.0;
1554 Double_t SecYStart = 0.0;
1555 Double_t SecXStop = 0.0;
1556 Double_t SecYStop = 0.0;
1558 for (Int_t iSec = 0; iSec < GeoPara->nSec - 1; iSec++) // would be enough to iterate up to nSec-1
1559 {
1561 if (GeoPara->sSize[iSec][0] < 2 * GeoPara->mSize[0] && GeoPara->sSize[iSec][0] > 0) // in x direction
1562 {
1563 SecXStart += GeoPara->sSize[iSec][0];
1564 SecXStop = SecXStart;
1565 }
1566 else {
1567 SecXStart = 0.0;
1568 SecXStop = GeoPara->sSize[iSec][0];
1569 }
1571 if (GeoPara->sSize[iSec][1] < 2 * GeoPara->mSize[1] && GeoPara->sSize[iSec][1] > 0) // in x direction
1572 {
1573 SecYStart += GeoPara->sSize[iSec][1];
1574 SecYStop = SecYStart;
1575 }
1576 else {
1577 SecYStart = 0.0;
1578 SecYStop = GeoPara->sSize[iSec][1];
1579 }
1582 TLine* sector =
1583 new TLine(GeoPara->mPos[0] - GeoPara->mSize[0] + SecXStart, GeoPara->mPos[1] - GeoPara->mSize[1] + SecYStart,
1584 GeoPara->mPos[0] - GeoPara->mSize[0] + SecXStop, GeoPara->mPos[1] - GeoPara->mSize[1] + SecYStop);
1585 sector->SetLineColor(15);
1586 sector->SetLineStyle(2);
1588 TPolyMarker* corner = new TPolyMarker(1);
1589 corner->SetPoint(0, GeoPara->mPos[0] - GeoPara->stepDirection[0] * GeoPara->mSize[0],
1590 GeoPara->mPos[1] - GeoPara->stepDirection[1] * GeoPara->mSize[1]);
1591 corner->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1592 corner->SetMarkerSize(.8);
1594 if (fDraw) {
1595 c1->cd(1);
1596 sector->Draw("same");
1597 corner->Draw("same");
1598 }
1599 }
1602 //----------------------Module--------------------------------------
1603 TBox* module = new TBox(GeoPara->mPos[0] - GeoPara->mSize[0], GeoPara->mPos[1] - GeoPara->mSize[1],
1604 GeoPara->mPos[0] + GeoPara->mSize[0], GeoPara->mPos[1] + GeoPara->mSize[1]);
1605 module->SetFillStyle(0);
1606 module->SetLineColor(1);
1608 TBox* M_inner =
1609 new TBox(GeoPara->mPos[0] - 100, GeoPara->mPos[1] - 100, GeoPara->mPos[0] + 100, GeoPara->mPos[1] + 100);
1610 // M_inner->SetUniqueID(ModuleId);
1611 M_inner->SetFillColor(kWhite);
1613 if (fDraw) {
1614 c1->cd(1);
1615 module->Draw("same"); // black module frame
1616 // M_inner->Draw("same"); // white box in module center // do not draw fot the time being
1617 c1->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1618 }
1620// --------------------------------------------------------------------
1623void CbmTrdHitRateFastQa::DrawPads(HitRateGeoPara2* GeoPara, TH2F* /*Layer*/, TCanvas* c1)
1625 //----------------------Pad--------------------------------------
1626 // const Int_t nR = GeoPara->nRow;
1627 // const Int_t nC = GeoPara->nCol;
1629 Int_t iSecX = 0;
1630 Int_t iSecY = 0;
1632 Double_t StartX = GeoPara->mPos[0] - GeoPara->mSize[0];
1633 Double_t StartY = GeoPara->mPos[1] - GeoPara->mSize[1];
1635 Int_t SecCol = GeoPara->sCol[iSecX];
1636 Int_t SecRow = GeoPara->sRow[iSecY];
1638 for (Int_t iR = 0; iR < GeoPara->nRow; iR++) // rows
1639 {
1640 StartX = GeoPara->mPos[0] - GeoPara->mSize[0];
1641 for (Int_t iC = 0; iC < GeoPara->nCol; iC++) // cols
1642 {
1643 TLine* Pa = new TLine(StartX, // - low
1644 StartY, StartX + GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0], StartY);
1645 TLine* Pb = new TLine(StartX, // - high
1646 StartY + GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1], StartX + GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0],
1647 StartY + GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1]);
1648 TLine* Pc = new TLine(StartX, // | left
1649 StartY, StartX, StartY + GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1]);
1650 TLine* Pd = new TLine(StartX + GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0], // | right
1651 StartY, StartX + GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0], StartY + GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1]);
1652 c1->cd(1);
1653 Pa->SetLineColor(17);
1654 //Pa->SetLineStyle(3);
1655 Pa->Draw("same");
1657 Pb->SetLineColor(17);
1658 //Pb->SetLineStyle(3);
1659 Pb->Draw("same");
1661 Pc->SetLineColor(17);
1662 //Pc->SetLineStyle(3);
1663 Pc->Draw("same");
1665 Pd->SetLineColor(17);
1666 //Pd->SetLineStyle(3);
1667 Pd->Draw("same");
1669 //printf("Sx Sy (%d,%d) nC nR (%d,%d) iC iR (%d,%d) SC SR (%d,%d) Px Py (%.1f,%.1f) StartX StartY (%.1f,%.1f)\n",iSecX,iSecY,GeoPara->nCol,GeoPara->nRow,iC,iR,SecCol,SecRow,GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0],GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1],StartX,StartY);
1671 if (iC == SecCol - 1) {
1672 iSecX++;
1673 SecCol += GeoPara->sCol[iSecX];
1674 }
1675 StartX += GeoPara->pSize[iSecX][0];
1676 }
1677 iSecX = 0;
1678 if (iR == SecRow - 1) {
1679 iSecY++;
1680 SecRow += GeoPara->sRow[iSecY];
1681 }
1682 StartY += GeoPara->pSize[iSecY][1];
1683 }
1685// --------------------------------------------------------------------
1688// ------DrawDigi------------------------------------------------------
1690// --------------------------------------------------------------------
1693// ---- Register ------------------------------------------------------
1696 //FairRootManager::Instance()->Register("TrdDigi","Trd Digi", fDigiCollection, IsOutputBranchPersistent("TrdDigi"));
1697 //FairRootManager::Instance()->Register("TrdDigiMatch","Trd Digi Match", fDigiMatchCollection, IsOutputBranchPersistent("TrdDigiMatch"));
1699// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Helper class to convert unique channel ID back and forth.
Helper class to extract information from the GeoManager.
#define winsize
friend fvec sqrt(const fvec &a)
friend fvec exp(const fvec &a)
int Int_t
bool Bool_t
static uint32_t GetModuleId(uint32_t address)
Return module ID from address.
static uint32_t GetLayerId(uint32_t address)
Return layer ID from address.
static uint32_t GetAddress(int32_t layerId, int32_t moduleId, int32_t sectorId, int32_t rowId, int32_t columnId)
Return address from system ID, layer, module, sector, column and row IDs.
void Init(Bool_t isSimulation=kFALSE)
Double_t CalcHitRate(HitRateGeoPara2 *GeoPara, Double_t StartX, Double_t StopX, Int_t xSteps, Double_t StartY, Double_t StopY, Int_t ySteps, Double_t *Mpos, TH2F *Topview[3], TCanvas *c0)
CbmTrdParSetAsic * fAsicPar
MC Track information.
virtual InitStatus Init()
TClonesArray * fMCStacks
Corresponding MCPoints to TRD digis.
Double_t CalcHitRatePad(const Double_t x_min, const Double_t x_max, const Double_t y_min, const Double_t y_max, const Double_t z)
std::vector< Int_t > fColors
CbmTrdParSetDigi * fDigiPar
void GetModuleInformationFromDigiPar(HitRateGeoPara2 *GeoPara, Bool_t Fast, Bool_t Lines, Int_t VolumeID, TH2F *Layer, TCanvas *c1, TH1F *HitPad, TCanvas *c2, TH2F *Topview[3], TCanvas *c0, Double_t mm2bin)
void ScanModulePlane(const Int_t moduleId, TCanvas *&c1, TCanvas *&c2, TH1F *&HitPad, TH1F *&HitAsic)
void HistoInit(TCanvas *&c1, TCanvas *&c2, TCanvas *&c3, TH2F *&Layer, TH1F *&HitPad, Double_t ZRangeL, Double_t ZRangeU, Double_t mm2bin)
void Histo(HitRateGeoPara2 *GeoPara, Bool_t Fast, TH2F *Layer, TCanvas *c1, TH1F *HitPad, TCanvas *c2, TH2F *Topview[3], TCanvas *c0, Double_t mm2bin)
virtual InitStatus ReInit()
TClonesArray * fDigiCollection
Trd MC points.
CbmTrdParSetGeo * fGeoPar
CbmTrdGeoHandler * fGeoHandler
std::map< std::pair< Int_t, std::pair< Int_t, Int_t > >, CbmTrdDigi * > fDigiMap
TClonesArray * fDigiMatchCollection
TRD digis.
void DrawBorders(HitRateGeoPara2 *GeoPara, TH2F *Layer, TCanvas *c1)
void DrawPads(HitRateGeoPara2 *GeoPara, TH2F *Layer, TCanvas *c1)
virtual void Exec(Option_t *option)
std::vector< Double_t > fZLevel
Definition of ASIC parameters.
virtual Double_t GetSizeX() const =0
virtual Double_t GetSizeY() const =0
virtual Double_t GetY() const
virtual Double_t GetX() const
Describe TRD module ASIC settings (electronic gain, delays, etc)
virtual void GetAsicAddresses(std::vector< Int_t > *a) const
Query the ASICs in the module for their DAQ address. It applies to the list of ASICs....
virtual int GetNofAsics() const
Returns the DEFAULT number of ASICs for the current module.
virtual Int_t GetAsicAddress(Int_t chAddress) const
Look for the ASIC which operates on a specific channel It applies to the list of ASICs.
virtual const CbmTrdParAsic * GetAsicPar(Int_t address) const
Look for the ASIC parameters of a given DAQ id It applies to the list of ASICs.
Definition of chamber gain conversion for one TRD module.
Double_t GetSectorSizeX(Int_t i) const
Int_t GetNofSectors() const
void GetPosition(Int_t sectorId, Int_t columnId, Int_t rowId, TVector3 &padPos, TVector3 &padSize) const
Double_t GetSizeY() const
Int_t GetNofColumnsInSector(Int_t i) const
Int_t GetOrientation() const
Int_t GetNofRows() const
Double_t GetSectorSizeY(Int_t i) const
Int_t GetNofRowsInSector(Int_t i) const
Int_t GetNofColumns() const
Double_t GetSizeX() const
Definition of geometry for one TRD module.
virtual Double_t GetZ() const
virtual Double_t GetY() const
virtual Double_t GetX() const
Describe TRD module ASIC settings (electronic gain, delays, etc)
virtual Int_t GetNrOfModules() const
virtual Int_t GetModuleId(Int_t i) const
virtual const CbmTrdParMod * GetModulePar(Int_t detId) const
Int_t GetColorCode(Double_t value)
void InitColorVector(Bool_t logScale, Double_t min, Double_t max)
Double_t pSize[3][3]
Double_t sSize[3][3]