41 virtual InitStatus
46 virtual void Exec(Option_t* opt);
72 void ExecDetector(
const string& pathPattern,
const string& detName);
82 map<
Int_t, map<
Int_t, pair<Double_t, Double_t>>>& xyOnTrack);
Helper class to access detector presence.
Helper class to access detector presence.
virtual InitStatus Init()
Derived from FairTask.
void CreateHistograms()
Create histograms.
void SetOutputDir(const string &outputDir)
ClassDef(CbmLitRadLengthQa, 1)
static Int_t GetMuchAbsorberId(const TString &nodePath)
Return MUCH absorber ID by path to the node or -1 in case node does not exists.
virtual ~CbmLitRadLengthQa()
void ReadDataBranches()
Read data branches.
virtual void Finish()
Derived from FairTask.
static Int_t GetMvdStationId(const TString &nodePath)
Return MVD station ID by path to the node or -1 in case node does not exists.
void SaveMaterialBudgetToFile()
Save silicon equivalent histograms to a separate files for each detector.
virtual void Exec(Option_t *opt)
Derived from FairTask.
static Int_t GetMuchStationId(const TString &nodePath)
Return MUCH station ID by path to the node or -1 in case node does not exists.
static const Double_t SILICON_RAD_LENGTH
CbmLitRadLengthQa(const CbmLitRadLengthQa &)
void ExecDetector(const string &pathPattern, const string &detName)
Execute total radiation length for a particular detector.
void SaveDetectorMaterialBudgetToFile(const string &detName)
static Int_t GetStsStationId(const TString &nodePath)
Return STS station ID by path to the node or -1 in case node does not exists.
void FillHistosDetector(const map< Int_t, map< Int_t, Double_t > > &parMap, const string &histName, map< Int_t, map< Int_t, pair< Double_t, Double_t > > > &xyOnTrack)
CbmLitRadLengthQa & operator=(const CbmLitRadLengthQa &)
static Int_t GetTrdStationId(const TString &nodePath)
Return TRD station ID by path to the node or -1 in case node does not exists.