No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* Copyright (C) 2018-2020 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
2 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
3 Authors: Etienne Bechtel, Florian Uhlig [committer] */
5// Includes from TRD
6#include "CbmTrdModuleSimR.h"
8#include "CbmTrdAddress.h"
9#include "CbmTrdDigi.h"
10#include "CbmTrdDigitizer.h"
11#include "CbmTrdParModAsic.h"
12#include "CbmTrdParModDigi.h"
13#include "CbmTrdParSpadic.h"
14#include "CbmTrdPoint.h"
15#include "CbmTrdRadiator.h"
17// Includes from CbmRoot
18//#include "CbmDaqBuffer.h"
19#include "CbmMatch.h"
21// Includes from FairRoot
22#include <Logger.h>
24// Includes from Root
25#include <TClonesArray.h>
26#include <TGeoManager.h>
27#include <TMath.h>
28#include <TRandom3.h>
29#include <TStopwatch.h>
30#include <TVector3.h>
32// Includes from C++
33#include "CbmTrdRawToDigiR.h"
35#include <fstream>
36#include <iomanip>
37#include <iostream>
39#include <cmath>
44 : CbmTrdModuleSim(mod, ly, rot)
45 , fSigma_noise_keV(0.2)
46 , fMinimumChargeTH(.5e-06)
47 , fCurrentTime(-1.)
48 , fAddress(-1.)
49 , fLastEventTime(-1)
50 , fEventTime(-1)
51 , fLastTime(-1)
52 , fCollectTime(2048)
53 , //in pulsed mode
54 fnClusterConst(0)
55 , fnScanRowConst(0)
56 ,
58 fPulseSwitch(true)
59 , fPrintPulse(false)
60 , //only for debugging
61 fTimeShift(true)
62 , //for pulsed mode
63 fAddCrosstalk(true)
64 , //for pulsed mode
65 fClipping(true)
66 , //for pulsed mode
67 fepoints(0)
68 , fAdcNoise(2)
69 , fDistributionMode(4)
70 , fCrosstalkLevel(0.01)
71 ,
73 nofElectrons(0)
74 , nofLatticeHits(0)
75 , nofPointsAboveThreshold(0)
76 ,
78 fAnalogBuffer()
79 , fPulseBuffer()
80 , fMultiBuffer()
81 , fTimeBuffer()
82 , fShiftQA()
83 , fLinkQA()
84 , fMCQA()
85 , fMCBuffer()
88 FairRootManager* ioman = FairRootManager::Instance();
89 fTimeSlice = (CbmTimeSlice*) ioman->GetObject("TimeSlice.");
92 SetNameTitle(Form("TrdSimR%d", mod), "Simulator for rectangular read-out.");
95 TFile* oldFile = gFile;
96 TDirectory* oldDir = gDirectory;
98 TString dir = getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
99 TString filename = dir + "/parameters/trd/FeatureExtractionLookup.root";
100 TFile* f = new TFile(filename, "OPEN");
101 LOG_IF(fatal, !f->IsOpen()) << "parameter file " << filename << " does not exist!";
102 fDriftTime = f->Get<TH2D>("Drift");
103 LOG_IF(fatal, !fDriftTime) << "No histogram Drift founfd in file " << filename;
104 fDriftTime->SetDirectory(0);
105 f->Close();
108 gFile = oldFile;
109 gDirectory = oldDir;
111 oldFile = nullptr;
112 delete oldFile;
114 if (fPulseSwitch) {
117 }
121void CbmTrdModuleSimR::AddDigi(Int_t address, Double_t charge, Double_t /*chargeTR*/, Double_t time, Int_t trigger)
123 Double_t weighting = charge;
125 TVector3 padPos, padPosErr;
126 fDigiPar->GetPadPosition(address, padPos, padPosErr);
127 Double_t distance = sqrt(pow(fXYZ[0] - padPos[0], 2) + pow(fXYZ[1] - padPos[1], 2));
128 weighting = 1. / distance;
129 }
131 // std::map<Int_t, std::pair<CbmTrdDigi*, CbmMatch*> >::iterator it = fDigiMap.find(address);
132 // std::map<Int_t, std::pair<CbmTrdDigi*, CbmMatch*> >::iterator it;
134 Int_t col = CbmTrdAddress::GetColumnId(address);
135 Int_t row = CbmTrdAddress::GetRowId(address);
136 Int_t sec = CbmTrdAddress::GetSectorId(address);
137 Int_t ncols = fDigiPar->GetNofColumns();
138 Int_t channel(0);
139 for (Int_t isec(0); isec < sec; isec++)
140 channel += ncols * fDigiPar->GetNofRowsInSector(isec);
141 channel += ncols * row + col;
143 std::map<Int_t, std::pair<CbmTrdDigi*, CbmMatch*>>::iterator it = fDigiMap.find(address);
144 if (it == fDigiMap.end()) { // Pixel not yet in map -> Add new pixel
145 CbmMatch* digiMatch = new CbmMatch();
146 digiMatch->AddLink(CbmLink(weighting, fPointId, fEventId, fInputId));
147 AddNoise(charge);
150 if (trigger == 1) triggertype = CbmTrdDigi::eTriggerType::kSelf;
151 if (trigger == 2) triggertype = CbmTrdDigi::eTriggerType::kNeighbor;
153 CbmTrdDigi* digi = new CbmTrdDigi(channel, fModAddress, charge * 1e6, ULong64_t(time), triggertype, 0);
155 digi->SetFlag(0, true);
156 if (fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(sec) == 1.5) digi->SetErrorClass(1);
157 if (fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(sec) == 4.) digi->SetErrorClass(2);
158 if (fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(sec) == 6.75) digi->SetErrorClass(3);
159 if (fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(sec) == 12.) digi->SetErrorClass(4);
161 fDigiMap[address] = std::make_pair(digi, digiMatch);
163 it = fDigiMap.find(address);
164 // it->second.first->SetAddressModule(fModAddress);//module); <- now handled in the digi contructor
165 }
166 else {
167 it->second.first->AddCharge(charge * 1e6);
168 it->second.second->AddLink(CbmLink(weighting, fPointId, fEventId, fInputId));
169 }
176 std::vector<std::pair<CbmTrdDigi*, CbmMatch*>> analog = fAnalogBuffer[address];
177 std::vector<std::pair<CbmTrdDigi*, CbmMatch*>>::iterator it;
178 CbmTrdDigi* digi = analog.begin()->first;
179 CbmMatch* digiMatch = new CbmMatch();
180 //printf("CbmTrdModuleSimR::ProcessBuffer(%10d)=%3d\n", address, digi->GetAddressChannel());
182 // Int_t trigger = 0;
183 Float_t digicharge = 0;
184 // Float_t digiTRcharge=0;
185 for (it = analog.begin(); it != analog.end(); it++) {
186 digicharge += it->first->GetCharge();
187 digiMatch->AddLink(it->second->GetLink(0));
188 //printf(" add charge[%f] trigger[%d]\n", it->first->GetCharge(), it->first->GetTriggerType());
189 }
190 digi->SetCharge(digicharge);
191 digi->SetTriggerType(fAnalogBuffer[address][0].first->GetTriggerType());
193 // std::cout<<digicharge<<std::endl;
195 // if(analog.size()>1) for (it=analog.begin()+1 ; it != analog.end(); it++) if(it->first) delete it->first;
197 fDigiMap[address] = std::make_pair(digi, digiMatch);
199 fAnalogBuffer.erase(address);
203void CbmTrdModuleSimR::ProcessPulseBuffer(Int_t address, Bool_t FNcall, Bool_t MultiCall = false, Bool_t down = true,
204 Bool_t up = true)
207 std::map<Int_t, std::pair<std::vector<Double_t>, CbmMatch*>>::iterator iBuff = fPulseBuffer.find(address);
208 std::map<Int_t, Double_t>::iterator tBuff = fTimeBuffer.find(address);
210 if (iBuff == fPulseBuffer.end() || tBuff == fTimeBuffer.end()) return;
211 Int_t trigger = CheckTrigger(fPulseBuffer[address].first);
212 if (fPulseBuffer[address].first.size() < 32) { return; }
214 if (trigger == 0 && !FNcall) { return; }
215 if (trigger == 1 && FNcall) { FNcall = false; }
217 Int_t col = CbmTrdAddress::GetColumnId(address);
218 Int_t row = CbmTrdAddress::GetRowId(address);
219 Int_t sec = CbmTrdAddress::GetSectorId(address);
220 Int_t ncols = fDigiPar->GetNofColumns();
221 Int_t channel(0);
222 for (Int_t isec(0); isec < sec; isec++)
223 channel += ncols * fDigiPar->GetNofRowsInSector(isec);
224 channel += ncols * row + col;
227 CbmMatch* digiMatch = new CbmMatch();
228 std::vector<Int_t> temp;
229 for (size_t i = 0; i < fPulseBuffer[address].first.size(); i++) {
230 Int_t noise = AddNoiseADC();
231 Int_t cross = AddCrosstalk(address, i, sec, row, col, ncols);
233 fPulseBuffer[address].first[i] = fPulseBuffer[address].first[i] + noise + cross;
234 if (fPulseBuffer[address].first[i] <= fClipLevel && fPulseBuffer[address].first[i] >= -12.)
235 temp.push_back((Int_t) fPulseBuffer[address].first[i]);
236 if (fPulseBuffer[address].first[i] > fClipLevel) temp.push_back(fClipLevel - 1);
237 if (fPulseBuffer[address].first[i] < -12.) temp.push_back(-12.);
238 if (fDebug) fQA->Fill("Pulse", i, fPulseBuffer[address].first[i]);
239 if (fDebug) fQA->CreateHist("Pulse self", 32, -0.5, 31.5, 512, -12., 500.);
240 if (fDebug) fQA->CreateHist("Pulse FN", 32, -0.5, 31.5, 512, -12., 500.);
241 if (fDebug && trigger == 1) fQA->Fill("Pulse self", i, fPulseBuffer[address].first[i]);
242 if (fDebug && trigger == 0) fQA->Fill("Pulse FN", i, fPulseBuffer[address].first[i]);
243 }
246 Float_t corr = fMinDrift; //correction of average sampling to clock difference and systematic average drift time
248 //correction for EB case is done later, due to the event time 0 and the unsigned data member for the time in the digi
250 if (fTimeSlice) {
251 if (fTimeBuffer[address] + corr - shift < fTimeSlice->GetStartTime()) {
252 delete digiMatch;
253 delete fPulseBuffer[address].second;
254 fPulseBuffer.erase(address);
255 fTimeBuffer.erase(address);
256 return;
257 }
258 }
260 CbmTrdDigi* digi = nullptr;
261 if (fTimeBuffer[address] + corr - shift > 0.)
262 digi = fMessageConverter->MakeDigi(temp, channel, fModAddress, fTimeBuffer[address] + corr - shift, true);
263 else
264 digi = fMessageConverter->MakeDigi(temp, channel, fModAddress, fTimeBuffer[address] + corr, true);
266 if (fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(sec) == 1.5) digi->SetErrorClass(1);
267 if (fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(sec) == 4.) digi->SetErrorClass(2);
268 if (fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(sec) == 6.75) digi->SetErrorClass(3);
269 if (fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(sec) == 12.) digi->SetErrorClass(4);
270 if (!CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased()) digi->SetFlag(1, true);
272 Int_t shiftcut = fShiftQA[address] * 10;
273 Float_t timeshift = shiftcut / 10.0;
274 if (temp[fMinBin] == fClipLevel - 1 && temp[fMaxBin] == fClipLevel - 1) digi->SetCharge(35.);
276 std::vector<CbmLink> links = fPulseBuffer[address].second->GetLinks();
277 Int_t Links = 0.;
278 for (UInt_t iLinks = 0; iLinks < links.size(); iLinks++) {
279 digiMatch->AddLink(links[iLinks]);
280 Links++;
281 }
283 if (fDebug) {
284 fQA->CreateHist("MC", 200, 0., 50.);
285 fQA->Fill("MC", fMCQA[address]);
286 fQA->CreateHist("rec shift", 63, -0.5, 62.5);
287 fQA->Fill("rec shift", shift);
288 fQA->CreateHist("T res", 70, -35, 35);
289 fQA->Fill("T res", shift - timeshift);
290 fQA->CreateHist("Time", 100, -50, 50);
291 fQA->Fill("Time", digi->GetTime() - fLinkQA[address][0]["Time"]);
294 fQA->CreateProfile("MAX ADC", 63, -0.5, 62.5, 512, -12., 500.);
295 fQA->FillProfile("MAX ADC", timeshift, temp[fMaxBin], fMCQA[address]);
296 fQA->CreateProfile("ASYM MAP", 512, -12., 500., 512, -12., 500.);
297 fQA->FillProfile("ASYM MAP", temp[fMinBin], temp[fMaxBin], timeshift);
300 if (trigger == 1 && MultiCall && digi->GetCharge() > 0.) fQA->Fill("Multi Quote", 1);
301 else
302 fQA->Fill("Multi Quote", 0);
304 if (trigger == 1 && !MultiCall) {
305 fQA->CreateHist("E self", 200, 0., 50.0);
306 fQA->Fill("E self", digi->GetCharge());
307 fQA->CreateHist("E res", 400., -1., 1.);
308 fQA->Fill("E res", digi->GetCharge() - fMCQA[address]);
309 fQA->CreateHist("E res rel", 400., -1., 1.);
310 fQA->Fill("E res rel", (digi->GetCharge() - fMCQA[address]) / fMCQA[address]);
311 fQA->CreateHist("Charge Max", 200, 0., 50.0, 512, -12., 500.);
312 fQA->Fill("Charge Max", fMessageConverter->GetCharge(temp, timeshift), temp[fMaxBin]);
313 fQA->CreateHist("Links Res Self", 400., -1., 1., 5, -0.5, 4.5);
314 fQA->Fill("Links Res Self", (digi->GetCharge() - fMCQA[address]) / fMCQA[address], digiMatch->GetNofLinks());
316 if (Links == 1) {
317 fQA->CreateProfile("1 Link Prof", 32, 0., 32.);
318 for (size_t i = 0; i < fPulseBuffer[address].first.size(); i++) {
319 fQA->FillProfile("1 Link Prof", i, temp[i]);
320 }
321 }
323 if (fLinkQA[address].size() == 2 && fLinkQA[address][1]["Event"] != fLinkQA[address][0]["Event"]) {
324 fQA->CreateHist("Links QA time", 400., -1., 1., 500, 0., 2000.);
325 fQA->Fill("Links QA time", (digi->GetCharge() - fMCQA[address]) / fMCQA[address],
326 fLinkQA[address][1]["Time"] - fLinkQA[address][0]["Time"]);
327 fQA->CreateProfile("2 Link Prof", 32, 0., 32., 100, 0., 2000.);
328 for (size_t i = 0; i < fPulseBuffer[address].first.size(); i++) {
329 fQA->FillProfile("2 Link Prof", i, fLinkQA[address][1]["Time"] - fLinkQA[address][0]["Time"], temp[i]);
330 }
331 }
333 if (Links == 2 && links[0].GetEntry() == links[1].GetEntry()) {
334 fQA->CreateHist("In Event Res", 400., -1., 1.);
335 fQA->Fill("In Event Res", (digi->GetCharge() - fMCQA[address]) / fMCQA[address]);
336 }
337 if (Links == 2 && links[0].GetEntry() != links[1].GetEntry()) {
338 fQA->CreateHist("Inter Event Res", 400., -1., 1.);
339 fQA->Fill("Inter Event Res", (digi->GetCharge() - fMCQA[address]) / fMCQA[address]);
340 }
341 }
342 else {
343 fQA->CreateHist("E FN", 200, 0., 10.0);
344 fQA->Fill("E FN", digi->GetCharge());
345 fQA->CreateHist("E FN max", 512, -12., 500.);
346 fQA->Fill("E FN max", temp[fMaxBin]);
347 fQA->CreateHist("E FN MC max", 512, -12., 500., 200, 0., 50.);
348 fQA->Fill("E FN MC max", temp[fMaxBin], fMCQA[address]);
349 fQA->CreateHist("E FN res", 400., -1., 1.);
350 fQA->Fill("E FN res", digi->GetCharge() - fMCQA[address]);
351 fQA->CreateHist("E FN rel", 400., -1., 1.);
352 fQA->Fill("E FN rel", (digi->GetCharge() - fMCQA[address]) / fMCQA[address]);
353 fQA->CreateHist("Links Res FN", 400., -1., 1., 5, -0.5, 4.5);
354 fQA->Fill("Links Res FN", digi->GetCharge() - fMCQA[address], digiMatch->GetNofLinks());
356 fQA->CreateProfile("1 Link Prof FN", 32, 0., 32.);
357 for (size_t i = 0; i < fPulseBuffer[address].first.size(); i++) {
358 fQA->FillProfile("1 Link Prof FN", i, temp[i]);
359 }
362 if (fLinkQA[address].size() == 2 && fLinkQA[address][1]["Event"] != fLinkQA[address][0]["Event"]) {
363 fQA->CreateHist("Links QA time FN", 400., -1., 1., 500, 0., 2000.);
364 fQA->Fill("Links QA time FN", (digi->GetCharge() - fMCQA[address]) / fMCQA[address],
365 fLinkQA[address][1]["Time"] - fLinkQA[address][0]["Time"]);
366 fQA->CreateProfile("2 Link Prof FN", 32, 0., 32., 100, 0., 2000.);
367 for (size_t i = 0; i < fPulseBuffer[address].first.size(); i++) {
368 fQA->FillProfile("2 Link Prof FN", i, fLinkQA[address][1]["Time"] - fLinkQA[address][0]["Time"], temp[i]);
369 }
370 }
371 }
372 fShiftQA.erase(address);
373 fMCQA.erase(address);
374 fLinkQA.erase(address);
375 }
378 // digi->SetAddressModule(fModAddress); Not required anymore, now handled in the digi c'tor
380 if (trigger == 1) { digi->SetTriggerType(CbmTrdDigi::eTriggerType::kSelf); }
381 if (trigger == 0 && FNcall) { digi->SetTriggerType(CbmTrdDigi::eTriggerType::kNeighbor); }
382 if (trigger == 1 && MultiCall) { digi->SetTriggerType(CbmTrdDigi::eTriggerType::kMulti); }
384 //digi->SetMatch(digiMatch);
385 if (fDebug) {
386 fQA->CreateHist("Links", 10, -0.5, 9.5);
387 fQA->Fill("Links", digiMatch->GetNofLinks());
388 }
389 if (!FNcall && fPrintPulse)
390 std::cout << "main call charge: " << digi->GetCharge() << " col : " << col
391 << " lay : " << CbmTrdAddress::GetLayerId(address) << " trigger: " << trigger
392 << " time: " << digi->GetTime() << std::endl;
393 if (FNcall && fPrintPulse)
394 std::cout << "FN call charge: " << digi->GetCharge() << " col : " << col
395 << " lay : " << CbmTrdAddress::GetLayerId(address) << " trigger: " << trigger
396 << " time: " << digi->GetTime() << std::endl;
398 // if(!FNcall && MultiCall) std::cout<<"main call charge: "<<digi->GetCharge()<<" col : " << col<<" lay : " << CbmTrdAddress::GetLayerId(address)<<" trigger: " << trigger<<" time: " << digi->GetTime()<<std::endl;
399 // if(FNcall && MultiCall) std::cout<<"FN call charge: "<<digi->GetCharge()<<" col : " << col<<" lay : " << CbmTrdAddress::GetLayerId(address)<< " trigger: " << trigger<<" time: " << digi->GetTime()<<std::endl;
401 fDigiMap[address] = std::make_pair(digi, digiMatch);
403 fPulseBuffer.erase(address);
405 if (!FNcall && !MultiCall && trigger == 1) {
406 if (down) {
407 Int_t FNaddress = 0;
408 if (col >= 1)
410 CbmTrdAddress::GetModuleId(fModAddress), sec, row, col - 1);
411 Double_t timediff = TMath::Abs(fTimeBuffer[address] - fTimeBuffer[FNaddress]);
412 if (FNaddress != 0 && timediff < CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC))
413 ProcessPulseBuffer(FNaddress, true, false, true, false);
414 }
416 if (up) {
417 Int_t FNaddress = 0;
418 if (col < (ncols - 1))
420 sec, row, col + 1);
421 Double_t timediff = TMath::Abs(fTimeBuffer[address] - fTimeBuffer[FNaddress]);
422 if (FNaddress != 0 && timediff < CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC))
423 ProcessPulseBuffer(FNaddress, true, false, false, true);
424 }
425 }
428 if (!FNcall && MultiCall && trigger == 1) {
429 if (down) {
430 Int_t FNaddress = 0;
431 if (col >= 1)
433 CbmTrdAddress::GetModuleId(fModAddress), sec, row, col - 1);
434 // Double_t timediff = TMath::Abs(fTimeBuffer[address]-fTimeBuffer[FNaddress]);
435 if (FNaddress != 0) ProcessPulseBuffer(FNaddress, true, true, true, false);
436 }
438 if (up) {
439 Int_t FNaddress = 0;
440 if (col < (ncols - 1))
442 sec, row, col + 1);
443 // Double_t timediff = TMath::Abs(fTimeBuffer[address]-fTimeBuffer[FNaddress]);
444 if (FNaddress != 0) ProcessPulseBuffer(FNaddress, true, true, false, true);
445 }
446 }
448 fTimeBuffer.erase(address);
453void CbmTrdModuleSimR::AddDigitoBuffer(Int_t address, Double_t charge, Double_t /*chargeTR*/, Double_t time,
454 Int_t trigger)
456 Double_t weighting = charge;
458 TVector3 padPos, padPosErr;
459 fDigiPar->GetPadPosition(address, padPos, padPosErr);
460 Double_t distance = sqrt(pow(fXYZ[0] - padPos[0], 2) + pow(fXYZ[1] - padPos[1], 2));
461 weighting = 1. / distance;
462 }
464 //compare times of the buffer content with the actual time and process the buffer if collecttime is over
465 Bool_t eventtime = false;
466 if (time > 0.000) eventtime = true;
467 if (eventtime) CheckTime(address);
469 AddNoise(charge);
471 //fill digis in the buffer
472 CbmMatch* digiMatch = new CbmMatch();
473 digiMatch->AddLink(CbmLink(weighting, fPointId, fEventId, fInputId));
475 Int_t col = CbmTrdAddress::GetColumnId(address);
476 Int_t row = CbmTrdAddress::GetRowId(address);
477 Int_t sec = CbmTrdAddress::GetSectorId(address);
478 Int_t ncols = fDigiPar->GetNofColumns();
479 Int_t channel(0);
480 for (Int_t isec(0); isec < sec; isec++)
481 channel += ncols * fDigiPar->GetNofRowsInSector(isec);
482 channel += ncols * row + col;
484 auto triggertype = CbmTrdDigi::eTriggerType::kNTrg;
485 if (trigger == 1) triggertype = CbmTrdDigi::eTriggerType::kSelf;
486 if (trigger == 2) triggertype = CbmTrdDigi::eTriggerType::kNeighbor;
487 // std::cout<<charge*1e6<<" "<<fTimeBuffer[address]/CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC)<<std::endl;
488 CbmTrdDigi* digi =
489 new CbmTrdDigi(channel, fModAddress, charge * 1e6,
490 ULong64_t(time / CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC)), triggertype, 0);
493 //digi->SetMatch(digiMatch);
494 // printf("CbmTrdModuleSimR::AddDigitoBuffer(%10d)=%3d [%d] col[%3d] row[%d] sec[%d]\n", address, channel, fModAddress, col, row, sec);
496 fAnalogBuffer[address].push_back(std::make_pair(digi, digiMatch));
497 fTimeBuffer[address] = fCurrentTime;
498 if (!eventtime) ProcessBuffer(address);
502void CbmTrdModuleSimR::AddDigitoPulseBuffer(Int_t address, Double_t reldrift, Double_t charge, Double_t /*chargeTR*/,
503 Double_t time, Int_t /*trigger*/, Int_t /*epoints*/, Int_t /*ipoint*/)
506 Double_t weighting = charge * fepoints;
508 TVector3 padPos, padPosErr;
509 fDigiPar->GetPadPosition(address, padPos, padPosErr);
510 Double_t distance = sqrt(pow(fXYZ[0] - padPos[0], 2) + pow(fXYZ[1] - padPos[1], 2));
511 weighting = 1. / distance;
512 }
514 // if(!CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && fPointId-fLastPoint!=0) {CheckBuffer(true);CleanUp(true);}
516 if (CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && reldrift == 0.) {
517 Bool_t gotMulti = CheckMulti(address, fPulseBuffer[address].first);
518 fMultiBuffer.erase(address);
519 if (gotMulti) fMCBuffer[address].clear();
520 }
522 if (CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && reldrift == 0.) CheckTime(address);
524 fMultiBuffer[address] = std::make_pair(fMultiBuffer[address].first + charge, 0.);
525 if (fMCBuffer[address].size() > 0) {
526 fMCBuffer[address][0].push_back(fPointId);
527 fMCBuffer[address][1].push_back(fEventId);
528 fMCBuffer[address][2].push_back(fInputId);
529 }
530 else
531 for (auto ini = 0; ini < 3; ini++) {
532 std::vector<Int_t> v;
533 fMCBuffer[address].push_back(v);
534 }
535 std::vector<Double_t> pulse;
536 if (fTimeBuffer[address] > 0) {
537 pulse = fPulseBuffer[address].first;
538 if (pulse.size() < 32) return;
539 AddToPulse(address, charge, reldrift, pulse);
540 Bool_t found = false;
541 for (Int_t links = 0; links < fPulseBuffer[address].second->GetNofLinks(); links++)
542 if (fPulseBuffer[address].second->GetLink(links).GetIndex() == fPointId) found = true;
543 if (!found) {
544 fPulseBuffer[address].second->AddLink(CbmLink(weighting, fPointId, fEventId, fInputId));
545 if (fDebug) {
546 std::map<TString, Int_t> LinkQA;
547 LinkQA["Event"] = fEventId;
548 LinkQA["Point"] = fPointId;
549 LinkQA["Time"] = fEventTime;
550 LinkQA["Charge"] = charge * 1e6 * fepoints;
551 LinkQA["PosX"] = fQAPosition[0];
552 LinkQA["PosY"] = fQAPosition[1];
553 fLinkQA[address].push_back(LinkQA);
554 }
555 }
556 }
557 else {
558 fMCBuffer[address].clear();
559 pulse = MakePulse(charge, pulse, address);
560 fPulseBuffer[address].first = pulse;
561 CbmMatch* digiMatch = new CbmMatch();
562 digiMatch->AddLink(CbmLink(weighting, fPointId, fEventId, fInputId));
564 if (fDebug) {
565 std::vector<std::map<TString, Int_t>> vecLink;
566 std::map<TString, Int_t> LinkQA;
567 LinkQA["Event"] = fEventId;
568 LinkQA["Point"] = fPointId;
569 LinkQA["Time"] = fEventTime;
570 LinkQA["Charge"] = charge * 1e6 * fepoints;
571 LinkQA["PosX"] = fQAPosition[0];
572 LinkQA["PosY"] = fQAPosition[1];
573 vecLink.push_back(LinkQA);
574 fLinkQA[address] = vecLink;
575 }
577 fPulseBuffer[address].second = digiMatch;
578 fTimeBuffer[address] = time;
579 }
581 // if(!CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && finish) {CheckBuffer(true);CleanUp(true);}
585std::vector<Double_t> CbmTrdModuleSimR::MakePulse(Double_t charge, std::vector<Double_t> pulse, Int_t address)
588 Double_t sample[32];
589 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++)
590 sample[i] = 0;
591 // Double_t timeshift = gRandom->Uniform(0.,CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC));
592 Double_t timeshift =
594 if (fDebug) fQA->Fill("Shift", timeshift);
595 // Int_t shift=timeshift;
596 //fShiftQA[address]=shift;
597 fShiftQA[address] = timeshift;
598 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
599 if (i < fPresamples) {
600 sample[i] = 0.;
601 continue;
602 }
603 if (fTimeShift)
604 sample[i] = fCalibration * charge * 1e6
606 if (!fTimeShift)
607 sample[i] = fCalibration * charge * 1e6
609 if (sample[i] > fClipLevel && fClipping) sample[i] = fClipLevel - 1; //clipping
610 }
612 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
613 pulse.push_back(sample[i]);
614 }
615 AddCorrelatedNoise(pulse);
617 // if(fDebug && CheckTrigger(pulse) == 1) fMCQA[address]=charge*1e6;
618 if (fDebug) fMCQA[address] = charge * 1e6;
619 return pulse;
622void CbmTrdModuleSimR::AddToPulse(Int_t address, Double_t charge, Double_t reldrift, std::vector<Double_t> pulse)
625 Int_t comptrigger = CheckTrigger(pulse);
626 std::vector<Double_t> temppulse;
627 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++)
628 temppulse.push_back(pulse[i]);
629 Double_t dt = fCurrentTime - fTimeBuffer[address];
630 Int_t startbin = (dt + reldrift) / CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC);
631 Double_t timeshift =
632 ((Int_t)((dt + reldrift) * 10) % (Int_t)(CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC) * 10)) / 10.0;
633 if (startbin > 31 || dt < 0.) return;
634 if (fDebug) fMCQA[address] += charge * 1e6;
636 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
637 if (i < fPresamples + startbin) {
638 pulse[i] = temppulse[i];
639 continue;
640 }
641 Int_t addtime = i - startbin - fPresamples;
642 pulse[i] += fCalibration * charge * 1e6
644 if (pulse[i] > fClipLevel && fClipping) pulse[i] = fClipLevel - 1; //clipping
645 }
647 // std::vector<Int_t> newpulse;
648 // for(Int_t i=0;i<32;i++){
649 // if(i < fPresamples) continue;
650 // if(fTimeShift){
651 // Int_t sample = fCalibration*charge*1e6*CalcResponse((i-fPresamples)*CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC)+timeshift);
652 // if(sample > fClipLevel && fClipping) sample=fClipLevel-1; //clipping
653 // newpulse.push_back(sample);
654 // }
655 // if(!fTimeShift){
656 // Int_t sample = fCalibration*charge*1e6*CalcResponse((i-fPresamples)*CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC));
657 // if(sample > fClipLevel && fClipping) sample=fClipLevel-1; //clipping
658 // newpulse.push_back(sample);
659 // }
660 // }
662 Int_t trigger = CheckTrigger(pulse);
663 if (comptrigger == 0 && trigger == 1) {
664 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
665 if (i < fPresamples && startbin >= fPresamples) {
666 pulse[i] = temppulse[i + startbin - fPresamples];
667 continue;
668 }
669 if (i < fPresamples && startbin < fPresamples) {
670 pulse[i] = temppulse[i + startbin];
671 continue;
672 }
673 Int_t addtime = i - fPresamples;
674 Int_t shift = startbin + i;
675 if (fTimeShift) {
676 if (shift < 32)
677 pulse[i] = temppulse[shift]
678 + fCalibration * charge * 1e6
680 else
681 pulse[i] = fCalibration * charge * 1e6
683 if (pulse[i] > fClipLevel && fClipping) pulse[i] = fClipLevel - 1; //clipping
684 }
685 if (!fTimeShift) {
686 if (shift < 32)
687 pulse[i] = temppulse[shift]
688 + fCalibration * charge * 1e6
690 else
691 pulse[i] =
693 if (pulse[i] > fClipLevel && fClipping) pulse[i] = fClipLevel - 1; //clipping
694 }
695 }
696 fTimeBuffer[address] = fCurrentTime;
697 }
699 if (trigger == 2) { fMultiBuffer[address].second = fCurrentTime; }
701 fPulseBuffer[address].first = pulse;
704Bool_t CbmTrdModuleSimR::CheckMulti(Int_t address, std::vector<Double_t> pulse)
707 Bool_t processed = false;
708 Int_t trigger = CheckTrigger(pulse);
709 if (trigger == 2) {
710 processed = true;
711 Int_t maincol = CbmTrdAddress::GetColumnId(address);
712 Int_t row = CbmTrdAddress::GetRowId(address);
713 Int_t sec = CbmTrdAddress::GetSectorId(address);
714 Int_t shift = GetMultiBin(pulse);
715 Int_t ncols = fDigiPar->GetNofColumns();
716 // Double_t timeshift = gRandom->Uniform(0.,CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC));
717 Double_t timeshift =
719 / 10.0;
721 std::vector<Double_t> temppulse;
722 std::map<Int_t, std::vector<Double_t>> templow;
723 std::map<Int_t, std::vector<Double_t>> temphigh;
725 temppulse = pulse;
726 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
727 if (fDebug) fQA->CreateHist("Multi self", 32, -0.5, 31.5, 512, -12., 500.);
728 if (fDebug) fQA->Fill("Multi self", i, pulse[i]);
729 if (i >= shift) pulse[i] = 0.;
730 }
731 fPulseBuffer[address].first = pulse;
733 // std::cout<<"multi time: " << fTimeBuffer[address]<<" col: "<<maincol<<std::endl;
734 // Double_t dt=TMath::Abs(fMultiBuffer[address].second - fTimeBuffer[address]);
737 Int_t col = maincol;
738 Int_t FNaddress = 0;
739 Double_t FNshift = 0;
740 std::vector<Double_t> FNpulse = fPulseBuffer[address].first;
741 if (col >= 1)
743 sec, row, col - 1);
744 Int_t FNtrigger = 1;
746 while (FNtrigger == 1 && FNaddress != 0) {
747 if (col >= 1)
749 CbmTrdAddress::GetModuleId(fModAddress), sec, row, col - 1);
750 else
751 break;
752 col--;
753 FNpulse = fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].first;
754 templow[FNaddress] = FNpulse;
755 FNshift =
757 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
758 if (i >= FNshift) FNpulse[i] = 0.;
759 }
760 FNtrigger = CheckTrigger(FNpulse);
761 fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].first = FNpulse;
762 if (col == 0) break;
764 // std::cout<<"col: "<<col<<" "<< fTimeBuffer[FNaddress]<<" FNaddress: " << FNaddress<<" FNtrigger: "<< FNtrigger<<" samples: " << fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].first.size()<<" time: " << fTimeBuffer[FNaddress]<<std::endl;
765 }
767 col = maincol;
768 FNaddress = 0;
769 if (col < (ncols - 1))
771 sec, row, col + 1);
772 FNtrigger = 1;
774 while (FNtrigger == 1 && FNaddress != 0) {
775 if (col < (ncols - 1))
777 CbmTrdAddress::GetModuleId(fModAddress), sec, row, col + 1);
778 else
779 break;
780 col++;
781 FNpulse = fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].first;
782 temphigh[FNaddress] = FNpulse;
783 FNshift =
785 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
786 if (i >= FNshift) FNpulse[i] = 0.;
787 }
788 FNtrigger = CheckTrigger(FNpulse);
789 fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].first = FNpulse;
790 if (col == ncols - 1) break;
791 }
792 ProcessPulseBuffer(address, false, true, true, true);
794 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
795 if (i < fPresamples) {
796 pulse[i] = temppulse[shift + i - fPresamples];
797 continue;
798 }
799 if (shift + i - fPresamples < 32) {
800 if (fTimeShift)
801 pulse[i] =
802 temppulse[shift + i - fPresamples]
803 + fCalibration * fMultiBuffer[address].first * 1e6
805 if (!fTimeShift)
806 pulse[i] = temppulse[shift + i - fPresamples]
807 + fCalibration * fMultiBuffer[address].first * 1e6
809 }
810 else {
811 if (fTimeShift)
812 pulse[i] =
813 fCalibration * fMultiBuffer[address].first * 1e6
815 if (!fTimeShift)
816 pulse[i] = fCalibration * fMultiBuffer[address].first * 1e6
818 }
820 // if(shift+i < 32){
821 // if(fTimeShift) pulse[i]=temppulse[shift+i]+fCalibration*fMultiBuffer[address].first*1e6*CalcResponse(i*CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC)+timeshift);
822 // if(!fTimeShift) pulse[i]=temppulse[shift+i]+fCalibration*fMultiBuffer[address].first*1e6*CalcResponse(i*CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC));
823 // }
824 // else{
825 // if(fTimeShift) pulse[i]=fCalibration*fMultiBuffer[address].first*1e6*CalcResponse(i*CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC)+timeshift);
826 // if(!fTimeShift) pulse[i]=fCalibration*fMultiBuffer[address].first*1e6*CalcResponse(i*CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC));
827 // }
828 }
829 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
830 if (fDebug) fQA->CreateHist("Multi self after", 32, -0.5, 31.5, 512, -12., 500.);
831 if (fDebug) fQA->Fill("Multi self after", i, pulse[i]);
832 }
834 fTimeBuffer[address] = fMultiBuffer[address].second;
835 fPulseBuffer[address].first = pulse;
837 if (col < ncols - 1)
839 sec, row, col + 1);
840 FNtrigger = 1;
842 while (FNtrigger == 1 && FNaddress != 0) {
843 if (col < (ncols - 1))
845 CbmTrdAddress::GetModuleId(fModAddress), sec, row, col + 1);
846 else
847 break;
848 col++;
849 FNpulse = fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].first;
850 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
851 if (i < fPresamples && temphigh[FNaddress].size() > 0.) {
852 pulse[i] = temphigh[FNaddress][shift + i - fPresamples];
853 continue;
854 }
855 if (fTimeShift) {
856 if ((size_t) shift + i - fPresamples < temphigh[FNaddress].size())
857 FNpulse[i] =
858 temphigh[FNaddress][shift + i - fPresamples]
859 + fCalibration * fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first * 1e6
861 else
862 FNpulse[i] =
863 fCalibration * fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first * 1e6
865 if (FNpulse[i] > fClipLevel && fClipping) FNpulse[i] = fClipLevel - 1; //clipping
866 }
867 if (!fTimeShift) {
868 if ((size_t) shift + i - fPresamples < temphigh[FNaddress].size())
869 FNpulse[i] = temphigh[FNaddress][shift + i - fPresamples]
870 + fCalibration * fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first * 1e6
872 else
873 FNpulse[i] = fCalibration * fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first * 1e6
875 if (FNpulse[i] > fClipLevel && fClipping) FNpulse[i] = fClipLevel - 1; //clipping
876 }
878 // if(fTimeShift){
879 // if(shift+i<32 && temphigh[FNaddress].size()>0) FNpulse[i]=temphigh[FNaddress][shift+i]+fCalibration*fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first*1e6*CalcResponse(i*CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC)+timeshift);
880 // else FNpulse[i]=fCalibration*fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first*1e6*CalcResponse(i*CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC)+timeshift);
881 // if(FNpulse[i] > fClipLevel && fClipping) FNpulse[i]=fClipLevel-1; //clipping
882 // }
883 // if(!fTimeShift){
884 // if(shift+i<32 && temphigh[FNaddress].size()>0) FNpulse[i]=temphigh[FNaddress][shift+i]+fCalibration*fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first*1e6*CalcResponse(i*CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC));
885 // else FNpulse[i]=fCalibration*fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first*1e6*CalcResponse(i*CbmTrdDigi::Clk(CbmTrdDigi::eCbmTrdAsicType::kSPADIC));
886 // if(FNpulse[i] > fClipLevel && fClipping) FNpulse[i]=fClipLevel-1; //clipping
887 // }
888 }
890 fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].first = FNpulse;
891 CbmMatch* FNdigiMatch = new CbmMatch();
892 if (!fMCBuffer[FNaddress].empty())
893 for (UInt_t links = 0; links < fMCBuffer[FNaddress][0].size(); links++)
894 FNdigiMatch->AddLink(CbmLink(fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first, fMCBuffer[FNaddress][0][links],
895 fMCBuffer[FNaddress][1][links], fMCBuffer[FNaddress][2][links]));
896 fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].second = FNdigiMatch;
897 if (fDebug) {
898 std::vector<std::map<TString, Int_t>> vecLink;
899 std::map<TString, Int_t> LinkQA;
900 LinkQA["Event"] = fEventId;
901 LinkQA["Point"] = fPointId;
902 LinkQA["Time"] = fEventTime;
903 LinkQA["Charge"] = fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first * 1e6 * fepoints;
904 vecLink.push_back(LinkQA);
905 fLinkQA[FNaddress] = vecLink;
906 }
908 FNtrigger = CheckTrigger(FNpulse);
910 fTimeBuffer[FNaddress] = fMultiBuffer[address].second;
911 fMultiBuffer.erase(FNaddress);
912 if (col == ncols - 1) break;
913 }
915 if (col >= 1)
917 sec, row, col - 1);
918 FNtrigger = 1;
920 while (FNtrigger == 1 && FNaddress != 0) {
921 if (col >= 1)
923 CbmTrdAddress::GetModuleId(fModAddress), sec, row, col - 1);
924 else
925 break;
926 col--;
927 FNpulse = fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].first;
928 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
929 if (i < fPresamples && templow[FNaddress].size() > 0.) {
930 pulse[i] = templow[FNaddress][shift + i - fPresamples];
931 continue;
932 }
933 if (fTimeShift) {
934 if ((size_t) shift + i - fPresamples < templow[FNaddress].size())
935 FNpulse[i] =
936 templow[FNaddress][shift + i - fPresamples]
937 + fCalibration * fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first * 1e6
939 else
940 FNpulse[i] =
941 fCalibration * fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first * 1e6
943 if (FNpulse[i] > fClipLevel && fClipping) FNpulse[i] = fClipLevel - 1; //clipping
944 }
945 if (!fTimeShift) {
946 if ((size_t) shift + i - fPresamples < templow[FNaddress].size())
947 FNpulse[i] = templow[FNaddress][shift + i - fPresamples]
948 + fCalibration * fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first * 1e6
950 else
951 FNpulse[i] = fCalibration * fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first * 1e6
953 if (FNpulse[i] > fClipLevel && fClipping) FNpulse[i] = fClipLevel - 1; //clipping
954 }
955 }
956 fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].first = FNpulse;
957 CbmMatch* FNdigiMatch = new CbmMatch();
958 if (!fMCBuffer[FNaddress].empty())
959 for (UInt_t links = 0; links < fMCBuffer[FNaddress][0].size(); links++)
960 FNdigiMatch->AddLink(CbmLink(fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first, fMCBuffer[FNaddress][0][links],
961 fMCBuffer[FNaddress][1][links], fMCBuffer[FNaddress][2][links]));
962 fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].second = FNdigiMatch;
963 if (fDebug) {
964 std::vector<std::map<TString, Int_t>> vecLink;
965 std::map<TString, Int_t> LinkQA;
966 LinkQA["Event"] = fEventId;
967 LinkQA["Point"] = fPointId;
968 LinkQA["Time"] = fEventTime;
969 LinkQA["Charge"] = fMultiBuffer[FNaddress].first * 1e6 * fepoints;
970 vecLink.push_back(LinkQA);
971 fLinkQA[FNaddress] = vecLink;
972 }
974 FNtrigger = CheckTrigger(FNpulse);
976 fTimeBuffer[FNaddress] = fMultiBuffer[address].second;
977 fMultiBuffer.erase(FNaddress);
978 if (col == 0) break;
979 }
981 CbmMatch* digiMatch = new CbmMatch();
982 if (!fMCBuffer[address].empty())
983 for (UInt_t links = 0; links < fMCBuffer[address][0].size(); links++)
984 digiMatch->AddLink(CbmLink(fMultiBuffer[address].first, fMCBuffer[address][0][links],
985 fMCBuffer[address][1][links], fMCBuffer[address][2][links]));
986 fPulseBuffer[address].second = digiMatch;
987 if (fDebug) {
988 std::vector<std::map<TString, Int_t>> vecLink;
989 std::map<TString, Int_t> LinkQA;
990 LinkQA["Event"] = fEventId;
991 LinkQA["Point"] = fPointId;
992 LinkQA["Time"] = fEventTime;
993 LinkQA["Charge"] = fMultiBuffer[address].first * 1e6 * fepoints;
994 vecLink.push_back(LinkQA);
995 fLinkQA[address] = vecLink;
996 }
997 }
999 return processed;
1002Int_t CbmTrdModuleSimR::CheckTrigger(std::vector<Double_t> pulse)
1005 Int_t slope = 0;
1006 Bool_t trigger = false;
1007 Bool_t falling = false;
1008 Bool_t multihit = false;
1009 for (size_t i = 0; i < pulse.size(); i++) {
1010 if (i < pulse.size() - 1) slope = pulse[i + 1] - pulse[i];
1011 if (slope >= fTriggerSlope && !trigger) trigger = true;
1012 if (slope < 0 && trigger) falling = true;
1013 if (slope >= fTriggerSlope && trigger && falling && (Int_t) i > fMaxBin) multihit = true;
1014 }
1016 if (!trigger && !multihit) return 0;
1017 if (trigger && !multihit) return 1;
1018 if (trigger && multihit) return 2;
1020 return 0;
1023Int_t CbmTrdModuleSimR::GetMultiBin(std::vector<Double_t> pulse)
1026 Int_t slope = 0;
1027 Int_t startbin = 0;
1028 Bool_t trigger = false;
1029 Bool_t falling = false;
1030 for (size_t i = 0; i < pulse.size(); i++) {
1031 if (i < 31) slope = pulse[i + 1] - pulse[i];
1032 if (slope >= fTriggerSlope && !trigger) trigger = true;
1033 if (slope < 0 && trigger) falling = true;
1034 if (slope >= fTriggerSlope && trigger && falling && (Int_t) i > fMaxBin) startbin = i;
1035 }
1037 return startbin;
1042Double_t CbmTrdModuleSimR::CalcPRF(Double_t x, Double_t W, Double_t h)
1044 Float_t K3 = 0.525;
1045 Double_t SqrtK3 = sqrt(K3);
1047 return std::fabs(-1. / (2. * atan(SqrtK3))
1048 * (atan(SqrtK3 * tanh(TMath::Pi() * (-2. + SqrtK3) * (W + 2. * x) / (8. * h)))
1049 + atan(SqrtK3 * tanh(TMath::Pi() * (-2. + SqrtK3) * (W - 2. * x) / (8. * h)))));
1056 if (fShapingOrder == 1) return (t / fTau) * TMath::Exp(-(t / fTau));
1057 else
1058 return (t / fTau) * (t / fTau) * TMath::Exp(-(t / fTau));
1062Bool_t CbmTrdModuleSimR::DistributeCharge(Double_t pointin[3], Double_t pointout[3], Double_t delta[3], Double_t pos[3],
1063 Int_t ipoints)
1065 if (fDistributionMode == 1) {
1066 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1067 pos[i] = pointin[i] + (0.01) * delta[i] + 0.95 * delta[i] / fepoints * ipoints;
1068 }
1069 }
1071 if (fDistributionMode == 5) {
1072 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1073 pos[i] = pointin[i] + 0.5 * delta[i];
1074 }
1075 }
1078 //in development
1079 if (fDistributionMode == 2) {
1080 Double_t lastpos[3] = {pointin[0], pointin[1], pointin[2]};
1081 Double_t dist_gas = TMath::Sqrt(delta[0] * delta[0] + delta[1] * delta[1] + delta[2] * delta[2]);
1082 if (ipoints > 0)
1083 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1084 lastpos[i] = pos[i];
1085 Double_t roll = gRandom->Integer(100);
1086 Double_t s = (GetStep(dist_gas, roll) / dist_gas) / 2;
1088 if (TMath::Abs(lastpos[0] + s * delta[0]) > fDigiPar->GetSizeX()
1089 || TMath::Abs(lastpos[1] + s * delta[1]) > fDigiPar->GetSizeY() || (lastpos[2] + s * delta[2]) >= pointout[2]) {
1090 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1091 pos[i] = lastpos[i];
1092 }
1093 return true;
1094 }
1095 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1096 pos[i] = lastpos[i] + s * delta[i];
1098 return true;
1099 }
1101 if (fDistributionMode == 3) {
1102 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1103 pos[i] = pointin[i] + (0.5 + ipoints) * delta[i];
1104 }
1105 }
1108 return true;
1114 // if(!CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased()) fPulseSwitch = false;
1116 if (fDebug) fQA->CreateHist("Pulse", 32, -0.5, 31.5, 512, -12., 500.);
1117 if (fDebug) fQA->CreateHist("Shift", 63, -0.5, 62.5);
1118 if (fDebug) fQA->CreateHist("Multi Quote", 4, -0.5, 3.5);
1119 // if(fDebug) fMessageConverter->SetDebug(true);
1121 std::vector<Int_t> recomask;
1122 for (Int_t i = frecostart; i <= frecostop; i++)
1123 recomask.push_back(i);
1124 fMessageConverter->SetRecoMask(recomask);
1131 //fMessageConverter->SetLookup(1);
1132 TString dir = getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
1133 TString filename = dir + "/parameters/trd/FeatureExtractionLookup.root";
1134 // if(fDistributionMode == 1 && fepoints == 3) filename= dir + "/parameters/trd/Feature_mode1_3points.root";
1135 // if(fDistributionMode == 1 && fepoints == 5) filename= dir + "/parameters/trd/Feature_mode1_5points.root";
1136 // if(fDistributionMode == 4) filename= dir + "/parameters/trd/Feature_mode4.root";
1137 fMessageConverter->SetReadFile(filename.Data());
1140 }
1143 // calculate current physical time
1144 fCurrentTime = time + point->GetTime(); //+ AddDrifttime(gRandom->Integer(240))*1000; //convert to ns;
1145 fEventTime = time;
1147 const Double_t nClusterPerCm = 1.0;
1148 Double_t point_in[3] = {point->GetXIn(), point->GetYIn(), point->GetZIn()};
1149 Double_t point_out[3] = {point->GetXOut(), point->GetYOut(), point->GetZOut()};
1150 Double_t local_point_out[3]; // exit point coordinates in local module cs
1151 Double_t local_point_in[3]; // entrace point coordinates in local module cs
1152 gGeoManager->cd(GetPath());
1153 gGeoManager->MasterToLocal(point_in, local_point_in);
1154 gGeoManager->MasterToLocal(point_out, local_point_out);
1155 SetPositionMC(local_point_out);
1157 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1158 fQAPosition[i] = point_in[i];
1159 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1160 fQAPos_out[i] = point_out[i];
1162 //fCurrentTime -= 1e9 * (point_in[2] / 100)
1163 // / 2.99e8; // subtract time of flight to the detector layer
1165 // General processing on the MC point
1166 Double_t ELoss(0.), ELossTR(0.), ELossdEdX(point->GetEnergyLoss());
1167 if (fRadiator && TR) {
1168 nofElectrons++;
1169 if (
1170 fRadiator->LatticeHit(
1171 point)) { // electron has passed lattice grid (or frame material) befor reaching the gas volume -> TR-photons have been absorbed by the lattice grid
1173 }
1174 else if (point_out[2] >= point_in[2]) { //electron has passed the radiator
1175 TVector3 mom;
1176 point->Momentum(mom);
1177 ELossTR = fRadiator->GetTR(mom);
1178 }
1179 }
1180 ELoss = ELossTR + ELossdEdX;
1182 if (fDebug) fQA->CreateHist("E MC", 200, 0., 50.0);
1183 if (fDebug) fQA->Fill("E MC", ELoss * 1e6);
1187 Double_t cluster_pos[3]; // cluster position in local module coordinate system
1188 Double_t cluster_delta
1189 [3]; // vector pointing in MC-track direction with length of one path slice within chamber volume to creat n cluster
1191 Double_t trackLength = 0;
1193 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1194 cluster_delta[i] = (local_point_out[i] - local_point_in[i]);
1195 trackLength += cluster_delta[i] * cluster_delta[i];
1196 }
1197 trackLength = TMath::Sqrt(trackLength);
1198 Int_t nCluster =
1199 trackLength / nClusterPerCm + 0.9; // Track length threshold of minimum 0.1cm track length in gas volume
1201 if (fnClusterConst > 0) {
1202 nCluster = fnClusterConst; // Set number of cluster to constant value
1203 }
1205 if (nCluster < 1) { return kFALSE; }
1206 nCluster = 1;
1208 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1209 cluster_delta[i] /= Double_t(nCluster);
1210 }
1212 Double_t clusterELoss = ELoss / Double_t(nCluster);
1213 Double_t clusterELossTR = ELossTR / Double_t(nCluster);
1216 //to change the number of ionization points in the gas
1217 Int_t epoints = fepoints;
1219 if (fDistributionMode == 3) { epoints = nCluster; }
1220 if (fDistributionMode == 5) { epoints = 1; }
1222 //in development
1223 std::vector<Double_t> vec;
1224 std::pair<Int_t, std::vector<Double_t>> steps = std::make_pair(0, vec);
1225 if (fDistributionMode == 4) {
1226 Double_t dist_gas = TMath::Sqrt(cluster_delta[0] * cluster_delta[0] + cluster_delta[1] * cluster_delta[1]
1227 + cluster_delta[2] * cluster_delta[2]);
1228 steps = (GetTotalSteps(local_point_in, local_point_out, dist_gas));
1229 epoints = steps.first;
1230 fepoints = steps.first;
1231 if (fDebug) fQA->CreateHist("Ionization", 63, -0.5, 62.5);
1232 if (fDebug) fQA->Fill("Ionization", steps.first);
1233 if (fDebug) fQA->CreateHist("Dist Ionization", 63, -0.5, 62.5, 20, 0., 2.);
1234 if (fDebug) fQA->Fill("Dist Ionization", steps.first, dist_gas);
1235 }
1237 if (epoints != 1) {
1238 clusterELoss = ELoss / epoints;
1239 clusterELossTR = ELossTR / epoints;
1240 }
1242 if (!fPulseSwitch) {
1243 for (Int_t ipoints = 0; ipoints < epoints; ipoints++) {
1244 Bool_t dist = DistributeCharge(local_point_in, local_point_out, cluster_delta, cluster_pos, ipoints);
1245 if (!dist) break;
1246 if (fDistributionMode == 4)
1247 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1248 cluster_pos[i] = steps.second[i + ipoints * 3];
1250 if (fDigiPar->GetSizeX() < std::fabs(cluster_pos[0]) || fDigiPar->GetSizeY() < std::fabs(cluster_pos[1])) {
1251 printf("-> nC %i/%i x: %7.3f y: %7.3f \n", ipoints, nCluster - 1, cluster_pos[0], cluster_pos[1]);
1252 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1253 printf(" (%i) | in: %7.3f + delta: %7.3f * cluster: %i/%i = "
1254 "cluster_pos: %7.3f out: %7.3f g_in:%f g_out:%f\n",
1255 i, local_point_in[i], cluster_delta[i], ipoints, (Int_t) nCluster, cluster_pos[i], local_point_out[i],
1256 point_in[i], point_out[i]);
1257 }
1260 Int_t noiserate = gRandom->Uniform(0, 3); //still in development
1261 Double_t simtime = fCurrentTime;
1262 for (Int_t ndigi = 0; ndigi < noiserate; ndigi++) {
1263 NoiseTime(time);
1264 // ScanPadPlane(cluster_pos, gRandom->Gaus(0, fSigma_noise_keV * 1.E-6), 0,epoints,ipoints);
1265 }
1266 fCurrentTime = simtime;
1267 }
1268 ScanPadPlane(cluster_pos, 0., clusterELoss, clusterELossTR, epoints, ipoints);
1269 }
1270 }
1272 Double_t driftcomp = 10000;
1273 Int_t start = -1;
1274 Double_t Ionizations[epoints][3];
1275 if (fPulseSwitch) {
1276 for (Int_t ipoints = 0; ipoints < epoints; ipoints++) {
1277 Bool_t dist = DistributeCharge(local_point_in, local_point_out, cluster_delta, cluster_pos, ipoints);
1278 if (!dist) break;
1279 if (fDistributionMode == 4)
1280 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1281 cluster_pos[i] = steps.second[i + ipoints * 3];
1282 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1283 Ionizations[ipoints][i] = cluster_pos[i];
1285 if (fDigiPar->GetSizeX() < std::fabs(cluster_pos[0]) || fDigiPar->GetSizeY() < std::fabs(cluster_pos[1])) {
1286 printf("-> nC %i/%i x: %7.3f y: %7.3f \n", ipoints, nCluster - 1, cluster_pos[0], cluster_pos[1]);
1287 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1288 printf(" (%i) | in: %7.3f + delta: %7.3f * cluster: %i/%i = "
1289 "cluster_pos: %7.3f out: %7.3f g_in:%f g_out:%f\n",
1290 i, local_point_in[i], cluster_delta[i], ipoints, (Int_t) nCluster, cluster_pos[i], local_point_out[i],
1291 point_in[i], point_out[i]);
1292 }
1295 Int_t relz = 239 - (cluster_pos[2] - local_point_in[2]) / 0.005;
1296 if (relz > 239 || relz < 0) relz = 239;
1298 Double_t Drift_x =
1299 TMath::Abs(double(int(cluster_pos[0] * 1000000) % int(fDigiPar->GetAnodeWireSpacing() * 100)) / 100);
1300 // std::cout<<" pos: " << Drift_x<< " " << int(cluster_pos[0]*100000)<< " " << int(fDigiPar->GetAnodeWireSpacing()*100)<<" " << (int(cluster_pos[0]*100000) % int(fDigiPar->GetAnodeWireSpacing()*100))<<std::endl;
1301 if (TMath::Abs(AddDrifttime(Drift_x, cluster_pos[2])) < driftcomp
1302 && TMath::Abs(AddDrifttime(Drift_x, cluster_pos[2])) > 0.) {
1303 driftcomp = TMath::Abs(AddDrifttime(Drift_x, cluster_pos[2]));
1304 start = ipoints;
1305 }
1306 }
1308 if (start == -1) return false;
1309 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1310 cluster_pos[i] = Ionizations[start][i];
1312 Int_t relz = 239 - (cluster_pos[2] - local_point_in[2]) / 0.005;
1313 if (relz > 239 || relz < 0) relz = 239;
1314 Double_t Drift_x =
1315 TMath::Abs(double(int(cluster_pos[0] * 1000000) % int(fDigiPar->GetAnodeWireSpacing() * 100)) / 100);
1316 Double_t reldrift = TMath::Abs(AddDrifttime(Drift_x, cluster_pos[2]) - driftcomp) * 1000;
1317 fDriftStart = driftcomp * 1000;
1319 if (reldrift < 250.) ScanPadPlane(cluster_pos, 0., clusterELoss, clusterELossTR, epoints, start);
1320 if (fPrintPulse) std::cout << std::endl;
1322 for (Int_t ipoints = 0; ipoints < epoints; ipoints++) {
1323 if (ipoints == start) continue;
1324 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1325 cluster_pos[i] = Ionizations[ipoints][i];
1327 relz = 239 - (cluster_pos[2] - local_point_in[2]) / 0.005;
1328 if (relz > 239 || relz < 0) relz = 239;
1329 Drift_x = TMath::Abs(double(int(cluster_pos[0] * 1000000) % int(fDigiPar->GetAnodeWireSpacing() * 100)) / 100);
1330 reldrift = TMath::Abs(AddDrifttime(Drift_x, cluster_pos[2]) - driftcomp) * 1000;
1331 if (reldrift < 250.) ScanPadPlane(cluster_pos, reldrift, clusterELoss, clusterELossTR, epoints, ipoints);
1332 if (fPrintPulse) std::cout << std::endl;
1333 }
1334 }
1336 fLastEventTime = time;
1340 return true;
1345void CbmTrdModuleSimR::ScanPadPlane(const Double_t* local_point, Double_t reldrift, Double_t clusterELoss,
1346 Double_t clusterELossTR, Int_t epoints, Int_t ipoint)
1348 Int_t sectorId(-1), columnId(-1), rowId(-1);
1349 fDigiPar->GetPadInfo(local_point, sectorId, columnId, rowId);
1350 if (sectorId < 0 && columnId < 0 && rowId < 0) { return; }
1351 else {
1352 for (Int_t i = 0; i < sectorId; i++) {
1353 rowId += fDigiPar->GetNofRowsInSector(i); // local -> global row
1354 }
1356 // for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) fQAPosition[i]=local_point[i];
1358 Double_t displacement_x(0), displacement_y(0); //mm
1360 Double_t W(fDigiPar->GetPadSizeX(sectorId)), H(fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(sectorId));
1361 fDigiPar->TransformToLocalPad(local_point, displacement_x, displacement_y);
1363 Int_t maxRow(6);
1364 if (fnScanRowConst > 0) maxRow = fnScanRowConst;
1366 Int_t startRow(rowId - maxRow / 2);
1367 Int_t secRow(-1), targCol(-1), targRow(-1), targSec(-1), address(-1), fnRow(fDigiPar->GetNofRows()),
1368 fnCol(fDigiPar->GetNofColumns());
1370 for (Int_t iRow = startRow; iRow <= rowId + maxRow / 2; iRow++) {
1371 Int_t iCol = columnId;
1372 if (((iCol >= 0) && (iCol <= fnCol - 1)) && ((iRow >= 0) && (iRow <= fnRow - 1))) { // real adress
1373 targSec = fDigiPar->GetSector(iRow, secRow);
1375 }
1376 else {
1377 targRow = iRow;
1378 targCol = iCol;
1379 if (iCol < 0) { targCol = 0; }
1380 else if (iCol > fnCol - 1) {
1381 targCol = fnCol - 1;
1382 }
1383 if (iRow < 0) { targRow = 0; }
1384 else if (iRow > fnRow - 1) {
1385 targRow = fnRow - 1;
1386 }
1388 targSec = fDigiPar->GetSector(targRow, secRow);
1389 address =
1391 }
1393 Bool_t print = false;
1395 //distribute the mc charge fraction over the channels wit the PRF
1396 Float_t chargeFraction = 0;
1397 Float_t ch = 0;
1398 Float_t tr = 0;
1400 // std::cout<<" prf half: " << CalcPRF(0 * W , W, h)<<std::endl;
1401 // std::cout<<" prf half -1 : " << CalcPRF(-1 * W , W, h)<<std::endl;
1402 // std::cout<<" prf half +1: " << CalcPRF(1 * W , W, h)<<std::endl;
1403 chargeFraction =
1404 CalcPRF((iCol - columnId) * W - displacement_x, W, h) * CalcPRF((iRow - rowId) * H - displacement_y, H, h);
1406 ch = chargeFraction * clusterELoss;
1407 tr = chargeFraction * clusterELossTR;
1409 Bool_t lowerend = false;
1410 Bool_t upperend = false;
1411 Int_t collow = 1;
1412 Int_t colhigh = 1;
1414 if (fDebug) fQA->CreateHist("E self MC", 200, 0., 50.0);
1415 if (fDebug) fQA->CreateHist("E FN MC", 200, 0., 10.0);
1417 if (ch >= (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints)) {
1418 if (!CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch && !print)
1419 AddDigi(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1));
1420 if (!CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch && print) {
1421 AddDigi(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1));
1422 std::cout << " time: " << fCurrentTime << " col: " << iCol << " row: " << iRow - rowId
1423 << " secrow: " << secRow << " charge: " << ch * 1e6 << " 1 " << std::endl;
1424 }
1426 if (fPulseSwitch) {
1427 if (fDebug) fQA->Fill("E self MC", ch * epoints * 1e6);
1428 AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1), epoints, ipoint);
1429 }
1430 if (fPulseSwitch && print) {
1431 AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1), epoints, ipoint);
1432 std::cout << " time: " << fCurrentTime << " col: " << iCol << " row: " << iRow - rowId
1433 << " secrow: " << secRow << " charge: " << ch * 1e6 << " 1 " << std::endl;
1434 }
1437 while (!lowerend) {
1438 if ((((iCol - collow) >= 0) && ((iCol - collow) <= fnCol - 1))
1439 && ((iRow >= 0) && (iRow <= fnRow - 1))) { // real adress
1440 targSec = fDigiPar->GetSector(iRow, secRow);
1442 iCol - collow);
1443 }
1444 else {
1445 break;
1446 }
1448 chargeFraction = CalcPRF(((iCol - collow) - columnId) * W - displacement_x, W, h)
1449 * CalcPRF((iRow - rowId) * H - displacement_y, H, h);
1450 ch = chargeFraction * clusterELoss;
1451 tr = chargeFraction * clusterELossTR;
1454 if (ch >= (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && !CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch && !print) {
1455 AddDigi(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1));
1456 collow++;
1457 }
1458 if (ch < (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && !CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch && !print) {
1459 AddDigi(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2));
1460 lowerend = true;
1461 }
1462 if (ch >= (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && !CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch && print) {
1463 std::cout << " time: " << fCurrentTime << " col: " << iCol - collow << " row: " << iRow - rowId
1464 << " secrow: " << secRow << " charge: " << ch * 1e6 << " 1 " << std::endl;
1465 AddDigi(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1));
1466 collow++;
1467 }
1468 if (ch < (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && !CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch && print) {
1469 std::cout << " time: " << fCurrentTime << " col: " << iCol - collow << " row: " << iRow - rowId
1470 << " secrow: " << secRow << " charge: " << ch * 1e6 << " 0 " << std::endl;
1471 AddDigi(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2));
1472 lowerend = true;
1473 }
1474 if (ch >= (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch) {
1475 AddDigitoBuffer(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1));
1476 collow++;
1477 }
1478 if (ch < (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch) {
1479 AddDigitoBuffer(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2));
1480 lowerend = true;
1481 }
1482 if (ch >= (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && fPulseSwitch && !print) {
1483 if (fDebug) fQA->Fill("E self MC", ch * epoints * 1e6);
1484 AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1), epoints, ipoint);
1485 collow++;
1486 }
1487 if (ch < (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && fPulseSwitch && !print) {
1488 if (fDebug) fQA->Fill("E FN MC", ch * epoints * 1e6);
1489 AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2), epoints, ipoint);
1490 lowerend = true;
1491 }
1493 if (ch >= (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && fPulseSwitch && print) {
1494 std::cout << " time: " << fCurrentTime << " col: " << iCol - collow << " row: " << iRow - rowId
1495 << " secrow: " << secRow << " charge: " << ch * 1e6 << " 1 " << std::endl;
1496 AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1), epoints, ipoint);
1497 collow++;
1498 }
1499 if (ch < (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && fPulseSwitch && print) {
1500 std::cout << " time: " << fCurrentTime << " col: " << iCol - collow << " row: " << iRow - rowId
1501 << " secrow: " << secRow << " charge: " << ch * 1e6 << " 0 " << std::endl;
1502 AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2), epoints, ipoint);
1503 lowerend = true;
1504 }
1505 }
1507 while (!upperend) {
1509 if ((((iCol + colhigh) >= 0) && ((iCol + colhigh) <= fnCol - 1))
1510 && ((iRow >= 0) && (iRow <= fnRow - 1))) { // real adress
1511 targSec = fDigiPar->GetSector(iRow, secRow);
1513 iCol + colhigh);
1514 }
1515 else {
1516 break;
1517 }
1520 chargeFraction = CalcPRF(((iCol + colhigh) - columnId) * W - displacement_x, W, h)
1521 * CalcPRF((iRow - rowId) * H - displacement_y, H, h);
1522 ch = chargeFraction * clusterELoss;
1523 tr = chargeFraction * clusterELossTR;
1525 if (ch >= (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && !CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch && !print) {
1526 AddDigi(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1));
1527 colhigh++;
1528 }
1529 if (ch < (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && !CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch && !print) {
1530 AddDigi(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2));
1531 upperend = true;
1532 }
1533 if (ch >= (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && !CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch && print) {
1534 std::cout << " time: " << fCurrentTime << " col: " << iCol + colhigh << " row: " << iRow - rowId
1535 << " secrow: " << secRow << " charge: " << ch * 1e6 << " 1 " << std::endl;
1536 AddDigi(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1));
1537 colhigh++;
1538 }
1539 if (ch < (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && !CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch && print) {
1540 std::cout << " time: " << fCurrentTime << " col: " << iCol + colhigh << " row: " << iRow - rowId
1541 << " secrow: " << secRow << " charge: " << ch * 1e6 << " 0 " << std::endl;
1542 AddDigi(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2));
1543 upperend = true;
1544 }
1545 if (ch >= (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch) {
1546 AddDigitoBuffer(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1));
1547 colhigh++;
1548 }
1549 if (ch < (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased() && !fPulseSwitch) {
1550 AddDigitoBuffer(address, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2));
1551 upperend = true;
1552 }
1553 if (ch >= (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && fPulseSwitch && !print) {
1554 if (fDebug) fQA->Fill("E self MC", ch * epoints * 1e6);
1555 AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1), epoints, ipoint);
1556 colhigh++;
1557 }
1558 if (ch < (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && fPulseSwitch && !print) {
1559 if (fDebug) fQA->Fill("E FN MC", ch * epoints * 1e6);
1560 if (ipoint == epoints - 1 && epoints > 1)
1561 AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2), epoints, ipoint);
1562 if (ipoint != epoints - 1 && epoints > 1)
1563 AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2), epoints, ipoint);
1564 if (epoints == 1) AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2), epoints, ipoint);
1565 upperend = true;
1566 }
1568 if (ch >= (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && fPulseSwitch && print) {
1569 std::cout << " time: " << fCurrentTime << " col: " << iCol + colhigh << " row: " << iRow - rowId
1570 << " secrow: " << secRow << " charge: " << ch * 1e6 << " 1 " << std::endl;
1571 AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(1), epoints, ipoint);
1572 colhigh++;
1573 }
1574 if (ch < (fMinimumChargeTH / epoints) && fPulseSwitch && print) {
1575 std::cout << " time: " << fCurrentTime << " col: " << iCol + colhigh << " row: " << iRow - rowId
1576 << " secrow: " << secRow << " charge: " << ch * 1e6 << " 0 " << std::endl;
1577 if (ipoint == epoints - 1 && epoints > 1)
1578 AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2), epoints, ipoint);
1579 if (ipoint != epoints - 1 && epoints > 1)
1580 AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2), epoints, ipoint);
1581 if (epoints == 1) AddDigitoPulseBuffer(address, reldrift, ch, tr, fCurrentTime, Int_t(2), epoints, ipoint);
1582 upperend = true;
1583 }
1584 }
1586 if (print) std::cout << std::endl;
1588 } //if charge > trigger
1589 } //for rows
1590 }
1600 if (!fDigiPar) {
1601 LOG(warn) << GetName() << "::SetAsicPar : No Digi params for module " << fModAddress
1602 << ". Try calling first CbmTrdModSim::SetDigiPar.";
1603 return;
1604 }
1606 if (fAsicPar) {
1607 LOG(warn) << GetName() << "::SetAsicPar : The list for module " << fModAddress << " already initialized.";
1608 return;
1609 }
1610 fAsicPar = new CbmTrdParModAsic();
1611 CbmTrdParSpadic* asic(NULL);
1613 Int_t iFebGroup = 0; // 1; 2; // normal, super, ultimate
1614 Int_t gRow[3] = {2, 2, 2}; // re-ordering on the feb -> same mapping for normal and super
1615 Int_t gCol[3] = {16, 8, 4}; // re-ordering on the feb -> same mapping for normal and super
1616 Double_t xAsic = 0; // x position of Asic
1617 Double_t yAsic = 0; // y position of Asic
1619 Int_t rowId(0), isecId(0), irowId(0), iAsic(0);
1620 for (Int_t s = 0; s < fDigiPar->GetNofSectors(); s++) {
1621 for (Int_t r = 0; r < fDigiPar->GetNofRowsInSector(s); r++) {
1622 for (Int_t c = 0; c < fDigiPar->GetNofColumnsInSector(s); c++) {
1623 // ultimate density 6 rows, 5 pads
1624 // super density 4 rows, 8 pads
1625 // normal density 2 rows, 16 pads
1626 if ((rowId % gRow[iFebGroup]) == 0) {
1627 if ((c % gCol[iFebGroup]) == 0) {
1628 xAsic = c + gCol[iFebGroup] / 2.;
1629 yAsic = r + gRow[iFebGroup] / 2.;
1631 Double_t local_point[3];
1632 Double_t padsizex = fDigiPar->GetPadSizeX(s);
1633 Double_t padsizey = fDigiPar->GetPadSizeY(s);
1635 // calculate position in sector coordinate system
1636 // with the origin in the lower left corner (looking upstream)
1637 local_point[0] = ((Int_t)(xAsic + 0.5) * padsizex);
1638 local_point[1] = ((Int_t)(yAsic + 0.5) * padsizey);
1640 // calculate position in module coordinate system
1641 // with the origin in the lower left corner (looking upstream)
1642 local_point[0] += fDigiPar->GetSectorBeginX(s);
1643 local_point[1] += fDigiPar->GetSectorBeginY(s);
1645 // local_point[i] must be >= 0 at this point Double_t local_point[3];
1646 Double_t fDx(GetDx()), fDy(GetDy());
1647 asic = new CbmTrdParSpadic(iAsic, iFebGroup, local_point[0] - fDx, local_point[1] - fDy);
1648 fAsicPar->SetAsicPar(asic);
1649 if (local_point[0] > 2 * fDx) {
1650 LOG(error) << "CbmTrdModuleSimR::SetAsicPar: asic position x=" << local_point[0]
1651 << " is out of bounds [0," << 2 * fDx << "]!";
1652 fDigiPar->Print("all");
1653 }
1654 if (local_point[1] > 2 * fDy) {
1655 LOG(error) << "CbmTrdModuleSimR::SetAsicPar: asic position y=" << local_point[1]
1656 << " is out of bounds [0," << 2 * fDy << "]!";
1657 fDigiPar->Print("all");
1658 }
1659 for (Int_t ir = rowId; ir < rowId + gRow[iFebGroup]; ir++) {
1660 for (Int_t ic = c; ic < c + gCol[iFebGroup]; ic++) {
1661 if (ir >= fDigiPar->GetNofRows())
1662 LOG(error) << "CbmTrdModuleSimR::SetAsicPar: ir " << ir << " is out of bounds!";
1663 if (ic >= fDigiPar->GetNofColumns())
1664 LOG(error) << "CbmTrdModuleSimR::SetAsicPar: ic " << ic << " is out of bounds!";
1665 isecId = fDigiPar->GetSector((Int_t) ir, irowId);
1666 asic->SetChannelAddress(
1668 //s, ir, ic));//new
1669 if (false)
1670 printf(" M:%10i(%4i) s: %i irowId: %4i ic: "
1671 "%4i r: %4i c: %4i address:%10i\n",
1672 fModAddress, CbmTrdAddress::GetModuleId(fModAddress), isecId, irowId, ic, r, c,
1673 CbmTrdAddress::GetAddress(fLayerId, fModAddress, isecId, irowId, ic));
1674 }
1675 }
1676 iAsic++; // next Asic
1677 }
1678 }
1679 }
1680 rowId++;
1681 }
1682 }
1684 // Self Test
1685 for (Int_t s = 0; s < fDigiPar->GetNofSectors(); s++) {
1686 const Int_t nRow = fDigiPar->GetNofRowsInSector(s);
1687 const Int_t nCol = fDigiPar->GetNofColumnsInSector(s);
1688 for (Int_t r = 0; r < nRow; r++) {
1689 for (Int_t c = 0; c < nCol; c++) {
1691 if (fAsicPar->GetAsicAddress(channelAddress) == -1)
1692 LOG(error) << "CbmTrdModuleSimR::SetAsicPar: Channel address:" << channelAddress
1693 << " is not or multible initialized in module " << fModAddress
1694 << "(ID:" << CbmTrdAddress::GetModuleId(fModAddress) << ")"
1695 << "(s:" << s << ", r:" << r << ", c:" << c << ")";
1696 }
1697 }
1698 }
1703void CbmTrdModuleSimR::SetNoiseLevel(Double_t sigma_keV) { fSigma_noise_keV = sigma_keV; }
1709void CbmTrdModuleSimR::SetSpadicResponse(Double_t calibration, Double_t tau)
1712 fCalibration = calibration;
1713 fTau = tau;
1714 Double_t sum = 0;
1715 for (auto i = frecostart; i <= frecostop; i++)
1717 fEReco = sum;
1724 if (mode == 1) {
1725 frecostart = 2;
1726 frecostop = 8;
1727 }
1728 if (mode == 2) {
1729 frecostart = 2;
1730 frecostop = 6;
1731 }
1736void CbmTrdModuleSimR::SetPulseMode(Bool_t pulsed = true) { fPulseSwitch = pulsed; }
1742 if (row % 2 == 0) row += 1;
1743 fnScanRowConst = row;
1748Double_t CbmTrdModuleSimR::AddNoise(Double_t charge)
1752 Double_t noise = gRandom->Gaus(0,
1753 fSigma_noise_keV * 1e-6); // keV->GeV // add only once per digi and event noise !!!
1754 charge += noise; // resulting charge can be < 0 -> possible problems with position reconstruction
1755 return charge;
1756 }
1757 else
1758 return 0.;
1767 if (fAdcNoise == 0) return 0.;
1768 Int_t noise = gRandom->Gaus(0, fAdcNoise);
1769 return noise;
1770 // return 0;
1771 }
1772 else
1773 return 0.;
1776std::vector<Double_t> CbmTrdModuleSimR::AddCorrelatedNoise(std::vector<Double_t> pulse)
1779 //dummy for now
1780 return pulse;
1782 // for(size_t i=0;i<pulse.size();i++){
1783 // pulse[i] += TMath::Sin(i)*5;
1784 // }
1786 // return pulse;
1791Int_t CbmTrdModuleSimR::AddCrosstalk(Double_t address, Int_t i, Int_t sec, Int_t row, Int_t col, Int_t ncols)
1794 Double_t cross = 0.;
1795 if (fAddCrosstalk && fPulseSwitch) {
1796 Int_t FNaddress = 0;
1797 if (col >= 1)
1799 sec, row, col - 1);
1800 if (fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].first.size() >= (size_t) i + 1)
1801 cross += fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].first[i] * fCrosstalkLevel;
1803 FNaddress = 0;
1804 if (col < (ncols - 1))
1806 sec, row, col + 1);
1807 if (fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].first.size() >= (size_t) i + 1)
1808 cross += fPulseBuffer[FNaddress].first[i] * fCrosstalkLevel;
1809 }
1811 return cross;
1819 std::map<Int_t, Double_t>::iterator timeit;
1820 std::vector<Int_t> toBeErased;
1822 Bool_t done = false;
1824 while (!done) {
1825 done = true;
1826 for (timeit = fTimeBuffer.begin(); timeit != fTimeBuffer.end(); timeit++) {
1827 Int_t add = timeit->first;
1828 if (fCurrentTime < fTimeBuffer[add]) continue;
1829 Double_t dt = fCurrentTime - fTimeBuffer[add];
1830 if ((dt < fCollectTime || dt == fCurrentTime) && !EB) continue;
1831 // if(!fPulseSwitch) {ProcessBuffer(add);fTimeBuffer.erase(add);}
1832 if (!fPulseSwitch) {
1833 ProcessBuffer(add);
1834 toBeErased.push_back(add);
1835 }
1836 if (fPulseSwitch) {
1837 std::vector<Double_t> pulse;
1838 pulse = fPulseBuffer[add].first;
1840 if (CheckTrigger(pulse) == 1 && EB) {
1841 ProcessPulseBuffer(add, false, false, true, true);
1842 break;
1843 }
1846 if (CheckTrigger(pulse) == 1 && !EB) {
1847 ProcessPulseBuffer(add, false, false, true, true);
1848 done = false;
1849 break;
1850 }
1852 if (fPrintPulse) std::cout << std::endl;
1853 }
1854 }
1855 }
1857 for (auto& address : toBeErased) {
1858 fTimeBuffer.erase(address);
1859 }
1865 Bool_t closeTS(kFALSE);
1866 if (fTimeSlice && (time - fTimeSlice->GetEndTime()) > -1000.) closeTS = true;
1868 // if(!CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased()) return 0;
1869 //process channels before timeslice ending and release memory
1870 // if(closeTS && CbmTrdDigitizer::IsTimeBased()){
1871 if (closeTS || time == 0) {
1872 std::map<Int_t, Double_t>::iterator timeit;
1873 Bool_t done = false;
1875 while (!done) {
1876 done = true;
1877 for (timeit = fTimeBuffer.begin(); timeit != fTimeBuffer.end(); timeit++) {
1878 Int_t add = timeit->first;
1879 if (!fPulseSwitch) { ProcessBuffer(add); }
1880 if (fPulseSwitch) {
1881 std::vector<Double_t> pulse;
1882 pulse = fPulseBuffer[add].first;
1884 if (CheckTrigger(pulse) == 1) {
1885 ProcessPulseBuffer(add, false, false, true, true);
1886 done = false;
1887 break;
1888 }
1890 if (fPrintPulse) std::cout << std::endl;
1891 }
1892 }
1893 }
1894 std::map<Int_t, std::pair<std::vector<Double_t>, CbmMatch*>>::iterator itBuffer;
1895 for (itBuffer = fPulseBuffer.begin(); itBuffer != fPulseBuffer.end(); itBuffer++) {
1896 if (fPulseBuffer[itBuffer->first].second) delete fPulseBuffer[itBuffer->first].second;
1897 }
1898 fPulseBuffer.clear();
1899 fTimeBuffer.clear();
1900 fMultiBuffer.clear();
1901 fMCBuffer.clear();
1902 }
1903 return 0;
1911 std::map<Int_t, Double_t>::iterator timeit;
1912 // clean up
1913 std::vector<Int_t> erase_list;
1915 if (fPulseSwitch) {
1916 for (timeit = fTimeBuffer.begin(); timeit != fTimeBuffer.end(); timeit++) {
1917 Int_t add = timeit->first;
1918 Double_t dt = fCurrentTime - fTimeBuffer[add];
1919 if (fTimeSlice) {
1920 if (fTimeBuffer[add] < fTimeSlice->GetStartTime()) {
1921 erase_list.push_back(add);
1922 continue;
1923 }
1924 }
1925 if ((dt < fCollectTime || dt == fCurrentTime) && !EB) continue;
1926 erase_list.push_back(add);
1927 }
1928 }
1930 // //release memory for all non-triggered channels after signal collection time
1931 for (UInt_t i = 0; i < erase_list.size(); i++) {
1932 if (fPulseBuffer[erase_list[i]].second) delete fPulseBuffer[erase_list[i]].second;
1933 fPulseBuffer.erase(erase_list[i]);
1934 fTimeBuffer.erase(erase_list[i]);
1935 fMultiBuffer.erase(erase_list[i]);
1936 fMCBuffer.erase(erase_list[i]);
1937 }
1944 //compare last entry in the actual channel with the current time
1945 std::map<Int_t, Double_t>::iterator timeit;
1946 Double_t dt = fCurrentTime - fTimeBuffer[address];
1947 // std::cout<<" dt: " << dt<<std::endl;
1948 Bool_t go = false;
1949 if (fCurrentTime > fTimeBuffer[address] && dt > 0.0000000) {
1950 if (dt > fCollectTime && dt != fCurrentTime && !fPulseSwitch) {
1951 ProcessBuffer(address);
1952 fTimeBuffer.erase(address);
1953 go = true;
1954 }
1955 // if(dt>fCollectTime && dt!=fCurrentTime && fPulseSwitch) {ProcessPulseBuffer(address,false,false);std::cout<<" ------ " <<std::endl;go=true;}
1956 if (dt > fCollectTime && dt != fCurrentTime && fPulseSwitch) {
1957 //ProcessPulseBuffer(address,false,false,true,true);
1958 go = true;
1959 if (fPrintPulse) std::cout << std::endl;
1960 }
1961 }
1963 if (go && fPulseSwitch) {
1964 CheckBuffer(false);
1965 CleanUp(false);
1966 }
1967 if (go && !fPulseSwitch) CheckBuffer();
1971void CbmTrdModuleSimR::NoiseTime(ULong64_t eventTime) { fCurrentTime = gRandom->Uniform(fLastEventTime, eventTime); }
1974Double_t CbmTrdModuleSimR::AddDrifttime(Double_t x, Double_t z)
1977 if (fDebug) fQA->CreateHist("All drift", 300, 0., 300.);
1978 if (fDebug) fQA->Fill("All drift", fDriftTime->GetBinContent(fDriftTime->FindBin(x, z)) * 1000);
1980 return fDriftTime->GetBinContent(fDriftTime->FindBin(x, z));
1986 Double_t drifttime[241] = {
1987 0.11829, 0.11689, 0.11549, 0.11409, 0.11268, 0.11128, 0.10988, 0.10847, 0.10707, 0.10567, 0.10427,
1988 0.10287, 0.10146, 0.10006, 0.09866, 0.09726, 0.095859, 0.094459, 0.09306, 0.091661, 0.090262, 0.088865,
1989 0.087467, 0.086072, 0.084677, 0.083283, 0.08189, 0.080499, 0.07911, 0.077722, 0.076337, 0.074954, 0.073574,
1990 0.072197, 0.070824, 0.069455, 0.06809, 0.066731, 0.065379, 0.064035, 0.0627, 0.061376, 0.060063, 0.058764,
1991 0.05748, 0.056214, 0.054967, 0.053743, 0.052544, 0.051374, 0.05024, 0.049149, 0.048106, 0.047119, 0.046195,
1992 0.045345, 0.044583, 0.043925, 0.043403, 0.043043, 0.042872, 0.042932, 0.043291, 0.044029, 0.045101, 0.04658,
1993 0.048452, 0.050507, 0.052293, 0.053458, 0.054021, 0.053378, 0.052139, 0.53458, 0.050477, 0.048788, 0.047383,
1994 0.046341, 0.045631, 0.045178, 0.045022, 0.045112, 0.045395, 0.045833, 0.046402, 0.047084, 0.047865, 0.048726,
1995 0.049651, 0.050629, 0.051654, 0.052718, 0.053816, 0.054944, 0.056098, 0.057274, 0.058469, 0.059682, 0.060909,
1996 0.062149, 0.0634, 0.064661, 0.06593, 0.067207, 0.06849, 0.069778, 0.07107, 0.072367, 0.073666, 0.074968,
1997 0.076272, 0.077577, 0.078883, 0.080189, 0.081495, 0.082801, 0.084104, 0.085407, 0.086707, 0.088004, 0.089297,
1998 0.090585, 0.091867, 0.093142, 0.094408, 0.095664, 0.096907, 0.098134, 0.099336, 0.10051, 0.10164, 0.10273,
1999 0.10375, 0.10468, 0.10548, 0.10611, 0.10649, 0.10655, 0.10608, 0.10566, 0.1072, 0.10799, 0.10875,
2000 0.11103, 0.11491, 0.11819, 0.12051, 0.12211, 0.12339, 0.12449, 0.12556, 0.12663, 0.12771, 0.12881,
2001 0.12995, 0.13111, 0.13229, 0.13348, 0.13468, 0.13589, 0.13711, 0.13834, 0.13957, 0.1408, 0.14204,
2002 0.14328, 0.14452, 0.14576, 0.14701, 0.14825, 0.1495, 0.15075, 0.152, 0.15325, 0.1545, 0.15576,
2003 0.15701, 0.15826, 0.15952, 0.16077, 0.16203, 0.16328, 0.16454, 0.16579, 0.16705, 0.1683, 0.16956,
2004 0.17082, 0.17207, 0.17333, 0.17458, 0.17584, 0.1771, 0.17835, 0.17961, 0.18087, 0.18212, 0.18338,
2005 0.18464, 0.18589, 0.18715, 0.18841, 0.18966, 0.19092, 0.19218, 0.19343, 0.19469, 0.19595, 0.19721,
2006 0.19846, 0.19972, 0.20098, 0.20223, 0.20349, 0.20475, 0.20601, 0.20726, 0.20852, 0.20978, 0.21103,
2007 0.21229, 0.21355, 0.2148, 0.21606, 0.21732, 0.21857, 0.21983, 0.22109, 0.22234, 0.2236, 0.22486,
2008 0.22612, 0.22737, 0.22863, 0.22989, 0.23114, 0.2324, 0.23366, 0.23491, 0.23617, 0.2363};
2011 // Int_t xindex=0;
2013 return drifttime[Int_t(x)];
2018Double_t CbmTrdModuleSimR::GetStep(Double_t dist, Int_t roll)
2020 Double_t prob = 0.;
2021 Int_t steps = 1000;
2022 Double_t CalcGamma = 0.;
2024 std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> bethe[12] = {
2025 std::make_pair(1.5, 1.5), std::make_pair(2, 1.1), std::make_pair(3, 1.025), std::make_pair(4, 1),
2026 std::make_pair(10, 1.1), std::make_pair(20, 1.2), std::make_pair(100, 1.5), std::make_pair(200, 1.6),
2027 std::make_pair(300, 1.65), std::make_pair(400, 1.675), std::make_pair(500, 1.7), std::make_pair(1000, 1.725)};
2029 for (Int_t n = 0; n < 12; n++) {
2030 if (fGamma < bethe[0].first) {
2031 CalcGamma = bethe[0].second;
2032 break;
2033 }
2034 if (n == 11) {
2035 CalcGamma = bethe[11].second;
2036 break;
2037 }
2039 if (fGamma >= bethe[n].first && fGamma <= bethe[n + 1].first) {
2040 Double_t dx = bethe[n + 1].first - bethe[n].first;
2041 Double_t dy = bethe[n + 1].second - bethe[n].second;
2042 Double_t slope = dy / dx;
2043 CalcGamma = (fGamma - bethe[n].first) * slope + bethe[n].second;
2044 break;
2045 }
2046 }
2048 Double_t s = 0;
2049 Double_t D = 1 / (20.5 * CalcGamma);
2050 for (Int_t i = 1; i < steps; i++) {
2051 s = (dist / steps) * i;
2052 prob = (1 - TMath::Exp(-s / D)) * 100;
2053 if (prob >= roll) return s;
2054 }
2056 return s;
2059std::pair<Int_t, std::vector<Double_t>> CbmTrdModuleSimR::GetTotalSteps(Double_t In[3], Double_t Out[3], Double_t dist)
2061 Double_t prob = 0.;
2062 Int_t steps = 1000;
2063 Double_t CalcGamma = 0.;
2064 Double_t roll = gRandom->Integer(100);
2066 std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> bethe[12] = {
2067 std::make_pair(1.5, 1.5), std::make_pair(2, 1.1), std::make_pair(3, 1.025), std::make_pair(4, 1),
2068 std::make_pair(10, 1.1), std::make_pair(20, 1.2), std::make_pair(100, 1.5), std::make_pair(200, 1.6),
2069 std::make_pair(300, 1.65), std::make_pair(400, 1.675), std::make_pair(500, 1.7), std::make_pair(1000, 1.725)};
2071 for (Int_t n = 0; n < 12; n++) {
2072 if (fGamma < bethe[0].first) {
2073 CalcGamma = bethe[0].second;
2074 break;
2075 }
2076 if (n == 11) {
2077 CalcGamma = bethe[11].second;
2078 break;
2079 }
2081 if (fGamma >= bethe[n].first && fGamma <= bethe[n + 1].first) {
2082 Double_t dx = bethe[n + 1].first - bethe[n].first;
2083 Double_t dy = bethe[n + 1].second - bethe[n].second;
2084 Double_t slope = dy / dx;
2085 CalcGamma = (fGamma - bethe[n].first) * slope + bethe[n].second;
2086 break;
2087 }
2088 }
2090 Double_t pos[3] = {In[0], In[1], In[2]};
2091 Double_t lastpos[3] = {In[0], In[1], In[2]};
2092 Int_t pointcount = 0;
2093 std::vector<Double_t> posvec;
2094 Double_t D = 1 / (20.5 * CalcGamma);
2095 Double_t delta[3];
2096 Double_t s = 0;
2097 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
2098 delta[i] = (Out[i] - In[i]);
2100 roll = gRandom->Integer(100);
2101 for (Int_t i = 1; i < steps; i++) {
2102 s = (dist / steps) * i;
2103 prob = (1 - TMath::Exp(-s / D)) * 100;
2104 if (prob >= roll) {
2105 Double_t move = 2 * (s / dist);
2106 for (Int_t n = 0; n < 3; n++)
2107 pos[n] = lastpos[n] + move * delta[n];
2108 for (Int_t n = 0; n < 3; n++)
2109 lastpos[n] = pos[n];
2110 // Double_t r = TMath::Sqrt((In[0]-pos[0])*(In[0]-pos[0])+(In[1]-pos[1])*(In[1]-pos[1]));
2111 if (TMath::Abs(pos[0]) < fDigiPar->GetSizeX() && TMath::Abs(pos[1]) < fDigiPar->GetSizeY() && (pos[2]) < Out[2]) {
2112 posvec.push_back(pos[0]);
2113 posvec.push_back(pos[1]);
2114 posvec.push_back(pos[2]);
2115 pointcount++;
2116 i = 1;
2117 roll = gRandom->Integer(100);
2118 continue;
2119 }
2120 }
2121 if (TMath::Abs(pos[0]) < fDigiPar->GetSizeX() && TMath::Abs(pos[1]) < fDigiPar->GetSizeY() && (pos[2]) < Out[2]) {
2122 continue;
2123 }
2124 break;
2125 }
2127 return std::make_pair(pointcount, posvec);
TClonesArray * points
Helper class to convert unique channel ID back and forth.
TRD digitizer. Updated 24/04/2013 by Andrey Lebedev andrey.lebedev@gsi.de Updated 4/06/2018 by Alex B...
friend fvec sqrt(const fvec &a)
static constexpr size_t size()
Definition KfSimdPseudo.h:2
fscal v[fmask::Size]
Definition KfSimdPseudo.h:4
bool first
float Float_t
int Int_t
bool Bool_t
Generates beam ions for transport simulation.
int32_t GetNofLinks() const
Definition CbmMatch.h:42
void AddLink(const CbmLink &newLink)
Definition CbmMatch.cxx:47
Bookkeeping of time-slice content.
double GetEndTime() const
double GetStartTime() const
static uint32_t GetModuleId(uint32_t address)
Return module ID from address.
static uint32_t GetSectorId(uint32_t address)
Return sector ID from address.
static uint32_t GetColumnId(uint32_t address)
Return column ID from address.
static uint32_t GetLayerId(uint32_t address)
Return layer ID from address.
static uint32_t GetAddress(int32_t layerId, int32_t moduleId, int32_t sectorId, int32_t rowId, int32_t columnId)
Return address from system ID, layer, module, sector, column and row IDs.
static uint32_t GetRowId(uint32_t address)
Return row ID from address.
void CreateHist(std::string name, Int_t xbins, Double_t xlow, Double_t xhigh, Int_t ybins=0, Double_t ylow=1., Double_t yhigh=1.)
void Fill(std::string name, Double_t x, Double_t y=9999.)
void FillProfile(std::string name, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z=9999.)
void CreateProfile(std::string name, Int_t xbins, Double_t xlow, Double_t xhigh, Int_t ybins=0, Double_t ylow=1., Double_t yhigh=1.)
void SetTriggerType(const eTriggerType triggerType)
Set digi trigger type.
void SetFlag(const int32_t iflag, bool set=true)
Generic flag status setter.
static float Clk(eCbmTrdAsicType ty)
DAQ clock accessor for each ASIC.
Definition CbmTrdDigi.h:110
void SetErrorClass(const int32_t n)
Set digi error class (SPADIC only)
Definition CbmTrdDigi.h:235
double GetTime() const
Getter for physical time [ns]. Accounts for clock representation of each ASIC. In SPADIC case physica...
Definition CbmTrdDigi.h:155
double GetCharge() const
Common purpose charge getter.
void SetCharge(float c)
Charge setter for SPADIC ASIC.
static Bool_t AddNoise()
static Bool_t UseWeightedDist()
static Bool_t IsTimeBased()
Char_t fLayerId
layer identifier
const CbmTrdParModDigi * fDigiPar
read-out description of module
virtual Double_t GetDx() const
Shortcut getter size x/2 [cm].
virtual const Char_t * GetPath() const
UShort_t fModAddress
unique identifier for current module
CbmTrdParModAsic * fAsicPar
the set of ASIC operating on the module (owned)
virtual Double_t GetDy() const
Shortcut getter size y/2 [cm].
Simulation module implementation for rectangular pad geometry.
void SetPulsePars(Int_t mode)
std::pair< Int_t, std::vector< Double_t > > GetTotalSteps(Double_t In[3], Double_t Out[3], Double_t dist)
Int_t FlushBuffer(ULong64_t time=0)
Flush local digi buffer.
void SetSpadicResponse(Double_t calibration, Double_t tau)
void SetNoiseLevel(Double_t sigma_keV)
Bool_t MakeDigi(CbmTrdPoint *p, Double_t time, Bool_t TR)
Steering routine for converting MC point to digits.
void AddDigi(Int_t address, Double_t charge, Double_t chargeTR, Double_t time, Int_t trigger)
Double_t AddNoise(Double_t charge)
void CleanUp(Bool_t EB)
Double_t CalcPRF(Double_t x, Double_t W, Double_t h)
Double_t CalcResponse(Double_t t)
void AddDigitoBuffer(Int_t address, Double_t charge, Double_t chargeTR, Double_t time, Int_t trigger)
void ProcessBuffer(Int_t address)
std::map< Int_t, std::vector< std::vector< Int_t > > > fMCBuffer
void NoiseTime(ULong64_t eventTime)
CbmTrdCheckUtil * fQA
void ScanPadPlane(const Double_t *local_point, Double_t reldrift, Double_t clusterELoss, Double_t clusterELossTR, Int_t epoints, Int_t ipoint)
std::vector< Double_t > AddCorrelatedNoise(std::vector< Double_t > pulse)
CbmTrdRawToDigiR * fMessageConverter
CbmTrdModuleSimR(Int_t mod, Int_t ly, Int_t rot)
std::map< Int_t, std::vector< std::pair< CbmTrdDigi *, CbmMatch * > > > fAnalogBuffer
CbmTimeSlice * fTimeSlice
link to CBM time slice
Int_t CheckTrigger(std::vector< Double_t > pulse)
void AddDigitoPulseBuffer(Int_t address, Double_t reldrift, Double_t charge, Double_t chargeTR, Double_t time, Int_t trigger, Int_t epoints, Int_t ipoint)
std::map< Int_t, Double_t > fShiftQA
std::map< Int_t, Double_t > fMCQA
Int_t AddCrosstalk(Double_t address, Int_t i, Int_t sec, Int_t row, Int_t col, Int_t ncols)
void SetAsicPar(CbmTrdParModAsic *p=NULL)
std::vector< Double_t > MakePulse(Double_t charge, std::vector< Double_t > pulse, Int_t address)
Double_t AddDrifttime(Double_t x, Double_t z)
std::map< Int_t, std::vector< std::map< TString, Int_t > > > fLinkQA
void CheckTime(Int_t address)
Int_t GetMultiBin(std::vector< Double_t > pulse)
Bool_t CheckMulti(Int_t address, std::vector< Double_t > pulse)
std::map< Int_t, std::pair< Double_t, Int_t > > fMultiBuffer
std::map< Int_t, std::pair< std::vector< Double_t >, CbmMatch * > > fPulseBuffer
std::map< Int_t, Double_t > fTimeBuffer
void ProcessPulseBuffer(Int_t address, Bool_t FNcall, Bool_t MultiCall, Bool_t down, Bool_t up)
void SetPadPlaneScanArea(Int_t row)
void SetDistributionPoints(Int_t points)
void SetPulseMode(Bool_t pulsed)
Double_t GetStep(Double_t dist, Int_t roll)
void AddToPulse(Int_t address, Double_t charge, Double_t reldrift, std::vector< Double_t > pulse)
void CheckBuffer(Bool_t EB)
Bool_t DistributeCharge(Double_t pointin[3], Double_t pointout[3], Double_t delta[3], Double_t pos[3], Int_t ipoints)
Abstract class for module wise digitization and raw format producing.
std::shared_ptr< CbmTrdRadiator > fRadiator
Pointer to digitizer.
Int_t fInputId
MC input file number.
Int_t fPointId
MC point id being processed.
std::map< Int_t, std::pair< CbmTrdDigi *, CbmMatch * > > fDigiMap
Temporary storage for complete digis for each CBM address.
virtual void SetPositionMC(Double_t pos[3])
Int_t fEventId
MC event id being processed.
Double_t fXYZ[3]
MC position of the point in module coordinates.
virtual void SetChannelAddress(Int_t address)
Describe TRD module ASIC settings (electronic gain, delays, etc)
virtual Int_t GetAsicAddress(Int_t chAddress) const
Look for the ASIC which operates on a specific channel It applies to the list of ASICs.
virtual void SetAsicPar(CbmTrdParAsic *p)
Initialize the ASIC parameters for DAQ id It applies to the list of ASICs.
Double_t GetSectorBeginY(Int_t i) const
void Print(Option_t *opt="") const
Bool_t GetPadInfo(const Double_t *local_point, Int_t &sectorId, Int_t &columnId, Int_t &rowId) const
Int_t GetNofSectors() const
Double_t GetSizeY() const
Int_t GetNofColumnsInSector(Int_t i) const
Int_t GetNofRows() const
void GetPadPosition(const Int_t sector, const Int_t col, const Int_t row, TVector3 &padPos, TVector3 &padPosErr) const
Double_t GetAnodeWireSpacing() const
Double_t GetPadSizeY(Int_t i) const
Int_t GetNofRowsInSector(Int_t i) const
Double_t GetSectorBeginX(Int_t i) const
Int_t GetSector(Int_t npady, Int_t &rowId) const
void ProjectPositionToNextAnodeWire(Double_t *local_point) const
Double_t GetPadSizeX(Int_t i) const
Double_t GetAnodeWireToPadPlaneDistance() const
Int_t GetNofColumns() const
Double_t GetSizeX() const
void TransformToLocalPad(const Double_t *local_point, Double_t &posX, Double_t &posY) const
Definition of SPADIC parameters.
double GetYOut() const
Definition CbmTrdPoint.h:69
double GetXIn() const
Definition CbmTrdPoint.h:65
double GetZIn() const
Definition CbmTrdPoint.h:67
double GetXOut() const
Definition CbmTrdPoint.h:68
double GetYIn() const
Definition CbmTrdPoint.h:66
double GetZOut() const
Definition CbmTrdPoint.h:70
CbmTrdDigi * MakeDigi(std::vector< Int_t > samples, Int_t channel, Int_t uniqueModuleId, ULong64_t time, Bool_t FN=false)
void SetPresamples(Int_t pre)
void SetMinBin(Int_t bin)
void SetQA(CbmTrdCheckUtil *qa)
void SetReadFile(std::string file)
void SetRecoMask(std::vector< Int_t > mask)
void SetCalibration(Double_t cal)
void SetSetter(Bool_t set)
void SetMaxBin(Int_t bin)
Double_t GetCharge(std::vector< Int_t > samples, Int_t shift=-1)
void SetTau(Double_t tau)
Float_t GetTimeShift(std::vector< Int_t > samples)
void SetShapingOrder(Int_t order)