Directories | |
alignment | |
finder | |
fitter | |
mcbm | |
qa | |
selection | |
tracks | |
unpack | |
Files | |
CbmRichConverter.cxx | |
CbmRichConverter.h | |
Convert internal data classes to cbmroot common data classes. | |
CbmRichHitProducer.cxx | |
CbmRichHitProducer.h | |
Class for producing RICH hits directly from MCPoints. | |
CbmRichMatchRings.cxx | |
CbmRichMatchRings.h | |
Task class for matching a reconstructed CbmRichRings with a simulated CbmMCTrack. The matching criterion is a maximal number of common hits/points. The task fills the data class CbmRichRingMatch for each CbmRichRing. | |
CbmRichRadiusCorrection.h | |
This class performs a correction of A and B parameters for ellipse fit or radius correction for circle fit. | |
CbmRichRecoLinkDef.h | |
CbmRichReconstruction.cxx | |
CbmRichReconstruction.h | |
Main class for running event reconstruction in the RICH detector. | |
CbmRichTrainAnnElectrons.cxx | |
CbmRichTrainAnnElectrons.h | |
Train ANN for electron identification in RICH. | |
CbmRichTrainAnnSelect.cxx | |
CbmRichTrainAnnSelect.h | |
Train ANN for fake rejection. | |