99 std::string
int verbose = 10,
bool header =
int GetNofStations() const
Gets number of stations.
const auto & GetMCTrackIndexes() const
Gets a reference to MC track indexes.
double GetMaxPurity() const
Gets max purity.
double maxPurity
Maximum persent of hits, which belong to one mcTrack.
void AddMCTrackIndex(int iMT)
Adds an index of MC track index.
int nStations
Number of stations with hits of this track.
const auto & GetHitIndexes() const
Gets hit indexes.
cbm::algo::kf::TrackParamD TLast
Track parameters in the end of the track.
double fTrackTime
Time of the track [ns] ???
std::vector< int > Hits
Indexes of hits of this track.
void ClearMatchedMCTracks()
Clears the contents of matched MC track indexes (and pointers)
void SetMaxPurity(double maxPurity_)
int GetNofHits() const
Gets number of hits of the track.
std::string ToString(int verbose=10, bool header=false) const
Provides a string representation of object.
ca::Vector< int > fvMcTrackIndexes
double GetProb() const
Gets probability of track fit model.
std::map< int, int > hitMap
int GetMatchedMCTrackIndex() const
Gets index of matched MC track.
int GetFirstHitIndex() const
Gets first hit index.
int GetNofMCTracks() const
Gets number of associated MC tracks.
cbm::algo::kf::TrackParamD Tpv
Track parameters at primary vertex.
int index
Index of this track (TODO: it seems to be not initialized)
int GetLastHitIndex() const
Gets last hit index.
void push_back_no_warning(Tinput value)
Pushes back a value to the vector without testing for the memory re-alocation.
TODO: SZh 8.11.2022: add selection of parameterisation.